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08-17 投稿


cowry 发音

英:[?ka?ri]  美:[?ka?ri]

英:  美:

cowry 中文意思翻译



cowry 词性/词形变化,cowry变形


cowry 短语词组

1、cowry def ─── 标签

2、cowry shell ─── 白贝齿贝子

3、cowry age ─── 考利时代

4、cowry llc ─── 考瑞有限责任公司

5、molly cowry ─── 莫莉·考瑞

6、pretty cowry ─── 漂亮的考瑞

7、cowry x ─── 指数x

8、cowry shells ─── 贝子白 ─── 贝齿

9、cowry shells currency china ─── 中国货币

10、cowry list ─── 考瑞列表

11、cowry x steel ─── 考瑞x钢

cowry 相似词语短语

1、avowry ─── n.某种行为之声明

2、cowrie ─── n.宝贝;玛瑙贝;货贝(从前南亚和非洲部分地区作货币用的)

3、dowry ─── n.嫁妆;天资;亡夫遗产

4、cory ─── n.克里,科里(人名)

5、Lowry ─── n.劳里(姓氏);酚试剂法

6、cowboy ─── n.牛仔;牧童;莽撞的人

7、cowers ─── vi.退缩;抖缩;蜷缩;弯腰屈膝

8、cowy ─── n.牛膻味;adj.似牛的

9、coward ─── n.懦夫,懦弱的人;adj.胆小的,懦怯的;n.(Coward)人名;(英)科沃德

cowry 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Sister Long's beautiful pics and cowry are on TV,and at this time it's a free advertisement! ─── 哇!龙妹的靓相和宝贝都在电视里面,这回可是免费做广告了!

2、revelation to search my cowry: Yesterday, my cowry is lost, because of my negligence and his naughty. ─── 启示:昨天,我家的宝贝由于贪玩,不慎走失。

3、Answer brother...it is my cowry at present...I want to hold it for more days...I don't exchange it! ─── 回哥哥...它是小弟现在的心肝...想多留先时日...没转呢!

4、if it is true,it will be a cowry,I suggest that don't grind it. ─── 如果是真的,将是宝贝。建议不磨。这东西确实不好说!

5、Where do there is the woollen cloth teaching cowry attending to in San Ya? Bother telling concrete place. ─── 三亚哪里有教贝司的呢?麻烦告诉个具体的地方。

6、Arabic cowry ─── n. 阿拉伯绶贝

7、Sister Long's beautiful pics and cowry are on TV, and at this time it's a free advertisement! ─── 哇!龙妹的靓相和宝贝都在电视里面,这回可是免费做广告了!

8、's funny that I've treated the tumescent bump on my arm as a cowry these two days and for fear that something may be wrong. ─── 有趣的是,这两天我一直把胳膊上隆起的肿块当作宝贝一样对待,生怕有个什么问题。

9、gold ring cowry ─── n. 环纹货贝

10、money cowry ─── 作为货币用的贝壳

11、I see, correct , passed on small cowry, academy of classical learning tomorrow again the beginning of the term let her be sure not to arrive late! ─── 哦,对了,转告小贝,书院明天重新开学了,让她千万不要迟到啊!

12、The revelation to search my cowry : Yesterday, My cowry is lost, because of my negligence and his naughty . ─── 寻宝启示:昨天,我家的宝贝由于贪玩,不慎走失。

13、Now I was the team leader, the most important was the stove was a cowry every one concerned. ─── 我现在是“组长”了,更主要的是,这个炉子成了大家关心的一个宝贝。

14、cowry shell ─── 贝子, 白贝齿

15、Besides the posts of above are very good, and they let me see the man's cowry of other nations! ─── 另,搂主的贴子都很好,让我们看到了其他民族男人的宝贝!

16、It's funny that I 've treated the tumescent bump on my arm as a cowry these two days and for fear that something maybe wrong. ─── 想想就好笑,这两天一直把胳膊上肿起的红包当作宝贝一样供奉着,生怕有个什么问题。

17、Some are carved with geometric features and adorned with cowry shells, coins, metal strips, fiber, leather, and metal or multi-coloured bead necklaces. ─── 有一些被制作成几何容貌并且佩带着贝壳,古币,金属条,纤维物质,皮革和多金属或多色的珍珠项链。

18、friendship and family is very important for me ,they love me and i love them too.i'm very rarity cowry. ─── 我是沉睡的公主,希望在今年会找到生命中属于我的王子。来发现我掩盖的光芒。并且一起创造持续一辈子的幸福婚姻。

19、Cowry, Pseudosimnia punctata protecting the eggs; ─── 假宝贝;

20、He is accompany and indispensable's cowry in my life--small dog, other name's small bulbs. ─── 他是我一生的陪伴,是我必不可缺的宝贝——小狗子,又名小灯泡。

21、Besides the posts of above are very good,and they let me see the man's cowry of other nations! ─── 另,搂主的贴子都很好,让我们看到了其他民族男人的宝贝!

22、Arabic cowry shell ─── 紫贝

23、egg cowry ─── n. 梭螺属

24、We are informed that what people need in the increased competition among the trade, in the present-day.Thus, some want to cowry, nobody cares is the rubbish. ─── 我们知道,在同质竞争日趋没落的今天的下家在想什么,有人需要就是宝贝,无人问津就是垃圾。

25、Zi bei chi Arabic Cowry Shell Concha Mauritiae Arabicae ─── 宝贝科动物蛇首眼球贝

26、Axe-heads or cowry's shells,or any of the other articles that have served as money at one time or an-other served all three functions of money. ─── 斧头、宝贝贝壳或一度被当作货币的其他物品全都发挥了货币的三种职能。

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