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08-17 投稿


directorship 发音

英:[d??rekt???p]  美:[d??rekt?r??p]

英:  美:

directorship 中文意思翻译



directorship 短语词组

1、nonexecutive directorship ─── 非执行董事

2、directorship images ─── 董事形象

3、directorship each ─── 各董事职位

4、directorship fee ─── 董事费

5、directorship check ─── 董事职位检查

6、directorship term ─── 董事任期

7、directorship role ─── 董事职位

8、outside directorship ─── 外部董事职位

9、interlocking directorship ─── 连锁董事

directorship 词性/词形变化,directorship变形

副词: directorially |

directorship 相似词语短语

1、electorship ─── n.选举人,选举团成员

2、hectorship ─── 赫克托

3、lectorship ─── n.大学讲师教职(等于lectorate)

4、rectorship ─── n.教区长之职位及任期

5、creatorship ─── n.创造者;创建者(creator的变形)

6、directors ─── n.[经管]董事(director的复数形式);[电影]导演;理事;[管理]主管

7、directorships ─── 管理者的职位(directorship的复数)

8、doctorship ─── n.博士学位

9、dictatorship ─── n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位

directorship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Make certain of your position in the firm before you argue with the director. ─── 你在和经理争辩之前,要首先弄清你在公司里的地位。

2、The director of the factory felt no individual responsibility for the deficit. ─── 厂长个人不觉得应对工厂亏损负责。

3、"There's a lot to do today, so let's hop to it, " the director said. ─── 主任说:"今天有许多事要做,咱们赶快动手吧。"

4、The Director is in conference now. ─── 主任正在开会。

5、She's just landed herself a company directorship. ─── 她刚在一家公司谋到一个主管的职位。

6、The company is casting its net wide in its search for a new sales director. ─── 公司撒开大网到处物色新的销售主任。

7、After the director spoke the workers turned loose on him. ─── 厂长讲完后,工人们把憋在心里的话一古脑儿向他倒了出来。

8、Don't play games with the director; he's a powerful man, and not to be trifled with. ─── 别和经理耍花招,他是个有权势的人,可不能跟他闹着玩。

9、He is shooting at the directorship. ─── 他力图得到厂长的职位。

10、It soon became clear that he was aiming for a directorship . ─── 他想当厂长的意图很快就看清了。

11、He resigned his directorship and left the firm. ─── 他放弃了董事职务, 离开了公司。

12、Directorship is regarded as an office. ─── 在税务上公司董事是一个职位。

13、He refused to act as an intermediary between the two director. ─── 他拒绝充当这两个董事之间的调解人。

14、The director set out the plan in skeleton form. ─── 主任提纲挈领地说明了这一计划。

15、The firm has an important asset in the person of the director of research. ─── 公司有一巨大财富,就是研究部主任这个人。

16、He has a lot of pull with the managing director. ─── 他对总经理有很大的影响力。

17、He is offered a directorship with Smith Ltd. ─── 史密斯有限公司请他出任董事。

18、The director administers quite effectively. ─── 主任管理有方。

19、They ordered a new roll royce for the managing director. ─── 他们为总经理订购了一部新罗尔斯-罗伊斯高级汽车。

20、The director looked his reproof. ─── 厂长的目光中流露出责备的神情。

21、He began to butter up the director in hope of being given a better job. ─── 他开始奉承主任,希望得到一份更好的工作。

22、Director who attend board meetings, but do not enjoy the full power of a director. ─── 参加董事会会议但不完全享受董事权力的董事。

23、He proposed that Sir Francis be made a director. ─── 他提议推选法朗西斯爵士任董事。

24、In the play, Mary was playing the part of a dancer, but the director asked her to double as the mother. ─── 在那出戏里,玛丽出演一位女舞蹈家,可导演叫她同时兼演女舞蹈家的母亲。

25、Barry resigned his directorship in December 1973. ─── 巴里于1973年12月辞去了董事一职。

26、The director received us and led the way into one of the buildings. ─── 厂长接待了我们,带我们走进一座大楼。

27、Her career culminated in her appointment as director. ─── 她一生事业的顶峰是当上董事。

28、A lot of politic precede the choice of the new director. ─── 在选新领导人之前进行了大量的拉拢活动。

29、Her husband is a film director. ─── 她丈夫是电影导演。

30、With the help of a legendary director, the actress perfected the art of cinematic beguilement. ─── 在一个传奇性导演的帮助下,这位女演员完善了电影娱乐艺术。

31、He will assume the directorship of the project. ─── 他将担任那个计划。

32、He ask to see the managing director in private. ─── 他要求私下见总经理。

33、The director brought John up for being late again. ─── 厂长责备约翰又迟到了。

34、Report the QC status to OQ director. ─── 向质量总监汇报QC进展情况。

35、He will retire from the army/his directorship next year. ─── 他明年从部队退役[从主管职位上退休].

36、We held no directorship on the board and we do not work there. ─── 在董事会中,我们没有管理职位,也不在这家公司任职。

37、He was getting on well in the business and was in line for a directorship when for some reason only known to himself he gave the whole thing up and bought a small farm in Wales. ─── 他工作一直干得不错,并且即将会得到主任的位置。突然,不知什么原因,他辞去所有工作,在威尔士买下了一个小农场。

38、He deceived the girl with a false visiting card which says he is the director of the company. ─── 他用一张假名片欺骗姑娘,说他是这家公司的董事长。、

39、The director stressed that point in particular. ─── 厂长特别强调了那一点。

40、A veteran cadre was named for the directorship. ─── 一位老干部被任命为厂长。

41、The director met us and led us about the workshops. ─── 厂长接待了我们,带我们到各车间看了看。

42、He has been courting the director, hoping to get the leading role in the play. ─── 他一直在讨好导演,想在剧中扮演主角。

43、Probably Lao Wang will succeed him as director. ─── 可能老王要接替他当厂长。

44、He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years. ─── 他十五年里从工友升到总经理。

45、The director needs a rest from work. ─── 厂长需要停止工作休息一下。

46、A reception was held in honor of the new director. ─── 举行酒会来欢迎新主任。

47、He joined the firm as a junior clerk, and finished up a director. ─── 他从初级职员做起,最终成了这家公司的董事。

48、He is a factory director by occupation. ─── 他的职业是做厂长。

49、The director was pensioned off when he got senile. ─── 主管年老之后就退休了。

50、The director dressed Jim down for being late again. ─── 主任骂吉姆又迟到了。

51、The director of a firm corresponds to the commander of an army. ─── 公司的经理就等于是军队里的将军。

52、The company's salary scale range from5,000 for a trainee to50,000 for the managing director. ─── 公司工资的等级从学徒工的5,000英镑到总经理的50,000英镑,级别不等。

53、Can you fix it with the director so that the meeting will be delayed? ─── 你能还同意经理安排一下推迟这次会议?

54、The director beamed his approval. ─── 主任以微笑表示同意。

55、Director Liu, in the chair, opened the meeting. ─── 刘厂长主持会议,宣布开会。

56、Outside CEOs are more likely to get directorship when their own firms' size is smaller and performance is better. ─── 被聘公司之规模越小、绩效越佳的CEO,越容易被聘任为独立董事。

57、"Don't think it is settled yet; the Director always has the last word, " said Tom. ─── "别以为就这么定下来了,通常要局长说了才算的。"汤姆说道。

58、The factory director checked on work attendance strictly. ─── 厂长严格考勤。

59、He has a strong pull with the Managing Director. ─── 他对总经理颇有影响力。

60、The director required that we should work all night. ─── 主任要求我们通宵工作。

61、Ms. Xu does not serve in any directorship roles of any other public company. Ms. ─── 许女士不担任其它任何上市公司的管理者职位。

62、He is always telling the director how to run the business; that's like teaching his grandmother how to suck eggs. ─── 他老是对总裁说该如何管理业务,就跟班门弄斧似的。

63、He is grooming his son for the directorship of the firm. ─── 他准备推荐自己的儿子担任公司的经理。

64、The band director cued the drums to begin. ─── 乐队指挥暗示鼓手们敲起来。

65、He said the director would accept his suggestion because he stood in with him. ─── 他说经理会采纳他的建议因为他和经理的关系很好。

66、Is his office all trigged out ready for the new director? ─── 他已把办公室收拾整洁,可以迎接新主任了吗?

67、Carol was made president and director. ─── 卡罗尔当选社长兼导演。

68、He had a company directorship dangled in front of him. ─── 公司董事的职位对他颇有诱惑力。

69、People are whispering that the director has been having it off with his secretary. ─── 人们在悄悄议论经理和他的女秘书一直有不正当的关系。

70、The director will approve such steps. ─── 处长会同意这些措施的。

71、He was pushed out to make way for the director's son. ─── 为了给厂长的儿子让位,他被解雇了。

72、The director of a group of church singers. ─── 唱诗班指挥一队教堂歌手的指挥

73、British actor and director particularly noted for his performances in and productions of Shakespearean plays. ─── 吉尔古德,(阿瑟)约翰生于1904英国演员和导演,尤以其表演和制作莎士比亚的作品而闻名

74、You may go and ask the director himself. ─── 你可以去问主任本人。

75、He's just landed herself a company directorship. ─── 他刚在一家公司谋到一个主管的职位。

76、My father resigned his directorship last year. ─── 我父亲去年辞去了董事的职务。

77、After assuming the directorship, he does not feel like a number anymore. ─── 接下总监一职,他不再感到位卑言轻。

78、First, emerging nations resentful of Europe's stranglehold on the directorship must agree on a common candidate. ─── 首先,对欧洲人“世袭”IMF总裁不满的新兴国家,必须推选一名得到各方共同支持的候选人。

79、The director dictated to her secretary. ─── 主任向她的秘书作口授。

80、The company director must have felt embarrassed at reading out such an abnormally low set of figures, because he stumbled over that part of his report. ─── 公布低得如此不正常的一组数据一定让公司经理觉得难堪,因为在读报告的那一部分时他吞吞吐吐。

81、Aren't you rather sticking your neck out, telling the director what you think of him? ─── 你对董事长说出你对他的看法,这不是引火烧身吗?

82、Don't come to me with your complains; you've to go through the proper channels, which means a letter to Head Office and a copy to the director and to myself, then you might be listened to. ─── 不要直接向我提意见; 你得通过适当的渠道,即写信给总店,一个副本给经理,一个副本给我; 这样你的意见就可能得到受理。

83、Mr. X has been named for the directorship. ─── X先生已被提名为董事职位。

84、I hoped he would apologize to Mr Yamaguchi and resign the directorship in RIF Rules commission. ─── 我希望他向山口先生道歉并且辞去在RIF规则委员会的管理权。

85、The older workers always enjoy stringing the newcomers with stories about the director's hot temper. ─── 先来厂的工人总喜欢编造厂长脾气如何暴躁的故事来戏弄新来者。

86、The director jacked Jim up for being late again. ─── 主任训斥吉姆,因为他又迟到了。

87、m has held directorship positions with the European Defense Agency and the Swedish EU Representation Office, both in Brussels. ─── m同欧洲防务局和瑞典欧盟代表处和布鲁塞尔举行了董事职务的任命。

88、Scenes that exemplify the film director's style. ─── 场景体现了影片导演的风格

89、Meeting likely carry over tomorrow director an oppose against majority, which may result unsuccessful. ─── 会议可能于明日举行。领导A不同意大多数人意见,这样结果可能不会太好。

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