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arthropod 发音

英:['ɑ?θr?p?d]  美:['ɑrθr?,pɑd]

英:  美:

arthropod 中文意思翻译



arthropod 网络释义

n. 节肢动物adj. 节肢动物的

arthropod 短语词组

1、arthropod vector ─── [医]节肢动物媒介

2、arthropod borne virus ─── 节肢动物携带的病毒

3、arthropod-borne virus ─── 节肢动物媒介病毒,虫传病毒

4、arthropod family ─── [网络] 节肢动物家族

5、maxilliped arthropod ─── 上颌足节肢动物

6、Arthropod leg ─── 节肢动物腿

7、arthropod-borne ─── [医] 节肢动物传播的

8、arthropod-borne epidemic ─── [医] 节足动物传播性流行

9、arthropod genus ─── [网络] 节肢动物属

10、arthropod transmission ─── 节肢动物传播

arthropod 词性/词形变化,arthropod变形

形容词: arthropodous |

arthropod 相似词语短语

1、anthropoid ─── adj.类人的,(猿等)似人类的;类人猿的;与高等灵长类有关的;(非正式)举止像猿猴的;n.类人猿;灵长目;(非正式)猿猴似的人

2、arthrospore ─── n.分节孢子

3、anthropo- ─── n.人类

4、arthropodan ─── 节肢动物

5、orthopod ─── n.矫形外科医师

6、anthropoids ─── adj.类人的,(猿等)似人类的;类人猿的;与高等灵长类有关的;(非正式)举止像猿猴的;n.类人猿;灵长目;(非正式)猿猴似的人

7、arthropodal ─── 节肢动物

8、arthropodous ─── 节肢动物

9、arthropods ─── n.[无脊椎]节肢动物(arthropod的复数)

arthropod 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The structure and stability of arthropod community in the longan orchards interplanting with Chamaecrista nictitans cv. Minyin ─── 套种羽叶决明的龙眼园节肢动物群落结构与稳定性研究

2、Especially, the populations of predatory arthropod common species were mostly affected by the use of Lindane. ─── 但无论在物种还是个体方面,林丹烟剂对捕食性共有种的影响均最大。

3、Characteristics of litter and soil arthropod communities at different successional stages of tropical forests ─── 不同演替阶段热带森林地表凋落物和土壤节肢动物群落特征

4、Medical gamasid mite is a general designation of a kind of non-insect arthropod and it can transmit many diseases. ─── 医学革螨非是昆虫类节肢动物的统称,可以作为多种疾病的传播媒介。

5、Structure characteristics of the arthropod community in the jujube orchards with different habitats ─── 不同生境类型枣园中节肢动物群落结构特征

6、After spending a week learning about insects and arachnids in 7th grade, it became my goal to become an "arthropod expert. " ─── 初一那年我们学生物的昆虫纲和蜘蛛纲,一周之后我就立志要做个节肢动物学家。

7、The arthropod community of Leucaena leucocephala plantation in Yuanmou Arid-hot Valley was investigated in 2005. ─── 于2005年对云南元谋干热河谷新银合欢林昆虫群落进行了调查。

8、Arthropod vectors breeding in accumulations of water (e. g. , tin cans, old tires) and sewage-laden water are a problem worldwide. ─── 在积水处(如锡罐、旧轮胎)和充满污水的下水道里繁殖的节肢动物媒介是世界性问题。

9、any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a segmented body and chitinous exoskeleton ─── 主要为水生的节肢动物,通常身体分节并有壳质的外骨骼

10、general term for any terrestrial arthropod having an elongated body composed of many similar segments: e.g. centipedes and millipedes ─── 一般对由多节相似的分段组成瘦长身体的陆栖节肢动物的叫法;如蜈蚣或千足虫

11、microorganism resembling bacteria inhabiting arthropod tissues but capable of causing disease in vertebrates. ─── 与生活于节肢动物组织里的细菌类似的微生物,但能在脊椎动物体内导致疾病。

12、Any of the parts of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod, especially a part or an organ adapted to a specific way of feeding. ─── 口器昆虫或其它节肢动物的嘴的部分,尤指适于某种特殊喂食方式的部分或器官

13、small air-breathing arthropod. ─── 呼吸空气的小型节肢动物。

14、of Arthropod is not only in its simplicity, but also in the range of different log-types. ─── Arthropod的强大之处不仅在于其易用性,而且它还可以区分不同的日志类型。

15、An arthropod of the order Xiphosura, which includes the horseshoe craband many extinct forms. ─── 剑尾目动物剑尾目中的一种节肢动物,包括鲎及许多已灭绝的节肢动物。

16、The first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid, which includes the buccal cavity, esophagus, crop, and gizzard. ─── 前肠节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊

17、the first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid,which includes the buccal cavity,esophagus,crop,and gizzard ─── 前肠,节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊

18、One of the segments or divisions in the body of a jointed animal,such as an arthropod. ─── 体节环节动物身体的一节或一部分,如节肢动物。

19、an arthropod family of the order Hymenoptera including: yellow jackets; ─── 包括在有序的膜翅目中节肢动物一族;

20、Effects of herbicides on diversity indices of cotton field arthropod community ─── 两种除草剂对棉田节肢动物群落多样性指数的影响

21、On the other hand, because of the big quantity of the arthropod fossils, Arthropoda is still the phylum which is researched most frequently and deeply. ─── 但另一方面,由于节肢动物化石的产量很大,所以它依然是研究最多和最深入的一个化石门类。

22、general term for any terrestrial arthropod having an elongated body composed of many similar segments: e.g. centipedes and millipedes. ─── 一般对由多节相似的分段组成瘦长身体的陆栖节肢动物的叫法;如蜈蚣或千足虫。


24、The five small arthropod were still very serious pest, especially aphid, scale and whitefly. ─── 其中,五小害虫的危害仍然非常严重,尤其是蚜虫、蚧壳虫和粉虱。

25、an insect or other arthropod between molts. ─── 在蜕变期间的昆虫或其它节肢动物。

26、A six-legged arthropod of the class Insecta(formerly Hexapoda); an insect. ─── 六足的节肢动物属于昆虫纲(原来为六足节肢动物门)的一种有六条腿的节肢动物昆虫

27、The relationship between the diversity and stability of arthropod communities at jujube yards managed differently was also analyzed. ─── 同时也探讨了冬园不同管理类型条件下生物的多样性与稳定性的关系。

28、One of the segments or divisions in the body of a jointed animal, such as an arthropod. ─── 体节环节动物身体的一节或一部分,如节肢动物

29、Norris R F, Kogan M, 2000. Interactions between weeds, arthropod pests,and their natural enemies in managed ecosystems. Weed Science, 48(1): 94-158. ─── [刘雨芳,2000.稻田生态系统节肢动物群落结构研究.博士学位论文.广州:中山大学

30、The Ecological Effects of Comprehensive Amelioration of Waterlogged Fields in the Four-lakes Region on Arthropod Communities in Paddy Fields ─── 四湖地区涝渍地综合改良对稻田节肢动物群落的态效应

31、any mainly aquatic arthropod usually having a segmented body and chitinous exoskeleton. ─── 主要为水生的节肢动物,通常身体分节并有壳质的外骨骼。

32、Body plan of a generalized insect. The body is usually divided into a head...Any member of the class Insecta, the largest arthropod class... ─── 地球动物篇/无脊椎动物(原生、海绵、空肠、扁形、线形、环节、软体、节肢)-中文/英文-2005/7/27-相关资料

33、The first part of the alimentary canalof an arthropod or annelid, which includes the buccal cavity, esophagus, crop, and gizzard. ─── 前肠节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊。

34、The first segment of the leg of an insect or other arthropod, joining the leg to the body. ─── 基节昆虫或其他节肢动物的腿的第一节,它使腿与身体相连

35、Any of the parts of the mouth of an insect or other arthropod,especially a part or an organ adapted to a specific way of feeding. ─── 口器,昆虫或其它节肢动物的嘴的部分,尤指适于某种特殊喂食方式的部分或器官。

36、microorganism resembling bacteria inhabiting arthropod tissues but capable of causing disease in vertebrates ─── 与生活于节肢动物组织里的细菌类似的微生物,但能在脊椎动物体内导致疾病

37、In the analysis of arthropod communities in the cotton fields, Simian3, GK12 and SGK321 were put into one group, and Shiyuan321 and 33B another group, because of their similar community structure. ─── 在棉田节肢动物群落分析中,泗棉3号、GK12和SGK321三种棉田群落结构相似,可聚为一类,而石远321和33B两种棉田的节肢动物群落结构相似,聚为另一类;

38、The core engine of the application is completely separate from the user interface (UI), and it's built as a framework of its own. ─── Arthropod的核心引擎是完全独立于用户界面的,其本身就是一个框架。

39、Structure and dynamics of arthropod community in the loquat orchards covered with various pastures ─── 不同牧草覆盖枇杷园节肢动物群落的结构和动态

40、The Xa21 transgenic paddy field has limit effect on arthropod community. ─── 3种稻田节肢动物群落动态受季节和气候影响明显,转Xa21基因稻田对节肢动物群落结构影响小。

41、The outermost layer of cuticle of an arthropod exoskeleton is composed mostly of wax. ─── 上表皮节肢动物外骨骼最外部的一层表皮,基本上由蜡构成。

42、The relatively large size, stable morphology and the unusual structure of appendages indicate that these specimens represent adults of a new arthropod: Primicaris larvaformis. ─── 南京地质古生物研究所的侯先光教授,在澄江化石库中的节肢动物研究方面做了大量的描述性工作,为进一步深入研究奠定了坚实的基础。

43、an arthropod family of the order Hymenoptera including: yellow jackets; hornets; mason wasps ─── 包括在有序的膜翅目中节肢动物一族;黄蜂;大黄蜂;蚂蜂

44、Chitosan is material from deacetylation of chitin,which from arthropod,coelenterate,annelids,protozoans,part of algae and fungi. ─── 壳聚糖是来源于节肢、肠腔、环节、原生动物及海藻和真菌类的甲壳素类物质脱去乙酰基的产物。

45、At least 200 species of arthropod... ─── |至少有 200 种节肢动物...

46、Community Structure of Arthropod in Megranate Garden in Anhui Province ─── 安徽怀远石榴园节肢动物的群落结构

47、The first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid , which includes the buccal cavity , esophagus, crop, and gizzard . ─── 前肠节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊。

48、1.an arthropod genus of wingless flies including the sheep ked. ─── 包括绵羊虱蝇在内的无翅虱蝇科的一个属。

49、Arthropod is a debugger tool for Flash or AIR application development. ─── Arthropod是个针对Flash和AIR应用开发的调试工具。

50、The group and individual numbers of soil arthropod were reduced in the three different areas, and they showed obviously natural of surface gathering, but in some plots there were the contrary rule. ─── 交错区不同生态环境土壤节肢动物的类群数和个体数的垂直分布都随着土层深度的增加呈递减趋势,且表聚性非常明显。

51、Community structure and its dynamics of predatory arthropod in different tobacco varieties fields ─── 不同烟草品种烟田捕食性节肢动物群落的结构和动态研究

52、Arboviral infections are most common in the summer, when arthropod vectors are abundant ─── 在节肢动物媒介大量孳生的夏天,虫媒病传染最为普遍。

53、The arthropod community stabilities and diversities in the Bt rice paddy field with different patch designs ─── Bt水稻田不同斑块设计对田间节肢动物群落稳定性的影响

54、Babcock said he was with some degree of certainty that the footprints left by a body width of 1 cm, similar arthropod centipede's only a foot or other types of insects. ─── 巴布科克说,他较为肯定留下足迹的是一只身体宽约1厘米、类似蜈蚣的节肢动物或一只有足的其他种类虫子。

55、an arthropod family including: chalcidflies. ─── 包括在节肢动物一族;小蜂科之蜂。

56、A chela or similar pincerlike structure on the end of a limb of a crustacean or other arthropod. ─── 甲壳类动物或其他节肢动物肢端的螯或相似的钳状构造

57、Keywords solid phase microextraction;GC/MS;ocean;arthropod;flavor substances; ─── 关键词固相微萃取;气质联用;海洋;节肢动物;风味物质;

58、Looking like an Olympic diver, this new species of aquatic arthropod was found in the Milyang River in South Korea's Gyeongnam Province. ─── 在韩国庆南市的密阳江中发现的新型甲壳类物种看上去就像是一位跳水运动员一般。

59、Key words: cotton-alfalfa intercrop;Aphis gossypii Glover;predatory arthropod;community structure;population dynamics ─── 关键词:棉苜间作;棉蚜;捕食性节肢动物;群落结构;种群动态

60、We were hoping that was just a tiny trash can but, no, it's a coconut crab, which is the biggest arthropod that lives on land. ─── 我们本以为这是一个小小的垃圾桶,但是不,这是只椰子蟹,该物种是陆地上最大的节肢动物。

61、Eumeces chinensis from a Lishui population consumed a broad range of annelid, molluscan and arthropod invertebrates covering more than 30 families. ─── 丽水分布的中国石龙子(Eumeces chinensis)摄入的食物均为无脊椎动物,分别属于环节、软体和节肢动物,涉及30余科。

62、Study on the community of soil arthropod animals in Larix principis-rupprechtii plantetion in Saihanba ─── 塞罕坝华北落叶松人工林土壤节肢动物群落的研究

63、When using Arthropod, you can see the error right away. ─── 如果使用Arthropod就可以立刻看到错误消息。

64、A tough, protective, semitransparent substance, primarily a nitrogen-containing polysaccharide, forming the principal component of arthropod exoskeletons and the cell walls of certain fungi. ─── 几丁质一种基本上为含氮多聚糖的保护性半透明坚硬物质,是节肢动物外骨骼和某些真菌类植物细胞壁的主要组成部分

65、Most studies showed that the abundance of the natural enemies increased but that of the arthropod herbivores decreased or be controlled with the enhancing of the habitats and vegetational diversity. ─── 大多数的研究表明:增加系统内生境和植被多样性,能增加天敌的物种丰富度和种群数量,降低或抑制有害节肢动物的种群密度。

66、Monoclonal Antibody and its Application in Studying Arthropod Predation ─── 单克隆抗体及其在节肢动物捕食作用研究中的应用

67、any of various similar arthropod animals,such as spiders,centipedes,or ticks ─── 各种类似的节肢类动物,如蜘蛛,百足虫或蝉

68、Temporal Structure and Dynamics of the Arthropod Communities in Different Age's Jujube Orchard ─── 不同树龄枣园节肢动物群落时间结构及动态研究

69、Characters of soil arthropod community in Haidian District of Beijing ─── 北京市海淀区土壤节肢动物群落特征

70、The relationships of myriapods are central to most questions in higher-level arthropod phylogeny. ─── 它们之间的亲缘关系一直是节肢动物高阶元系统发育中众多问题的中心环节。

71、Ecological Risk Assessment of Bt Rice on Arthropod Community and Dominant Natural Enemies in Rice Paddy Habitat ─── Bt水稻对稻田节肢动物群落和优势天敌的生态风险评价

72、an arthropod family of the order Hymenoptera including: yellow jackets; hornets; mason wasps. ─── 包括在有序的膜翅目中节肢动物一族;黄蜂;大黄蜂;蚂蜂。

73、Consisting of or having two branches, as the appendages of an arthropod. ─── 两支的组成或有两肢的,如节肢动物的附属物

74、The proteins associated with Zhikong scallop LGBP have been reported in bacteria, fungi, poriferan, annelid, arthropod, echinodermata etc. ─── 与栉孔扇贝 LGBP相关的蛋白现已在细菌、真菌、海绵动物、环节动物、节肢动物、棘皮动物等中报道。

75、Key words: Wolbachia, endosymbiont, cytoplasmic heredity, arthropod. ─── 关键词:立克次氏体、细胞内共生物、细胞质遗传、节肢动物。

76、The Effects of Chemical Pesticides on Arthropod Community in Spring Wild Cabbage Field ─── 化学杀虫剂对春甘蓝田节肢动物群落结构的影响

77、An investigation of arthropod community composition in ornamental plants habitat in Shanghai ─── 上海地区花卉节肢动物群落组成调查

78、The Niches of Rice Planthopper and Its Major Predatory Arthropod in Different Resistant Paddy Fields ─── 不同抗性品种稻田稻飞虱及其主要捕食性节肢动物生态位研究

79、The outermost layer of cuticle of an arthropod exoskeleton, composed mostly of wax. ─── 上表皮节肢动物外骨骼最外部的一层表皮,基本上由蜡构成

80、See also algae, arthropod, bacteria, chordate, invertebrate, protist, protozoan, vertebrate. ─── 亦请参阅algae、arthropod、bacterium、chordate、invertebrate、protozoan、vertebrate。

81、In the fields of a short-term crop,due to its periodic transplantation and harvest,arthropod community appears periodically 3 different stages which are community reformation,development and collapse. ─── 在短期农作物生境中,周期性的种植和收割使得其中的节肢动物群落亦周期性地呈现出群落重新形成、群落发展和群落瓦解3个阶段。

82、Taiwanese woolly bat ate 19 prey items (18 arthropod orders), of which 11 items have no wings or poor flying ability. ─── 分析49只次的台湾彩蝠食性样本(39只个体,共198颗排遗)显示,台湾彩蝠共取食19个食物类群(18个目的节肢动物)。

83、No significant difference was found in the evenness of arthropod community and sub community for A B,A CK and B CK. ─── 在均匀度上 ,A和B及A CK、B与CK之间两类群落及亚群落上差异均不显著 . A和B对棉株节肢动物群落影响很小 .

84、Keywords entomology;arthropod;bio-indicator;ecological restoration;assessment; ─── 关键词昆虫学;节肢动物;生物指示物;生态恢复;评价;

85、Effect and the acting mechanisms of the habitats and vegetational diversity on arthropod community in agroecosystem ─── 农田生态系统中生境与植被多样性对节肢动物群落的影响及其作用机制探讨

86、An arthropod of the order Xiphosura, which includes the horseshoe crab and many extinct forms. ─── 剑尾目动物剑尾目中的一种节肢动物,包括鲎及许多已灭绝的节肢动物

87、ecological system in cotton fields,transgenic Bt cotton,arthropod community,Helicoverpa armigera,Propylaea japonica. ─── 01棉田生态系统,转基因棉花,节肢动物群落,棉铃虫,龟纹瓢虫

88、Relationships between eigenvalues of arthropod assemblage in complex tea plantation ─── 复合茶园节肢动物类群特征值关系研究

89、A temporary slide mount method for precise obseration of minute structure of small size arthropod ─── 小型节肢动物细微结构的观察方法

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