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08-17 投稿


elusive 发音

英:[??lu?s?v]  美:[??lu?s?v]

英:  美:

elusive 中文意思翻译



elusive 网络释义

adj. 难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的

elusive 词性/词形变化,elusive变形

副词: elusively |名词: elu-siveness |

elusive 短语词组

1、elusive brown ─── 难以捉摸的棕色

2、elusory means elusive ─── 难以捉摸就是 ─── 难以捉摸

3、elusive situation ─── 难以捉摸的情况

4、elusory means elusive logic ─── 难以捉摸意味着 ─── 难以捉摸的逻辑

5、elusive beauty ─── 难以捉摸的美

6、quality of life is an elusive ─── 生活质量是一个难以捉摸的问题

7、elusory means elusive quizlet ─── 难以捉摸就是 ─── 难以捉摸的诡计

8、elusive trailers ─── 难以捉摸的拖车

9、elusive definition ─── 难以捉摸的定义

10、Elusive Antpitta ─── 唯一的安匹塔

11、elusive quickhoof ─── 难以捉摸的快蹄

12、elusive moonfish location ─── 难以捉摸的月鱼位置

13、elusive meaning ─── 难以捉摸的意思

14、elusive ulcer ─── [医] 闪避性溃疡, 杭纳氏溃疡, 全壁纤维变性

15、elusive truths youtube ─── 难以捉摸的真相

elusive 相似词语短语

1、reclusive ─── adj.隐居的;隐遁的

2、prelusive ─── adj.序幕的;序曲的;序言的

3、elusively ─── adv.易忘记地;巧妙逃避地

4、emulsive ─── adj.乳剂质的;会流出乳状液的;可榨出油来的

5、delusive ─── adj.欺瞒的;使迷惑的

6、allusive ─── adj.暗指的;引用典故的

7、seclusive ─── adj.喜隐居的;爱孤独的;隐退性的

8、effusive ─── adj.流露感激之情的;(火山岩)喷发的;(岩浆)大量喷发的

9、exclusive ─── adj.独有的;排外的;专一的;n.独家新闻;独家经营的项目;排外者

elusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lorekeep was a mighty center of magic, dedicated to the most elusive of Asha`s teachings. ─── 学识要塞是一个强大的魔法中心,致力于传授亚莎最深奥的教义。

2、But the legendary princess remains to be elusive as ever, and the king find themselves gradually lose our direction. ─── 不过传说中的公主仍一如往昔地让人难以捉摸,国王发现自己逐渐迷失了方向。

3、Popular car-guy internet meme number two: the elusive Stig, Top Gear's mystery super-driver. ─── 大众汽车家伙互联网米姆之二:在难以捉摸施蒂格,最佳状态的神秘超级车手。

4、They are in violent and lovely contrast with those who tend to quit once the aims are elusive. ─── 他们与那些在迷茫中想要放弃目标的人形成明显的反差。

5、The function of this wheel-like disc is still elusive. ─── 学者有多种看法,有认为是车轮、盾牌上的盾饰等。

6、It is not some elusive nirvana of perfection and romantic sunsets. ─── 它不是一些难以捉摸的完美涅磐和浪漫的夕阳。

7、Their meaning, if there is one, is unapparent and elusive. ─── 如果这些圆圈有含义,那也是神秘莫测,难以捉摸的。

8、They're enchanting, they're elusive, they're mysterious, they give us a sense of hope. ─── 它们是如此的迷人,如此难以捉摸,如此神秘,它们给了我们希望。

9、Surprisingly, developments in gravitation physics in the past three decades have supplied some clear answers to what seem to be elusive questions. ─── 令人惊讶的是,对于这些不易捉摸的问题,能够提供明确答案的,竟是过去30年来重力物理学上的研究。

10、High king Ingwe,Sindar king Elu Thingl,Queen Merian,Father king Oropher. ─── 天父伊露维塔,大神曼威,星后爱尔贝蕾斯,大地之母雅梵娜,森林猎神欧罗米。

11、But unless their parties democratize internally, the return of Sharif and Zardari suggests that honest, accountable governance will remain elusive. ─── 但除非他们的党派内部民主化,否则谢里夫和扎达里的回归仍然难以说明一个诚实的、负责任的政府回归。

12、All-embracing power proceeds only through the Way. What is called the Way is elusive and intangible. ─── 孔德之容,惟道是从。 道之为物,惟恍惟惚。

13、Other transformative learning scholars view this theory as an elusive concept. ─── 其他的迁移学习把这个理论看成是难以捉摸的概念。

14、They live to find those elusive system crashes. ─── 他们活着就是为了去让这些不稳定的系统崩溃。

15、Failure is inevitable. Success is elusive. ─── 失败是无可避免的,成功则是稍纵即逝的。

16、Interpol have searched all the corners of the earth for the elusive hijackers. ─── 国际刑警组织已在世界各地搜查在逃的飞机劫持者。

17、But try as I may, my goal remains ELUSIVE. ─── 可仅管尽力了,我的目的还是那么遥不可及。

18、Unfortunately, this aspect of style is more elusive. ─── 不幸地是在这个方面是相当难以琢磨的。

19、He found sleep elusive, his existence reduced to untold hours of wakefulness followed by annoying stretches of insomnia. ─── 他发现,睡眠难以捉摸的,他的存在,减少到无数小时的觉醒其次是恼人的延伸失眠。

20、I was esp. excited when I saw the three males since they are so elusive. ─── 在它们四处躲避中,当我看到3只公羊就特别的兴奋.

21、One of the world's rarest and most elusive birds has finally been seen flying in its natural habitat. ─── 世界上最珍贵的、罕见的海鸟之一被发现飞翔在自然栖息地上空。

22、But why does creativity remain so elusive? ─── 不过,为什麽创意还是这麽可遇不可求?

23、"Don't worry," he responded. Cautiously manoeuvring himself into another position, he was able to grasp the elusive branch. ─── “不要怕,”他说着便放开腿,把右手紧紧挽住近中央的那根树枝,先把左脚提起,在另一树枝上重重地踏了两下,试试看树枝是否载得起他,然后把右脚也移了过去。

24、It took me a long time to get Susanna's character just right because she is quite elusive as a person. ─── 因为苏珊娜这个角色实在太让人捉摸不定了,我就花了很长时间才摸透苏珊娜的脾性。

25、Mr Obama has been elusive on where he believes the boundary between government and the market should be. ─── 奥巴马先生在政府与市场间的边界问题上表现得巧妙而圆滑。

26、If you control and force your way to your goals so they become elusive. ─── 如果你想控制、强迫自己前往既定的目标,这些目标就会变得更加虚无缥缈。

27、Hunt geese, mallards, pintails, and the elusive Golden Snipe in the action packed hunting game! ─── 可以捕猎的鸟禽很多-鹅,野鸭,针尾鸭等,还有你那把难以捉摸的狙击抢在这个动作狩猎游戏中起决定性作用!

28、Many laugh at the mention of the elusive tearhound.Some call it a myth,an animal invented by inebriated hunters. ─── 大多数人嘲笑那些提及熊猎犬的人,他们认为那是神话和喝罪酒的猎人。

29、But the man himself has remained elusive. ─── 但是他自己还是让人难以捉摸。

30、The factors that protect centromeric cohesion during meiosis I have remained elusive. ─── 保护这种结合的因子还不是很清楚。

31、Trying to pin down exactly when the contractors would be done remodeling the house, Nancy was frustrated by their elusive replies. ─── 南希试图使承包商明确表态到底什么时候可完成房子的改建,但这些承包商的回答闪烁其词,使南希感到沮丧。

32、He is such an elusive person; you never know where he is when you want him. ─── 他就是这样一个谜般的人物,当你需要他时,你永远不知道他在何处。

33、But cross-selling, as it is known in bankers' jargon, is an elusive beast. ─── 但是银行业内术语所说的跨区销售是很难控制的。

34、An elusive greenish-yellow gleam flashes, then another, Fireflies! ─── 一丝绿里带黄的光芒乍闪即逝,接着又一丝,那是萤火虫!

35、"Funafuti" market consulting firm, said in an interview that the current pace of price increases to "surprising" and "elusive" proportions. ─── 专业人士认为,不能否认卢湾区地理位置的优越性,该区是上海楼市“最具发展潜力”的商业中心区域之一。

36、And hopefully taking that elusive win at the European Grand Prix, also. ─── 但是我也非常渴望为法拉利拿下这个极具挑战性的欧洲站冠军。

37、She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. ─── 她不知道,这太微妙难以指明。

38、But the elusive Black Pencil is a marker of creative genius. ─── 但这难捉摸的“黑铅笔”奖却是创意天才的标志。

39、She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. ─── 她并不知道,这是个微妙到难以说清楚的问题。

40、But getting under the hood of the molecular machinery that drives this longevity has remained elusive. ─── 但是,随着进入分子时代,人们对这种寿命延长的机制仍然不是很清楚。

41、Democracy in international relations remains elusive, and there are new manifestations of hegemonism and power politics. ─── 国际关系民主化远未实现,霸权主义和强权政治有新的表现。

42、This elusive, almost invisible quality was more than a mere habit. Self- effacement was the essence of his technique. ─── 这个令人难以捉摸、无形的特点不仅仅是一个习惯,低调是其处事为人的根本。

43、Next time he wants to look for Irvine's body and the elusive camera, which he still believes is on the mountain. ─── 下一次,他要寻找欧文的尸体及那只尚未找到的相机。

44、Good plans shape good decisions. That's why good planning helps to make elusive dreams come true. ─── 好的计划能形成好的决策,所以好的策划能使梦想成真。

45、Eric, as elusive as ever, was nowhere to be found. ─── 埃里克神出鬼没,哪儿也找不着。

46、EVEN for the most dedicated shopper, finding just the right pair of shoes can be elusive. ─── 即使对最热衷购物的人而言,要找到一双合脚的鞋也并非易事。

47、You're flying solo in a hostile environment, trying to take out one of the world's most elusive terrorists. ─── 你单枪匹马杀入敌营,企图干掉世界上最行踪诡异的恐怖分子。

48、But nothing has proved more elusive in Campania's protracted waste crisis than long-term solutions. ─── 但是在坎帕尼亚拖延未决的垃圾危机中,没有什么比长期解决办法更难找到的了。

49、The elusive fourth goal could, and should have come earlier than it did.Drogba overran a charge on goal and gave Baptista the opportunity to block. ─── 在巴拉克和德罗巴一连串精妙配合之后,米克尔还是错过上好机会,射门太正被守门员没收。

50、Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation. ─── 翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的风韵。

51、To grow, love needs another, more elusive quality-the ability to let go. ─── 为了使爱得到升华,我们还需要具备另一种更让人难于理解的品质--一种对方留有一定个人空间的能力和勇气。

52、But he notes that data are elusive, and that the link between law and reality is often tenuous. ─── 同时他也指出,这些数据令人琢磨不透,而且法律和现实之间联系也常是那么虚无缥缈。

53、His whole attitude had undergone a subtle change; a subtle difference; that elusive thing the soul. ─── 他的整个态度发生了微妙的变化;微妙的差别;人心难测。

54、But the stories were elusive, and I sometimes wondered what another writer would make of them. ─── 可是这儿却尽是些没边没沿的传说,有时候我真怀疑,要是换一个人该不知会把它们写成什么样子。

55、Empiri-cally, the distinction between active and idle balances is elusive. ─── 在实际生活中,活动余额和闲置余额的区别是难以捉摸的。

56、As he rang here, there and everywhere trying to find the elusive Liu Yu-ying, he even forgot that he was getting hungry. ─── 于是他又四处打电话找这野鸟似的刘玉英,他连肚子饿也忘记了。

57、Wild cats rarely make good house pets. They are typically shy, retiring, elusive, nocturnal and often cantankerous. ─── 大意指野生猫科动物很少能成为好的家庭宠物。它们通常是害羞、孤独、琢磨不透、夜间行动的,且脾气往往很坏。

58、He says physicists believe they will find an elusive elementary particle called the H. ─── 他说物理学家们认为他们将发现难以捉摸的名为H.

59、Robert Langdon had proven an elusive quarry tonight, and with Agent Neveu now helping him, he might be far harder to corner than expected. ─── 今晚的事已经证明了兰登是个难以捉摸的追捕目标,现在他又得到了奈芙警官的帮助,追捕工作将比想像中困难得多。

60、For decades then, there has been a stalemate: two peoples with legitimate aspirations, each with a painful history that makes compromise elusive. ─── 几十年来,一直存在着一种僵持局面:有着合理追求的两族人民,因各自的痛苦历史而使妥协可望不可及。

61、"I love you" does not always have the same meaning, and this, too, should tell us something about the elusive nature of love. ─── “我爱你”总是有许多不同的含义,而这也正是好让我们了解到爱情那种令人费解的本性。

62、What if I said I could capture that elusive terrorist, Bin Laden? ─── 如果我说我能抓住难以捉到的恐怖分子本拉登,又会怎么样?

63、He spent a year prospecting for the elusive metal. ─── 他花了一年的功夫去勘探那种很难到手的金属。

64、Beeman is one of a group trying to unravel this extremely elusive phenomenon using MRI and EEG. ─── Beeman是一群希望用MRI和EEG方法弄清楚这一极度理解现象的科学家们中的一位。

65、After a time the enemy was baying across all south Kiangsi, hunting for the elusive Reds. ─── 不久以后,敌人就在赣南到处追逐行踪不定的红军。

66、Each is impelled to delve back into the past, in search of explanation and also of an elusive original perfection. ─── 两人不可避免地要埋头探究往事,去寻找答案,寻找昔日缥缈的完美。

67、He chased another elusive reward: riches. ─── 他还要追求另一种捉摸不定的奖赏:财富。

68、And the truth is elusive, because it knows where to hide. ─── 但事实却让人捉摸不透,因为它知道到哪儿去藏身。

69、An elusive, Cambridge-trained anthropologist made his career largely in the United States. ─── 令人莫测高深的,剑桥大学培养出来的人类学家,他的一生主要在美国渡过。

70、Empirically, the distinction between active and idle balances is elusive. ─── 在实际生活中,活动余额和闲置余额的区别是难以捉摸的。

71、After a time the enemy was baying across all south Kiangsi, hunting for the elusive Reds. ─── 不久以后,敌人就在赣南到处追逐行踪不定的红军。

72、But the potato psyllid is merely the vector.The actual pathogen is still elusive. ─── 但马铃薯木虱只是传播媒介,真正的病原体尚不清楚。

73、The pictured critter was not even the elusive American crocodile, Crocodylus acutus. ─── 图上的动物甚至不是神出鬼没的美洲鳄。

74、If anything, the word is so overused that its true meaning seems ever more elusive. ─── 事实上,由于爱这个词被人滥用,爱的真谛也就越来越难表述了。

75、Wittle BJR,Monocada S.Nitric oxide:The elusive mediator of the hyperdynamic circulation of cirrhosis[J].Hepatology,1992,16:1089. ─── 吴剑华.内源性一氧化氮与肝硬化[J].国外医学*流行病传染病分册.1995,22(4):156.

76、Empirically, the distinction between active and idle balance is elusive. ─── 在实际生活中,把货币分为活动余额和闲置余额是难以捉摸的。

77、But the root of the problem in many places, often in seemingly pristine habitats, has remained elusive. ─── 但是在很多地方,通常是在表面上很原始的栖息地,问题的根源依然难以捉摸。

78、He remained as elusive as ever. ─── 他还是那样令人难以捉摸。

79、We can now answer some of those elusive questions about the ultimate limits of information storage. ─── 关于资讯储量的限制,我们现在可以回答其中某些不易捉摸的问题。

80、You are asking about Han Jia? She has been quite mysterious the whole day.An elusive character! ─── 你说韩佳呀?今天一直神神秘秘的。让人摸不透!

81、It is a small but perhaps we probably even have the desire to follow, the end is elusive, to its ranks condoned. ─── 也许我们不过是小小的草民,即便怀有效仿的渴望,也终是可望而不可及,便以位卑宽宥了自己。

82、She did not know,it was too subtle and elusive to name. ─── 她 不 知 道 , 这 太 微 妙 难 以 指 明 。

83、If you salt the slurry with buck shot and swirl the pan around, the dark pellets will track the elusive flecks of gold. ─── 如果你在沙砾中加上撒上盐,把它晃一晃,那些黑色的小球中就会显现出不易发现的小块金子。

84、Smell, however, is a highly elusive phenomenon. ─── 然而,气味是一种非常难以捉摸的现象。

85、Both of us are biologists, so we swerved to talk about the elusive chameleon. ─── 我俩都是生物学家,便转而去讨论这难以捉摸的变色龙。

86、Now, astronomers say they have found the first conclusive evidence for one of these elusive objects at the fringe of a distant galaxy. ─── 现在天文学家们称,他们发现的第一个确凿的证据表明,有一个难以发现的中等质量黑洞位于遥远星系的边缘上。

87、The ever elusive Northwest Passage may be revealing itself in the Arctic. ─── 从来都让人难以琢磨的西北航道可能将在显现在北极。

88、Wittle B J,Monocadas,Nitric Oxide.The elusive mediator of the hyperdynamic circulation of cirrhosis.Hepatology.1992,16:1089. ─── 吴剑华.内源性一氧化氮与肝硬化.国外医学流行病传染病分册.1995,22(4):156.

89、But it is as simple as the desire of many people, is an elusive hope. ─── 但就是这样简单的愿望对很多人来讲,也是一个难以实现的奢望。


难以捉摸nányǐzhuō'mō  解释:不好捉摸,形容难以猜测或估量,多用于指手段、方法。  英文翻译:elusiveadj  语出:清赵翼《瓯北诗话·七言律》:“东坡出,又参以议论纵横变化,不可捉摸。”  同义词:捉摸不透捉摸不定




[ nán yǐ zhuō mō ]











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