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08-16 投稿


plighting 发音

英:[?pla?t??]  美:[?pla?t??]

英:  美:

plighting 中文意思翻译



plighting 词性/词形变化,plighting变形

动词过去分词: plighted |动词现在分词: plighting |动词过去式: plighted |动词第三人称单数: plights |名词: plighter |

plighting 短语词组

1、plighting troth definition ─── 普利特定义

2、plighting troth ─── 普莱顿托斯

plighting 相似词语短语

1、delighting ─── n.高兴;vi.高兴;vt.使高兴;n.(Delight)人名;(英)迪莱特

2、lighting ─── n.照明设备,舞台灯光;v.照明;点燃(light的ing形式)

3、slighting ─── v.对(某人)冷落;摧毁(防御工事);粗心对待(slight的现在分词);adj.轻蔑的

4、alighting ─── v.降落;从(公共汽车、火车等)下来(alight的现在分词)

5、pighting ─── 猪笼草

6、uplighting ─── 向上照明

7、flighting ─── n.间歇式广告或跳跃式广告;v.[航]飞行;改变球的飞行路线(flight的现在分词)

8、-lighting ─── n.照明设备,舞台灯光;v.照明;点燃(light的ing形式)

9、blighting ─── v.使……枯萎;破坏,损害(blight的现在分词);adj.枯萎的;破坏性的

plighting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye? ─── 在自欺的情状之下众天神使其死亡的人,众天神必定问他们说:“生前你们是在什么情状之下呢!”

2、Why do you get into such a plight? ─── 你怎么落到这步田地?

3、Yc 10th regret d/a unacceptable suggest d/ plight plscable acceptance thanks cooperation. ─── 你10日电悉承兑交单歉难接受建议即期付款交单请回电接受谢谢合作。

4、We were deeply moved by her plight. ─── 她的困境深深地打动了我们。

5、His documentary "Night Shift" deals with the plight of underemployed foreign-trained professionals in Canada. ─── 他的纪录片“夜班”讲述了加拿大外籍培训职业人学非所用的困境。

6、Sensing my plight, a waitress immediately preferred a hot towel to wipe my forehead. ─── 一个服务员,见了我的窘样,急忙送上毛巾来让我擦擦前额。

7、Think carefully before you plight yourself to such a woman. ─── 你在答应同这么个女人结婚之前要三思啊。

8、Their plight tore at his heart. ─── 他们的困境让他感到很难过

9、The plight of several other advanced countries is similar, not least the UK. ─── 其它几个发达国家也面临着类似的困境,尤其是英国。

10、She was especially concerned with the plight of women homeworkers. ─── 她特别关注家庭女佣的生活困境。

11、After plunging into a sorry plight, the pollster quit poking about and plotted a conspiracy. ─── 在陷入困境后,那个民意调查者停止了游手好闲并策划了一起阴谋。

12、She was in a sad plight when her husband got ill and she had quite inadequate money for his medical expenses. ─── 她的丈夫生病了,她几乎没有钱来支付他的医疗费,她陷入了悲惨的境地。

13、At the same time, the plight of the poor remains ignored, or even rationalized in various ways. ─── 同时,他们对穷人的境遇要么漠然置之,要么就用各种方式将贫富分化的状况合理化。

14、His plight is somewhat pathetic,for that disqualifies him for judging the East and the West sanely and dispassionately. ─── 他的情形是有点可怜的,因为这么一来,他失掉批判东西文化的资格了,因为他不能作稳健合理、平心静气的批判。

15、Through the Internet, the plight of the Chinese in one country has become a political concern of all Huaren. ─── 一国华人的苦难,通过网络而成为全球华人共同面临的政治问题。

16、Break the Silence@ shows plight of a common mother and her self-sacrifice for her child. ─── 《漂亮妈妈》表现的是一位普通母亲所遭遇的困境以及她为孩子作出的自我牺牲。

17、She was in a most helpless plight. ─── 她真不知如何是好。

18、He had been in a sorry plight. ─── 他处于狼狈的境地。

19、But victims of discrimination are often reluctant to draw attention to their plight. ─── 但面对歧视,受害者们却常常不愿把事情闹大。

20、Cathleen's plight seemed to her more startling than catastrophic. ─── 她觉得凯瑟琳的情况主要是令人惊讶,而并非什么可悲的事。

21、He discovered the plight of the professor, stopped to ask what had happened. ─── 他发现了困境中的教授,停下来问发生了什么事。

22、He is in a sorry plight when he becomes ill and has no money. ─── 他贫病交困,处境困窘。

23、She was much concerned over the plight of the refugees. ─── 她很关心难民的状况。

24、The plight of the starving natives is appealing. ─── 土著居民挨饿的境况简直可怕。

25、If Keshab Babu himself was a genuine man, why are his disciples left in such a plight? ─── 如果柯沙布本人是一个真实的人,那么为什么他的门徒会在这样的状态下离去?

26、These three strategies reflect the plight of woman homosexuality in modern China. ─── 三种改写策略揭示出女性同性恋现象在当代中国独特的社会处境。

27、He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless . ─── 他贫病交加,处境十分困难。

28、Local Politicians took up the issue to express their understanding of the plight of their clients. ─── 后来,地方政界人物提出了这个问题,并就当地居民的困境发表了自己的意见。

29、An article that concerns the plight of homeless people. ─── 关于无家可归者处境的文章

30、After the tour, a curator quietly describes the museum's plight while her guests sip yet more sweet tea. ─── 参观完毕,有管理员娓娓介绍博物馆的境况,来宾就一杯接一杯地啜饮甜茶。

31、An advocate for the homeless gave a stirring speech about their plight. ─── 一个倡导者为无家可归者的困境做了一个激动人心的演讲。

32、He was in a tellible plight, trapped at the back of the cave. ─── 他正处于恶劣的情势,被诱入洞穴的后面。

33、He didn't know anything about her plight. ─── 他对她的困境一无所知。

34、He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless. ─── 他贫病交加,处境十分困难。

35、Orphan Net, is specialized in Orphan and other various plight of the children of non-profit relief organizations. ─── 孤儿网,是专门从事孤残儿童和其他身处各种困境的儿童救助的非营利性机构。

36、President Bush, you may remember, was notably unconcerned with the plight of the uninsured. ─── 大家记得,布什总统对没有医疗保险的人们的漠不关心是很明显的。

37、They flew to Europe to publicize the plight of the refugees. ─── 他们飞往欧洲报道难民的惨状。

38、He displayed a willful ignorance of their plight. ─── 对于他们的困境他故意装作一无所知。

39、Held in a camp in Algeria, the event helps draw attention to the plight of refugees. ─── 它在阿尔吉利亚的一个营区举办,来提高世人对难民困境的关注。

40、Homeowners struggling with their mortgages perhaps doubt that a zillionaire understands their plight. ─── 为房屋抵押而奋斗的私房业主也许会怀疑一个亿万富翁是否了解他们的状况。

41、He was in a sorry plight when he became ill and had no money. ─── 他贫病交困,处境困窘。

42、He felt that his present plight, bitter as it was, was largely due to Butler's opposition. ─── 他觉得他目前的窘境,这样惨痛,多半是由巴特勒的反对所造成的。

43、The plight of the poor in some remote areas is beyond our expectation. ─── 一些边远地区的穷人的困难境况是我们想像不到的。

44、The plight of rainforests has largely been ignored by the media. ─── 媒体在很大程度上忽视了热带雨林所面临的困境。

45、He was much concerned over the plight of the calamity-stricken people. ─── 他非常关心受灾群众的状况。

46、How did you get into such a plight? ─── 你怎么落到这步田地!

47、It also shows the FARC's cynicism about the plight of its hostages. ─── 它同时显示了FARC对它的人质们的玩世不恭的态度。

48、But the plight of the world compels his unwilling attention. ─── 但是世上的困境迫使他关注自己所不情愿关切的事务。

49、CIT's plight is meanwhile being used as ammunition in a rancorous debate over how to handle failed financial firms. ─── 与此同时,CIT的困境也被用作如何处理倒闭的金融公司(这里不知道该如何译?

50、CIT’s plight is meanwhile being used as ammunition in a rancorous debate over how to handle failed financial firms. ─── 与此同时,在讨论如何处理倒闭的金融公司的话题时,CIT的困境被当作替罪羔羊。这样翻译有没有点啥问题呢?

51、Needless to say, we feel keenly for the plight of the exploited and oppressed people the world over. ─── 不用说,我们对全世界被剥削和被压迫人民的悲惨处境深为同情。

52、I'm single,and has no intention of plighting his troth yet. ─── 他似乎没有能力养活自己的能力,但他也从来不认为自己有责任这么做。

53、She had made a plight to her husband and would keep it. ─── 她向丈夫发了誓并且将履行誓言。

54、Alexander is in a miserable plight. ─── 亚历山大陷入了可怜的困境。

55、Natasha could not see him in such a piteous plight without emotion. ─── 娜塔莎不能心平气和地望见他那副惨样子。

56、As a friendly neighbor of the afflicted countries, we have been filled with anxiety and sympathy for their plight. ─── 作为受灾国家的友好邻邦,我们对他们的灾情深感焦虑与同情。

57、Despite all the rhetoric the real burden of his song concerned the plight of the unemployed. ─── 不管他使用什么艺术语言,但他的主题是描写失业者的困境。

58、Pictures of doctors treating 40-odd people from the blazing boat have humanised their plight. ─── 医生对40余个从燃烧的船只中救出的难民的救治图片缓解了他们的困境。

59、She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless. ─── 她激动地讲述了无家可归者的困境。

60、Both sides agree that the plight of the children is painful and something should be done about it. ─── 双方一致认为,孩子们的境况是痛苦的,应该采取一些措施了。

61、Think carefully before you plight yourself to such a man. ─── 和这个人订婚前,你应三思。

62、One would need to have a heart as hard as a stone not to be moved by his pitiable plight. ─── 你需要有铁石般的心肠才不致被他可怜的处境所打动。

63、He was in a terrible plight, trapped at the back of the cave. ─── 他的处境甚危,掉进了山洞后面的陷阱里。

64、Her worry is evident, her plight demonstrable. ─── 她的担忧,她的困境都是显而易见的。

65、He had no solution of his own to the plight of the Third Army. ─── 他拿不出自己的办法来解决第三集团军被围困的问题。

66、He began to tell about his plight. ─── 他开始讲述他的困境。

67、She is indifferent to Peter's plight. ─── 她对彼得的保证反应冷淡。

68、Sympathy motivates altruism in relation to the plight of the recipient. ─── 同情心考虑接受者的困境,激励利他行为的产生。

69、No one can be a hero in the plight. ─── 在困境中没人能成为英雄。

70、With a final realization of the immensity of her love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her. ─── 克莱终于理解到她那无边的爱和这悲惨的婚约给她带来的是什么。

71、China's first Mall into how plight? ─── 中国第一商城陷入了怎样的困境?

72、It is marred, however, by songs that editorialize mawkishly about the children's plight. ─── 但是,它被吵闹而乏味的关于小孩子困境的评论文章污损了。

73、And she could somewhat pity Kudo's plight, though she also would not blame Ran for getting angry. ─── 她会稍微有点对工藤的困境感到遗憾,尽管她也不会怪兰发火。

74、A disagreeable or troublesome situation; a plight. ─── 困境不利或麻烦的形势;进退两难的境地

75、The reasons for the Ph.D.s' plight are complex. ─── 博士陷入困境的原因比较复杂。

76、CPI's misfortune in the Bayin Oboo wind farm represents the plight of the most wind farms in Inner Mongolia. ─── 中电投巴音敖包风场的遭遇代表了内蒙古大部分风场的困境。

77、Larger-than-life personalities plighting their troth and looking towards a bright tomorrow rarely feature. It's not very romantic. ─── 人们很少见到这些企业个性鲜明地起誓,畅想光明的未来。这听起来不太浪漫。

78、One would need to have a heart as hard as stone not to be moved by his pitiable plight. ─── 他的境况十分可怜,只有铁石心肠的人才会不为所动。

79、But his plight can only add to the impression, widely held west of Minsk, that Russia is an increasingly dark place. ─── 不过,他的病症只会加深明斯克以西的国家普遍持有的印象,那就是俄罗斯正日渐成为一片不见天日的暗黑之地。

80、Yet the plight of the news business does not presage the end of news. ─── 但新闻产业如今面临的困境并不预示着新闻的终结。

81、"The general situation (and perceived plight) of China's Muslims has resonated amongst the global jihadist community. ─── “中国穆斯林的总体处境(以及外界感知到的困境)在全世界的伊斯兰圣战组织中引起了共鸣。

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