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tickle 发音

英:[?t?k(?)l]  美:[?t?k(?)l]

英:  美:

tickle 中文意思翻译






tickle 网络释义

vt. 使发痒;使高兴;使满足vi. 觉得痒;(东西)使人发痒n. 胳肢;痒感;使人发痒、高兴的东西n. (Tickle)人名;(英)蒂克尔

tickle 短语词组

1、tickle sb into laughter ─── 搔痒使某人发笑,逗某人发笑

2、french tickle ─── 法国挠痒

3、tickle me ─── 挠我痒痒

4、alchemy and tickle ─── 炼金术和挠痒痒

5、doctor tickle ─── 医生挠痒痒

6、tickle sb's ears ─── 奉承某人

7、child world tickle ─── 儿童世界挠痒痒

8、the tickle pickle got the bad ─── 挠痒痒的泡菜坏了

9、tickle sb pink ─── 使某人非常高兴

10、tickle sb. pink ─── 使某人非常高兴

11、magic tickle ─── 魔术挠痒痒

12、funny tickle ─── 有趣的挠痒痒

13、tickle pink ─── [网络] 喜出望外

14、tickle bumps ─── 挠痒痒肿块

15、tickle sb.'s ears ─── 奉承某人

16、tickle life ─── 挠痒生活

17、guy tickle ─── 家伙挠痒痒

18、tickle sb's palate ─── 合某人胃口, ─── 合某人嗜好

19、tickle sb's vanity ─── 使某人扬扬得意

tickle 词性/词形变化,tickle变形


tickle 相似词语短语

1、tickles ─── vt.使发痒;使高兴;使满足;vi.觉得痒;(东西)使人发痒;n.胳肢;痒感;使人发痒、高兴的东西;n.(Tickle)人名;(英)蒂克尔

2、fickle ─── adj.浮躁的;易变的;变幻无常的

3、nickle ─── n.镍(等于nickel);五分镍币(美国和加拿大使用的)

4、tickler ─── n.难题;使人痒的东西或人;备忘录;使人高兴的人或物

5、stickle ─── v.(为小事)争吵;犹豫,顾忌;提出异议,反对;坚持己见;n.(Stickle)(美)斯蒂克尔(人名)

6、tickled ─── v.胳肢;使发痒;使高兴,使满足(tickle的过去式和过去分词)

7、ickle ─── 小(little,非正式)

8、trickle ─── vi.滴;细细地流;慢慢地移动;vt.使…滴;使…淌;使…细细地流;n.滴,淌;细流

9、mickle ─── adj.大量的,很多的;巨大的;adv.很多,多地;n.大量,许多;多量;n.(Mickle)(美、英、加)米克尔(人名)

tickle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This morning I got the old tickle in the throat. ─── 今天早晨我感到喉咙里发痒。

2、So flick the tickle lets see your seat belt fastened ─── 动动胳肢,看看你的安全带是否系牢

3、Tickle their ribs as you slide in the knife. ─── 一边捅刀子,一边挠他们的胳肢窝

4、Two newish discoveries in particular tickle commercial fancies. ─── 两项较新的发现使着迷的商家们特别高兴。

5、Andy tries to step past them.He gets shoved around, nothing serious, just some slap and tickle. ─── 安迪试着躲开他们,色狼们与他轻轻的碰撞,打量着他们的猎物。

6、When your 6 foot axe gets a critical and hacks a limb off a spellcaster, but he doesn't stop casting until you tickle him for 15 damage. ─── 当你用你6英尺的大斧,向一位施法者击出致命一击后,他却并没有停止施法,你只是给他挠了15点伤害。

7、Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus:The Hogwarts motto. It means "Never tickle a sleeping dragon. ─── 千万不要招惹睡龙。霍格沃茨校训。

8、Earth is here so kind, that just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest. ─── 土地真是好啊!我们只不过用锄头轻轻逗了她一下,她就笑着给予丰收。

9、Reading their mating rituals was tricky, as it seemed to involve a combination of weird posturing, a little bit of slapping, and not much tickle at all. ─── 企鹅的交配仪式很是诡异,是奇怪姿势和相互拍打的组合,一点也不好玩。

10、As he thought, the day grew warmer and the flies began to settle on his legs and tickle his bare feet. ─── 他正在遐想的时候,天热起来了,苍蝇开始朝他腿上落,叮他的光脚丫。

11、If you tickle a chimp (carefully; and preferably a baby), it will likely laugh, but the sound does not resemble buman laughter so much as it does panting, with one sound per inhale and exhale. ─── 如果你逗一只黑猩猩(小心地逗,最好是只猩猩崽),它很可能会发笑,但是它的笑声和人的笑声大不一样,每呼气一次和吸一次气都只能发出一个音节。

12、The cerebellum, a part of the brain, warns the rest of the brain that you are about to tickle yourself.Since your brain knows this, it ignores the resulting sensation. ─── 当你要胳肢自己的时候小脑就会发出警告,一旦你的大脑知道就会忽略你搔痒产生的感觉。

13、FIDDLE, n. An instrument to tickle human ears by friction of a horse's tail on the entrails of a cat. ─── 小提琴:一种乐器。它通过马尾毛在猫的内脏上磨来擦去达到为人类的耳朵搔痒的目的。

14、... when your 6 foot axe gets a critical and hacks a limb off a spellcaster, but he doesn’t stop casting until you tickle him for 15 damage. ─── ...当你用你6英尺的大斧,向一位施法者击出致命一击后,他却并没有停止施法,你只是给他挠了15点伤害。

15、If I can return to Japan, I'd be tickle pink! ─── 如果我能回到日本的话,我一定非常高兴!

16、I tickle all over. ─── 我全身都痒。

17、tickle:to tease or excite pleasurably; ─── titillate(逗乐,愉快地打趣或刺激;

18、He seated himself at the matchmaker's side but facing him, attempting by an act of will to suppress the unpleasant tickle in his throat ─── 他自己坐在媒人身旁,面朝着他,使劲地抑制着痒得难受的嗓子。

19、I do not like these rough sheets . they tickle . ─── 我不喜欢这些粗糙的床单。它们使人发痒。

20、Student: but that's fine she did not want you to tickle her doesn't matter whether she realizes what you're doing or going to do. ─── 学生:但是这很好,她不想让你,去逗她无所谓,不管它是否意识到你要做什么。

21、Tickle him, and he laughs, rolls around, and begs you to stop because its too much. ─── 只要挠挠他,他便会捧腹大笑、打滚,还会求你停下来,因为他快受不了了。

22、It is not possible to tickle yourself. ─── 你不可能胳肢自己。

23、“Oh stop! Don't tickle me!” “Please stop kissing me.” But the little bear is happy to know that his family loves esch other. ─── “噢,停下来,别舔我了!”“别亲我了。”小熊非常高兴,他知道他们一

24、Tickle the palm of sb. ─── 买通某人,向某人行贿

25、And you don't tickle me there ─── 你不会来搔我那里

26、1.fill with sublime emotion; tickle pink(exhilarate is obsolete in this usage). ─── 充满了极端的情绪;搔痒使之高兴。

27、So it's not that you deserve to get scratched on its own, because you only deserve to get scratched if she did want you to tickle her tummy. ─── 这不是你自己应该被挠,因为你应该被挠,如果她想让你去逗她。

28、As he thought, the day grew warmer and the flies began to settle on his legs and tickle his bare feet. ─── 他正在遐想的时候,天热起来了,苍蝇开始朝他腿上落,叮他的光脚丫。

29、Why Can't You Tickle Yourself ─── 为什么自己哈痒不觉痒

30、To tickle the taste buds even further, theses ingredients are carefully chosen from around the world. ─── 为进一步刺激味蕾,这些材料全是从世界各地精挑细选的。

31、I am so sensitive to touch that a tickle hurts me. ─── 我对触觉太敏感了,以至于“胳肢”都能伤害到我。

32、Then, I saw Mommy tickle Santa Claus ─── 当时,我看到妈妈痒痒圣诞老人

33、They consolidate all your tasks in one place.They can tickle your memory or stimulate your creativity. ─── 它们把你所有的任务统一在一个地方,促进你的记忆或者激发你的创造力。

34、but at least they are the kind in which a boy can bathe and in which(even today)a farmhand can tickle an occasional trout. ─── 当然,他们不象莱茵河、多瑙河和伏尔加河那样被国歌咏唱,但至少孩子们都可以在里面游泳,而且直到今天,农人甚至偶尔可以钓到鳟鱼。

35、If none of the built-in styles tickle your fancy or suit your presentation, you will be able to create your own custom styles which are sharable with others. ─── 如果你不满意这些内置的样式或者它们不适合你的演示文档,你能创建自定义样式并与他人分享。

36、We flirt on the grass, gently caress, hug and roll around, tickle each other, wrestle around gently, laugh until we're breathless, then relax by the seaside and watch the sunset and the stars. ─── 我们在草地调情,抚摸,拥抱也滚动,彼此痒痒,搏斗的温柔,笑的气喘喘,然后在海边休息看着日落和星星。

37、The little girl laughed when her uncle gave her a tickle. ─── 叔叔呵那个小姑娘的痒时,小姑娘笑起来。

38、to have a tickle in your throat(= that makes you want to cough) ─── 喉咙里发痒

39、Never tickle a sleeping dragon ─── 千万别去咯吱睡龙

40、tickle means to touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements. ─── 使觉得痒轻轻地触摸身体以引起发笑或扭动的动作.

41、tickle the ribs ─── 使人大笑

42、So the conclusion is if she did want you to tickle her, and you went about it in the wrong way, then you deserve to get scratched. ─── 结论是如果她想让你去逗她,你用了错误的方式,那么你就应该被挠。

43、If so, we can interpret the saying in a way such as:" Never tickle Draco ( Malfoy) when he is sleeping". ─── 如果是这样的话,我们对于这句话可理解为“马尔福睡着的时候,不要去吵醒他。

44、When volunteers activated a robot by remote control to tickle them after a short delay, the volunteers felt as if someone else were tickling them. ─── 如果试着替自己哈痒,脑部会自动预感到这种“攻击”从而使我们感觉不到惊吓。

45、When I am happy, I always tickle. ─── 八戒:高兴就好,高兴就好。我们快入洞房吧。

46、So the poor thing was longing for you to tickle her and she did when you did tickle her was scratch you, why did that happen? ─── 可怜的是她想让你逗她,当你逗她的时候她也挠你了,为什么会这样呢?

47、Likewise, by these investigators’ logic, male arachnophobes should get a mild tickle down there whenever they spy a spider scurrying across their desk. ─── 同样的,按这些研究者的逻辑,男性蜘蛛恐惧者每次看到蜘蛛爬过桌子都应该下身瘙痒咯?

48、Musnier, we'll tickle thy wife. ─── “缪斯尼埃,我们要好好揉一揉你的老婆!”

49、In streams where he and Ms.Xu played as children, teeming whitefish used to tickle their legs. ─── 在吴先生夫妇儿时玩耍的溪流中,数量丰富的白鲑经常挠他们双腿。

50、Tickle us, do we not laugh? Prick us, do we not bleed? Wrong us, shall we not revenge? ─── 你们要是搔我们的痒,我们不是也会笑起来的吗?你们要是用刀剑刺我们,我们不是也会出血的吗?你们要是欺侮了我们,我们难道不会复仇吗?

51、Wilson was feeling restless. There was a tickle in his throat. ─── 威尔逊只觉得心神不定。嗓子眼里有些发痒。

52、thresholds of tickle pain ─── 刺痛阈, 痛阈

53、He felt a tickle on the back of her neck. ─── 他感到她颈部的一阵酥痒感。

54、If you tickle a chimp (carefully; and preferably a baby),it will likely laugh,but the sound doesn't resemble buman laughter so much as it does panting,with one sound per inhale and exhale. ─── 如果你逗一只黑猩猩(小心地逗,最好是只猩猩崽),它很可能会发笑,但是它的笑声和人的笑声大不一样,每呼气一次和吸一次气都只能发出一个音节。

55、If you tickle us, do we not laugh? ─── 你搔我们的痒,难道我们不会发笑吗?

56、They're more likely to tickle us! ─── 它们更可能要摸我们呢!

57、tickle sb's ears ─── 奉承某人

58、"Musnier, we'll tickle thy wife. ─── “缪斯尼埃,我们要好好揉一揉你的老婆

59、For the developers, "tickle" mostly help in "making too much money" and "no punishment" is no third option. ─── 对发展商而言,“痒”的多半是钱袋,在“多赚钱”与“亏大本”中并无第三个选择。

60、2.Adapt: Herpes, Acne, Dermatitis, Scald, Prurigo, Skin Tickle, Hemorrhoids, Eczema, Folliculitis, Scabies, Colpitis and Pruritus Cutanea. ─── 2.适用用于:疱疹、痤疮、皮炎、烫伤、痒疹、皮痒、痔疮、湿疹、疖(毛囊炎)、疥疮及皮肤瘙痒。

61、If so, we can interpret the saying in a way such as: "Never tickle Draco (Malfoy) when he is sleeping". ─── 如果是这样的话,我们对于这句话可理解为“马尔福睡着的时候,不要去吵醒他。”

62、For if we find you taking life too seriously, we will come up and tickle your funny bone to re-mind you that it is just a game. ─── 因为如果我们发现你太严肃对待你的生活,我们将在你的胳肢窝搔痒来提醒你它只不过是一场游戏。

63、Niuniu is growing ticklish spots.Everytime when we tickle her, she squirms and laughs, and says “blah, blah, blah”.Niuniu's laughter is so addictive, that we can't stop ourselves from tickling her. ─── 妞妞长痒痒肉了.我们每次一咯吱她妞妞就起劲地扭,然后嘎嘎地笑,一边还说”不啦不啦不啦”.妞妞的笑声太好玩啦,我们忍不住不咯吱她.

64、I am tickle pink at the news . ─── 听到这消息我高兴得要命。

65、There's nothing wrong, of course, with delighting in love and honoring friendship and stopping in the bleak midwinter to tickle the people we love. ─── 在萧瑟的寒冬里取悦我们的爱人当然没有什么不对,但是如果在不知不觉中让这一天过去,那也是心理很健康的表现。

66、The marriage alliance of the 'Democrat' Roosevelts with their far grander 'Republican'collaterals was bound to tickle the public's fancy. ─── “民主党人”罗斯福家族与他们的“共和党人”旁系远亲联姻,必然引起大众的注意。

67、His hands and feet tickle. ─── 他的手脚都发痒。

68、I'll give you a tickle if you laugh at me. ─── 你再笑话我,我可要挠你痒了。

69、tickle sb. pink ─── v. 使某人非常高兴

70、One step, two steps. Tickle you under there. ─── 一个台阶,两个台阶。在那里咯吱你。

71、Li guang ming: she is only a girl. Just think out an idea to tickle her. Do not be the same with her. ─── 李光明:女孩子嘛,你就想个点子逗她开心就好,别跟她一般见识嘛。

72、The invade sign is a little red flecks on the skin, very tickle. ─── 人工诱捕采集到白纹伊蚊和致倦库蚊。

73、Tickle also means to tease or excite pleasurably; ─── titillate:逗乐,高兴地打趣或刺激;

74、If we try to tickle ourselves, our brains anticipate this" attack" and prevent us from feeling panicked. ─── 小脑监控我们的一举一动,但对其认为不具威胁性的活动,往往会忽视。

75、tickle sb pink ─── 使某人非常高兴

76、Why does it tickle your emotions? ─── 它为什么能打动你?

77、tickle sb's palate ─── 合某人胃口, 合某人嗜好

78、compliments that tickle their vanity. ─── 使他们的虚荣满足的赞美

79、Wisecracks that really tickle ─── 妙语解颐

80、This might tickle, but it feels divine. ─── 这可能会使人发痒,但感觉很奇妙。

81、1. Philosophy's queerest arguments tickle agreeably our sense of subtlety and ingenuity. ─── 哲学上最奇怪的议点也会愉快地引起我们微妙机敏的感觉。

82、" A company can cash in on a fad such as Beanie Babies, Furbies, and Tickle Me Elmo dolls, but this is more a matter of luck and good timing than anything else. ─── 一个公司可以投资一种时尚如宾尼娃娃、福贝娃娃、胳肢娃娃等,不过这只是幸运和生逢其时而已。

83、I breath oxygen from Mum's blood. This action helps the growth of lungs. My nails begin to appear. So, Mum, If you like, I can tickle for you! ─── 我从妈妈的血液里吸取氧气。这些呼吸动作有助于肺部的发育,我的指甲已开始长出来。所以,我可以给妈妈搔痒痒了!

84、She gave the child a little tickle. ─── 她轻轻地胳肢孩子。

85、Let we tickle the coral, ─── 帮珊瑚呵痒

86、Tonks releases her wrist and, relaxing, Ginny eases back, chin propped on her hand. "I thought the motto was 'Never tickle a sleeping dragon. ─── Tonks松开了她的手腕,然后舒展着身体,Ginny,用手撑着下巴,我还以为这话应该是“别惹沉睡的龙。

87、tickle sb's vanity ─── 使某人扬扬得意

88、a bit of slap and tickle on the sofa ─── 在沙发上拥抱接吻.

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