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08-17 投稿


curing 发音

英:[?kj??r??]  美:[?kj?r??]

英:  美:

curing 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 固化



curing 常用词组

curing agent ─── 固化剂;[化]硬化剂

curing time ─── 硬化时间,固化时间

curing temperature ─── 固化温度;加硫

curing 短语词组

1、curing chamber ─── [化] 熟化室

2、air curing ─── [机] 空气熟化

3、air setting heat curing oil ─── [机] 冷凝热硬油

4、curing period ─── [化] 养护期

5、alternating curing ─── [机] 更迭泡治

6、curing barn ─── [化] 熟化室

7、curing speed ─── [建] 熟化速率

8、curing of the mortar ─── [化] 砂浆养生

9、curing in water ─── [建] 水中熟化

10、curing bag ─── [化] 熟化室

11、core curing oven ─── [机] 砂心硬化烘炉

12、curing agent ─── [化] 熟化剂; 固化剂; 硬化剂; (橡胶)硫化剂

13、curing formulatoin ─── [建] 熟化配方

14、curing in moisture ─── [建] 润湿熟化

15、curing ingredient ─── [化] 硫化剂

16、air curing type cement ─── [化] 硫化型胶浆; 常温硫化胶浆

17、curing core ─── [化] 熟化心轴

18、curing arm ─── [化] 熟化心轴

19、core shooting and curing machine ─── [机] 砍心吹射及硬化机

curing 词性/词形变化,curing变形

原型:cure 现在分词:curing

curing 相似词语短语

1、curving ─── adj.弯曲的;n.弯曲;曲线;变形;v.使弯曲;弯成弧形(curve的ing形式)

2、curding ─── n.乳凝结;凝块;v.使凝乳;凝结(curd的ing形式)

3、curling ─── n.头发的卷曲;卷缩;冰上溜石游戏;v.卷曲(curl的ing形式);n.(Curling)人名;(西、英)柯林

4、Turing ─── n.图灵机(一种可不受储存容量限制的假想计算机)

5、-uring ─── 乌拉尔

6、curring ─── n.卷边加工;v.发咕咕声;低语(curr的ing形式)

7、cursing ─── v.诅咒;痛骂;念咒语诅咒(curse的现在分词)

8、curbing ─── v.控制;勒住(马)(curb的现在分词);n.边石的材料;路缘石;汽车侧撞石

9、-curing ─── [化学]固化;(肉、鱼等的)[食品]腌制,调制;医治;食物加工法;cure变形

curing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They could not cure all the evils. ─── 他们不能消灭所有的邪恶。

2、The doctors heaved completely to cure him. ─── 医生尽了最大的努力来治他的疾病。

3、Pug had used considerable severity to cure Byron of that habit. ─── 帕格曾相当严厉地纠正过拜伦的这个习惯。

4、Drastic measures must be taken to cure inflation. ─── 必须采取严厉的措施制止通货膨胀。

5、IS Illness of Securities Companies Beyond Cure? ─── 券商沉疴,已入膏肓?

6、A little pill may well cure a great ill. ─── 小药片能治愈你的大病。

7、Flue-curing takes about a week and fixes the natural sugar of the leaf, which has a high sugar and a medium-to-high nicotine content. ─── 熏烟需要约一个星期并且保证烟叶中的自然糖分,这种烟含糖量高,并含中高量的烟碱。

8、Monsieur le Cure; you have not scorned me. ─── 您没有瞧不起人的心。一个好神甫真是好。

9、"Monsieur le Cure, this is for your poor people. ─── “神甫先生,这是给您的穷人的。

10、The doctor dedicated his life to finding a cure. ─── 为了寻找治疗方法,该医生献出了毕生精力。

11、Thank you for curing my eyes. ─── 谢谢你治好我的眼睛。

12、He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000. ─── 他推断到2000年能研究出治愈该病的方法。

13、I'm a doctor dedicated to curing the sick, at least trying to. ─── 我是一个医生,一心一意救死扶伤,至少正在朝这个方向努力。

14、They did good work in preventing and curing animal diseases. ─── 他们在防治牲畜疾病方面做出了成绩。

15、Alas! I suffer a malady that no balm can cure! ─── 可叹的是我的病痛却找不到香膏来治愈。

16、Menu English Sentence Care is no cure. ─── 忧虑治不了病。

17、Is the body of the sorcerer the prince's cure! ─── 巫师的身体就是王子的解药!

18、The final operation in propellant manufacture is the curing of the binder. ─── 制造推进剂的最后操作是粘合剂的固化。

19、Manufacturer of diaphragm pump for curing agent: Italy OBL. ─── 固化剂用隔膜泵生产厂家:意大利OBL。

20、Artemisia annul, which grows in the whole nation, is often used for curing such diseases as icterus, ague and fever. ─── 青蒿作为青蒿素来源的主要用药广泛分布于全国各地,临床多用于治疗暑邪发热、阴虚发热、疟疾、黄疸等病症。

21、In three weeks a perfect cure was obtained. ─── 三星期内完全治好了病。

22、The doctor cannot guarantee a cure. ─── 医生不能保证治愈.

23、Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? ─── 医生,你能把他治好吗?

24、Do you think a cure will be found for cancer? ─── 你觉得能找到治疗癌症的方法吗?

25、A doctor's life is consecrated to curing sick people. ─── 医生献身于医治病人。

26、The doctor dedicated his life to finding a cure . ─── 为了寻找治疗方法,该医生献出了毕生精力。

27、Medicinal herb is only used for curing villagers but failed to be commodity. ─── 中草药也只是村里的医生用来给村民治病,没有成为商品。

28、The doctor said he could cure the sick man. ─── 医生说,他能把那个人医好。

29、They go to clear and cure the land. ─── 他们去把那块土地垦好,再施上肥料。

30、Experiments indicate the new drug will cure infections. ─── 实验证明这新药可以治传染病。

31、Perhaps it was not too late to cure him. ─── 也许现在挽救他还为时不晚。

32、Dr. Cure asked me to look out for you. ─── 居里博士吩咐我好好照顾你。

33、He intends to devote his life to curing the sick in India. ─── 他想把自己的一生奉献于医治印度的病人。

34、A spell in the army will cure him of his laziness! ─── 在军队里呆一段时间会治好他的懒病的。

35、He has tried all sort of cure,but without success. ─── 他已试用过各种各样的疗法, 但仍不见效。

36、Can Curcumin Cure Cystic Fibrosis? ─── 姜黄素能否治疗囊性纤维化?

37、The child looks to his mother to cure his hurts. ─── 孩子希望妈妈能治愈他的创痛。

38、Doctor, how can I cure myself of sleep-walking? ─── 医生,怎样才能把我的夜游病治好?

39、There is a faint hope that she may be cure. ─── 她获治愈的希望渺茫。

40、He snuffs up salt and water to cure a cold. ─── 他吸盐水入鼻中治感冒。

41、Why should curing sexism be yet another terrible burden on every female scientist? ─── 为什么治疗性别歧视可能会成为每位女科学家的另一个可怕的负担?

42、Radium is still used today for curing cancer. ─── 今天镭仍被用来治癌。

43、The doctor can cure you of the disease. ─── 医生可以治好你的病。

44、A substance or medicine believed to have the power to cure all ills. ─── 万应灵药被认为有能力消除所有疾病的物质或药物

45、Only monkey's heart can cure me. ─── 只有猴子的心才能治我的

46、You and your team are working on a cure for Aids. ─── 你和你的队员正在从事艾滋病的治疗工作。

47、They had nothing that could cure of his disease. ─── 他们没有一点能治愈他疾病的东西了。

48、Aristotle proposes to cure such hardships by means of equity. ─── 亚里士多德提出用衡平的方法来解决这样的困难。

49、The doctor's job is to cure people. ─── 医生的职业就是给病人治病。

50、No one has been able to cure aids. ─── 尚未有人能够治愈爱滋病。

51、What is the cure for the plight of the homeless? ─── 帮助无家可归者摆脱困境有何措施?

52、Even the most eminent doctors could not cure him. ─── 即使最杰出的医生也无法治愈他的疾病。

53、He is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis. ─── 他正在试验治疗肝炎的药。

54、He adopt the rough "kill or cure" method. ─── 他用了“死里求生”的激烈治疗法。

55、He swears by quinine for curing influenza. ─── 他深信奎宁对流感有效。

56、Grumbling about your troubles will not cure them. ─── 为你的烦恼发牢骚无济于事。

57、What I think the best cure is for a broken heart? ─── 对于受伤的心,什么才是最好的良药吗?

58、Evaporating before rolling up for batch curing and limiting processing time to 4 hours with Procion MX dyes, clear, crisper lines are maintained. ─── 卷起进行批量固化之前要进行蒸发,并使用普施安 MX 染料将处理时间限制在4小时以内,从而可以保持清晰明快的线条。

59、Curing properties of SPU sealant were studied. ─── 对SPU及其密封胶固化影响因素进行了研究。

60、How can we make curing cancer a global priority? ─── 如何才能让治愈癌症成为全世界关注的头等大事?

61、I championed the 12-step program and monitored her improvement daily as though curing heroin addiction was as simple as nursing a cold. ─── 我全心全意地按照“12步程序”说的做,努力让自己相信治愈海洛因上瘾跟治愈感冒一样容易。

62、Injection density is often used as a rule of thumb to estimate the difficulty of curing resonant combustion. ─── 时常把喷射密度作为一个经验法则来估计解决共振燃烧问题时的困难。

63、It is often used as folk medicine to cure snake bite. ─── 它常被用作治疗蛇咬伤的民间药物。

64、Oh,it sounds that it can cure stomach disease. ─── 听起来它可以治胃病。

65、The doctor's job is to cure people who are ill. ─── 医生的职业就是给病人治病:

66、The business of doctors is to prevent and cure diseases. ─── 医生的职责是预防和治疗疾病。

67、Will pancakes and pizza cure my condition? ─── “薄煎饼和比萨饼能治我的病吗?”

68、B: Better. A cure for my illness is in sight. ─── 好多了。我的痊愈指日可待。

69、They try to cure the disease so that people may live longer. ─── 他们设法根治该病以便使人们活得更长些。

70、Your cure for cancer's aImost finished. ─── 你的癌症治疗马上就可以结束了。

71、They came up with a cure for the disease. ─── 他们找到了治疗这种疾病的办法。

72、There is no cure for retina degeneration. ─── 对视网膜脱落,目前还没有治疗的方法。

73、Years of research work have failed to produce a cure for the disease. ─── 多年的研究工作未能找到医治这种疾病的疗法。

74、Only a monkey's heart can cure me. ─── 只有猴子的心才能治愈我的

75、Comparison of depth of curing:Ceram. ─── 固化深度比较,Ceram.

76、Man is trying to find ways to cure cancer. ─── 人类正努力寻找治愈癌症的方法。

77、Quartan ague kill old men, and cure young. ─── 三日疟,青年能治好,老人见阎王。

78、Curing agent are two types of TGIC and 105. ─── 固化剂有含TGIC和105两种产品。

79、He tried to cure his child of the habit. ─── 他试着去矫正他孩子的那种习惯。

80、He figures the best way to cure Tom is to help him. ─── 他觉得叫汤姆清醒过来最好的办法是帮助他。

81、The curing process is the same as that for corned beef. ─── 干腌牛肉的过程与盐腌牛肉的一样。

82、Patients don't want to cure their diseases? ─── 六、病人多不想将病治愈?

83、It will have curing effect to certain diseases. ─── 对部分病例会产生根治的效果。

84、Eugenol may affect curing of some composite materials. ─── 丁香酚会影响一些复合树脂材料的固化。

85、His life's work centred in the search for a cure for the terrible disease. ─── 他一生的工作主要是寻找一种疗法以医治这种可怕的疾病。

86、He went for a cure at a famous hospital. ─── 他到一家著名的医院去接受一个疗程。

87、To mowand cure grass and herbage for hay. ─── 割草及牧草并翻晒成干草。

88、Can you help to cure her son of his bad habits? ─── 你能帮助改掉她儿子的坏习惯吗?

89、There's no cure for sorrow but to put it underfoot. ─── 忧伤是无法治疗的,唯有把它踩在脚下。

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