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08-16 投稿


Craig 发音

英:[kreɡ]  美:[kre?ɡ]

英:  美:

Craig 中文意思翻译



Craig 短语词组

1、Craig's butter ─── [医] 克雷格氏试验(结核病的固定试验,改进的乏色曼氏试验)

2、craig mullins ─── 克雷格·马林斯

3、Craig's culture-medium ─── [医] 克雷格氏培养基(培养肠道原生动物)

4、bobby craig ─── 鲍比·克雷格

5、craig david mv ─── 克雷格·大卫mv

6、craig carter ─── 克雷格·卡特

7、Craig Ventner ─── [网络] 克雷格文特

8、Craig Smith ─── 克雷格·史密斯; ─── 克莱格-史密斯; ─── 克雷格-史密斯;

9、craig mello ─── 克雷格·梅洛

10、gary craig ─── 加里·克雷格

11、craig david born to do it craig david ─── 天生就是这么做的

12、craig david awkward craig david ─── 笨拙

13、craig david walking away craig david ─── 走开了

14、Marianne Craig Moore ─── [网络] 玛丽安·克雷格·摩尔(Marianne Craig Moore)

15、J. Craig Ventner ─── [网络] 克雷格文特

16、craig beck ─── 克雷格·贝 ─── 克

17、craig berry ─── 克雷格·贝里

18、craig green ─── 春夏男装系列

19、craig barker ─── 克雷格·巴 ─── 克

Craig 相似词语短语

1、craping ─── n.起绉,皱缩;v.使绉,戴黑绉纱(crape的ing形式)

2、craigs ─── n.克雷格(男子名)

3、craving ─── n.渴望;热望;v.渴望;恳求(crave的ing形式)

4、crazing ─── n.银纹;破裂;龟裂;细裂纹

5、craning ─── n.吊车,起重机;鹤;vi.伸着脖子看;迟疑,踌躇;vt.用起重机起吊;伸长脖子;n.(Crane)人名;(意、葡)克拉内;(英、法、西)克兰

6、crating ─── n.板条箱;篓;vt.将某物装入大木箱或板条箱中

7、craic ─── n.友好愉快的交谈;快乐的时光

8、Craig ─── n.克雷格(男子名)

9、crag ─── n.峭壁;岩石碎块;颈;嗉囊

Craig 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Craig had been whiling away his spare time in our basement. ─── 克雷格一直在我们的地下室里消磨他的业余时间。

2、Craig: Here we go again! Why do you put up with this guy, Amy? ─── 克雷格:又来了!爱咪,你怎麽能忍受这个?砘锇。

3、Craig: Does Rebecca need to know that though? ─── 克雷格:那李贝卡需要知道吗?

4、Fire of Stanford University and Prof Craig C. ─── Fire和46岁的马萨诸塞州大学教授Craig C.

5、Craig: But I want to give you a true taste of the outback. Crikey! A tiger snake! ─── 克雷格:但我想让你体验荒野的感觉。啊!有虎蛇!

6、Craig really bogue at times. I wish he'd stop telling those disgusting stories. ─── 克莱克有时真是假惺惺,我希望他不要再说那些恶心的故事了。

7、Craig is a slow runner, but he got a head start on the others, so he might win the race. ─── Craig这个家伙跑得很慢,可是他总是先比别人出发。所以赢得比赛的总是他。

8、Borrowing Brio company president to hold Mr CEO Craig Brennan concurrently to seek Hua Zhi opportunity, the reporter raised a variety of his question. ─── 借着Brio公司总裁兼CEO Craig Brennan先生访华之机,记者提出了自己的种种疑问。

9、This season they have more solutions. They can play with Crouch or play a different way with [Craig] Bellamy. Or play with both. ─── “本赛季他们可以多种打法。他们可用克劳奇或者用贝拉米有不同的打法,或者两者一块。”

10、Craig Waller is entrenched in print and would make a fantastic ambassador for the industry. ─── 克雷格沃勒是根深蒂固,在打印,并会作出神奇大使,为业界。

11、RNA interference,advanced by Andrew Fire and Craig Mello in 1998,has been a hotspot in the field of molecular biology. ─── RNAi自1998年首先提出以来,一直是分子生物学领域的研究热点。

12、Craig threatens to send Justin to boarding school and file criminal charges against Brian for having sex with a minor. ─── 克雷格威胁贾斯汀要把他送到寄宿学校并起诉布赖恩与未成年人发生性关系。

13、Craig Dillenbeck decided to give it a try. ─── craig Dillenbeck决定对该网站进行一次尝试。

14、Joining Craig is veteran actress Judi Dench, who continues her role as M. ─── 与克雷格一同搭档的是老牌女星茱蒂.丹契,她将接续M夫人的角色。

15、She did everything," Craig Robinson says. ─── 克雷格·罗宾逊说:“所有事情都是她做的。”

16、"I was picked up playing Sunday football for a team in Wallasey called Greenleas along with Craig Lindfield. ─── “我是从周日的业余足球队中选拔出来的;和我一同被选上的还有克雷格-林菲尔德。”

17、Craig: Sounds interesting. Do you have anything in a twenty-liter capacity? ─── 克雷格:听起来不错。你们有容积廿公升的机种吗?

18、Kathy is talking on the phone to Craig. ─── 凯西正在给克雷格打电话。

19、Craig isn't slow on the uptake, he just needed some good advice. ─── 克雷格理解力并不差,他只是需要一些好建议。

20、Do a video for YouTube, set up a MySpace page, or put an ad on Craig's List. ─── 你想参加竞选活动么,想成为演讲专稿人么?

21、Craig Harris, IGN Nintendo Executive Editor: I just hope that the last two years hasn't soured the publishers from attending. ─── 克雷格哈里斯,游戏,任天堂执行编辑:我只希望在过去两年里并没有恶化的出版商参加。

22、He got along famously with contemporaries such as Craig, but he terrified junior officers. ─── 他与他同时代的诸如克莱格等人齐名,但他常常让初级军官们感到害怕。

23、Craig and I decided that whatever this macrobiotic thing was, we wanted to be part of it. ─── 克莱格和我暗下决心,不管养生饮食到底是怎么回事,我们也要投身进去。

24、Craig Venter agrees with Dr.Raven.Dr. ─── 冷藏的自然能够充分地代替真正的自然吗?

25、Craig Withers, from a charity try trying to radicate eradicate the worm, told the BBC the battle is nearly won. ─── 但吸管上特殊的过滤器可使人们避免感染。

26、Upon Craig's return to Canada, he found that Free the Children had been catapulted to an organization of national prominence. ─── 魁格回到加拿大时,他突然发现“解放儿童”已一举成为了全国备受瞩目的组织机构。

27、Take a leaf out of Craig Busch and Karen Grey Brook's book. ─── 从CraigBusch和KarenGreyBrook合著的书中取出一片叶子。

28、Craig J McClain:Yes, actually the Asian population is very interesting because some of my co-workers are from China. ─── Craig J McClain教授:是的,实际上我对亚洲人群很感兴趣,我的一些同事就来自中国。

29、"Once those two met, they only had eyes for each other," says Costner's college friend Craig Cessna. ─── “当他们俩一相似,他们眼中就只有对方。”凯文的大学朋友Craig Cessna说。

30、Craig: Do you think this position is a good fit for Rebecca? ─── 克雷格:那么你认为这个职位适合李贝卡?

31、Craig J McClain:This really goes back to work that was done by our group and doctor Deal's group over a decade ago. ─── Craig J McClain教授:这是我们和Deal医生研究小组10年前的一项研究成果。

32、Craig is a very strong-minded manager. ─── 克雷格是个很果断的经理。

33、They are coming to terms with life without Craig Bellamy up front while bedding down two new strikers in Jason Roberts and Benni McCarthy. ─── 他们本赛季的前锋将是两位新的射手罗伯茨和麦卡锡而不是贝拉米。

34、General Craig visited Hagaru-ri and recommended it to Smith as a forward base. ─── 克雷格将军视察了古土里,随后建议史密斯将其作为一个前进基地。

35、Craig denies the truth about his son until he confronts Justin, who refuses to stop seeing Brian. ─── 克雷格拒绝承认事实直到他见到贾斯汀并禁止他再见布赖恩。

36、Craig has arrived at Kathy's house after borrowing her bicycle. ─── 克雷格在借了凯西的自行车后,又返回凯西的家。

37、Craig Waller says the use of personalised print was incredibly effective and helped to increase the pre-registration conversion rate for DPW by 8%. ─── 克雷格沃勒说,使用个性化打印,是令人难以置信的有效,并有助于增加预先登记的转换率为dpw 8 % 。

38、He says incoming power forward Craig Smith has been sensational in these scrimmages. ─── 他说,传入的大前锋,史密斯已在这些私人比赛耸人听闻。

39、Craig: I am. I'm having dinner at a fancy restaurant. Do you want to come with me? ─── 克雷格:我要啊。我要在一间高级餐厅吃晚餐,你想一起来吗?

40、However,boss Mark Hughes remains confident he can persuade Craig Bellamy to snub a move to Liverpool this week. ─── 不过主帅马克-休斯对于劝说他拒绝红军还是充满信心。

41、Craig Lindfield is hoping Liverpool will allow him to return to Accrington Stanley on loan next season. ─── 克雷格-林德菲特希望下赛季利物浦允许他以租借的形式回到艾宁顿。

42、Mr. Craig: Dear Lady, Would you tell me how old you are? ─── 克雷格先生:这位女士,我可以问一下你的年龄吗?

43、The guitar used by the former Beatle was bought by Craig Jackson at an auction at the Abbey Road Studios late Friday. ─── 上周五(7月28日),美国收藏家克雷格·杰克逊在著名的伦敦阿比路录音棚拍卖会上买下了前甲克虫成员的这把吉他。

44、But Craig Nelson's massively researched “Rocket Men” provides further details on this as on much else. ─── 但克雷格-尼尔森在大量研究踏月第一批人后,对埃尔德林这个问题以及其他问题上提供了更多的详情。

45、Craig: I've just come from our party's headquarters. Everyone there feels the same. ─── 克雷格:我刚才去过党的总部。那里每个人都同样没精打采。

46、"This (the mosque) is going to be huge," said Alan Craig, a representative of the Christian Peoples Alliance on Newham Council. ─── “这 (清真寺)将会很大,”纽汉姆区议会基督教人民联盟的代表爱伦.克莱葛说。

47、Craig: Emotional?! He seemed a little crazy to me. He broke up with you for no reason! ─── 克雷格:情绪化?!在我看来他似乎有点疯狂吧。他毫无理由就跟你分手!

48、Craig is expected to make his official announcement Saturday during a press conference in Boise. ─── 克雷格将会在周六在博伊斯举行的一个新闻发布会上正式宣布这一决定。

49、Craig: Yes. We have a lot of stuff. ─── 克雷格:没错,我们东西很多。

50、Craig is the first blond man to play 007. ─── 丹尼尔.格列是首位金发帅哥扮演007。

51、Craig: She might. Or she might really appreciate your advice. ─── 克雷格:她肯定会的。或许他真的感谢你劝告。

52、Craig can keep his head in a tense situation. ─── 克雷格可以在紧急关头依然保持头脑冷静。

53、"The smaller number of genes does indicate in creased complexity," says Craig Venter, CEO of Bethesda, Maryland. ─── “基因数量较少千真万确地表明复杂性的增加,”马里兰州贝塞斯达的赛莱拉基因组学公司总裁克瑞格 - 温特说。

54、Craig: So you think you should give it to her? ─── 克雷格:那么,你想把它给李贝卡?

55、Wolfsburg manager Steve McClaren has failed to lure Craig Bellamy to Germany for a year-long lon spell. ─── 在长达一年的追求之后,沃尔夫斯堡主帅麦克拉伦诱使贝拉米出走德国的愿望终成泡影。

56、Craig: Is deciding who gets the position completely your decision? ─── 克雷格:那你最后决定把这个职位给谁?

57、The well-publicised recent announcement that Daniel Craig will be the new actor to play James Bond has only added to the interest. ─── 刚刚宣布的Daniel Craig将作为新一任詹姆斯邦德扮演者的消息,又增加了公众对这方面的兴趣。

58、I didn't want to go to the prom with Craig. ─── 我不想和克雷格一起参加学年末的舞会。

59、Craig: I see. I had a 3)suspicion Jen was once a 4)cheerleader . ─── 克雷格:我了解了。我就怀疑阿花曾经当过啦啦队员。

60、Craig Moore, 28, took his revenge on the camera, which had flashed him in the Hyde area of Manchester, in August 2005. ─── 克雷格·摩尔现年28岁,他用于报仇雪恨的这架照相机于2005年8月在曼彻斯特海德地区拍到了他超速驾驶的一幕。

61、Bowing to the wishes of Hillary Clinton, who blocked him from his preferred field of foreign policy, Craig was made White House Counsel. ─── 尽管克雷格首选外交政策领域,但被希拉里所阻,只得在后者的要求下成为了白宫顾问。

62、"We must minimise sub-surface and blow-out risks, and this steers us to the location we have chosen," says Craig. ─── “我们必须把表面下和喷出风险降到最低,这把我们转向我们选的地点,”克雷格说。

63、"After their first sail, they were all ready to get off-and some of them still get a little seasick, " Craig Bach says. ─── “继他们首次航海之后,他们已经准备好一切,然而,他们之中还有个别人还有晕船的现象。”克雷格巴赫说。

64、He can deal with big-name players( Henrik Larsson), as well as awkward ones( Craig Bellamy). ─── 他不仅能够和像亨里克·尔森这样的大牌球星相处融洽,也能够驯服贝拉米这样的刺头。

65、Craig, what do you do for work? ─── 克雷格,你是做什么工作的?

66、Said Pentagon spokesman Rear Adm. Craig Quigley "We don't consider this a security issue at all. ─── 五角大楼发言人海军少将克雷格·奎格利说:“我们根本不认为这是一个安全问题。

67、Craig Monroe doubled just fair down the left-field line in the second and Thames singled to center on the next pitch. ─── 他让克莱德在第二局打出沿著左外野边线的二垒安打,下一球又被马可斯敲出落在中外野的安打。

68、A Walmart spokeswoman offered an apology to Craig and said the retailer was looking into how the incident could have happened. ─── 据路透社报道,沃尔玛女发言人已经向克雷格致歉,并表示该店正在调查事故原因。

69、Craig: Your boyfriend makes me nervous. He sounded really angry. Do you think he'll beat me up? ─── 克雷格:你的男朋友让我很紧张耶。他听起来真的很生气,你觉得他会不会痛扁我一顿啊?

70、Reverend Elijah Craig is credited with being the first to age bourbon whiskey in charred casks. ─── 他第一次使用碳化的橡木桶来熟化波本威士忌。

71、For example, Craig is a C-3 quadriplegic completely paralyzed, he can only move his head. ─── 举个例子来说,克雷格是一个C-3级的四肢瘫痪者,而且是完全瘫痪,他只能移动他的头部。

72、Craig Thornley, medical officer of health in influenza. ─── CraigThornley说,确切的说现在还不能确认他们是否感染猪流感。

73、Author show the Craig theorem and Herbrand theorem for The 3 valued logics MP,MP*,MF,MF*,ME and ME*. ─── 作者获得并证明三值命题逻辑MP与MP 、三值谓词逻辑MF与MF 以及带等词的三值谓词逻辑ME与ME 的Craig中插定理与Herbrand定理。

74、W.Graham Solomons / Craig B. ─── 上一篇:下载Organic Chemistry(T.

75、Craig Cathcart started with Vidic against the Kaizer Chiefs, while Jonny Evans was given his chance in the game with Pompey. ─── “在南非我们得到一些好比赛,我们对我们做出的成绩感到满意。我们的体能在不断提升。”

76、Craig isn' t slow on the uptake, he just needed some good advice. ─── 克雷格理解力并不差,他只是需要一些好建议。

77、Craig: I am! This is the day that I show Mr. Phillis that I can run this company. ─── 克雷格:是的!今天我该让飞利浦先生知道我经营这间公司。

78、As part of the realignment, the company elevated a second chief technical officer, Craig J. ─── 作为重新组合的一部分,公司提升了五十六岁的克莱格.

79、Craig Moore,28, took his revenge on the camera, which had flashed him in the Hyde area of Manchester, in August2005. ─── 克雷格·尔现年28岁,他用于报仇雪恨的这架照相机于2005年8月在曼彻斯特海德地区拍到了他超速驾驶的一幕。

80、Craig: Yeah, I am happy. I just sold three of my paintings! ─── 克雷格:对啊,我很开心。我刚卖掉了我的三幅画!

81、He can deal with big-name players (Henrik Larsson), as well as awkward ones (Craig Bellamy). ─── 他不仅能够和像亨里克·拉尔森这样的大牌球星相处融洽,也能够驯服贝拉米这样的刺头。

82、"Craig is a big cente-half that we have been watching from afar," revealed Plymouth boss Sturrock on the Pilgrims'website. ─── “格雷格是个大中卫,我们观察他很久了,”普利茅斯经理斯特鲁洛克在俱乐部官网上说。

83、"Craig Cathcart is looking much stronger after injury and the intention is to put him on loan this season. ─── “卡斯卡特在受伤后更为强壮了,我们计划这赛季将他出租。

84、My original intent was to list them for sale on "Craig's List" (online classifieds), but I never got around to it. ─── 我原本是想将它们晒到“克雷格的清单”(在线分类广告)上去甩卖的,但我却从未着手去做这件事。

85、Craig:Hey, stop throwing tennis balls at me! Ow! ─── 克瑞格:嘿,不要再拿网球丢我了!哇呜!

86、He narrowly beat David Beckham and James Bond hero Daniel Craig. ─── 他险胜大卫·克汉姆和“007英雄”丹尼尔·雷格,拔得头筹。

87、"Craig, Kieron and Darren remain under treatment but are making good progress," said Robson. ─── “他们三个人现在仍然在治疗当中,但是进展非常良好。”

88、Craig Bellamy, the Liverpool striker, was in advanced talks with West Ham last night. ─── 克雷格·贝拉米,利物浦前锋,昨晚预先和西汉姆进行了谈话。

89、Craig Venter said that the discovery would make patents on single genes less useful. ─── 克瑞格 - 温特说,这一发现使单基因专利的用途大为减少。

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