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08-16 投稿


passable 发音

英:['pɑ?s?b(?)l]  美:['p?s?bl]

英:  美:

passable 中文意思翻译



passable 反义词


passable 短语词组

1、passable road ─── 通行道路

2、passable meaning ─── 通过意义

3、passable wigs ─── 可通行的假发

4、passable foods ─── 尚可的食物

5、passable app ─── 可通过的应用程序

6、passable stricture ─── 可通过的狭窄

7、in passable ─── 尚可

8、passable leaves ─── 可通行的树叶

passable 同义词

adequate | acceptable | travelable | all right | fair | average | admissible | satisfactory | traversable | mediocre | okay |tolerable | decent | safe | fair to middling | drivable | penetrable | respectable

passable 词性/词形变化,passable变形

副词: passably |名词: passableness |

passable 相似词语短语

1、kissable ─── adj.美丽而令人想吻的

2、causable ─── adj.可致使发生的,会惹起的

3、parsable ─── adj.可剖析的,可解剖的

4、passible ─── adj.易动情的

5、passably ─── adv.尚可地;也还过得去地

6、impassable ─── adj.不能通行的(名词impassability,副词impassably);无路可通的

7、unpassable ─── 不可通行的

8、amassable ─── 可测量的

9、classable ─── adj.可分类的

passable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When at length I had to show my guest to his room, I found it passable, and if the homeless cockroaches do not tickle the soles of his feet, he may manage to get a night's rest. ─── 终于不得不把客人领到他的房间时,我发现这间屋子还凑合能住。如果无家可归的蟑螂不搔痒他的脚板心的话,他对付着住一晚还是没问题的。

2、until the Canal is passable again. ─── 在河道畅通后方可通过。

3、The beauty of ASP.NET is that it provides you with a few good tools to raise the security bar to a passable level with a few clicks. ─── ASP.NET的好处是提供了一些好的工具,只需少量工作,就可以将安全标准提升到可以接受的级别。

4、AMG Review Human is a passable entry in the realm of coffee table trip-hop. ─── 第一次翻译音乐方面的东西,还不是很熟。特别是一些专业语言方面比较薄弱,忘见谅。

5、The welfare in your business is just passable. ─── 你们公司的福利真的是差强人意啊!

6、In other words, while using classes with integer constants like this might be a passable solution, it's not a very efficient one. ─── 换句话说,在使用这类带有整型常量的类时,该解决方案也许可行,但并不是非常有效。

7、She makes her own clothes (including a skirt made from hemp coffee bags) and, as she demonstrated during the election campaign, can also do a very passable Moonwalk. ─── 她自己做衣服(包括用麻质咖啡袋做成的一条裙子),而且,正如她在选举期间展示的,还能跳一段非常不错的太空步。

8、an indifferent performance; a gifted painter but an indifferent actor; her work at the office is passable; a so-so golfer; feeling only so-so; prepared a tolerable dinner; a tolerable working knowledge of French. ─── 一场平庸的表演;是一个天才的画家但却是一个中等的演员;她在办公室的工作还可以;一个平常的高尔夫球手;准备了一餐较好的晚饭;还可以的法语知识能力。

9、She put on a passable imitation of a Scottish accent. ─── 她模仿苏格兰口音还算过得去。

10、There are these levels of misdirection where everyone wants something that's passable, but no one wants something that could be spectacular. ─── 人们有个误区,都想找到通用的方法,但没人想找到特别的方法。

11、The task of 21st century WR work is WR supply safeguard for passable continued developing. ─── 为可持续发展提供水资源保障是21 世纪水利工作的任务。

12、Rent, lease, the total gives a passable, temporary feeling. ─── 租房,租房,总给人一种凑合、暂时的感觉。

13、He speaks passable English. ─── 他讲英文还过得去。

14、Of all kinds red ginseng goes situation is passable, the price is stabler also. ─── 各类红参走势尚可,价格也比较稳定。

15、The actors gave passaBle performances But the singers seemed unrehearsed. ─── 演员们的表演还过得去,但歌手们似乎未经过训练

16、Message: Fixed passable crash at adding new member to guild in specific map zone. ─── 修复工会在某些特定地图添加新成员的时候可能引起的当机。

17、He has a passable knowledge of English ─── 他的英 语 (知识) 还可以。

18、Guzman de rojas say the dictionary capacity still must is expanded to arrive at a passable accuracy rate of 90 percent. ─── Guzman de Rojas 认为词典的容量仍需扩充以达到约90% 的精确率。

19、Still, there's a nagging worry among more moderate groups as well that what has made the Waxman-Markey bill politically passable may have rendered it all but toothless. ─── 但是在温和派中也存在着一大忧虑,如同维克斯曼-马基法案得以在政治上通过的那些原因却可能被认为软弱无力一样。

20、Guzman de rojas say the dictionary capacity still must be expanded to arrive at a passable accuracy rate of 90 percent ─── Guzman de Rojas 认为词典的容量仍需扩充以达到约90% 的精确率

21、I wouldn't specifically recommend it, but I wouldn't deter anyone from going to give it a try, as it is passable. ─── 我不会特别推荐这家餐厅,但是若有人想试试我也不会阻拦。

22、His gut clenches at the realization that the door to Malfoy's room might not be similarly passable. ─── 当他想到Malfoy的门可能不会允许他通行时,他的心猛得下沉了。

23、At the same time they were evacuating, at least 200 other people were climbing toward the roof in that tower, unaware that a passable stairway down was available, and assuming incorrectly that they could open the roof door. ─── 与此同时,至少有200人在向楼顶跑,他们不知道有这条楼梯可以走,错误地以为可以打开通往楼顶的大门。

24、Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of transvaginal Sonohysterosalpingography(TV Sono-HSG) for oviduct passable test of infertility. ─── 目的探讨经阴道子宫输卵管声学造影对不孕症患者输卵管通畅情况的诊断价值。

25、She has a passable knowledge of Japanese. ─── 她的日语(知识)还可以。

26、Virtually every well-to-do family could muster a passable string quartet among its members, creating a constant demand for new scores. ─── 几乎每个富裕的家庭都可以从它的成员中凑出一个水平过得去的弦乐四重奏演出小组。

27、Stan puffed out his thin cheeks in a passable imitation of his dad. ─── 斯坦鼓起瘦瘦的脸颊,像模像样地模仿着他的爸爸。

28、But as it turns out, waiters see only a tiny bump in tips when they do an exceptional job compared to a passable one. ─── 但事实证明,即使服务员的工作做得非常出色,他们得到的小费也只会比合格服务员增加一点点。

29、She has a passable knowledge of history. ─── 她的历史知识还可以。

30、How can you know how many difficulties I have to endure before I can lift a passable print, soaking wet, out of the developer? ─── 你哪里知道我要熬过多少难关,才能从显影液里水淋淋地提出一张过得去的照片

31、If the check is failed by 4 or less, the item is passable but mediocre (granting no bonuses, and possibly a penalty of -1). ─── 如果鉴定失败了少于4点,那么东西能用,只是平常货色(假定不加调整值,通常使用时候受到-1惩罚)。

32、a passable path ─── 可通行的小路

33、at the end of last season, Rooney was to be found doing a more than passable impression of Park Ji Sung. ─── 在上赛季结束的时候,鲁尼甚至已经开始做朴智星的工作了。

34、Universities hand out academic awards to anyone with even a passable performance. ─── 大学甚至会给那些刚刚及格的人颁发奖学金。

35、His English pronunciation is passable. ─── 他的英语发音还说得过去。

36、The mountain roads are not passable until late spring. ─── 山路要到春季末期才能通行.

37、And now she is transplanted into the desert, in a land not passable, and dry. ─── 现今它被栽植在沙漠中,在那枯橾乾旱的地方。

38、He's not a brilliant tennis-player but he's passable. ─── 他不是一个优秀的网球运动员,但还过得去。

39、Its performance said toward good in: Quite passable. ─── 其表演往好里说:相当凑合。

40、Last year the company's results were only just passable. ─── 公司去年的效益差强人意。

41、It is usually not passable, even in sum-mer, because of ice. But melting ice makes it easier for ships to go through the Arctic. ─── 因为冰封,即使在夏天,这条路通常是不通的,但融化的冰使船只更容易通过北冰洋。

42、Never settle for anything passable, always excel.Passion: Our Company was established for gamers by gamers. ─── 江扬工作人员将以无比的耐心和信心,去拼搏和创造更好的产品;

43、The food (I had) was passable. ─── 我)吃得还可以。

44、They were making very fair progress, and now it looked as if the play would be passable, in the less trying parts at least. ─── 他们现在演得好多了,看来这出戏演得已能将就过去,至少在不太难的那几场里可以过得去了。

45、When asked how soon the second coming will be Cayce responded: "When those that are His have made the way clear, passable, for Him to come. ─── 当被问及第二次降临到底在什么时候时,凯西回答道:“当他所有的一切已为他的来临扫清道路、畅通无阻时。”

46、One of Xiamen University's French teachers confided that Chinese learn grammar much faster than European students, mastering passable French after only three years, but she qualified her praise, ─── 厦门大学的一位法语教师吐露说,中国学生能比欧洲学生更快地学会语法,仅三年后就能掌握过得去的法语。 不过她对自己赞美的话作了如下的修正:

47、In addition, passable happening the skin expression with liver common disease, if appearance of erythema, acne, lupus erythematosus is changed, expand grain, purpura is waited a moment. ─── 此外,尚可发生肝病常见的皮肤表现,如红斑、痤疮、红斑狼疮样改变、膨胀纹、紫癜等等。

48、The growing trend toward the integration and collectivization of the regional economic in the world and the just passable performance of APEC in moderating financial crisis ,motivated the formation of the "10+3" cooperating frame. ─── 世界经济区域一体化、集团化趋势的进一步发展,以及APEC在缓解金融危机方面的表现差强人意,促使了东亚"10+3"合作框架的形成。

49、a passable knowledge of German ─── 粗通德语.

50、a passaBle Bill ─── 可予通过的法案

51、Cheap aircraft cost is low, production is average the highroad breed is passable, high-grade machine is about to consider make the best use of everything to develop high-grade product in. ─── 低档机成本低,生产一般大路品种尚可,中高档机就要考虑物尽其用开发高档产品。

52、For analysis indication that is a passable way for comprehensive utilization of fly ash. lt has remarkable economy efficient and good environment efficient and society efficient. ─── 分析指出:这是粉煤灰综合利用的一条可行途径,具有显著的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。

53、A narrow hardly passable road ‘s being marked with bamboo Sticks. ─── 狭窄的道路北茂密的竹子覆盖着,使得道路都很难通行了。

54、Exactly. That outlet to the sea is the main channel for incoming and outgoing naval vessels. But it is passable only to one vessel at a time. ─── 没错儿。那个出海口就是军舰出入的航道。每次只能通过一艘军舰。

55、I found a little place where they made quite good fish and chips. Not as good as ours, mind you, but they were passable. ─── 我发现有个地方做的炸鱼和炸土豆也不错。不过可不象我们做的那么好,马马虎虎吧。

56、In the morning I changed all the foreign money in my possession, and bought myself a passable suit off the peg. ─── 上午我兑换了我所有的外币,给自己买了一套还算过得去的衣服。

57、Fairly good; passable. ─── 尚好的,较好的; 过得去的

58、All the main roads were made passable within a few days, although some still have temporary bridges. ─── 几天之内,几乎所有的道路都已通车,尽管有些搭建了临时的桥梁。

59、His English is passable. ─── 他的英语也还可以。

60、a passaBle road ─── 可通行的路

61、Italian people are frugal and, compared to the quality, capacity and date of delivery of the products, they are more caring about spending less money on the goods passable in quality and capacity. ─── 意大利人有节约的习惯,与产品质量、性能、交货日期相比,他们更关心的是花较少的钱买到质量、性能都说得过去的产品。

62、Our words continue to make passable sense because of continuity of change of theory: we warp usage gradually enough to avoid rupture. ─── 我们的语词由于理论的连续性而能继续为人理解:我们对用法的调整是渐进的,足以避免出现断层。

63、Hemiplegia is passable in have a headache hour, number is counted continuously after disappearing day or several weeks of time vary. ─── 偏瘫尚可在头痛消失后持续数小时、数天或数周时间不等。

64、Again like Cagney, he compensated for his passable singing and dancing abilities with all-out conviction and stole all his scenes. ─── 他再次以其令人信服的演技弥补了他不怎么样的歌喉和舞姿,并抢了他出现的场景中的所有镜头。

65、surveyor, if not of highways, then of forest paths and all across-lot routes, keeping them open, and ravines bridged and passable at all seasons, where the public heel had testified to their utility. ─── 又兼测量员,虽不测量公路,却测量森林小径和捷径,并保它们畅通,我还测量了一年四季都能通行的岩石桥梁,自有大众的足踵走来,证实它们的便利。

66、Are all passable in new school? ─── 在新学校一切都还好吗?

67、The airport road is passable today for the first time in a week. ─── 机场公路今天是一周来第一次可以通行。

68、The adults interviewed for this story called their Chinese skills passable at best; some even said wryly that their kids asked them not to try. ─── 接收此次报道相关采访的成年人称自己的中文水平最多只能算还过得去。一些人甚至自嘲地说,他们的子女要他们别再尝试说普通话了。.

69、In addition, venereal infection is passable those who cause the whole body is unwell, if luetic heart and vessels, nerve is damaged; ─── 此外,性病的感染尚可引起全身的不适,如梅毒的心血管、神经损害;

70、I was barely passable. ─── 最终我没能得到这份工作。

71、He was saving as much as passable in order to repay Jenner eventually . ─── 他尽量节省,目的在于还清金纳的债务。

72、The beauty of ASP. NET is that it provides you with a few good tools to raise the security bar to a passable level with a few clicks . ─── NET的好处是提供了一些好的工具,只需少量工作,就可以将安全标准提升到可以接受的级别。

73、The nearest job has been bustling about many , has not come to have looked at everybody for a long time, you are all passable? ─── 好久没写过日记了,原因是不想让过去那伤感的回忆,还留在我的生活。

74、cable passable space network ─── 电缆通道网络

75、He has a passaBle knowledge of English. ─── 他的英语(知识)还可以。

76、barely passable ─── 差可

77、The study is pulled by the window scene, can recieve a client, negotiate of general affairs with, modelling of edge wall bookshelf is special, besides buy book passable place adorn. ─── 书房凭窗揽景,并可接待客户、洽谈事务之用,沿墙书架造型非凡,置书之外尚可摆饰。

78、"The food is the same as in other prisons,--that is, very bad; the lodging is very unhealthful, but, on the whole, passable for a dungeon ─── “吃的东西和其他监狱一样,也就是说,坏极了,住的地方非常不卫生,但既然是地牢,也总算还过得去。

79、an indifferent performance; a gifted painter but an indifferent actor; her work at the office is passable; a so-so golfer; feeling only so-so; prepared a tolerable dinner; a tolerable working knowledge of French ─── 一场平庸的表演;是一个天才的画家但却是一个中等的演员;她在办公室的工作还可以;一个平常的高尔夫球手;准备了一餐较好的晚饭;还可以的法语知识能力

80、Again like Cagney, he compensated for his passable singing and dancing abilities with all-out conviction and stole all his scenes. ─── 他再次以其令人信服的演技弥补了他不怎么样的歌喉和舞姿,并抢了他出现的场景中的所有镜头。

81、"The streets are passable again. There isn't a soldier in sight. ─── “今天外面通行无阻,附近不见一个兵。

82、The improvement of scan-line method will make it passable that all kinds of polygons can be filled correctly by this algorithm. ─── 只有这样,通用扫描线填充算法才能做到真正的通用。

83、Neurosis patient environment gets used to ability passable, and character obstacle person general society malajustment. ─── 神经症病人环境适应能力尚可,而人格障碍者一般社会适应不良。

84、PASSABLE ANSWER: Disguise a strength as a weakness. ─── 参考回答:把一个有点说成是缺点。

85、Not as good as ours, mind you, but they were passable. ─── 不过可不象我们做的那么好,马马虎虎吧。

86、High-altitude stone bridge provides the only passable route to the east. Adverse weather conditions prevent close air support. Bridge towers constitute key terrain. ─── 海拔位置非常高的一座石桥,是唯一通往东面的路径,恶劣的天气和稀薄的空气。桥上的石塔是地图的关键。

87、Her English pronunciation is passable. ─── 她的英语发音还说得过去。

88、The capital positions of Europe's banks look passable but most of the existential questions about banking are arguably harder to solve for Europe than for America. ─── 欧洲各银行的资本情况看上去还行,但相比美国,绝大多数关于银行实体性判断的问题却证明很难解决。

89、“I'm flattered”, “not as good as you say”, as well as “just passable” are all expressions to show modesty. ─── “不敢当”,“不至于你说得那么好”以及“还凑合”之类的说法都表示谦虚。

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