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08-17 投稿


brownstone 发音

英:['bra?nst??n]  美:['bra?n'ston]

英:  美:

brownstone 中文意思翻译





brownstone 网络释义

n. 赤褐色砂石建筑;褐色砂石adj. 上流社会的;富有阶级的n. (Brownstone)人名;(英)布朗斯通

brownstone 词性/词形变化,brownstone变形

动词现在分词: browning |动词过去分词: browned |形容词比较级: browner |名词: brownness |动词第三人称单数: browns |动词过去式: browned |形容词: brownish |形容词最高级: brownest |

brownstone 短语词组

1、brownstone house ─── 布朗斯通大厦

2、mr brownstone solo brownstone solo ─── 先生

3、brownstone apartments ─── 布朗斯通公寓

4、brownstone cafe ─── 布朗斯通咖啡厅

5、brownstone townhomes ─── 布朗斯通别墅

6、brownstone district ─── 布朗斯通区

7、brownstone research login brownstone research ─── 登录

8、brownstone research ─── 布朗斯通研究所

9、mr brownstone ─── 布朗斯通先生

10、brownstone realty ─── 布朗斯通房地产

11、brownstone front (5 ─── 世纪)正面用褐石建造的房屋

brownstone 相似词语短语

1、brown-state ─── 布朗州

2、brown nose ─── 马屁精

3、brimstone ─── n.硫磺;悍妇

4、bondstone ─── n.砌合之石;备用石

5、brownstones ─── n.赤褐色砂石建筑;褐色砂石;adj.上流社会的;富有阶级的;n.(Brownstone)人名;(英)布朗斯通

6、brownstoner ─── 布朗斯通

7、bloodstone ─── n.血石;血石髓

8、ironstone ─── n.铁矿石

9、brown-nose ─── 马屁精

brownstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、More determined interviewers tracked her to the fourth floor of the walk-up brownstone on East 13th Street where she lived for most of her life. ─── 越发执意的采访者一路尾随她,直到拐进位于东十三街的那栋褐沙石楼房,跟上了四楼。莱氏就在这个没有电梯的地方度过大半生。

2、McCaw is my boss at the Brownstone Company. ─── 麦考是我在布朗斯通公司的老板。

3、a row house built of brownstone; reddish brown in color. ─── 一排用赤郝色砂石作的建筑;它的颜色就是在微红中带褐色。

4、When Jake comes home to his Westside brownstone it's to an extended family. ─── 当杰克回家他西城赤褐色砂石,这是一个大家庭。

5、Naylor lives on a quiet street in Brooklyn in a majestic brownstone with an interior featuring intricate woodwork and tasteful decorations that attest to a successful literary career. ─── Naylor生活在布鲁克林一个安静街到,住在一个有很多精美木雕和有品位的室内装饰的富丽堂皇的赤褐色砂岩的建筑内,并且有一个成功的文学生涯。

6、brownstone front ─── 正面用褐石建造的房屋

7、When Jake comes home to his Westside brownstone, it's to an extended family. ─── 当杰克回家他西城赤褐色砂石,这是一个大家庭。

8、for several years, I managed a department for the Brownstone Company in Detroit, Michigan. ─── 几年来,我在密歇根州底特律的布朗斯通公司管理一个部门。

9、We lived in NYC in Manhattan on 130 something street, in a three-story brownstone that housed many of my relatives. ─── 我们原来住在纽约市曼哈顿一幢好像是位于130号街的三层的赤褐色砂石建筑里,我的好多亲戚都住在那。

10、Justin rested on his side in their new bed on their first night at the brownstone. ─── 贾斯汀落在他的球队在他们的新床上他们的第一晚在上流社会。

11、A dead tree stands to the right of a tumbledown brownstone house. ─── 在一座破败的褐砂石房子的右侧,矗立着一棵枯树。

12、But here in brownstone, brick, terra-cotta, and verdigris copper. ─── 这里有赤褐色砂石,砖,土,陶,铜和铜绿。

13、brownstone sales co.,inc. ─── [陶瓷买家] b.

14、He was given to Stephanie LaFarge, to be brought up a nice brownstone on the Upper West Side of New York. ─── 他被送到了斯蒂芬妮·拉法基那里抚养,是在纽约上西城的一栋漂亮的房子里。

15、The sensibility that is brownstone design only is behaved youngly and be full of motivation, show new costly recreational outfit through layering law. ─── 专为上流社会设计的感性表现得年轻而布满动力,通过压条法表现出新的奢华的休闲装。

16、Hiemal D&G is blended in in fashionable restore ancient ways with element of palace front courtyard, will costly deduce acme, show brownstone aristocratic life adequately. ─── 冬季的D&G在摩登中融入复古与宫庭元素,将奢华演绎到极致,充分展示上流社会的贵族生活。

17、brownstone district ─── 高级住宅区

18、On a street of old brownstone houses in Brooklyn a man looked up and saw "a large bolt of lightning. " ─── 在布鲁克林街的老房子在上流人抬起头,看到了“一个闪电大螺栓。”

19、/ Brownstone, David M. ─── 作者:Franck, Irene M.

20、Brownstone Series ─── 褐砂岩统

21、But in actual life still calls somewhat " brownstone " (also say " the classes " ) with " ordinary common people " cent. ─── 但在现实生活中还有所谓“上流社会”(亦称“上层社会”)与“普通百姓”之分。

22、"Go to Kenya " once was Euramerican brownstone most popular topic, everybody regards this kind of experience as show off talk endowment. ─── "到肯尼亚去"曾经是欧美上流社会最为流行的话题,每个人都把这种经历当成炫耀的谈资。

23、Trimble paused, looking carefully at the brownstone house. ─── 崔博停了下来,很仔细地看着这褐色砂石墙的房子。

24、In the new movie Panic Room, Jodie Foster barricades herself in a high-tech bunker inside her New York brownstone, while burglars try to get in. ─── 在新电影《战栗空间》中,朱迪·福斯特把她自己困在了纽约一所大房子中的一个高科技地下堡垒里。当时,强盗们正试图闯入这所房子。

25、Holiday Inn Brownstone - Raleigh DT : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

26、Wednesday, my brownstone palace began; ─── 星期三,我的富丽堂皇宫殿开始修建;

27、It was a great, rambling, two-storey affair, done after the manner of the French chateaux, but in red brick and brownstone. ─── 那是一座二层楼的散漫的大厦,仿法国的别墅造的,却用的是红砖和赭石。

28、They would include a permanent Venice canal, Parisian square and brownstone New York apartments. ─── 这些场景包括,一条永久的威尼斯运河,巴黎广场以及纽约的褐石(brownstone)公寓楼。

29、This specification " orchid " already made Chinese ancient time the decorations with brownstone necessary everybody. ─── 这说明“兰”已成为中国古代上流社会人人必备的饰物。

30、Memories of the first asparagus and carrots he ate from a garden years before led him to start growing product on the roof of his brownstone. ─── 多年前他第一次在花园里吃芦笋和胡萝卜的记忆,让他开始在自己褐石屋的屋顶上种植农产品。

31、One of my favorite neighborhoods in Boston is the South End. This is really where you find that kind of quintessential Brownstone Boston feel. ─── 波士顿中我最喜爱的一个社区就是南端。这是一个你能真正找到典型褐砂石波士顿感觉的地方。

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