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08-17 投稿


fissured 发音

英:[?f???d]  美:[?f???rd]

英:  美:

fissured 中文意思翻译



fissured 短语词组

1、fissured nature ─── 裂缝性质

2、fissured clay ─── 裂隙黏土

3、fissured fracture ─── 裂缝骨折

4、fissured tongue and psoriasis ─── 舌裂与银屑病

5、fissured tongue disease ─── 裂舌病

6、deep-fissured ─── [医] 深裂纹的

7、fissured toe ─── 裂趾

8、fissured workplace ─── 裂缝工作场所

9、fissured usg ─── 裂纹usg

10、fissured chest ─── [医] 胸裂

11、fissured pelvis ─── [医] 纵裂骨盆

12、fissured 562 ─── 裂缝562

13、fissured tongue ─── [医] 裂缝舌

14、fissured rock ─── 裂隙岩石

15、fissured ulcer ─── [医] 裂开性溃疡

fissured 词性/词形变化,fissured变形

动词第三人称单数: fissures |动词过去式: fissured |动词过去分词: fissured |动词现在分词: fissuring |

fissured 相似词语短语

1、fissures ─── n.裂纹(fissure的复数形式);[涂料][材]龟裂;v.(使)分裂(fissure的第三人称单数形式)

2、insured ─── adj.已投保的;被保险的;n.被保险人,受保人;v.给……保险,投保(insure的过去式和过去分词)

3、fissural ─── 间隙的(fissure的变形)

4、fissure ─── n.裂缝,(尤指岩石上的)裂沟;分歧;vt.(使)裂开,分裂

5、fissiped ─── adj.足趾分裂的,裂足的;n.裂趾类动物

6、fissled ─── 费斯勒

7、coinsured ─── v.共同保险;共同担保

8、assured ─── adj.自信的;确定的;有把握得到的;n.被保险人;v.使确信;弄清;确保;保险(尤指人寿险)(assure的过去式和过去分词)

9、figured ─── v.是……的重要部分;认为;计算;(人)起重要作用;(虚构的人物的)出现;估计;在意料之中;用图表描绘;用图案装饰(figure的过去式及过去分词);adj.饰有小图案的,有花纹的;图示的

fissured 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、fissured tongue ─── 皱襞舌沟裂舌裂缝舌阴囊舌

2、It is associated with high perinatal mortality, thick fissured skin, marked ectropion (eyelid eersion), eclabium (eersion of the lips), and flexion deformities. ─── 常伴有围产期高死亡率、皮肤肥厚、显著的眼睑外翻、唇外翻和关节弯曲畸形。

3、fissured chest ─── [医] 胸裂

4、This method being distinct in concept and simple in calculation is well suited of the engineering properties of fissured clay. ─── 此法概念明确、计算简单、比较符合裂土工程性质的特点。

5、Flow through Fissured Media with Dual Porosity and Nonlinear Elastic Behavior ─── 双重孔隙介质非线性流固耦合渗流

6、fissured rock ─── 有裂缝的岩石

7、deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves. ─── 北美东部每年落叶灌木状树种,树皮裂纹很深,放射状小白香花,叶带酸味。

8、Using this apparatus shear strength of large-size fissured loess samples formed in different time are tested with different loading methods. ─── 介绍了一种改装的便携式直剪仪,并用该仪器测试了不同形成时期、不同加载方式作用下大尺寸裂隙性黄土样的抗剪强度。

9、The maturity of the fault fold structure in Cenozoic controls the development of structural traps in the foothill belt and the formation of fissured gas pools. ─── 新生代断褶构造发育程度控制了山前带构造圈闭的发育和裂缝性气藏的形成。

10、Based on the fractures of penetrability formation and fissured formation, the leak resistance and sealing technology while drilling was put forwards based on physical method. ─── 文章介绍了目前国内外随钻防漏堵漏技术的研究与应用现状及常规处理井漏的方法,针对渗透性漏失及裂缝性漏失地层特点,首次提出了基于物理法随钻防漏堵漏技术。

11、red fissured tongue ─── 红色纹裂舌

12、tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3, a dense crown, and dark brown deeply fissured bark. ─── 加州一种高大的松树,三针一束长针叶,深裂纹黑褐色树皮。

13、tall spreading 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having reddish-brown fissured bark and a full bushy upper head ─── 美国东南一种高大的三针松,红褐色裂纹树皮,树冠浓密

14、Bark gray or brown, shallowly flaky, not longitudinally fissured or only at base. ─── 树皮灰色的或棕色,浅片状,不纵向裂开的或只在基部裂开。

15、tall spreading 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having reddish-brown fissured bark and a full bushy upper head. ─── 美国东南一种高大的三针松,红褐色裂纹树皮,树冠浓密。

16、Along the route, villages shelter in the deeply fissured shoreline. ─── 沿途,村落掩映在深深裂开的海岸线上。

17、Analytical model for the progressive deformation of natural fissured slopes ─── 天然裂隙土坡渐进变形解析

18、Keywords low-permeability fissured oil reservoir;secondary crosslinking gel;pre-crosslinked particles;compound profile modification;Yangjiaba Oilfield; ─── 低渗透裂缝性油藏;二次交联凝胶;预交联颗粒;复合调剖;杨家坝油田;

19、bark yellow-brown, fissured. ─── 树皮黄褐色,开裂。

20、second year's branchlets longitudinally fissured and transversely rugose, scabrid; ─── 第二年小枝纵向裂开和横向具皱纹,粗糙;

21、Bark pale gray to blackish brown, thick, with a corky layer, longitudinally fissured. ─── 树皮浅灰色到微黑棕色,厚,具一木栓质层,纵向裂开。

22、Study of Fissured Rock Permeability Measurement by Using Single-well Tracer Method ─── 单孔示踪方法测定裂隙岩体渗透性研究

23、Bark gray to dark reddish brown, becoming fissured and flaky; ─── 树皮带红色的棕色到深色的灰色的,使裂开和片状;

24、fissured pelvis ─── [医] 纵裂骨盆

25、concentrated leakage passage in fissured rock is studied with dummy heat source method. ─── 虚拟热源法研究坝基裂隙岩体中存在的集中渗漏通道。

26、Bark dark grayish brown to gray, longitudinally fissured, slightly longitudinally exfoliating in flakes. ─── 树皮深色的淡灰棕色到灰色,纵向裂开,纵向稍微剥落小薄片。

27、Bark dark brown, irregularly longitudinally fissured; ─── 树皮暗褐色,不规则的纵向裂开;

28、Landslides of stiff fissured clay often occurred during/after rainfall. ─── 摘要降雨往往导致含裂隙土坡的失稳。

29、South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark ─── 南非藤蔓植物,有很大的根状茎,皮上有很深的裂纹

30、second year's branchlets terete, longitudinally fissured; ─── 第二年小枝圆柱状,纵向裂开无毛。

31、Rate of normal oral mucosa was 16.2%. Rate of normal labial,buccal,palatal and gingival mucosas was 65.7%. Incidence of fissured tongue was 74.3%. ─── 口腔粘膜全无异常率16.2%,唇颊腭龈粘膜无异常率65.7%,裂纹舌检出率74.3%,其异常中多见血管痣斑、粘膜老年斑,未见恶性病变。

32、The limestone is sufficiently fissured for tree roots to have breached the roof of the cave. ─── 石灰岩裂开了足以让树根突破洞顶。

33、The formational and evolving condition analyses of the bedrock fissured water and karst fissured water under the North foot of the Huajialing Mountain in Huining County of Gansu Province ─── 甘肃省会宁华家岭北麓基岩裂隙水及岩溶裂隙水的形成演化条件分析

34、fissured reservoir ─── 微裂缝性岩层

35、blackish furred and fissured tongue ─── 灰底黑纹舌

36、The numerical results show that the fluid flowing in fissured reservoirs is mainly controlled by the fissure deformation and the oil/water PVT property. ─── 结果表明,裂隙储层流体运动主要由裂隙变形、油/水的PVT特性所决定。

37、bark dark gray, longitudinally fissured, flaking; ─── 树皮深灰色,纵向裂开,剥落;

38、inner fissur ─── 内壳缝, 内沟

39、slender medium-sized 2-needled pine of eastern North America; with yellow-green needles and scaly gray to red-brown fissured bark. ─── 北美东部一种细长中型的两针松;黄绿色针叶,灰色到红褐色鳞状树皮。

40、second year's branchlets gray, terete, thinly fissured, lenticels elliptic or circular. ─── 第二年的小枝灰色,圆柱状,稀疏地使裂开,皮孔椭圆形或圆。

41、On Logging Interpretation Method for Mudstone Fissured Reservoir in Jiangsu Oilfield ─── 江苏油田泥灰岩裂缝性储层测井解释方法研究

42、Keywords mining subsidence;fissured zone of water moving;combined dykes;monitoring system; ─── 开采沉陷;导水裂缝带;组合堤;动态监测系统;

43、fissured hands and feet ─── 手足皲裂

44、Bark gray or dark brown, shallowly longitudinally fissured and flaky. ─── 暗褐色的树皮灰色或,和片状的纵向裂开的浅。

45、Deformation Characteristics of Fissured Loess in Triaxial Compression Tests ─── 三轴压缩条件下裂隙性黄土的变形特征

46、fissured pelvic ─── 盆裂

47、Inspection, Evaluation and Reinforcement of Fissured Prestressed Concrete Girder ─── 开裂预应力混凝土梁的检测、评估和加固

48、Pan Guoying.2001.Theory and model for groundwater flow transport in fissured rocks.Wuhan:China University of Geoscience Press(in Chinese with English abstract). ─── 潘国营.2001.裂隙水运动理论与渗流模拟实践.武汉:中国地质大学出版社.

49、ligule truncate, ca. 1 mm, glabrous, margin fissured; ─── 叶舌削去,约1毫米,无毛,使裂开的边;

50、Keywords Xiadian gold deposits;Zhaoping fracture;groundwater pour-in mechanism;control mode;structural fissured water; ─── 夏甸金矿;招平断裂;充水机理;控制模式;构造裂隙水;

51、Bark gray to blackish gray, longitudinally fissured. ─── 树皮灰色的到微黑灰色,纵向裂开。

52、Thus the scientific result for design of fissured soil slope and prevention of land slip can be provided. ─── 研究成果可为裂土边坡合理设计和滑坡防治提供科学依据。

53、Historically fissured and perpetually in a process of reluctant homogenization, America is a civilization riven by contradiction and ritual self-delusion. ─── 历史上的分裂、持续发展当中的同质化倾向,使美国文化在矛盾和自欺的仪式中形成。

54、The results showed:1) With moisture absorption,milled rice with chalkiness fissured more easy than those without chalkiness; ─── 结果表明:稻米在水中吸湿后,有垩白的稻米比无垩白的稻米容易产生裂纹;

55、Crack is a good migration pathway in reservoir, so it has great effect in penetrability of oil and gas, especially when fissured oil field come into development phase. ─── 在油气藏中,由于裂缝是油气运移的良好通道,裂缝的存在将对储层中油气的渗透能力产生重大的影响,特别是当裂缝性油气田进入开发阶段。

56、fissured tongue with greyish black and dry fur ─── 灰黑干苔裂纹舌

57、fissured nipple ─── 皲裂的乳头

58、congenital fissured tongue ─── 先天性舌裂

59、Fissured Clay Shale," ISRM Regional Symposium on Sedimentary Rock Engineering, pp. ─── 徐松圻(1998)"含水及碳酸钙对软岩性质之影响,"1998岩盘工程研讨会

60、Buchsteiner, H. Stress-induced permeability reduction in fissured reservoirs. SPE 26513, 1994 ─── 张琰,崔迎春.砂砾性低渗透气层压力敏感性的实验研究.石油钻采工艺,1999,21(6).

61、tall spreading 3-needled pine of southeastern United States having reddish-brown fissured bark and a full bushy upper head. ─── 美国东南一种高大的三针松,红褐色裂纹树皮,树冠浓密。

62、The obtained results are shown that the anchor bolts supports in the fissured rock mass is good to raise the safety of the whole structure of grottoes. ─── 结果表明,锚杆的加固作用是明显的,在有裂隙的部位打入锚杆对石窟整体结构的安全性是有益处的。

63、ligule truncate or convex, glabrous, margins slightly fissured; ─── 截断或者凸,无毛,边缘稍使裂开的叶舌;

64、fissured fault rock ─── 断层破碎围岩

65、slender medium-sized 2-needled pine of eastern North America; with yellow-green needles and scaly gray to red-brown fissured bark ─── 北美东部一种细长中型的两针松;黄绿色针叶,灰色到红褐色鳞状树皮

66、Bark pale gray to blackish brown, thick, with a corky layer, longitudinally fissured. ─── 树皮浅灰色到微黑棕色,厚,具一木栓质层,纵向裂开。

67、A coupled double-porosity model for the water-oil flow in deformable fissured sandstone reservoirs ─── 孔隙-裂隙双重变形介质中的油水两相流动理论研究

68、Onion domes and entablatures fissured; ornate facades and friezes peeled away from buildings and archways; water surged from canals and drained from lakes into the planetoid's ruptured seams. ─── 洋葱型的大圆顶和顶线盘(一种古罗马建筑方式)出现了裂缝;建筑和拱门华丽的表面和中楣一一剥落;河渠和湖泊中的水都被抽干流入了这颗小行星的裂缝中。

69、The main target for the exploration in the future is represented by the exocontact type uranium mineralization hosted in Cambrian carbonaceous and thermo-metamorphic rocks along the interlayered fractured and/or fissured zone. ─── 控(含)矿构造与寒武系有利岩性、产状吻合的层间破碎带或层间断裂裂隙带控制的外接触带型铀矿化,是该区及其它花岗岩外带地区今后找矿的主要目标和找矿方向。

70、Bark dark gray, longitudinally fissured, scabrous, exfoliating in irregular flakes. ─── 树皮深灰色,纵向裂开,粗糙,成不规则小薄片脱落。

71、South African vine having a massive rootstock covered with deeply fissured bark. ─── 南非藤蔓植物,有很大的根状茎,皮上有很深的裂纹。

72、third year's branchlets longitudinally minutely fissured, glabrous, lenticels absent, with slightly raised, semilunar leaf scars. ─── 3年小枝纵向稍裂开,无毛,皮无的孔,具稍凸起,半月的叶痕。

73、Distinguished by what from traditional conception of fissured shale gas, shale gas is concerned to the gas accumulated within the shales and/or mudstones by free and adsorbed gas. ─── 与传统上的"泥页岩裂缝气"并不完全相同,页岩气是主体上以吸附相和游离相同时赋存于泥岩及页岩地层中的天然气。

74、Re-sults indicate that the rough rice mainly fissured after drying.The moisture gradient caused uneven shrinkage is the main reason of rice fissuring after rapid drying. ─── 结果表明,干燥应力裂纹主要出现在干燥结束后的存放期间,快速干燥后谷粒内部形成的水分梯度是水稻产生应力裂纹的主要原因。

75、Branches of sprout sometimes with swelling and irregularly longitudinally fissured corky layer. ─── 有时的菜芽的分枝膨胀的具和不规则纵向裂开木栓质层。

76、deep fissured sheath ─── 敞鞘

77、A testing of fissured soil landslide induced by simulate rain on fissured soil cutting slope has been developed. ─── 开展了人工模拟"久旱暴雨" 诱发裂土滑坡试验,再现了裂土边坡失稳中最常见的滑动现象。

78、shrubby 2-needled pine of coastal northwestern United States; red to yellow-brown bark fissured into small squares ─── 美国西北部一种两针一束的灌木状松树;红到黄褐色树皮,小方形裂纹

79、Study of Isotope Tracer Method in Two-dimension Rock Fissured Network Seepage ─── 二维岩体裂隙网络渗流同位素示踪研究

80、Pressure transient response in deep-seated geothermal stress-sensitive fissured composite gas reservoir ─── 应力敏感裂缝性双区复合气藏压力动态特征

81、tall California pine with long needles in bunches of 3,a dense crown,and dark brown deeply fissured bark ─── 加州一种高大的松树,三针一束长针叶,深裂纹黑褐色树皮

82、Branchlets never spinose, sometimes with a thick and irregularly longitudinally fissured corky layer or with 2 flat opposite corky wings. ─── 小枝决不具刺,有时厚和不规则纵向裂开的木栓质层或者具2平的对生的木栓质的翅。

83、In Northern China type coal field,Ordovician Karst fissured aquifer has hydrodynamic relation to the aquifer in coalbearing series by the vertical conductor(VC). ─── 华北型煤田下伏的奥灰岩溶裂隙含水层,通过垂直导水构造与煤系含水层发生水力联系。

84、Based on this, the slope height and the slope ratio of excavating a cut slope in fissured clay area are determined, and the reasonableness of designing the cut slopes in the past is checked. ─── 并以此来确定裂隙粘土地区开挖堑坡的坡高和坡率,以及检验以往设计堑坡的合理性。

85、To monitor the movement process of fissured water,self-designed a portable and microminiature device for auto-measuring the low flow rate. ─── 为了测定裂隙岩体渗流的动态变化过程,本文自行设计了一种便携式、超小型的低流速自动测定装置。

86、proposed the fissured clay seepage distortion pattern is "an erosion piping". ─── 提出了裂隙黏土渗透变形型式是“冲蚀管涌型”。

87、ligule ca. 1.5 mm, fissured, tomentulose, purple ciliate; ─── 叶舌约1.5毫米,使裂开,被微绒毛,紫色的纤毛虫;

88、deciduous shrubby tree of eastern North America having deeply fissured bark and sprays of small fragrant white flowers and sour-tasting leaves ─── 北美东部每年落叶灌木状树种,树皮裂纹很深,放射状小白香花,叶带酸味

89、Climbing up in the south quire to look at the traceries originally, he had found them heavily fissured, like all Durham's ancient sandstone. ─── 爬到南唱诗班席位上去原本是去看花饰窗格,他却发现他们已经严重破裂,就像所有达勒姆古老的沙岩那样。

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