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08-16 投稿


aerosphere 发音


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aerosphere 中文意思翻译



aerosphere 短语词组

1、aerosphere az az ─── 大气层

2、aerosphere inc aerosphere ─── 公司

3、aerosphere copd ─── 慢性阻塞性肺病

4、aerosphere entertainment ─── 空中娱乐

5、aerosphere co2 ─── 大气二氧化碳

6、aerosphere mdi ─── 大气层mdi

7、aerosphere uk ─── 英国大气层

8、aerosphere geneva ─── 日内瓦大气层

aerosphere 相似词语短语

1、astrospheres ─── n.中心球;地核

2、ecosphere ─── n.(地球或其他行星上的)生物圈;生态圈,生态层(指理论上可供生物生存的宇宙空间)

3、astrosphere ─── n.中心球;地核

4、geosphere ─── n.岩石圈;[地质]陆界

5、exosphere ─── n.散逸层(地球大气层的最外层)

6、centrosphere ─── n.[细胞]中心球;地核

7、aerophore ─── n.呼吸面具;通风面具

8、mesosphere ─── n.[气象]中间层;[气象]中圈

9、atmosphere ─── n.气氛;大气;空气

aerosphere 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Trans - aerosphere vehicle(TAV) ─── 跨大气层飞行器

2、The aerosphere and magnetic field of the earth can protect humans from ultraviolet radiation and X-rays. ─── 大气层和地球磁场能保护人类免受紫外线和x光辐射。

3、Effect of Sun Radiation on Surface Temperature of Ballistic Target Above Aerosphere ─── 太阳辐射对大气层外弹道式目标表面温度的影响

4、4.For electric discharge of through extremely thin, but the coldest high aerosphere, creates in atmospheric the magnificent photoluminescence. ─── 为通过极稀薄而最冷之高气层之放电,造成大气中的瑰丽发光现象。

5、Application of computer on the aerosphere environmental impact assessment ─── 计算机在大气环境影响评价中的应用

6、Broken;burst;ulcerate;fester serious or local nigrescent, aerosphere can be placed in affected part, shun local press press, notice apply medicine, make at an early date heal. ─── 破溃严重或局部发黑,可在患处放置气圈,避免局部受压,并注意敷药,使之早日痊愈。

7、Ionosphere scintillation and aerosphere scintillation ─── 电离层闪烁和大气闪烁

8、To the bee, glass is a kind of numinous mysterious substance, they never had encountered this kind of aerosphere that cannot penetrate suddenly in nature; ─── 对蜜蜂来说,玻璃是一种超自然的神秘之物,它们在自然界中从没碰到过这种忽然不可穿透的大气层;

9、Calculation of Optical Cross Sections and Infrared Emissivity Spectra of Collssol Composite Micro-particles in Aerosphere ─── 大气汽溶胶复合微粒子群的光学截面及红外发射率光谱的计算

10、IR radiation distribution of ballistic target flying above aerosphere[J]. ─── 引用该论文 杨华,宣益民,李强.

11、Transient interaction flow field of the multi-lateral jet hypersonic interceptor in the aerosphere was calculated by means of unsteady Navier-Stokes equations. ─── 利用非定常N-S方程数值求解技术,计算了大气层内高超音速拦截弹带多个横向喷流的瞬态干扰流场,为拦截弹瞬态多侧向喷流的精确控制力建模提供了理论参考依据。

12、The first in 21 centuries in 10 years, pass through award of the mechanism newspaper of aerosphere airship first test-fly, this kind of airship uprights between common plane and spacecraft. ─── 在21世纪的第一个10年里,穿越大气层的机关报型飞船奖首次试飞,这种飞船介于普通飞机与宇宙飞船之间。

13、On chromatics, blue is tonal include a series of cool color color piece, but the water blue from aerosphere, the navy to the tradition is blue. ─── 在色彩学上,蓝色色调包括一系列的冷色色块,可从大气层的水蓝色,到传统的海军蓝。

14、While most of the X-rays are absorbed after it enters the aerosphere , only a few can reach the ground. ─── 尽管大部分x光在进入地球时被大气层吸收了,当仍有少数能到达地球。

15、Pollution has destroyed the aerosphere to some extent. ─── 污染在一定程度上破坏了大气层。

16、Blue: Traditional blue often becomes amorous feelings of the tropics in contemporary adornment design reflect, this one colour is familial include a series of cool color scene piece, from the water blue of aerosphere, to navy blue. ─── 蓝色:传统的蓝色经常成为现代装饰设计中热带风情的体现,这一色彩家族包括一系列冷色色块,从大气层的水蓝色,到海军蓝。

17、The space ship flies into the sky and flies through the aerosphere. ─── 宇宙飞船直上九霄,最后飞离了大气层。

18、3.I look up the sky, the starlight was very resplendent. arrogant thought make myself got lost in the out of the aerosphere, without courage to do self-question. ─── 我抬着头仰望星空的璀璨,把膨胀的自己抛向失重的大气层之外,从没有勇气看自己疮痍的背面。

19、Respective aerosphere structure characteristics in snowing weather and freezing weather of Guiyang ─── 贵阳降雪和凝冻天气的大气层结特征

20、On longitudinal it is the permeability variation in a big way, and the aerosphere scope small. ─── 纵向上具有渗透率变化大、气层范围小的特点。

21、Topic on aerosphere with space flights ─── 神行太空话说大气层

22、He says, because chop denudation to silvan excessive, can let more carbon dioxide enter aerosphere, this meeting makes the action of earthly climate balancer big sell at a discount. ─── 他说,由于对森林的滥砍滥伐,会让更多的二氧化碳进入大气层,这会让地球气候平衡器的作用大打折扣。

23、Emissions of harmful substances into the aerosphere continue unabated and look like they will get worse before they get better. ─── 毫不节制地向大气层排放有害物质有增无减,日趋恶化。

24、By analysis and contrast with the mature anti-infrared interferents under aerosphere, on the basis of experiments, expanded graphite is selected as the additive of the pyrotechnic anti-infrared smoke interferents under vacuum; ─── 通过对大气层下成熟的抗红外干扰材料的分析比较,在实验的基础上,选择膨胀石墨作为真空下燃烧型抗红外烟幕干扰剂的添加剂;

25、On longitudinal it is the permeability variation in a big way, and the aerosphere scope small. ─── 纵向上具有渗透率变化大、气层范围小的特点。

26、5.The process of escape and sucedent emergency separation of spacecraft modules when spacecraft rising besides aerosphere is a complex process of multi-body relative motion. ─── 在上升段大气层外当出现紧急情况时航天飞船的逃逸及随后的舱段应急分离过程是复杂的多个舱段的相对运动过程。

27、When I was facing with my daughter I didn’t dare to tell her about the aerosphere, I couldn’t tell her if she came out the plane she would fall down, if I did so I will break all her imagination. ─── 面对两岁多的女儿,我不敢给她讲大气层是怎么回事,不能说从飞机出去会掉下去,这样就破坏了她所有的想象。

28、This paper discussed the concept and range of the monsoon marginal belt and demonstrated it from three aspects, that is aerosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. ─── 本文提出并讨论了季风边缘带的概念范围,并按大气圈、岩石圈和生物圈等三个方面对自然灾害的特点和成因进行了论证。

29、The development of space techology also enabled us to forcast the weather in and beyond the aerosphere, making it convenient for those who go outdoors. ─── 靠航天技术,我们将来可以找到最好的化肥,找到最好的植物生长剂和品种,那时候,我们在座的各位就能吃到改良后的美味苹果了。

30、Calculation of optical cross sections and infrared emissivity spectra of collsol composite micro-particles in aerosphere ─── 大气汽溶胶复合微粒子的光学截面及红外发射率光谱的计算

31、For instance, the airplanes and helicopters can not lose the helping role of the aerosphere. ─── 如,飞机、直升机不能失去大气层的辅助住作用。

32、IR radiation distribution of ballistic target flying above aerosphere ─── 大气层外弹道式目标红外辐射分布研究

33、The research on optical characteristics of micro-particles of collosol in aerosphere ─── 大气汽溶胶微粒子光学特性的研究

34、The most important meterological factors influencing disease development are,firstly,relative moisture of aerosphere,and secondly,air temperature. Rainfall is adverse to disease development. ─── 影响病害消长的最重要气象因素是大气相对湿度,其次是气温,降水对病害发展是不利的。

35、The implementation of the dynamic IR image simulation on space target outer aerosphere is introduced. ─── 介绍了大气层外空间目标动态红外图像仿真的实现。

36、Calculation of optical cross sections and infrared emissivity spectra of collosol micro-particles in aerosphere ─── 大气汽溶胶微粒子光学截面及红外发射率光谱的计算

37、When will EVE step into the times spaceships entering the aerosphere of a planet? ─── 需要多久才能实现呢?

38、While most of the X-rays are absorbed after it enters the aerosphere, only a few can reach the ground. ─── 尽管大部分x光在进入地球时被大气层吸收了,当仍有少数能到达地球。

39、Space is the fourth activity field after land, ocean and aerosphere. ─── 太空是人类继陆地、海洋、大气层之后的第四活动领域。

40、Trial Research on Temperature Model of Measurement Route in Juxtaterrestrial Aerosphere ─── 近地大气层测线温度模型的试验研究

41、Ionosphere scintillation and aerosphere scintillation ─── 电离层闪烁和大气闪烁

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