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08-17 投稿


Tartary 中文意思翻译



Tartary 常用词组

tartary buckwheat ─── 鞑靼荞麦;苦荞麦(等于Fagopyrum tataricum)

Tartary 短语词组

1、tartary tea ─── 苦茶

2、tartary empire aether ─── 鞑靼帝国以太

3、tartary map ─── 鞑靼地图

4、tartary flag ─── 鞑靼旗

5、tartary empire ─── 鞑靼帝国

6、tartary sea ─── 鞑靼海

7、tartary buckwheat ─── 鞑靼荞麦;[作物]苦荞麦(等于Fagopyrumtataricum)

Tartary 相似词语短语

1、tartaric ─── adj.酒石的;似酒石的;含有酒石的

2、tartarly ─── 凶悍的

3、tartanry ─── n.对苏格兰传统文化的刻板印象

4、tartare ─── adj.生食的;n.(Tartare)(法)泰尔大尔(人名)

5、Tartary ─── n.鞑靼,鞑靼地方(指中世纪时受蒙古人统治的自东欧至亚洲的广大地区)

6、tartar ─── n.鞑靼人(蒙古人和突厥人);凶悍的人;难对付的人;牙石,牙垢;adj.鞑靼的

7、datary ─── 负责审查僧职候选人资格的主教(职权)

8、tartars ─── n.鞑靼人(蒙古人和突厥人);凶悍的人;难对付的人;牙石,牙垢;adj.鞑靼的

9、Tatary ─── n.鞑靼地方(中世纪时受蒙古人统治的自东欧至亚洲的广大地区)

Tartary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Determination of Rutin and Quercetin in Tartary Buckwheat by Reversed-phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography ─── 反相高效液相色谱法测定苦荞中的芦丁和槲皮素

2、The Adjustion of Tartary Buckwheat Extracts to Blood Sugar and Blood Lipid of Mouse and Big Rat ─── 苦荞提取物对大小鼠血糖、血脂的调节

3、With the microencapsulation techniques, the health solid seedling drink rich in rutin (bioflavonoid) was extracted from tartary buckwheat and studied. ─── 摘要应用微胶囊技术,以苦荞麦苗为主要原料,研制了富含芦丁(生物黄酮)的青苗固体保健饮料。

4、Cholesterol Lowering Effect of Tartary Buckwheat Germ Oil in Hypercholesterolemic Rat ─── 苦荞胚油对高脂血大鼠血脂及脂质过氧化作用的影响

5、Prokaryotic Expression and Immunological Activity Identification of C-terminal Domain of the Allergenic Protein from Tartary Buckwheat ─── 苦荞过敏蛋白C端结构域的原核表达及其免疫学活性的鉴定


7、Effect of Allergenic Protein from Tartary Buckwheat on Activity of Several Isoenzymes in Organs of Mice ─── TB过敏蛋白对小鼠体内几种酶活性的影响

8、Tartary buckwheat grows on these places which is a border to heaven. ─── 苦荞的“苦”,苦得积极、苦得干净、苦得刚强、苦得尊贵。

9、tartary buckwheat peptide ─── 苦荞多肽

10、It was found that total flavones and protein content in tartary buckwheat germplasm exhibited wide genetic diversity, and some tartary buckwheats with high quality were seleted. ─── 研究认为苦荞麦种质资源的总黄酮和蛋白质含量存在较为丰富的遗传变异并在鉴定评价基础上筛选出一批品质优异的苦荞麦资源。

11、cremor tartari ─── [医] 酒石, 酒石酸氢钾

12、tartary buckwheat extraction ─── 有机溶剂残留量

13、A Brief Research into the Seeding and Picking Amount of Tartary Buckwheat"Xiqiao No.1" ─── “西荞一号”苦荞麦的播种量初步探讨

14、tartary buckwheat seed ─── 苦荞种子

15、Nutritional and Dietary Function of Tartary Buckwheat Food ─── 苦荞菜的营养与食疗作用

16、And the problems in the production of self-fermentable tartary buckwheat flour and the making of steamed bread were also investigated. ─── 并对苦荞馒头自发粉的生产和制作苦荞馒头中的问题进行了讨论。

17、Keywords tartary buckwheat;extraction;rutin; ─── 苦荞麦;浸取;芦丁;

18、The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat with high quercetin content showed good antioxidant results in lard system. ─── 在猪油体系中,含槲皮素较多的苦荞黄酮抗氧化作用强;

19、Keywords tartary buckwheat;wheat;dough;farinograph;extensigraph; ─── 苦荞;小麦;面团;粉质特性;拉伸特性;

20、英文摘要: Toxicological safety of tartary buckwheat extracts (TBE) wasobserved by way of feeding TBE to mouse an d rat. ─── 摘要: 通过给小鼠和大鼠投喂苦荞提取物,观察了苦荞提取物的毒理学安全性。

21、With the microencapsulation techniques,the health solid seedling drink rich in rutin (bioflavonoid) was extracted from tartary buckwheat and studied. ─── 应用微胶囊技术,以苦荞麦苗为主要原料,研制了富含芦丁(生物黄酮)的青苗固体保健饮料。

22、lamb of tartary ─── 羔羊打号率

23、Determination of Rutin in Tartary Buckwheat Leaves by Thin-layer Scanning Technique ─── 苦荞叶片中芸香甙的薄层色谱定量研究

24、Microstructure and viscoelasticity of mixed flour dough with tartary buckwheat and wheat ─── 苦荞小麦混合粉面团的微观结构和粘弹性

25、In this paper,the extraction technology of total flavonoids in tartary buckwheat bran by microwave was studied. ─── 本文对苦荞麦麸皮总黄酮微波提取工艺进行了研究。

26、Analysis of the function of substance in tartary buckwheat flour and buckwheat flour ─── 两种荞麦籽粒营养保健功能物质基础的分析

27、Keywords tartary buckwheat;protein fractions;SEM;HPLC;in vitro pepsin digestibility; ─── 苦荞麦;蛋白质;扫描电镜(SEM);高效液相(HPLC);体外消化;

28、Keywords wheat;genetic transformation;microprojectile bombardment;resistance gene;NBS-LRR;tartary buckwheat;Agrobacterium rhizogenes; ─── 小麦;遗传转化;基因枪;抗病基因;NBS-LRR;苦荞;发根农杆菌;

29、Compared with wheat dough,stability time of mixed flour of natural tartary buckwheat and wheat decreased 4. ─── 用粉质仪和拉伸仪测定了苦荞小麦混和粉面团的流变学性质。

30、The low shrub oak plateau to which the opposite shore arose stretched away toward the prairies of the West and the steppes of Tartary, affording ample room for all the roving families of men. ─── 生满低矮橡木丛的高地与湖岸相对,似延伸向远方西部牧场和鞑靼干草原,给了所有牧人丰足的空间。"

31、The results showed that structure of refined tartary buckwheat flavonoids extraction were determined as 5, 7, 3', 4'-OH, 3-O-rhal-6glu (rutin). ─── 结果表明,从苦荞麸皮中提取、并纯化后的黄酮主要为5,7,3',4'-四羟基-3-O-葡萄糖黄酮醇苷(芦丁)。

32、Ultrasound-assisted extraction for the flavonoids-enriched extract from tartary buckwheat seedling was investigated. ─── 研究苦荞麦苗黄酮超声提取方法。

33、The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat with different components proved to be an excellent cooperative result in linoleic acid system. ─── 在亚油酸体系中,苦荞黄酮各组分协同抗氧化效果较好.

34、Keywords Tartary Buckwheat;total flavonoids;comparative study; ─── 苦荞麦;总黄酮;比较研究;

35、Keywords tartary buckwheat;flavone;free radical; ─── 苦荞;黄酮类化合物;自由基;

36、The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat with high quercetin content showed good antioxidant results in lard system. ─── 在猪油体系中,含槲皮素较多的苦荞黄酮抗氧化作用强;

37、Study on extraction technology of total flavonoids in tartary buckwheat bran using response surface methodology ─── 响应曲面法优化苦荞麸皮总黄酮的提取工艺

38、Keywords Flavonoids;Like superoxide dismutase;Tartary buckwheat bran; ─── 类黄酮;类超氧化物歧化酶;苦荞麦麸皮;

39、tartary buckuheat ─── 苦荞麦

40、The low shrub oak plateau to which the opposite shore arose stretched away toward the prairies of the West and the steppes of Tartary, affording ample room for all the roving families of men. ─── 矮橡树丛生的高原升起在对岸,一直向西去的大平原和鞑靼式的草原伸展开去,给所有的流浪人家一个广阔的天地。

41、tartary buckwheat seedling ─── 苦养麦苗

42、sal tartari ─── 碳酸钾

43、Preparation of nutritional and healthy tartary buckwheat flour ─── 苦荞营养保健粉的研制

44、Keywords tartary buckwheat;protein isolate;extraction process;functional property; ─── 苦荞麦;分离蛋白;提取工艺;功能性质;

45、Pot-culture experiment was conducted to nutritional evaluation of protein in tartary buckwheat grain and its response to selenium. ─── 采用盆栽实验研究苦荞籽粒蛋白质营养评价对硒的响应。

46、Effect of Paclobutrazol and NAA on Tartary Buckwheat Resistance to Lodging and Shattering ─── 多效唑和萘乙酸对苦荞抗倒伏性和抗落粒性的影响

47、The flavonoid of tartary buckwheat with different components proved to be an excellent synergistic antioxidant in linoleic acid system. ─── 在亚油酸体系中,苦荞黄酮各组分协同抗氧化效果好。

48、Keywords tartary buckwheat;skin powder;flavonoids;extraction conditions; ─── 苦荞麦;皮粉;黄酮类化合物;提取工艺;

49、Research of Composition and Function of Tartary Buckwheat and Its Development and Application ─── 苦荞的成分功能研究与开发应用

50、Keywords Tartary buckwheat extracts Diabetic rat Blood glucose; ─── 苦荞提取物;模型大鼠;血糖;

51、On old maps, the land is called Outer Manchuria or, even more evocatively, Eastern Tartary. ─── 在旧地图上,这地方叫做外满洲,或者更形象地说,东鞑靼。

52、The effect of super micro-milling on physical chemistry and functional properties of tartary buckwheat bran was studied. ─── 摘要研究了超微粉碎处理对苦荞麸理化和功能特性的影响。

53、However,at high protein concentration(>6.0 mg/ml),the activity became decreasing. The IC50 of scavenging superoxide radical of BWPr from sweet and tartary buckwheat was 4.1mg/ml and 3.2 mg/ml respectively. ─── 0mg/ml浓度范围内,随着蛋白液浓度的增加,清除率近乎直线升高,而再增加蛋白液的浓度,清除率增加幅度下降,甜荞蛋白和苦荞蛋白的IC50分别为4.1mg/ml、3.2mg/ml。

54、Genetic Transformation via Microprojectile Bombardment, Cloning and Identification of NBS-LRR Gene in Wheat and Agrobacterium Rhizogenes-mediated Genetic Transformation in Tartary Buckwheat ─── 小麦NBS-LRR抗性基因克隆以及基因枪介导的遗传转化和由发根农杆菌介导的苦荞遗传转化

55、Tartary buckwheat is not common buckwheat(sweet buckwheat). ─── 苦荞非普通荞麦。

56、Selection of a New Tartary Buck wheat Variety'Xiqiao No .1' ─── 苦荞新品种西荞1号的选育

57、Keywords tartary buckwheat;extrusion;nutritional and healthy flour;active compounds; ─── 苦荞;挤压膨化;营养保健粉;活性成分;

58、During the growth of tartary buckwheat sprouts,the total flavouoids content on the first,third,fifth and seventh day was respectively 3.31,4.19,4.20 and 4.15%. ─── 苦荞芽苗在生长1,3,5,7 d的总黄酮含量分别为3.31%,4.19%,4.20%,4.15%。

59、Study on the Preparation of Self-fermentable Tartary Buckwheat Flour for Steamed Bread ─── 苦荞馒头自发粉的研制

60、leaves of tartary buckwheat ─── 苦荞叶

61、Tartary buckwheat originates in the South-West plateau in China.Cold mountainous area in Yanbei ,Shanxi is a very good place to produce high quality tartary buckwheat . ─── 原产我国西南高原,山西省雁北高寒山区是优质苦荞生产地。

62、Cloning and Sequencing of Major Allergenic Gene cDNA from Tartary Buckwheat ─── 一种苦荞主要过敏原基因cDNA的克隆及序列分析

63、Influence of microbial inocula on yield and flavonoid content of tartary buckwheat ─── 微生物菌剂对苦荞产量与黄酮含量的影响

64、Embryonic Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration of Tartary Buckwheat ─── 苦荞胚性愈伤组织诱导与植株再生研究

65、Tartary buckwheat of Jiujiang ─── 九江苦荞

66、tartary buckwhea rutin ─── 苦荞芦丁

67、extracts from tartary buckwheat sprouts ─── 苦荞芽提取物


69、Keywords RSA;flavonoids of tartary buckwheat bran;micro-extracting conditions; ─── 响应面分析法;苦荞麸皮;黄酮;微波提取;

70、Tartary Buckwheat Sprouts ─── 苦养芽菜

71、Keywords tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tartaricum Gaertn);trypsin inhibitor;purification;anti-insect activity; ─── 苦荞麦;胰蛋白酶抑制剂;纯化;抗虫活性;

72、Compared with wheat dough, stability time of mixed flour of natural tartary buckwheat and wheat decreased 4. ─── 用粉质仪和拉伸仪测定了苦荞小麦混和粉面团的流变学性质。

73、Keywords tartary buckwheat;protein fractions;in vitro pepsin digestibility;heating;disulfide bonds;rutin; ─── 苦荞;蛋白组分;体外消化率;热处理;二硫键;芦丁;

74、The effect of super micro-milling on the dissolution of functional components,scavenging activity towards poisons,the antioxidant capacity of tartary buckwheat bran was studied. ─── 为研究超微粉碎处理对苦荞麸中功能成分的溶出、清除有毒有害物及抗氧化功能特性的影响。

75、Keywords tartary buckwheat;bran;flavonoid compound;extraction technology; ─── 苦荞麦;麸皮;黄酮类化合物;提取工艺;

76、Objective to determine the content of total flavonoids from Tartary buckwheat. ─── 目的测定苦荞菜中总黄酮的含量。

77、Regulation of the Extract of Tartary Buckwheat Leaf on Antioxidant Enzyme in Mice ─── 苦荞叶提取物对小鼠体内抗氧化酶系的调节

78、Tartary buckwheat food is in the color of yellowish green ,has the effect of clearing heat,detoxicating, and relieve inflammation or internal heat. ─── 其粉制食品呈黄绿色,有清热解毒、败火的作用。

79、buckwheat has two cultivated species, Tartary buckwheat and common buckwheat. ─── 荞麦有苦荞和甜荞两个栽培种。

80、Keywords tartary buckwheat;allergenic protein;prokaryotic expression;immunology activity; ─── 苦荞麦;过敏蛋白;原核表达;免疫活性;

81、There are annual or perennial buckwheat, Tartary Buckwheat and buckwheat wild type wings. ─── 有一年生或多年生的甜荞、苦荞和野翅荞类型。

82、Two-factor-split experiment was conducted to study the effects of variety and fertilizer on the yield and the utilization of water and fertilizer of tartary buckwheat(Fagopyrum tartaricum). ─── 品种和施肥对苦荞麦产量和水肥利用影响的试验表明,“黑丰1号”、“黔威2号”的产量显著高于“寿阳灰苦荞”,且以“黑丰1号”最优。

83、tartary buckwheat ─── 苦荞

84、In this paper, we present an overview of the new process for tartary buckwheat products development, which includefried grain tea, red yeast rice vinegar, vinegar capsules, noodle and flavonoids. ─── 本文探讨了苦荞米茶、苦荞红曲醋、苦荞醋胶囊、苦荞面食、苦荞黄酮提取等新型苦荞健康食品的研发及其工艺,可为苦荞资源的合理利用提供有益借鉴。

85、Study on technology of tartary buckwheat beverage ─── 苦荞饮料的工艺研究

86、On old maps, the land is called Outer Manchuria or, even more evocatively, Eastern Tartary. ─── 在旧地图上,这片土地被称作“外满”,或“东鞑靼”,这些旧地名能够唤起人们对这些土地的回忆和感叹。

87、英文摘要: The influence of tartary buckwheat extra cts (TBE) on blood sugarof hyperglycemia rat caused by tetraoxygen pyrimidine a nd blood lipid of hyperlipidemia animal were observed. ─── 摘要: 试验观察了苦荞提取物对四氧嘧啶所引起的高血糖型大鼠的降血糖作用及对高血脂症动物血脂的影响。

88、Keywords tartary buckwheat peptide;peptide concentration;hydrolysis degree;enzymolysis;antioxidant activity; ─── 苦荞多肽;多肽浓度;水解度;酶解;抗氧化活性;

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