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08-17 投稿


academically 发音

英:[??k??dem?kli]  美:[??k??dem?kli]

英:  美:

academically 中文意思翻译



academically 短语词组

1、academically ineligible ncaa ─── 学业不合格ncaa

2、academically bright ─── 学术上聪明

3、academically acceptable ─── 学术上可接受

4、academically motivated students ─── 学业积极的 ─── 学生

5、academically define ─── 学术界定

6、academically honest ─── 学术上诚实

7、academically speaking ─── 从学术的角度来讲

8、academically challenging ─── 学术挑战

9、academically gifted ─── 有学术天赋

10、academically weak or strong ─── 学业弱或强

11、academically synonym ─── 学术同义词

12、academically motivated ─── 学术动机

13、to excel academically ─── 在学术上出类拔萃

14、academically ineligible ─── 学业不合格

academically 相似词语短语

1、anaemically ─── 贫血

2、anemically ─── 贫血的

3、academicals ─── n.大学礼服(师生在毕业典礼上穿的衣服,连同方顶帽)

4、academicalism ─── 学术主义

5、agamically ─── 反对地

6、anatomically ─── adv.结构上;解剖学上

7、alchemically ─── adv.炼丹术地;炼金术地

8、unacademically ─── 毫无规律地

9、academical ─── adj.学院的,学术的;n.大学制服,学位服

academically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Throughout the period of his education, he has distinguished himself academically and otherwise. ─── 在整个教育阶段,他在学业上以及其它方面都取得了优秀的成绩。

2、Academic Research Sector seeks for the most appropriate and best materials to be used in activities; it also academically supports all other sectors. ─── 学术研究部为社团的活动搜寻最为合适的学术性资料,并为其他部门提供学术上的一切支持。

3、In order to achieve this they obtain a selection of the academically relevant publications and store them for future use and unrestricted access. ─── 为了实现此一目标,图书馆选择性地典藏相关的学术出版品,以备将来使用与和无限制地近用。

4、But he was more than just a jock. William reportedly took his studies very seriously and earned a respectable number of A's at the academically demanding school. ─── 但他不仅仅只是个运动员,据说威廉对待功课极为认真,在这所要求严格的学校里,相当多的课程都得了A。

5、Academically, Binghamton is innovative as well. ─── 学术上,宾汉姆顿具有创新精神。

6、Unfortunately, the standard passing score was set at 550, whereas I scored 547.For some like me that always performed well academically, it was not a small blow. ─── 当时州立大学入学标准是550分,而我不幸考了个547分,这对我这个成绩一向不错的人而言,实在是很大的挫折。

7、As students,you have excelled academically and as citizens of Hong Kong,you have participated actively in community services and indeed many have become leaders of our community. ─── 作为学生,你们在学业上取得优异成绩,作为香港公民,你们积极三与各种社区服务,部分同学更成为社会领袖。

8、"I'm not sure if it was academically credible, but hey, the more tortoises and porn that are inoled, the better, because it was interesting," she said. ─── 她说:“我不知道它是否具有学术可靠性,不过涉及的**内容越多越好,因为这样很有趣。

9、Academically composition didn’t write much about this kind of right.There is almost no technicality writing in the scope. ─── 学术著作中有关消费者知情权的内容不多,几乎没有这方面的专著。

10、Thus, the research on Xuequan copper (zinc) deposit has important operation and academically significance. ─── 因此,雪泉铜(锌)矿床的勘查研究具有重要的实际和学术意义。

11、A good teacher is the one from whom the more we need academically, the more she can supply. ─── 一个好的老师是这样一个人,我们对她越有学业方面的需求,她能提供的越多。

12、A training development / program will be initiated for suitably Academically and Technically qualified individual. ─── 如果您还没有注册,请点击这里免费注册个人会员。

13、He failed to shine academically but he was very good at sports. ─── 他学业不怎么样,但体育棒极了。

14、Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quitely rightly, to be heavily weighted in favour of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. ─── 人们相当有理由感觉到,狭隘的学校考试或测验对那些在教学质量较高的小学里就读的和书香门第的儿童十分有利。

15、All kinds of explanations of its origin of competitive advantage have been put forth academically, but there being some limitations, these views have been at disputation up till now. ─── 企业竞争优势的来源虽然在学术界上提出了各种各样的解释,但由于都存在着某些局限性,其观点长期受到争议。

16、As a middle school principal, a big part of my job is to help parents support their children emotionally as well as academically. ─── 身为初中校长,我工作中的一个主要环节就是帮助家长在情感上和学业上支持孩子。

17、Academically and illustratively, “ism” is a cultural and spiritual system and social living system with a certain ideology as the dominance. ─── 从学术上直观地说,“主义”就是以某种思想为主导的文化精神体系和社会生活体系。

18、University Scholarship is the scholarship awarded to those degree students, who performed well both academically and morally and behaved positively in every aspects. ─── 学校奖学金指来我校攻读学位的全日制外国留学生,品学兼优、各方面表现积极的,依据其综合测评情况,达到标准者给予颁发奖学金。

19、You have to do well academically to get into medical school. ─── 你得学习成绩优良才能进入医学院。

20、To be academically eligible for Associate membership with CPA Australia you must hold a comparable degree and all 12 core knowledge areas need to be covered. ─── 在学术上符合澳洲注册会计师准会员的,必须持有一个对等的学位,并且要修完12门核心课程。

21、However translation variation shall be academically studied since it has great value. ─── 但翻译变体既有其存在的价值就应当得到正视,以及合理的规范。

22、Part of the key techniques of the debugging system is realized academically, which has made a solid foundation for the further consummation of the system. ─── 同时将其中的一部分关键技术给予了原理性的实现,为后面调试系统的进一步完善打下了基础。

23、Kill the world academically ─── 以学术杀天下

24、Just as in school we set problems for our children to solve so that they grow academically. ─── 可知,人们给孩子们安排困难,是想鼓励他们解决问题,并从中得到学习。

25、Young Joseph was not academically successful there, but his talent as a baseball player led to a number of useful friendships. ─── 在十年之内,通过贿赂、虚假投票、恐吓和其他手段,爱尔兰人派系获得了波士顿的控制权。

26、In the particular circumstances of those days, quite a few of the opinions concerning the literature in the Wei and Jin Dynasties he quoted in his lectures were not strictly testified academically. ─── 在当时特殊的环境下 ,他讲演中提到的一些关于魏晋文学的见解 ,并未经过严格的学术论证。

27、Academically speaking, change management processes consists of two disciplines ─── 从理论上讲,变更管理过程由两个流程组成

28、I am not an academically minded person. ─── 我不是一个有学术头脑的人。

29、Their purpose, therefore, is not to supplantbut to support the more academically oriented introductions to linguistics: to prepare the conceptual ground. ─── 他们的目的,这样,不是取代而是支持学院派指导的语言学建议:准备一个概念上的基础。

30、Academically speaking, do not know about his knowledge must study hard will go until all understand. ─── 在学术上,对于自己不懂的知识一定会去使劲钻研,一直到全部弄懂。

31、Therefore, I am determined to do better academically this semester. ─── 因此,我下定决心这学期要有更好的课业表现。

32、In the USA, a college education is not viewed as a privilege reserved for the wealthy or the academically talented. ─── 在美国,大学教育已不是有钱人和有学习天赋的人的特权。

33、Besides being academically outstanding, the student also exhibits a shining personality, easy to associate with. ─── 除了成绩优异,学生也表现出一个光辉的性格,容易联想。

34、Luisa is among thousands of academically qualified low-income students who don't attend the nation's most selective universities, like U-M, because they cannot afford it. ─── 像路易丝这样成绩合格但因为来自低收入家庭,无力支付高额学费而不得不放弃如密歇根大学这样的美国著名高等学府的情况,不胜枚举。

35、It used to be that summer schools were academically-orientated institutions while summer camps were more geared towards recreation. ─── 过去通常是认为暑期学校更加倾向于学术的学习而夏令营更加倾向于课外的娱乐活动。

36、Examples of stress-inducing events in the life of a young person are death of a pet, pressure to achieve academically, the divorce of parents, or joining a new youth group. ─── 年轻人的生活中,能够带来压力的事件,包括宠物的死亡,学业的压力,父母的离异,或者加入新的年轻人的群体。

37、academically poor english majors ─── 学困生

38、Academically, the studys to probe how to trigger word-of-mouth from the viewpoint of the organization are more deficient. ─── 在学术上,从组织观点来探讨企业该如何创造口碑的研究也较为欠缺。

39、Academically, a variety of workshops, seminars, conferences and symposiums are organized and held to share teachers’ experience both in the English teaching and research. ─── 先后召开了大学英语教学经验交流会、学术研讨会、科研工作讨论会等,探讨大学英语教学策略和方法。

40、He played the field academically. ─── 他在学术上涉猎广泛。

41、Academically, culture adaptation is one of the content of cultural relativism in anthropology, which is used for culture studies. ─── 学术上,人类学家认为文化适应属于人类学的范畴,是文化相对论的内容之一,主要用于文化研究。

42、He was fast-tracked at Kirkcaldy High School, where he excelled academically, and also on the athletic field until a rugby injury cost him the vision in his left eye. ─── 他在克科底中学很快就出类拔萃,成绩优秀,在打英式橄跳球时受伤因而左眼失明前,也爱好体育活动。

43、To help academically weak students from less well-to-do families do well in their examinations. ─── 协助来自家境欠佳的学生在考试中取得较好的成绩。

44、It does care for pupils who do not do well academically. ─── 因为它地确照顾到了成绩差的学生。

45、After his NCAA eligibility expired following his 2003 season with the Bears, Ervin left Cal academically as well as athletically. ─── 当他在2003赛季年满退出熊队之后,埃尔文不仅在学业方面,并且在竞技方面离开了加州大学。

46、Of course, academically speaking, Big Balance is far from established. It is a brand new theory and requires further improvement. ─── 当然,《大平衡》在学术方面不够规范,需要对这个鲜活的新思想进一步整理。

47、There is certainly no obvious reason to think that this panel would be anything other than academically rigorous when evaluating the grants. ─── 没有明显的理由认为该小组让任何超出严格学术评价以外的因素影响着自己的评选。

48、The first paper to discuss Asian Options academically is Boyle and Emanuel(1980). ─── 学术上第一次讨论亚式期权是Boyle and Emanuel(1980)。

49、The relation between the Internet and the middle school students has been focused academically in recent years, further developing into a hot discussion topic in the multi-subject research. ─── “网络与中学生”问题在最近几年倍受社会各方面的关注,并且进一步扩展成为跨学科研究的一个热点问题。

50、Keywords Medical university students;Subjective well-being;Academ ic record;Personality;Psychom atic health; ─── 关键词医学生;主观幸福感;学业成绩;人格;身心健康;

51、To borrow someone else's language and/or ideas without attribution is academically and professionally dishonest, and cheats both you and your readers. ─── 在没有标明出处的情况下,借用他人的语言和(或)想法是学术和专业上的不诚信,这也是欺骗自己和读者的行为。

52、a permanent resident of a town,especially a resident of a college town who is academically unaffiliated with the local college or university ─── 城镇的常住居民,尤指大学城镇的居民,但和本地的学院或大学没有任何学术方面的联系

53、A 14-years-old girl is academically more mature than a 14-years-old boy. ─── 一个14岁的女孩理论上比一个14岁的男孩更加成熟。

54、Firstly, the academically papers apply mechanically of the model of other developed countries, which is not suit to China. ─── 主要有以下几个方面:第一,学术论文普遍套用国外的模型,虽然在理论上有一定的参考价值,但是不太尊重我国的实际情况;

55、Academically, it brightly manifested the characteristics of the production of exegesising Taotejing of Han dynasty that it was affected by Huanglao school of the age. ─── 从学术史的角度来看,它鲜明地体现了汉代老子注解受到时代思潮-黄老学影响的特点。

56、Large numbers of studies, some more academically respectable than others, have purported to show that computers help children to learn. ─── 大量的研究,其中还包括一些学术性更强的研究,都试图说明电脑有助于儿童的学习。

57、As students, you have excelled academically and as citizens of Hong Kong, you have participated actively in community services and indeed many have become leaders of our community. ─── 作为学生,你们在学业上取得优异成绩,作为香港公民,你们积极叁与各种社区服务,部分同学更成为社会领袖。

58、Their son, 9, and daughter, 8, are well adjusted and academically gifted. ─── 他们9岁的儿子与8岁的女儿身心健康,学业优异。

59、academically based ─── 学术为本

60、an academically cleverbut totally impractical young man ─── 学有专长但毫无实际工作能力的年轻男子.

61、Questions are tormenting you such as: Will you be able to academically master the program; ─── 一个个的问题困扰著你们:理论上是否能掌握该计画?

62、Narrowly academic examinations and tests were felt, quite rightly, to be heavily weighted in favour of children who had had the advantage of highly-academic primary schools and academically biased homes. ─── 从公正的角度上来看,有限的学术测试会对那些在有比较高的学术造诣的小学上学和有一个较有学术氛围的家庭的小孩比较有利。

63、Open Access allows libraries to make academically relevant publications available in a lasting manner and at any time.Libraries are working towards this development. ─── 图书馆努力地朝向开放近用,让图书馆得以朝向长远的方向,在任何时间都能使用相关的学术出版品。

64、The graphic lines represent the two parties for which the CDAC is striving to help: the less capable and lower income group and the academically weak students. ─── 图案线条代表了自助会的两个协助对象:工作能力及收入低的人士和成绩不理想的学生。

65、Academically, the main purpose of this research is to apply health management of human medicine in property management and to be a reference for further study. ─── 从学术角度而论,主要目的是希望让医学领域的健康管理模式,成为日后物业健康管理研究的理论参考。

66、He had been expelled from his state comprehensive school at 15, failed dismally academically and had spent his teenage years off the rails. ─── 15岁时,他就被一所公立综合学校辞退了,今后他灰溜溜地间断了学业,误入歧途地度过了他十几岁的青春。

67、Therefore, academically, the research concerning multiple mortgages in the development of real estate is of great importance. ─── 就此问题至今未有深入论述的文章,并且相关法律问题存在诸多争议。

68、Academically, they are refered to as "live fossil". ─── 在学术方面有鱼类“活化石”之称。

69、"In truth, this feat not only led the world academically, but in the history of academic development, it was also a real miracle." ─── 事实上此成就不只在学术上领先世界,从学术发展历史上看也是一个真正的奇迹。

70、A careful study of the major differences between Wucheng dialect and the Nanchang dialect from the pronunciation aspect is valuable academically. ─── 从语音方面考察吴城话与南昌话的主要差别是有学术价值的。

71、In truth, this feat not only led the world academically, but in the history of academic development, it was also a real miracle. ─── 事实上此成就不只在学术上领先世界,从学术发展历史上看也是一个真正的奇迹;

72、On the Exploitation of Academically Archival Information Resources ─── 学校档案信息资源的开发

73、They drop out because they are academically unprepared or emotionally disengaged or because they lack self-discipline or because bad things are happening at home. ─── 他们退出,因为他们是对学业没有充分准备,感情上的脱节也可能是因为它们缺乏自律或者因为家里发生了不幸的事情。

74、The transmission mechanism for administrative measures in Mainland China is probably a subject that is not much researched upon academically. ─── 中国内地以行政手段为传导机制,但相信以此为题的学术研究并不多。

75、The Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth, WCATY ─── 威斯康星学术资优青少年中心

76、Academically he began to excel. ─── 他开始在学术上脱颖而出。

77、Young Joseph was not academically successful there, but his talent as a baseball player led to a number of useful friendships. ─── 年轻的约瑟夫在那里学业无成,但是作为棒球好手,他在校园里结交了很多有用的朋友。

78、An academically independent agency of the British Foreign &Commonwealth Office, Wilton Park organises policy conferences and other events addressing sensitive and pressing world issues. ─── 威尔顿公园是英国外交联邦事务部的独立学术机构。它组织政策讨论会和举办关注敏感和紧迫世界时事的活动。

79、Yet he decided, at around 50, that to remain academically competitive he had to specialise. ─── 年近半百,萨老却决定为保持学术竞争力,他必须专攻。

80、Another study found that children who underwent a hemispherectomy often improved academically once their seizures stopped. ─── 另一份研究指出,当癫痫不再发作,接受过大脑半球切除术的孩童通常在学校都能有更好的表现。

81、Academically,Yiren persists in saying what he knows. Welcome comment if I say wrong. ─── 学术上,一刃坚持有一说一,有二言二,知无不言,言无不尽,说错了,欢迎批评,可以是板砖。

82、As a teacher, the greatest happiness in my eyes is nothing but to watch my students making progress physically, spiritually and academically. ─── 作为一名老师,我最大的快乐莫过于看着自己的学生在身心与学业方面都一天天地取得进步。

83、academically, this is a good school. ─── 从学术角度考虑,这是一个好学校。

84、1 Girls seem to perform better academically in all-girls schools as opposed to co-ed ones. ─── 女生在女校的学业表现似乎比男女同校的学校好。

85、He is a giant academically but a dwarf in everyday matter. ─── 在学术上他是个巨人,但在日常生活中却是个矮子。

86、Academically, he learned from the science of Cheng-Zhu, boosted confucian moral tradition, and became the leader of morality and spirit of feudal dominator inner in late Qing dynasty. ─── 在学术上,他师承程朱理学,标榜儒家道德文化传统,成为晚清后期封建统治阶级内部的道德领袖与精神领袖。

87、Academically, they should absord the positive elements from various schools rather than restrict themselves in their own school. ─── 在学术上,不必固守派别、宗系,而应吃“百家饭”,吸收各家之长。

88、The academically and politically correct response is to welcome this trend with open arms. ─── 学术和政治上正确的回应该是张开双臂来欢迎这一趋势。


It began to rain at 6 o'clock this morning.翻译:这场雨在今天早上6点钟的时候就开始下了。began是begin的过去式,意思为:开始




1.She began to explain her plan of action to the group.


2.He began to question the ethics of his position.


3.We began work on the project in May.


4. 'Well...' she began haltingly.


5. The rain began before sunrise.


6. Shooting began early this year.


7.Everyone began talking at once.


8.Academically he began to excel.


9. He began to perspire heavily.


10. Slowly things began to improve.


11. He began to tie his shoelaces.


12. Eleanor began to keep a diary.


13. The crowd began throwing stones.


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