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08-16 投稿


tartness 发音

英:[?tɑ?rtn?s]  美:[?tɑ?tn?s]

英:  美:

tartness 中文意思翻译



tartness 短语词组

1、tartness pungency ─── 酸辣

2、tartness pungency crossword ─── 辛辣的填字游戏

3、tartness pungency crossword clue ─── 辛辣字谜线索

4、tartness crossword ─── 字谜

5、tartness synonym ─── 酸涩同义词

6、tartness meaning ─── 酸涩的意义

tartness 词性/词形变化,tartness变形

动词过去式: tarted |形容词比较级: tarter |副词: tartly |动词现在分词: tarting |名词: tartness |动词第三人称单数: tarts |形容词最高级: tartest |动词过去分词: tarted |

tartness 相似词语短语

1、tacitness ─── n.内隐性;隐含性;非文字化

2、smartness ─── n.机灵;敏捷;现代风格

3、starkness ─── n.严厉;质朴无华;严酷;明显(stark的名词形式)

4、swartness ─── 草皮

5、tartiness ─── 辛辣

6、apartness ─── n.冷漠;孤独

7、tautness ─── n.拉紧;紧固度

8、peartness ─── 梨性

9、tardiness ─── n.缓慢,迟延

tartness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“Rui”comes from “Ruiqi ”which means dash and tartness in Chinese. ─── “锐”代表锐气,锋利之意。

2、We'd like to have a black coffee,an ice coke,a strawberry tart,and a slice of chocolate sponge cake. ─── 我们要一杯清咖啡、一杯冰可乐、一份草莓馅饼、一片巧克力蛋糕。

3、No, it smell tart. ─── 不,这东西闻起来酸溜溜的。

4、He can is quite tart. ─── 他有时很刻薄.

5、They taste tart and sweet and tangy. ─── 尝起来辛辣、甜甜的、浓浓的气味。

6、He gave a tart reply. ─── 他作了尖刻的回答。

7、They said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly . They had brick for stone, and they used tart for morter. ─── 3他们彼此商量说,来吧,我们要作砖,把砖烧透了。他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。

8、tart red berries similar to American cranberries but smaller ─── 与美国酸果蔓相似但个头较小的酸的红色浆果

9、I don't like a tart apple. ─── 我不喜欢吃酸苹果。

10、A tart temper never mellows with age. ─── 凶悍的性情,绝不会因为年龄增长而变得温和。

11、While the boys were discussing the car accident, Bill tart in that the road was icy. ─── 大家正谈论车祸时,比尔补充说路面因冰冻而很滑。

12、Do what you can to tart up the house before the buyers come to look at it;cover up the bad marks on the walls with some paint,and polish the floors. ─── 在买主来看房子之前,尽量把它装饰得好看些,用涂料把墙上的污迹盖掉,把地板擦得亮亮的。

13、Elaine is going to get in trouble one of these days because she likes to tart herself up and go to low bars to find men. ─── 伊莱恩最近老是打扮的花枝招展的到酒吧勾引男人,她会有麻烦的。

14、I wish she will not tart herself up for the party ─── 我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,花枝招展

15、Unmold, fill the edge around the tart with apricot cream and top with apricot halves. ─── 将蛋糕从模型中取出,将杏桃奶酱涂抹于蛋糕四周并将糖渍杏桃至于其上.

16、I had rhubarb tart with a lot of cream. ─── 我吃了添加了许多奶油的大黄小馅饼。

17、Do what you can to tart up the house before the buyers come to look at it; cover up the bad marks on the walls with some paint, and polish the floors. ─── 在买主来看房子之前,尽量把它装饰得好看些,用涂料把墙上的污迹盖掉,把地板擦得亮亮的。

18、large spiny tropical fruit with tart pulp related to custard apples ─── 多刺的热带大水果,果肉酸,与奶油冻苹果相近

19、In the flesh she can be tart, a pedant even. ─── 她本人就是个学究式的人物。

20、hard and tart; used primarily in cooking. ─── 又硬又酸;主要用于烹饪。

21、The results showed that VO(tart) 2 and VO(acac) 2 were safe and could significantly lower the glucose level in the blood of mice,exhibiting greater anti-diabetic activity than VOSO 4 and NH 4VO 3. ─── 在实验性动物模型上研究了这些配合物的初步毒性和降血糖作用。结果表明:酒石酸氧钒和乙酰丙酮氧钒具有活性高、安全性好的优点,显示出潜在的应用前景。

22、Kanematsu said in a statement to the food content of melamine, the average adult, even if his life every day to eat egg tart 428, will not cause any health risk. ─── 兼松在一份声明中说,以该食品的三聚氰胺含量,普通成年人就算一辈子每天吃428只蛋挞,也不会对健康造成风险。

23、She popped the tart into the oven. ─── 她把果馅饼很快地放进烤箱里。

24、I'd love a portion of strawberry tart. ─── 我想来一份草莓馅饼。

25、Its delicate egg tart is the most popular among all, and it is also the tastiest too! ─── 我们买了两个蛋挞,两个烧包,两个加央角和两个金枪鱼派;都非常新鲜烫手!

26、But the antler hunting sword has a good quality.The rigidity,tartness and preservation are not bad. ─── 不过那把鹿角猎刀得品质就很不错得说。硬度、锋利度和保持性都非常得不错。

27、The second day, he ate a round fruit which tasted tartness but felt comfortable with the stomach. Thus he named it "Dark plum" . ─── 第二天,他尝了一种圆果子,只感到嘴里酸酸涩涩的,吃下去之后觉得胃里、肠里舒服了许多。神农氏将它取名为“乌梅”。

28、small tart usually used as a canape. ─── 小个的果馅糕点,常用做烤面包片。

29、I don't expect you to tart yourself up like this.fs ─── 我没想到你会打扮得这么俗气。

30、On one side of a plate, place a warm chocolate tartlet, glaze the surface with the chocolate sauce. Place a chocolate crust on top of the tart. ─── 将温热的巧克力塔放置于盘子的一边并涂上巧克力酱汁再以巧克力碎饼装饰。

31、Celebrity Chef Jamie Oliver will serve a dinner of Scottish organic salmon, Welsh lamb and a traditional Bakewell Tart for G-20 leaders at the prime minister's residence Wednesday. ─── 在本周三首相官邸举办的晚宴上,名厨詹姆斯.奥利弗为参加G20的各国领导人准备了苏格兰野生鲑鱼、威尔士羊羔和传统的考馅饼。

32、A short crust pastry lattice tart filled with layers of sponge soaded with liqueur and topped with slices of apple. ─── 意大利利口酒风味蛋糕表面铺满片片苹果外面还有一层果冻。

33、Tart; sharp; cutting. ─── 刻薄的; 尖锐的; 锐利的

34、We'd like to have a black coffee, an ice coke, a strawberry tart, and a slice of chocolate sponge cake. ─── 我们要一杯清咖啡、杯冰可乐、份草莓馅饼、片巧克力蛋糕。

35、Heat the remainting jam and liqueur until smooth. Arrange the fruit on top of the tart, then brush the jam glaze over it. Chill until ready to serve. ─── 加热剩余的果酱和甜酒直至混合均匀。把水果排列到馅饼上。刷上果酱。冷置后食用。

36、If there is a gulf between you and someone you care about, be the first to tart building the bridge. ─── 如果在你和你所关心是人之间出现裂痕,要主动沟通,首先架桥。

37、I wish she would not tart herself up for the party. ─── 我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,花枝招展。

38、It exquisitely matches filled peaches,soft macaroons,fruits tart and pastries. ─── 与桃子,杏仁饼干,水果蛋糕等搭配为佳。

39、The mini blueberry tart was firmer in texture with offering s of berry fruit and subtle tastes of almond and honey and I would dress this one with a Tempus Two Botrytis Semillon. ─── 小型越橘果馅饼质地紧密,有杏仁和蜂蜜的味道,吃果馅饼时,我会饮用赛莱雄白葡萄酒。

40、Drover: I wouldn't have it on with you if you were the only tart left in Australia. ─── 我也不会上你的,即使你是留在澳大利亚的唯一的妓女。

41、tartness of some wines is due to high concentrations of L-malate. ─── 一些酒的酸味是由于L -苹果酸的高浓度。

42、Combine the seafood mixture and the Gruyere cheese together. Arrange the mixture in the tart mould. ─── 将冷却的海鲜材料倒入碗中,加瑞士细孔芝士拌匀,放入挞中。

43、Many brands to choose from: Yin-Pa, Dai Xin, thinking Meilan, Sting, Danha Park, love skin, Naibi, Sila Yin Korea make-up test series, Nobilia tart, noble, true-sim, PURITA Series, such as cosmetics. ─── 众多的品牌供您选择:茵葩兰、黛欣、思美兰、斯汀、丹哈泊、爱肤、奈碧、考丝拉茵韩国彩妆系列、柏丽挞、贵族、婵真、PURITA等系列化妆品。

44、preventing sausage , preserved ham , ham , dried meat floss and beef jerky from greesing and tartness. ─── 腊肠、腊肉、火腿、肉松、牛肉干等肉制品,能防止这些食品的油脂酸败。

45、And lots of the really sweet and tart stuff, too, including citrus fruit, peaches, kiwi, cherries, blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, cantaloupe and other melons. ─── 另外还有很多甜酸辛辣的食材,包括柑橘类水果、桃子、奇异果、樱桃、蓝莓、小红莓、草莓、罗马甜瓜及其他甜瓜。

46、She replied, speaking for the first time, in her usual tart and offhand way. ─── 于是她开口回答了,用她平常那种尖酸刻薄的声调随口说道。

47、Whole Stamping, heat treatment, blade special make, tartness and orderliness. ─── 整体冲压,热处理,刃口特殊处理,剪切锋利,剪口整齐。

48、He did not despise this beautiful concubine who was also a tart, for though she was both these things she was also nothing. ─── 他不轻看这位姨太太,这位暗娼,这位美人,她是一切,又什么也不是。

49、My hearts a tart, your bodys rent. ─── 我心中一涩,你体内的租金.

50、Yeh, now I tart to feel sorry for the rabbit. ─── 对啊!连我现在都有点同情它了。但是它还是离我远一点比较好。

51、Scarlett had not intended to do any cotton-picking herself, even after Grandma Fontaine's tart remark. ─── 思嘉莉特虽然领教过方老太太那一番尖刻的教训,却仍然不打算亲自下田去采棉。

52、any of several tart red or black berries used primarily for jellies and jams. ─── 几种酸的红色和黑色浆果,主要用于做果冻和果酱。

53、or perhaps you like custard, or, maybe, a tart, ─── 或也许你喜欢软冻,或,也许,酸

54、Tart: Sharp-tasting because of acidity. Occasionally used as a synonym for acidic. ─── 尖酸的:由酸度所产生的尖锐的感觉。偶尔用作“酸的”同义词。

55、I didn't expect you to tart yourself up;we're going to an official reception, not a student's dance. ─── 我没想到你会打扮得这么花枝招展,我们是参加官方招待会,不是学生舞会。

56、Lewis's tart comment on Lord Nuffield, his city's greatest entrepreneur and his university's most generous benefactor. ─── Lewis’s曾这样酸溜溜地评论过他所在城市最成功的创业家以及大学最慷慨的捐赠人,LordNuffield。

57、large spiny tropical fruit with tart pulp related to custard apples. ─── 多刺的热带大水果,果肉酸,与奶油冻苹果相近。

58、This story give us a tora that no matter what a sword tartness,it cann't compare whit the affecting smile. ─── 所以我说的第一种武器,并不是剑,而是笑,只有笑才能真征服人心。”

59、At Yogudo, chicken salads are a delicious combination of chicken, vegetables, and grass jelly, topped by tart yogurt. ─── 在优谷多,鸡肉沙拉是鸡肉、蔬菜和仙草冻的美味结合,上面再淋上酸酸的优格酱。

60、The voice was tart, high, businesslike, the tone flat, midwestern, abrasive ─── 他的声音又尖又高,听来是那么严肃认真,他的口气平淡而枯燥,是中西部美国人的口气。

61、Tart words make to friends:a spoonful of honey will catch more flies than gallon of vinegar. ─── 一匙蜂蜜比一加仑醋能引来 -

62、Yes,I'd love a portion of that strawberry tart. ─── 好的,我要一份那种草莓馅饼。

63、"She's a fine decent tart," he said with appreciation. ─── “她是个规矩的好妞儿,”他赞赏地说。

64、This plum tart, along with the peach, cherry and pear tarts are typical Luxembourg desserts and can be found in almost every Patisserie. ─── (Along with a large selection of French pastries) 这是卢森堡的甜点心之一,口味辛辣,可在一般的法式蛋糕店买到,其它还有桃子、樱桃和梨口味的。

65、She's a fine decent tart, he said with appreciation. ─── “她是个规矩的好妞儿,”他赞赏地说。

66、Plump berries are my seduction; tart sweetness is my guile. You will fall in love with me at first taste, and the love will be indivisible. ─── 圆润果实是我诱人的幌子,酸中带甜的独特个性就是要让你惊艳不已,细细咀嚼就会疯狂爱上我,让你体会无法割舍的爱恋滋味。

67、tart and mean; bitterly sarcastic ─── 尖酸刻薄

68、She had a mischievous streak, a tart tongue and confidence in her own literary worth. ─── 1946年她升为资讯专家,在1949年成为出版主编。

69、My car is getting old; I think I'll tart it up with a respray and try to sell it. ─── 我的汽车越来越旧了,我想把它重新喷涂装饰一下,然后设法把它卖了。

70、He could smell the pine, the tartness of nearby tree SAP. ─── 他又嗅到松树和附近树汁尖酸的气味。

71、East Indian tart yellow berrylike fruit. ─── 东亚地区的酸的黄的象浆果的水果。

72、tart red berries similar to American cranberries but smaller. ─── 与美国酸果蔓相似但个头较小的酸的红色浆果。

73、In streamlining Walter Kirn's novel for the screen, Reitman created a savory dish with a tart undertaste, and Clooney responded to the movie's maturity with the most nuanced performance of his career. ─── 基恩在屏幕前面对精简沃尔特的小说,雷特曼开创了一个犀利的回复,和克鲁尼回应说,他的职业生涯中最微妙的表现就是电影的成熟。

74、A layer of tart crisp crisp skin, and then sandwiched between delicate delicious egg pudding, a bit off, crisp with a soft but not sweet and again in digestible. ─── 一层层香脆酥松的蛋塔皮,中间再夹着细嫩好吃的蛋布丁,一口咬下,酥中带软却不甜腻又易消化。

75、However, some yogurt is heat-treated to extend shelf life or reduce tartness, a process that kills the cultures. ─── 然而,很多酸奶为了延长保质期或降低酸度,都经过了热处理,这个过程会杀死这些益生菌。

76、Most people wouldn't consider a meal finished unless they had a pudding -- steamed jam roll, apple pie, treacle pudding, strawberry tart. ─── 大多数人只有在吃了甜点之后才会认为一顿饭是吃完了。甜点有蒸果酱卷、苹果派、糖浆布丁、草莓馅饼。

77、Her tart reply offended me. ─── 她的刻薄的回答激怒了我。

78、Tart words make no friends: a spoonful of honey will catch more flies than gallon of vinegar. ─── 尖酸的话交不到朋友:一匙蜂蜜比一加仑醋能引来更多的苍蝇。

79、Were farm workers as lazy as us not to grind sickles to be tartness? ─── 难道农场的工人也和我们一样懒,连镰刀也不磨利点?

80、I wish she will not tart herself up for the party. ─── 我希望她别为了宴会打扮得珠光宝气,花枝招展。

81、He can be quite tart. ─── 他有时很刻薄。

82、The Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy is based in Washington, D.C.It is an organization of about one hundred eighty groups, government agencies and businesses. ─── 它是一个大约一百八十个团体,政府机构和企业的组织。

83、small tart oval to spearpoint-shaped leaves; ─── 小而酸的椭圆形到牙轮顶尖形的叶子;

84、Did he know that his daughter was a tart? ─── 刘四晓得不晓得他女儿是个破货呢?

85、This type of vinegar carries a strong flavOf a taste of tartness, rich in color and with a theck consistency and sweet taste.It has potential for future development success. ─── 其醋香浓郁、酸味醇厚,色深浓稠、回味鲜甜,是一个很有开发前途的地方优良特色产品。

86、Tart words make to friends: a spoonful of honey will catch more flies than gallon of vinegar. ─── 尖酸的话交不到朋友;一匙蜂蜜比一加仑醋能引来。

87、small tart oval to spearpoint-shaped leaves; preferred to common sorrel for salads. ─── 小而酸的椭圆形到牙轮顶尖形的叶子;多指做色拉用的普通酸模。

88、These acids give the fruits tartness and slow down bacterial spoilage. ─── 这些酸把水果并减缓细菌酸的性质。

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