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08-17 投稿


cheapens 发音

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cheapens 中文意思翻译



cheapens 短语词组

1、cheapens means ─── 廉价手段

2、cheapens meaning ─── 贬低意义

3、cheapens definition ─── 贬低定义

4、cheapens syn ─── 降低syn

5、cheapens synonym ─── 贬低同义词

6、cheapens crossword ─── 降低纵横字谜的成本

cheapens 词性/词形变化,cheapens变形

动词现在分词: cheapening |动词过去式: cheapened |名词: cheapener |动词第三人称单数: cheapens |动词过去分词: cheapened |

cheapens 相似词语短语

1、cheaper ─── adj.成本更低,比较便宜的

2、cheapener ─── 廉价者

3、cheapness ─── n.廉价

4、cheapened ─── vt.减去…的价格;贬低;vi.减价;跌价

5、cheaps ─── adj.便宜的;小气的;不值钱的;adv.便宜地

6、cheapies ─── 便宜货

7、cheapos ─── 便宜货

8、cheapen ─── vt.减去…的价格;贬低;vi.减价;跌价

9、cheapest ─── adj.最便宜的(cheap的最高级形式)

cheapens 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Use not the Power for prideful gain, for such cheapens the mysteries of Wicca and Magick. ─── 不要为了骄傲使用力量,因为这样会使现代巫术和魔法的奥秘贬值。

2、This further cheapens online content, makes visitors even less valuable, and continues to diminish the credibility of the medium. ─── 这让网上目录更加贬值,让访问者更加没有价值,而且进一步缩小这个媒介的可信度。

3、Student: I think if you back out it sort of cheapens the institution of contracts. ─── 学生:我认为,如果你收回承诺,好像贬低了契约制度。

4、The wool outside sufferring cheapens wool of country of influence near future also drop. ─── 受外毛跌价影响近期国毛条也下跌。

5、Tongzhi late Jiangnan for "abandoned fields and cultivated species of tree that few people," the land salesman who cheapens the very common. ─── 同治后期,江南因“荒田垦种乏人”,土地贱卖就十分普遍。

6、Some of the ideas that came out of the workshop are that migrant workers are needed by the employers not only to get a source of cheap labor but also to cheapen even the price of local labor. ─── 部份与会人士提及移住劳工的引进,是因为雇主需要廉价劳动力;同时,藉由移住劳工的引进,本地劳工的工资也被迫调降。

7、You just can't afford to let her hang-ups cheapen our relationship ─── 你也不应该毫不容情地让她成为阻止我们相好的障碍。

8、I shall not attempt to describe the concert because that will cheapen things far too much. ─── 只能说,今晚以后,听陈绮贞将成为生活中的必须。

9、23)Your magickal tools are channels to that which is most precious and pure within you. Do not cheapen them by haggling their price when you acquire them. ─── 你的魔法工具是那朝向在你心中贵重与纯真的途径。当需要这些道具时,不要将它们贬低而去做争论价格的事情。

10、It cannot cheapen any more ,because its value was calculated by rule and line. ─── 我们的价格是经过精密计算的,无让步(减价)余地。

11、Because Ford Motor Corporation will bale in May,useless steel auction cheapens on average 2.Long ton of 53 dollar / , american home abandons steel price to already glided. ─── 由于五月福特汽车公司打包废钢拍卖平均跌价2.53美元/长吨,美国国内废钢价格已下滑。

12、We're not in love with Yahoo's ad network -- the way it is now, at least -- because it cheapens Yahoo's own inventory. ─── 我们对雅虎的广告网络并不感兴趣--至少对它目前所做广告的方式不感兴趣--业务它贬低了雅虎自身的财产。

13、But will such a park cheapen the image of Dickens -- one of Britain's best known authors? ─── 这样的公园会不会有损狄更斯这位英国最著名的作家的形象呢?

14、Approaching this casually could cheapen the very institution same-sex advocates appear to idolise. ─── 如果随意地对待,那么同性婚姻的倡导者所追求的理想制度就不值钱了。

15、We have to cheapen commodities at the moment. ─── 目前我们只好使商品削价。

16、Thailand's central bank hopes to help the country's beleaguered exporters by allowing more investment overseas part of a strategy to cheapen the Thai baht. ─── 泰国中央银行希望通过扩大海外投资达到泰铢贬值的目的,从而给处境困难的出口商提供帮助。

17、Illustration by Claudio MunozIT TAKES special ineptitude to cheapen a principle without getting anything much in return. ─── 愚笨无能不仅使原则失信与人,且使努力徒劳无功。

18、With at present price of contest of other commodity " pats what " differs is Guangzhou flowers trades what the center uses is " cheapen take " means sale. ─── 与目前其它商品"竞价拍"不同的是广州花卉交易中心采用的是"跌价拍"方式拍卖。

19、because of these strategic resources are non-renewable, selling a little less, the domestic rare earth vicious competition has a salesman who cheapens a lot! ─── 因为这些战略性资源是不可再生的,卖一点少一点,国内稀土恶性竞争已经贱卖了不少!

20、The wool outside suffering cheapens wool of country of influence near future also drop. ─── 受外毛跌价影响近期国毛条也下跌。

21、Land, a salesman who cheapens, no doubt Youji new immigrants to provide a country with a "property from" a rare opportunity. ─── 土地的贱卖,无疑又给新移民们提供了一个拥有“恒产”的难得机会。

22、Constant complaining cheapens you. ─── 不断的抱怨会贬损你的身价。

23、We're not in love with Yahoo's ad network -- the way it is now, at least -- because it cheapens Yahoo's own inventory. ─── 我们对雅虎的广告网络并不感兴趣--至少对它目前所做广告的方式不感兴趣--业务它贬低了雅虎自身的财产。

24、You must not cheapen yourself . ─── 你不可自贬身价。

25、Don't overlook the obvious reasons to disagree with the war, but don't cheapen the moral aspects either. ─── 别忽视显而易见的反战理由,但也别贬低开战有道德的方面。

26、Food cheapens in summer. ─── 食品在夏天跌价。

27、The reason was simple: Ma Liang was his greatest creation and he was afraid that a movie would cheapen his legacy. ─── 原因很简单:马良是他创造出的最伟大的人物,他担心拍成电影会把这个故事的精神贬低。

28、I don't want anything to cheapen what we've found. ─── 我不希望任何事情使我们的发现变得粗俗。

29、To cheapen a price; to beat down a price; to knock down a price ─── 讨价,还价,让价,减价

30、Some would rather show their affection through actions rather than words, and others feel it cheapens feelings to express them too often. ─── 不清楚自己到底还能够做些什么,同时又对自己正在做的事情非常无奈,没有热情。

31、This type of advertising cheapens the image of the brand. ─── 这种广告使该品牌形象扫地。

32、the other hand, the dishonest words and behaviors of Japanese automobile corporations such as Toyota in recent years cheapens their image and finally ruin their reputation. ─── 另一方面,近年来丰田等日系轿车公司的欺诈言行削弱了其形象,并最终毁坏了其声誉。

33、And court the flower that cheapens his array. ─── 定会自愧不如把此花眷恋。

34、Mr Zapatero refuses “to cheapen the firing” of the two-thirds of the workforce on permanent contracts, who must be paid 45 days for each year of service if they are laid off. ─── 萨帕特罗首相拒绝降低对三分之二的终身合同制工人的补偿,原本规定这些工人被解雇后将会得到每个工龄45天的工资补偿。

35、Provide extremely in market chase after go up and kill cheapen when the value, particularly useful. ─── 在市况极具追涨和杀跌价值时,非凡有用。

36、Constant cursing cheapens oneself. ─── 经常骂人遭人轻看。

37、203. The price is changeable. Sometimes chain stores cheapen the goods to attract customers. They may be rather cheap. ─── 价格多变,有时连锁店对货物降价以吸引顾客,可能很便宜。

38、The first involves the fear that genetic determinism cheapens human volition. ─── 第一类观点担心基因决定论将减弱人们的决心。

39、IT TAKES special ineptitude to cheapen a principle without getting anything much in return. ─── 去降低一个原则还没有得到很大的回报是要有特别的愚笨。

40、Our price has been calculated precisely, so no room for cheapen. ─── 我们的价格是经过精密计算的,无让步(减价)余地。

41、Gossip cheapens the one who gossips more than the one gossiped about. ─── 说人闲话不能贬低别人,正好相反,它只能让人更加贬低你。

42、It would cheapen his influence to quantify it; ─── 感觉好像我在看着我自己,像一个小丑只为博人一笑。

43、cheapen the reputation of... ─── 贬低 ... 的声望

44、It's not in Jose's interest to do everything because it would cheapen the situation. ─── 何塞的兴趣不在于接下所有广告,因为这会与他的身价不符。"

45、There is such rich color in her cheeks and lips that make-up would be glaring and would cheapen her appearance ─── 她的双颊和嘴唇颜色鲜丽,再用化妆品就会显得俗气刺眼。

46、I've always felt that telling it would cheapen both me and the story itself, make it smaller and more mundane, no more than a camp counselor's ghost story told before lights-out. ─── 因为它是我的秘密,说出来就贬低了自己及故事本身,显得更渺小,更平淡,还不如野营辅导员在熄灯前给孩子们讲的鬼故事。

47、to cheapen the cost of raw materials ─── 降低原材料的成本

48、In no case can we cheapen the quality of products. ─── 在任何情况下我们都不能降低产品质量。

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