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08-17 投稿


bonnets 发音

英:[?b?n?ts]  美:[?bɑn?ts]

英:  美:

bonnets 中文意思翻译






bonnets 词性/词形变化,bonnets变形

动词过去式: bonneted |动词现在分词: bonneting |动词第三人称单数: bonnets |动词过去分词: bonneted |

bonnets 短语词组

1、bonnets for ─── 发动机盖

2、bonnets cc ─── 阀盖cc

3、bonnets for hair ─── 头发帽

4、bonnets wholesale ─── 帽子批发

5、bonnets stems tucson ─── 图森帽茎

6、granny's bonnets ─── [网络] 奶奶的帽子

7、bonnets for girls ─── 女帽

8、bonnets bulk ─── 阀盖散装

9、sun bonnets ─── 遮阳帽

bonnets 相似词语短语

1、bennets ─── n.花梗(水杨梅的一种);n.(Bennet)人名;(法)贝内;(瑞典)贝内特

2、bannets ─── 横幅

3、botnets ─── 机器人程序

4、unbonnets ─── vi.脱帽;vt.摘掉…的帽子

5、Dubonnets ─── 杜本内

6、bonnet ─── n.[机]阀盖;软帽;vt.给…装上罩;给…戴上帽子;n.(Bonnet)人名;(英)邦尼特;(法、意)博内;(德、西、葡、捷)邦内特

7、bunnets ─── 中弹

8、sonnets ─── n.十四行诗(sonnet的复数);v.写十四行诗(sonnet的三单形式)

9、bonnes ─── n.女佣,保姆;n.(Bonne)(丹)邦内(人名)

bonnets 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A woman's folding bonnet of the late18th century. ─── 女帽18世纪晚期妇女们的可折叠的帽子

2、If a woman wanted a diamond tiara, she would explain that it was to save the expense of a bonnet. ─── 如果一个女人想要一件钻石头饰,她会解释那样会省下一顶帽子钱。

3、At the sound she leaped to her feet, snatching up her bonnet. ─── 她一听这笑声便跳起来,抓起她的帽子。

4、Tightening valve bonnet is necessary to stop any leaks. ─── 如果必要紧固阀盖,避免任何泄漏。

5、The circular male and female bonnet joint is self-aligning and encapsulates the gasket. ─── 圆形外螺纹和内螺纹阀盖连接是自行对准调整并且封装的垫圈。

6、She sure has a bee in her bonnet today! ─── 她今天的确心情不好!

7、Valve shown has a special "Pipeline" bonnet. Standard bonnets with regular yoke also available. ─── 图示的阀门具有独特的“管道”阀帽。也可提供带有常规轭架的标准阀帽。

8、Over pressurization may occur in both pressure seal and bolted bonnet type valves and is not restricted to valve size. ─── 压力密封和螺栓型阀盖的阀门都会发生过大增压,并且过大增压不受阀门尺寸限制。

9、He contemplated, not that girl, but that light which wore a satin pelisse and a velvet bonnet. ─── 他一心景仰着,不是那姑娘,而是那一团有缎斗篷和丝绒帽的光辉。

10、He was wearing an old cotton dress and a black bonnet,and carrying a large basket of washing. ─── 他穿著一件老旧的棉布衣服和一顶黑色的帽子,还提著一个大的洗衣篮。

11、As on the preceding day, she wore her damask gown and her crape bonnet. ─── 她呢,和昨天一样,花缎裙袍,绉纱帽。

12、She experienced more trouble while trying to open the bonnet of the car. ─── 她设法把汽车引擎罩打开时碰到了麻烦。

13、"But not to change to a mourning bonnet. ─── "可它并不是给你改做丧帽的。

14、She wore a faded black bonnet garnished with faded artificial flowers. ─── 她戴着一顶褪了色的黑色无边帽,帽上缀着褪了色的假花。

15、The poke of her black bonnet hid her face from him. ─── 她那黑色帽子的前沿遮住了她的脸,使他看不见。

16、Scarlett shed her bonnet and her cloak. ─── "思嘉将帽子和外衣脱了。

17、flag of the revolution emblazons car bonnets, headscarves and lapels. ─── 的旗帜镶饰在汽车前盖,头巾及翻领处。

18、In the Hamiltons. Rhett pays a visit to Scarlett and brings her a bonnet from Paris. ─── 在汉密尔顿。瑞德拜访了思佳丽并从巴黎给她带来了一顶无边女帽。

19、The reduction effect of inner panel and outer panel of the bonnet are 46.38% and 50.18% respectively. ─── 发动机罩内、外板的减重效果分别为46.38%和50.18%.

20、Traditionally, this is when all the women would first wear their Easter bonnets. ─── 传统上,这是所有女人首次戴上复活节软帽的时刻。

21、The purple of her scarf clashes with the blue of her bonnet. ─── 她围巾的紫颜色跟她帽子的蓝颜色不相配。

22、Mrs. Carey did not answer, but she went upstairs, put on her little black bonnet, and went to the bank. ─── 凯利太太没有回答,可是她上楼去了,然后又戴上她那黑色的无边小软帽到银行去。

23、She took off her bonnet with hurried trembling fingers. ─── 她用急促颤抖的手指摘下了帽子。

24、Henceforth. this was situated has lifted the human modern communication history new chapter in US's blue bonnets. ─── 从此。这位居住于美国的苏格兰人掀开了人类现代通讯历史的新篇章。

25、He has a bee in his bonnet about reforming the world single-handed. ─── 他想独立改造世界,头脑真有点不正常。

26、Although at first i wasnt very keen on the grill at one side of the bonnet but i am used to it now and quite like it! ─── 一开始我不喜欢机舱盖上的206特有的槽孔,但现在已经习惯并开始喜欢了。

27、"It's your bonnet," he said. ─── "就是你的呀,"他说。

28、She has got me silly Bee in her Bonnet aBout it. ─── 关于这件事,她总有些奇怪的想法。

29、She went away with a flourish of bonnet. ─── 她挥挥帽子走掉了。

30、Well, if you think I'll marry you just to pay for the bonnet, I won't! ─── 你以为我会为了一顶帽子嫁给你,我才不会呢!

31、Far, fat away, in a little mushroom village, live a group of little blue pixies in short trousers and white bonnets called The Smurfs. ─── 从前,在遥远的地方,有一条蘑菇村。里面住了一众可爱活泼的小精灵,绰号“蓝精灵”。

32、In a lilac sun bonnet she was it. ─── 她戴着一顶紫色遮阳帽,漂亮极了。

33、At the end, Colonel Rhett managed save his reputation by capturing another wanted pirate, Stede Bonnet. ─── 他被许多失控的海盗,但韦恩回避。

34、A gig was coming along the road; it was driven by Mr. McGregor, and beside him sat Mrs. McGregor in her best bonnet. ─── 一辆轻便的双轮马车沿着田间的小路驶过来。赶车的是麦克格莱高行生,他的太太坐在他的旁边,戴着她最漂亮的帽子。

35、Software Description: About Easter Parade, From bunnies to bonnets and chicks to chocolates, get 30 Easter images to delight both young and old. ─── 从小兔子到无边女帽和小鸡到巧克力糖,30幅复活节图画使两个都高兴。

36、The basket packed in silence, they brought her bonnet to her, and smoothed her disordered hair, and put it on. ─── 她们不声不响地把篮子装好了,代她把帽子拿来,给她理了理那紊乱的头发,替她把帽子戴好。

37、By far the most common form of sub-surface defect are stone chips, particularly on bonnets and wings. ─── 显然,最常见的就是飞石造成的缺陷,这特别在引擎盖及两侧。

38、Rebelle attitude ! Le bonnet en maille, motifs fantaisie devant. ─── 叛逆态度!针织帽,前方花式图案。

39、He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods. ─── 他对于保健食品有他自己的一套奇怪的看法。

40、Check under the bonnet in Bristol but the hood in Houston. ─── 在布里斯托说打开车前盖(bonnet)看看,但在休士顿则说引擎盖(hood)。

41、And she had on a black dress and black bonnet and no paint and really looked decent but for that red hair. ─── 她穿着一身黑衣裳,戴着黑帽子,也没有涂脂抹粉,要不是那头红头发就真正像个规矩人了。

42、"I don't need you to tell me how to behave," she said and wearily put on her bonnet. ─── "我的行为不用你来教训。" 她说,一面疲惫地戴上帽子。

43、A woman came into the millinery department of Harold's in New York and tried on all the frothy, giddy bonnets she could find. ─── 一个女人进入纽约哈罗德百货公司的女帽部,而试戴了所有她能找到的虚浮的、轻佻的女帽。

44、The motor bonnet and the trunk have also been cut as far as possible into a round shape. ─── 发动机罩和行李箱也尽可能削为圆型。

45、But everyone seemed to be buying hats and bonnets around then. ─── 不过每个人都买帽子,到处都是戴无沿女帽的人。

46、The bonnet panel itself is crudely made. ─── 女帽面板本身是粗糙的做。

47、Amy always has a bee in her Bonnet. ─── 埃米总是一心一意做一件事

48、The unique crest points forward like the bonnets on the traditional costume bonnets worn by the ladies in the Appenzellerland region. ─── 这种鸡的独特头冠指向前方,好似阿彭策尔地区女士穿戴的传统服饰中的软帽。

49、Install bonnet side up and allow for accessibility for testing/service. ─── 安装时要使阀盖侧面朝上,要便于测试和维修。

50、The baby's bonnet keeps the sun out of her eyes. ─── 婴孩的帽子遮住阳光, 使之不刺眼。

51、Bolted bonnet available with live-loading, double packing and leak-off or bellows seal for emission-free service. ─── 可选择螺栓阀帽带有动负载,双重填料和无泄漏或适用于无污染应用领域的波纹管密封装置。

52、Starved for the sight, much less the touch, of new clothes, it seemed the loveliest bonnet she had ever seen. ─── "很久很久没看见新衣裳了,更不用说亲手去摸了。

53、Some designs incorporate a two-piece bonnet and yoke. ─── 一些结构有两件式阀盖和轭架组成。

54、But everyone seemed to be buying hats and bonnets around then. ─── 不过每个人都买帽子,到处都是戴无沿女帽的人。

55、If you don't like your job, just quit it. I'll get someone else to fill your bonnet. ─── 如果你不喜欢你的工作,辞职好了。我会找到别人来取代你的。

56、The plumes on her bonnet barely moved as she nodded. ─── 她点点头,那帽子的羽毛在一个劲儿颤动。

57、"Cheer up," he said, as she tied the bonnet strings. ─── "振作起来吧,"他说,一面看着她把帽带系好。

58、The Milano's design clearly echoes its little sibling, the Alfa Romeo MiTo, with the oval headlights and sharp bonnet. ─── 在米兰的设计清楚地反映了小兄弟,在阿尔法罗密欧户,与椭圆形的大灯和夏普的帽子。

59、She enriched her bonnet with a lace. ─── 她用花边装饰自己的帽子。

60、The front bumper, splitter, winglets, and the new bonnet bulge all enhance steering at high speed. ─── 前保险杠,分配器,翼梢小翼,和新帽胀所有加强督导高速。

61、He has a bee in his bonnet about women wearing trousers in the office. ─── 他一心想让妇女穿长裤在办公室办公。

62、She wore a stiff black bonnet, a high white collar and a coarsely woven shawl around her shoulders. ─── 她戴着一顶绷紧的黑色软帽,高白领,肩上披着一条做工粗糙的披肩。

63、Alexanian R, Balcerzak S, Bonnet JD, et al. Prognostic factors in multiple myeloma. Cancer, 1975,36:1192. ─── 叶朝阳,陈晓勤,侯健.多发性骨髓瘤肾功能不全的影响因素和防治.上海医学,2001,24(2):110-112.

64、Farther along is a vacant lot with rows of car bonnets painted with faces. ─── 远些的一片空地上排列着几排画着人脸的汽车引擎盖。

65、Live-loading of bonnet bolting stores the required sealing load during a pressure or temperature induced transient. ─── 在压力或温度不断波动转换的情况下,动负载阀帽螺栓储存了所需要的密封负载。

66、She sure has a bee in her bonnet! ─── 她的情绪真是糟透了!

67、This new sort of punch could stamp out 3,000 bonnets an hour. ─── 这种新型冲床每小时可冲压出三千个汽车引擎盖。

68、WCC valve bonnet and internals will be manufactured with 300 series stainless or 21/4 CR material. ─── WCC阀门的阀帽何阀内件采用300系列不锈钢和/或21/4铬制造。

69、She wore a dress of black damask, a cape of the same material,and a bonnet of white crape. ─── 她穿一件黑花缎裙袍,一件同样料子的短披风,戴一顶白绉纱帽子。

70、Aron came back with this bee in his bonnet. ─── 埃伦回来时脑子里这么胡思乱想。

71、All the best bonnets of the city were there. ─── 城里戴最漂亮的无边女帽的妇女全都到场了。

72、"I call that sensible of her," Sophie said to the bonnet she was pleating silk into. ─── “我认为她是明智的。”苏菲对她手边正在缝上打褶的丝绸的无边女帽说

73、He has a bee in his bonnet about diving in Antarctica. ─── 他有个奇怪的念头要去南极洲潜水。

74、He has a bee in his bonnet about the anniversary celebration. ─── 他对于周年庆典有一套古怪的想法。

75、"That, sir," said Thenardier, "is my wife's wedding bonnet. ─── “先生,”德纳第说,“这是我内人做新娘时戴的帽子。”

76、The women wear a hair covering called a bonnet, long dresses and black shoes. ─── 女人都戴着一种绑带子的包头软帽,穿连衣裙和黑色的鞋子。

77、Can you straighten out the bonnet ? ─── 你能不能修好这个罩子?

78、If this does not occur or valve has been constantly discharging remove bonnet. ─── 如果这现象没有发生,或者阀门经常排放,则拆卸阀盖。

79、Bypass unit cast into the bonnet prevents clogging. ─── 在阀帽内铸入旁路,有利于避免堵塞。

80、If I see you ride a donkey over my grass again, I'll knock your bonnet off and tread on it. ─── 如果我再看见你在我的草地上骑驴的话,我要打下你的帽子,用脚来踩。

81、"If you really felt that way, you'd stamp on the bonnet. ─── "要是你真的这么想,你就会把帽子丢在地上踩起来。

82、"Oh, Rhett, whose bonnet is it? ─── "唔,瑞德,这帽子是谁的?

83、Harry's always going around opening windows. He's got a bee in his bonnet about fresh air. ─── 哈里总是到处去开窗,他就惦记着新鲜空气。

84、"Don't you dare touch this bonnet," she said, clutching it by the bow and retreating. ─── "看你敢把这顶帽子碰一下,"她边说边抓住帽带慢慢往后退。

85、Unscrew the bonnet by turning counterclockwise. ─── 反时针方向旋转拧松阀盖。

86、When he has a bee in his bonnet,he won't consider anything else. ─── 他心里只想一件事时,别的事就一概不考虑。

87、He has the presidential bee in his bonnet. ─── 他想当总统想得入了迷。

88、But it was obvious that the dress, bonnet and muff found no favor with her. ─── 不过显然,那衣裳、帽子和皮毛手筒并没有赢得老太婆对她的好感。

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