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08-16 投稿


independently 发音

英:[??nd??pend?ntli]  美:[??nd??pend?ntli]

英:  美:

independently 中文意思翻译



independently 常用词组

independently of ─── 独立于…之外;与…无关

independently 短语词组

1、not shown to independently ─── 未单独显示

2、exercise judicial power independently ─── [法] 独立行使审判权

3、independently of the others ─── 独立于其他人

4、independently of their parents ─── 独立于父母

5、independently of is ─── 独立于is

6、independently of one another ─── 相互独立

7、independently of this ─── 独立于此

8、independently of each other ─── 相互独立

9、independently wealthy ─── 独立富裕

10、independently of age ─── 独立于年龄

11、independently of ─── 独立于...之外

independently 相似词语短语

1、live independently ─── 独立生活

2、dependently ─── 依赖地;从属地;有瘾地

3、independency ─── n.独立;组合教会制;独立国

4、independence ─── n.独立性,自立性;自主

5、independents ─── n.独立派;独立石油公司;独立联盟

6、independent ─── adj.独立的;单独的;无党派的;不受约束的;n.独立自主者;无党派者

7、interdependently ─── adv.相互依存地;相互依赖地

8、independent of ─── 不依赖…的;不受…支配的

9、independentista ─── n.鼓吹波多黎各政治独立者

independently 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Does she/he prefer to work independently or in groups? ─── 學生比較喜歡單獨或團體?

2、An organism that can live either independently or as a parasite. ─── 半寄生物,兼性寄生物一种微生物,既可独立生存,又可作为寄生虫生存

3、We should learn language independently, actively and purposefully. ─── 学习语言应该主动地独立地有目的的学。

4、No country or no single force in the world has the possibility and capacity to fulfill this task independently. ─── 任何一个国家和一种力量,都不可能也没有能力来独自完成这个任务。

5、Independently of what you may think, I have my own convictions. ─── 不管你怎么想,我有我自己的意见。

6、If you are a successful language learner,you have probably been learning independently,actively,and purposefully. ─── 假如你是一个成功的语言学习者,或许你一直在独立的,积极主动的,有目的的学习。

7、Two linguists may study the same language from different vantage points, and independently of each other. ─── 两个语言学家可以从两种不同的视点研究相同的语言,并且彼此独立。

8、Beijing City is an independently administered municipal district. ─── 北京是直辖市。

9、It only mea that the competitor must arrive at the idea independently. ─── 它仅仅意味竞争者必须独立的得到这个主意。

10、Products have been independently certified by the well-known companies. ─── 产品通过著名厂商认可。

11、A strong work ethic, the ability to work independently. ─── 具有良好职业道德品质,独立工作能力强。

12、Sakiko (Matsushima Nanako), works independently at a travel agent in Tokyo. ─── 在单亲家庭长大且性格好强的咲子(松岛菜菜子饰)。

13、Having management experience of medium and large scale projects design independently, and a strong sense of responsibility and enterprise. ─── 独立主持或承担过大中型工程项目的设计,具备高度责任感和事业心。

14、His opinion is formed independently of any proof. ─── 他的意见没有任何证据作基础。

15、The two sentinels fired again, independently and ineffectually. ─── 两位哨兵接着各自分开重新进行无效射击。

16、Also a case in point is that China independently developed its atomic and hydrogen bombs and man- made satellites. ─── 中国独立自主地开发“两弹一星”也证明了这一点。

17、Buyer may independently verify amounts of biomass sequestration. ─── 买方应该独立的核证生物质碳封存的总量。

18、Are the product ingredients set by applicant independently? ─── 产品的配料是否由被保险人独立设计?

19、But China has not agreed to put the goal in any declaration from Copenhagen or to allow progress towards it to be independently monitored. ─── 但中国尚不同意将这一目标写入任何哥本哈根宣言之中,也不同意让其进程受到第三方监控。

20、You can, however, set the grid origin independently from the ruler zero point. ─── 不过,您可以将网格起点设置为独立于标尺的零点。

21、Separate independently type rod group gesign, more wash and maintain easily. ─── 分开独立式棍子组设计,更便于清洗和保养。

22、You should work freely and boldly,and think independently instead of always looking over your shoulder. ─── 你们要放手去抓,大胆去抓,要独立思考,不要东看看,西看看。

23、A door divided in two horizontally,either half can be closed or open independently. ─── 上下两部分可各自分别开关的门,也就是把一扇门平均水平分成两块。

24、The disabled who cannot work or live independently have the right to require other family members to support them. ─── 丧失劳动能力或无独立生活能力的残疾人,有要求负有抚养、赡养义务的家庭成员抚养或赡养的权利。

25、Can work independently and under pressure. ─── 可独立的处理工作和承担压力。

26、It considers each datagram independently of the others. ─── 它认为每个数据包对于其他数据包都是独立的。

27、Be able to analyze and solve problems independently. ─── 具有独立的分析问题、解决问题的能力.

28、It was the first time that she had lived independently. ─── 那是她第一次独立生活。

29、An organization or agency that is financed by a government but that acts independently of it. ─── 准自治管理机构由政府提供资金但是自主行使权力的机构或部门

30、Mr. Rolston argued that nature contains values independently of humans. ─── 他指出,自然不依赖于人类而本身拥有价值。

31、The Registered Designs Ordinance enables designs to be registered independently in the HKSAR. ─── 外观设计可根据《注册外观设计条例》在香港独立注册。

32、The dependent dependant cannot live independently. ─── 依靠别人的被赡养者不能独立生活.

33、Do you work best in a team or independently? ─── 你是在团队中还是在独立工作时最有效率?

34、CNN could not independently verify whether Lee worked with Jackson. ─── CNN不能独自证实李是否为杰克工作过。

35、The vertical and horizontal motions of a projectile can be treated independently. ─── 发射体的垂直方向和水平方向的运动能够分开来处理。

36、He put forward a new set of theories independently. ─── 他独立地提出了一套新理论

37、The student union is run independently of college authorities. ─── 学生会独立于学院当局。

38、Such a text formerly used as a response but now rendered independently. ─── 单独吟唱作品以前作为应答而现在单独吟唱的作品

39、Capabilities: - Self-motivated and able to work independently. ─── 具有较强的自主学习能力。

40、Humoral immunity cannot function independently; it is always activated by. ─── 体液性免疫不能独立作用,均需经细胞性免疫所活化。

41、The two programs could be loaded independently. ─── 两个程序可独立下载。

42、Wives should no longer feel that their husbands'word is law. It is time that they acted more independently. ─── 妻子们不会再感到她们丈夫的话就是绝对权威了,现在她们的行动应该更不受约束了。

43、A form of graphical symbol is used to convey information independently of language. ─── 一种图形符号的形式,用以传送独立于语言的信息。

44、Hey, how could you act independently of the team? ─── 哎,你怎么脱离组织啊?

45、What are the Key Problems for "Shui Shu" not to Be Used Independently? ─── "水书"难以独立运用的死结何在?

46、An independently replicating structure lying near the base of the flagellum in certain protozoans. ─── 动力体在特定的原生物中位于鞭毛某部附近的独立复制的细胞结构

47、XML also helps to create documents that can function independently of a server. ─── XML也有助于生成独立于服务器工作的文档。

48、The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals. ─── 国家主义国家将从独立发展中受益而不是和其他国家共同发展中受益的信仰,强调国家内部的自标而不是国家间的

49、She is now able to treat French patients independently. ─── 她现在能独立为法国病人看病了。

50、The internal affairs of temples and monasteries are independently handled by. ─── 各寺庙均的管理机构自主地管理寺庙内部事务。

51、Train people to follow good housekeeping independently. ─── 养成良好的习惯,并遵守规定。

52、But at this point the man and the woman decided to work independently. ─── 但在这个时候,他们决定从事独立作业方式。

53、Working with her father and uncles was also important: They taught her to "think and act independently, " she said. ─── 她说,与父亲和叔父们一同工作也很重要,他们教她如何“独立思考和行事”。

54、X is a gifted student with a good sense of imagination and creativity, and is also capable of pioneering and working independently. ─── 学生x是个有天赋的学生,有想象力与创造力,不乏开拓创新的精神和独立工作学习的能力。

55、The two scientists arrived at the same conclusion quite independently. ─── 两位科学家各自得出了同样的结论。

56、In fact, the cause of the failure was found by Chinese scientists independently. ─── 事实上,故障的原因是由中国专家独立查找出的。

57、Our company has the right of filming independently. ─── 中心具有电影独立拍摄权。

58、Camping out enables children to solve problems independently. ─── 露营让孩子们具备独立解决问题的能力。

59、Why was it,they wondered,that they could independently access information on a global basis but not on a corporate one? ─── 他们奇怪,为什么能在全球范围内独立地存取信息,而不能在公司范围内做到?

60、You can curtain the room off so that both of your sons can do their exercises independently. ─── 你可以把房间隔开,两个儿子就可以独立地完成各自的作业了。

61、The scholastic doctrine, opposed to nominalism, that universals exist independently of their being thought. ─── 唯实论与唯名论相对的一种哲学信条,认为宇宙是以其被认为的看法而独立地存在的

62、The student should be able to enounce these sounds independently. ─── 学生应该自己会发这些音。

63、All religious bodies independently carry out religious activities within the scope prescribed by law. ─── 各宗教团体在法律允许的范围内,自主地开展教务活动。

64、Canadian courts separate from the government and exist independently. ─── 加拿大的法庭是脱离政府而独立存在的。

65、Scientists in different countries,work independently of each other,have come up with very similar result. ─── 各国科学家各自独立进行研究,得到了非常相似的结果。

66、Now I want to start doing tutoring work independently. ─── 现在我想开始独立做辅导工作。


68、He's able to function independently. ─── 他能够行动自理。

69、The ability for several users to communicate with the computer at the same time,each working independently on a job. ─── 多个用户同时和一台计算机进行通信的能力,各个用户相互独立地处理各自的一个作业。

70、Here, children can live independently, thanks to the kitchenette and bathroom. ─── 在这里,孩子可以独立生活,由于厨房和卫生间。

71、Work with a group of people or work independently? ─── 与人协作还是单枪匹马?

72、The work of two scientists who worked independently was announced at precisely the same date and place, in a joint paper. ─── 这两位科学家各自独立的研究正好在同一时间统一地点以联合论文的形式发表。

73、The dependent dependant can't live independently. ─── 依靠别人的被赡养者不能独立生活。

74、This enables OSGi based systems to be brought up in an orderless fashion, and for bundles to be run independently of one another. ─── 这允许以无序的方式调出基于OSGi的系统,能够让捆绑包独立于彼此而运行。

75、China builds and consolidates its national defense independently and through self-reliance. ─── 中国独立自主、自力更生地建设和巩固国防。

76、He argued that ideas do not exist independently of the language that expresses them. ─── 他论证说,思想不会独立存在于用以表达的语言之外。

77、These assignments must be finished independently. ─── 3这些作业必须独立完成。

78、His wife and teen-age daughters made the same calculations independently. ─── 妻子和十几岁的女儿们也各自作了相同的测量。

79、Language learning should be actively、independently and purposefully. ─── 学习语言应该主动地、独立地、有目的地学习。

80、Language should be learned actively,independently and purposefully. ─── 学习语言应该是主动的、独立的、有目的地学。

81、Team work spirit and able to work independently under great pressure. ─── 具有团队精神,并能在压力下独立工作。

82、Able to work in a team and independently. ─── 在队和独立地能工作。

83、A strong work ethic, the ability to work independently. ─── 具有良好职业道德品质,独立工作能力强。

84、Works independently and with broad creative latitude. ─── 以积极向上的态度独立工作。

85、Must be commercially astute, analytical and able to work independently. ─── 商业灵敏性、分析能力及独立工作能力。

86、These are records made independently . ─── 他们都是独立的记录。

87、Knowledge should be learned actively, independently and purposefully. ─── 学习应该主动地、独立地、有目的地。

88、He suspends spending money independently. ─── 他暂停独自地花钱。

89、But those drummers didn't play independently. ─── 但是那些鼓手的演奏不独立。

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