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vascular 发音

英:[?v?skj?l?r]  美:[?v?skj?l?(r)]

英:  美:

vascular 中文意思翻译



vascular 常用词组

vascular disease ─── 血管疾病

vascular dementia ─── n. 血管性痴呆;血管型失智症

vascular bundle ─── [植]维管束

vascular 反义词


vascular 短语词组

1、vascular accentuated ─── [医] 血管杂音

2、vascular bed ─── [医] 血管床

3、fetal vascular tufts ─── [医] 胎血管丛

4、Haller's vascular tissue ─── [医] 哈勒氏血管组织(眼脉络膜血管层)

5、vascular cecal fold ─── [医] 盲肠血管襞

6、cognate vascular bed ─── [医] 同源血管床

7、vascular bundle ─── [医] 维管束

8、conditioned vascular reflex ─── [医] 条件 ─── [性]血管反射

9、purpura acute vascular ─── [医] 急性血管性紫癜

10、positive vascular conditioned reflex ─── [医] 阳性条件血管反射

11、cardiaco-vascular cycle ─── [医] 循环周期

12、lymph-vascular ─── [医] 淋巴管的

13、encephalotrigeminal vascular syndrome ─── [医] 脑三叉神经血管综合征

14、vascular circle ─── [医] 口唇动脉环

15、vascular arborization ─── [医] 血管分枝

16、cardio-vascular adj. ─── 心血管的

17、blood-vascular system ─── [医] 血管系统

18、vascular bud ─── [医] 血管芽

19、vascular calculus ─── [医] 血管石

vascular 词性/词形变化,vascular变形

名词: vascularity |

vascular 同义词

vascular 相似词语短语

1、vascula ─── 植物采集箱,采集用囊(vasculum的复数)

2、muscular ─── adj.肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的

3、vesicular ─── adj.囊的;水泡的;有泡的

4、facular ─── adj.光斑的

5、oscular ─── adj.出水孔的;接吻的;嘴巴的

6、macular ─── adj.(眼球)黄斑的;斑点的,斑疹的

7、vascularly ─── 与血管有关,在血管方面

8、avascular ─── adj.[医]无血管的

9、calcular ─── 计算

vascular 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To investigate the endovascular treatment of peripheral vascular anomaly in children and its efficacy. ─── 摘要目的研究儿童外周血管畸形的血管内治疗方法及疗效。

2、Until now, ELAM-1 is mainly studied in vascular diseases. ─── 到目前为止,ELAM-1的研究主要在血管疾病中进行。

3、A type of undifferentiated plant tissue that gives rise to vascular tissue. ─── 原始形成层植物分层组织的种类,产生维管束组织

4、To study perfect vascular access in HD patients. ─── 探讨慢性肾功能衰竭患者血液透析理想的血管通路。

5、Vascular trachied, fibretracheid and libriform wood fibres were also found. ─── 一端为单穿孔板,另一端为梯状穿孔板的导管;

6、It does not show sheaths around the vascular bundles. ─── 它并没有显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。

7、But after vascular embolization, the efficacy usually shows better result in initial stage. ─── 但是血管栓塞治疗以后呢,它往往开始较好

8、The development of corouary atheros-elerosis reduces the capacety of the vascular bed adapt to hypoxic stress. ─── 动脉硬化的发展降低了血管床适应血氧压力的能力。

9、Leaf blades with 5 vascular bundles, abaxial surface somewhat scabrid. ─── 叶片具5维管束,背面有点粗糙。

10、Excessive eating salt easy to let a person produce tension, elevated blood pressure, still can effect vascular flexibility. ─── 过量食入盐容易让人产生紧张情绪、血压升高,还能影响血管的弹性。

11、Normally, the first step is to give intervening therapy, that is vascular embolization therapy. ─── 一般先做介入治疗,就是血管栓塞治疗。

12、The veins of leases are parallel, and the vascular bundles have bundle sheaths. ─── 平行脉序,维管束具有维管束鞘。

13、Mouse Vascular Endothelial cell Growth F... ─── 小鼠血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)试剂盒;

14、Any of various vascular plants,including seed plants and ferns,having a conducting system of xylem and phloem. ─── 导(维)管植物任何种类的维管植物,包括种子植物和蕨类植物,具有木质部和韧皮部导管系统

15、What is peripheral vascular disease? ─── 什么是周围血管疾病?

16、Branchlet pith without vascular strands, pubescent. ─── 小枝的髓没有维管束,被短柔毛。

17、This apparatus is reliable on diagnosis of vascular ED. ─── 本仪器是诊断血管性ED的有效仪器。

18、Smoking tobacco is responsible for many debilitating diseases such as chronic bronchitis and vascular diseases. ─── 吸食烟草会造成许多身体衰弱的疾病,例如慢性支气管炎及慢性血管疾病。

19、If they are not palpable, a referral for vascular assessment and treatment may be necessary. ─── 如摸不到搏动,就应安排血管评估和治疗。

20、Human Dermal Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells! ─── 人真皮血管平滑肌细胞!

21、The clinical application of distally based island flap pedicled with vascular axis of the sural superficial nerve. ─── 带腓肠神经营养血管蒂逆行岛状皮瓣的临床应用。

22、In some cases, secondary damage in the vascular system or opposite kidney may account for this. ─── 有些病例,可能是由于脉管系统或对侧肾脏有继发性损害之故。

23、SETTING: Center for Vascular Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of University of Cologne. ─── 单位:德国科隆大学医院血管外科中心。

24、AHF could also inhibit Ca2+ uptake of vascular tissues from normotensive rats. ─── 本工作提示,AHF的降压机制可能与其抑制血管平滑肌特别是小动脉血管平滑肌Ca~(2+)内流有关。

25、Any hematoma may indicate a vascular injury; and. ─── 任何血肿要怀疑血管损伤。

26、The hormone estrogen has been proven to protect women from cardio vascular disease and osteoporosis. ─── 已经证实,雌激素可以保护妇女避免心血管疾病和骨质疏松。

27、My botanical interest is largely confined to the reproductive processes in vascular plants. ─── 我对植物学的兴趣主要限于维管植物的生殖过程。

28、The role of IAA in the differentiation of the vascular elements was discussed. ─── 对于IAA在嫁接体维管分子分化过程中的作用进行了讨论。

29、All the vascular bundles are interconnected so that transport between organs carried on rapidly and efficiently. ─── 所有维管束都互相连通,因而得以迅速而有效地完成器官之间的运输。

30、None of the subjects had a history of previous stroke or transient ischemic attack, but did have at least one vascular risk factor. ─── 所有的患者都未出现过中风或短暂性缺血发作,但存在至少一种血管危险因素。

31、The vascular plants may be grouped into a single division, the Tracheophyta. ─── 具维管组织的植物在分类学上都归属为一个单独的维管植物门。

32、This article provides a brief historical overview of the major means used for vascular access since the start of chronic hemodialysis. ─── 本文提供了一个简单的历史概况的主要手段用于血管通路开始以来维持性血液透析。

33、High-dose Morphine Impairs Vascular Endothelial Function by Increased Production of Superoxide Anions. ─── 大剂量吗啡通过增加过氧化阴离子生成而损伤血管内皮功能。

34、It also showed intense vascular blush on angiography. ─── 其血管摄影亦显示出其高血管性。

35、Histamine was considered the primary mediator of inflammatory vascular responses. ─── 人们考虑组织胺为血管炎症性反应的主要介质。

36、Thirdly, there was a close relationship between vascular plants and bryophytes. ─── (3)维管植物发育程度与苔藓层发育关系密切;

37、One of the tubular conductive vessels in the xylem of vascular plants. ─── 导管维管植物的木质部中的管状引导管之一

38、One of the numerous vascular projections of the small intestine. ─── 小肠绒毛小肠内大量的维管突起

39、The innermost layer of the cortex that forms a sheath around the vascular tissue of roots and some stems. ─── 内皮层皮层的最内层,在根、茎的导管组织周围形成一道叶鞘(茎衣)

40、There was a tendency for the pulmonary vascular resistance to decrease in HS and HSD groups as compared with NS group. ─── 与NS组比较,HS组和HSD治疗后肺血管阻力呈下降趋势。

41、The interface between the surface and the underlying vascular stroma consists of cells with variable amounts of nuclei and cytoplasm. ─── 之间的接口表面和血管基质的基本组成细胞的变量数量的细胞核和细胞质中。

42、Auxin also causes the plant to develop a vascular system, to form lateral roots, and to produce ethylene. ─── 生长素还能使植物形成维管系统,形成侧根,并产生乙烯。

43、Rosemary is rich in the anti-oxidant, carnosic acid which dilates the cerebral vascular tissues. ─── 迷迭香富含抗氧化剂和鼠尾草酸,它们都有助于大脑血管组织扩张。

44、The major infection sites were lung(51. 4% ) and vascular access (16. 7% ) . ─── 感染部位主要为肺部(51.4%)和血管通路(16.7%)。

45、Paleozoic simple dichotomously branched plants of Europe and eastern Canada including the oldest known vascular land plants. ─── 分布于欧洲和加拿大东部的古生代简单的二岐式植物,包含最古老的脉管陆地植物。

46、In vascular, gastrointestinal, bladder, uterus, bronchus, and hair roots around the pupil where the muscle is called smooth muscle. ─── 在血管、胃肠、膀胱、子宫、支气管、瞳孔周围以及毛发根等地方的肌肉叫平滑肌。

47、More secondary phloem than secondary xylem in carrot Parenchyma predominates in vascular tissues. ─── 在胡萝卜根,薄壁细胞在维管组织中占主导地位,次生韧皮部比次生木质部更发达。

48、We report on a case in which the tumor presented as a perirenal hilar mass encasing the right renal artery without causing vascular occlusion. ─── 本文介绍一个罕见的后腹腔淋巴瘤的表现:肿瘤将肾动脉包围而没有引起肾动脉的阻塞。

49、Scar left on a twig by the vascular bundles when a leaf falls. ─── 叶脱落时维管束遗留在枝上的巴痕。

50、A new method is developed to detect vascular edge-line in coronary angiograms. ─── 摘要提出了1种用于选择性冠状动脉造影血管边缘提取的新算法。

51、Has similar tissue organization at both surfaces with a row of vascular bundles under each epidermis. ─── 叶两面组织相同,有一排维管束在表皮下,很特殊。

52、It shows two well-developed sheaths around the vascular bundles. ─── 它显示出两个发育完全之维管束鞘位于维管束周围。

53、Fullness tumor vascular and intense stain could be seen on DSA. ─── DSA显示瘤内血管丰富,呈血管团样,静脉期染色。

54、Any of various vascular plants, including seed plants and ferns, having a conducting system of xylem and phloem. ─── 导(维)管植物任何种类的维管植物,包括种子植物和蕨类植物,具有木质部和韧皮部导管系统

55、Vascular distribution of face was observed on 10 sides cephal ficial cast specimens. ─── 在 10侧头面部铸型标本上 ,观测面部血管分布 ;

56、Methods:The venous vascular and muscular stimulation test、the allergic test and the hemolytic test were adopted. ─── 方法:采用静脉注射血管刺激性、肌肉注射刺激性、过敏试验和溶血试验。

57、The expression of Fas antigen in hemangioma and vascular malformation. ─── Fas抗原在血管瘤及血管畸形中的表达及意义。

58、The primary chalazal haustorium ramifies around the vascular tissues of the ovule. ─── 初生合点吸器沿着胚珠的维管组织分支。

59、The central retinal vein occlusion is a common retinal vascular disorder in middle-aged or elder people. ─── 摘要视网膜中央静脉阻塞是中老年人群发病率较高的致盲性视网膜血管性疾病。

60、Choice of the Hepatic Vascular Occlusion for Resection of Large Liver Cancer with Cirrhosis. ─── 合并肝硬化的大肝癌切除时肝血供阻断的选择。

61、Title: The expression of Fas antigen in hemangioma and vascular malformation. ─── 关键词:血管瘤;基因表达;抗原类;免疫组织化学

62、In woody plants, tissues outside of the vascular cambium. ─── 木本植物维管形成层外部的组织。

63、Study of the Transition from Procambium to Vascular Cambium In Erythrina Arborescens Roxb. ─── 原形成层向维管形成层转化的研究。

64、CPB induces the injury and activation of vascular endothelial cells,which may be recovered about 72 h after CPB. ─── CPB可导致血管内皮细胞的广泛损伤/活化,这种损伤大约72h恢复。

65、It stretches from the leaf base to the vascular ring in the stem axis. ─── 它由叶子基部的维管束延伸至茎轴的维管束。

66、HHT is an autosomal dominant disordercharacterized by vascular dysplasia. ─── HHT是常染色体显性遗传性血管发育异常的一种疾病。

67、A stele that has a solid core of vascular tissue. ─── 原生中柱一种有管状组织的实心中柱

68、CDUS was an efficient method for the diagnosis of the vascular ED. ─── 彩色多普勒超声对诊断血管性ED有重要意义。

69、Results: Vascular smooth muscle cells did not contribute to any stage of heterotopic ossification in either mouse model. ─── 结果:在所有的鼠模型中血管平滑肌细胞都没有促进任何时相的异位骨化。

70、Chang Cui-qing et al. Effects of Haw Flavone on Human Vascular Endocelial Cells.China Public Health. ─── 常翠青,陈吉棣。山楂总黄酮对人血管内皮细胞的作用。中国公共卫生。

71、In BMR there are 1 056 species of vascular plants, belonging to 556 genera and 154 families. ─── 据统计,该区有维管束植物154科,556属,1056种。

72、Retinal vein occlusion is the second most common retinal vascular disease. ─── 摘要视网膜静脉阻塞是网膜血管疾病第二常见的疾病。

73、Infected pseudoaneurysm from hemodialysis vascular access was highly suspected. ─── 我们便高度怀疑,这是源自血管通路之感染性伪动脉瘤。

74、The Therapeutic Study on Children with Oral and Maxillofacial Vascular Tumor. ─── 儿童口腔颌面部脉管瘤的治疗特点。

75、If the arterioles are contracted, the size of the vascular bed is decreased. ─── 如果小动脉收缩,血管床就会减

76、Branchlet pith without vascular strands. ─── 小枝髓没有维管束。

77、Models of segmental heterotopic small intestine transplantation were established using three sleevelet vascular anastomosis. ─── 采用三袖套血管吻合法建立大鼠节段性异位小肠移植模型。

78、Intrafascicular cambium (fascicular cambium) The part of the VASCULAR CAMBIUM within the vascular between the xylem and phloem. ─── 束中形成层:是位于木质部和韧皮部构成的维管束内的一部分维管形成层。

79、Nicergoline in treatment of vascular cognitive disorder: a prospective, multicenter clinical trial. ─── 尼麦角林治疗血管性认知功能障碍的前瞻性、多中心临床研究。

80、It shows one sheath around the vascular bundles. ─── 它显示出在维管束周围的鞘状构造。

81、The cuticles of most vascular plants are covered with a thin layer of largely hydrophobic constituents. ─── 大部分维管囊植物的角质层都被有薄薄一层很疏水的成分。

82、Sporophyll The sporangium-bearing structure of vascular plants. ─── 孢子叶:是维管植物中的产生孢子囊的结构。

83、Be a vascular surgeon: preserve, repair, or reconstruct vessels. Life and function run through them. ─── 做一个血管外科医师:保护,修复或重建血管。生命和功能在血管中流动。

84、Midrib included one closed vascular system and one additional vascular strand. ─── 主脉中维管组织环状,封闭,具有一个副维管束;

85、Experimental Study of the Influence of Jiannaotongluo Recipe on Cerebral Histopathology of Vascular Dementia Rats. ─── 健脑通络益智方对血管性痴呆大鼠脑部病理组织学影响的实验研究。

86、Procambium (procambial strand) The layer of cells that gives rise to the vascular tissue. ─── 原形成层(原形成层束):形成维管组织的一层细胞。

87、Dinosaurs tend to have highly vascular zed bone early in life and then develop dense bone with growth rings as they reach maturity. ─── 恐龙在其一生的前阶段拥有密布血管的骨骼,而当其成年以后则具有厚厚的骨骼。

88、The result indicates that MRA shows good ability of detecting intracranial vascular disorders in AHS study. ─── MRA是AHS重要的诊断技术 ;

89、Vascular loop compression of the eight cranial nerve was found in all patients. ─── 术中均见有血管袢压迫第viii颅神经。

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