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08-17 投稿


aurelian 中文意思翻译



aurelian 短语词组

1、aurelian emperor ─── 奥勒良皇帝

2、aurelian life ─── 奥勒生命

3、aurelian wall ─── 奥勒良墙

4、Aurelian's War against Zenobia ─── 奥瑞莲的战争对抗泽诺比亚

5、aurelian pronunciation ─── 奥勒音

6、aurelian soul build ─── 奥勒良灵魂建筑

7、aurelian sol build ─── 奥勒良溶胶构建

8、aurelian giruard ─── 奥瑞安女后卫

9、Aurelian's War against Tetricus ─── 奥里连对特特里乌斯的战争

aurelian 相似词语短语

1、Karelian ─── n.卡累利阿人;卡累利阿语;adj.卡累利阿人的;卡累利阿语的

2、Karelians ─── 卡累利安

3、Laurentian ─── n.(加拿大东南部)劳伦系;劳伦系岩石层;adj.劳伦系的

4、Aurelian ─── adj.蛹的;水母的;n.昆虫采集家;蝶蛾研究家

5、Mauritian ─── n.毛里求斯人;adj.毛里求斯的;毛里求斯人的

6、aurelia ─── n.水母,蛹;n.(Aurelia)人名;(俄)奥列利娅;(意、西、德、罗)奥雷利娅;(英)奥里莉亚

7、aphelian ─── 电话

8、Handelian ─── adj.(英籍德国作曲家)韩德尔的

9、aurelias ─── n.水母,蛹;n.(Aurelia)人名;(俄)奥列利娅;(意、西、德、罗)奥雷利娅;(英)奥里莉亚

aurelian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Both emperors pronounced panegyrics for their father from the Rostra, and they appointed a flamen for him chosen from their own kinsmen and a college of Aurelian priests55 from their closest friends. ─── 两位皇帝在讲坛上对他们的父亲发表了赞辞,并且在他们的亲戚中为他任命了一个祭司,另一个来自奥里利安的一个祭司团,从他们的亲密朋友中挑选(55)。

2、Subsequently Aurelian built a splendid new temple in Rome, and created a new body of priests to support it (pontifex solis invicti), attributing his victories in the East to Sol Invictus. ─── 后来,乌里安在罗马建立了一个辉煌的新宫殿,创造了一个祭司的新身体去支持它(古罗马的太阳神大祭司),把他对征服东方的胜利归结于索尔的崇拜。

3、Basically introduced bee the nutrient value of pollen of glue of aurelian, bee, honey, bee reachs aurelian, drone research current situation, did to its development look into. ─── 主要介绍了蜂蛹、雄蜂蛹、蜂胶、蜂蜜、蜂花粉的营养价值及研究现状,并对其发展做了展望。

4、Aurelian Chinese caterpillar fungus of aurelian Chinese caterpillar fungus calls north Chinese caterpillar fungus again, congeneric and as different as aweto kind. ─── 蛹虫草 蛹虫草又称北虫草,与冬虫夏草同属不同种。

5、Its are larval, aurelian the protein content that reachs imago, mix for 51 % , 57 % respectively 61 % . ─── 其幼虫、蛹及成虫的蛋白质含量,分别为51%、57%和61%。

6、He was reared at Lorium9 on the Aurelian Way, where he afterwards built the palace whose ruins stand there to day. ─── 他在奥勒连大道上的洛里姆(9)被养育,后来他在那里建造了宫殿,现在还留有废墟。

7、Both Aurelian and Diocletian made attempts to establish a stable monetary system, but the solution of the problem was reserved for Constantine. ─── 奥勒留和戴克里先都曾试图建立稳定的货币体系,但问题的解决还是留给了君士坦丁。

8、To open the market, li Meiyu arrives personally Zhengzhou each are big hotel, serve fresh insect freely aurelian dish, offer cookbook to let chef try out. ─── 为了打开市场,李美玉亲自到郑州各大酒店,免费送上新鲜昆虫蛹菜,并提供菜谱让厨师试用。

9、She decides to regard main attack direction as insect aurelian dish, begin insect aurelian dish to breed. ─── 她决定把昆虫蛹菜作为主攻方向,开始昆虫蛹菜养殖。

10、such was the impassioned speedch of leasath's commander diego gaspar navarro as images of the aurelian squad destruction over cape aubrey played in the background. ─── 这"雷塞斯"最高指导司令官"狄亚哥盖斯普纳瓦洛"的个人肖像迅速的挂满街道,而"奥雷西亚"国防军惨遭歼灭于"奥伯利峡"的悲惨画面一再被当地电视台大幅重播,

11、At this time he first began the called Aurelius instead of Annius,34 since, according to the law of adoption, he had passed into the Aurelian family, that is, into the family of Antoninus. ─── 从此以后他被叫做奥利留斯,以取代安尼乌斯(34),根据收养法律,他已获准加入养父的家庭,也就是说,加入安东尼的家庭。

12、Every cicada is aurelian can sell one horn much fund, distribute land the income that can gain hundreds of yuan, and do not need to invest any capital, be do not have Benmoli become rich shortcut. ─── 每只蝉蛹可卖到一角多钱,一分地可获得几百元的收入,而且不需花费任何本钱,是条无本万利的致富捷径。我们都知道,蝉是一种害虫,鸣声响亮,靠吸食树汁为生。

13、Aurelian's War against Tetricus ─── 奥勒利安-泰特里库斯战争(公元273-274)

14、Because the price does not poor, insect aurelian dish still is not masses food, she can course of study of meal of eye gaze at. ─── 由于价格不菲,昆虫蛹菜还不是大众食品,她只能把眼光盯住餐饮业。

15、Aurelian gold yellow, millimeter of body length 9-12, two side provide abdomen dentation. ─── 蛹金黄色,体长9-12毫米,腹部两侧具齿状突起。

16、little, or aurelian already melt into is sold continuously, it is short channel. ─── 环节少,或已蛹化为直销,则为短渠道。

17、In Anhui north, some farmers already planted a few minutes or the cicada of half mus of ground is aurelian. ─── 在皖北,有的农民已种了几分或半亩地的蝉蛹。

18、The agronomy courtyard of Li Meiyu and place together, returned the four seasons of an insect aurelian dish to manufacture new technology. ─── 李美玉与当地的农学院联手,还了一套昆虫蛹菜四季生产新技术。

19、It was incorporated into the city fortification known as the Aurelian Walls, which were, in turn, later used as a partial border to the cemetery. ─── 这是这个墓区冢最古来的坟冢,大约一个半世纪之久。他是这个城市防御工事的一部分,人们称之为奥勒良墙。

20、This 1, 730-year-old bronze Denarii featuring Aurelian is sure to make a unique holiday gift. ─── 这1,730岁的青铜Denarii特色奥雷利安肯定会作出一个独特的节日礼物。

21、Aurelian's War against Zenobia ─── 奥勒利安-芝诺比阿战争(公元271-273)

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