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08-17 投稿


sumptuary 发音

英:[?s?mpt?u?eri]  美:[?s?mptj??ri]

英:  美:

sumptuary 中文意思翻译



sumptuary 短语词组

1、sumptuary tax ─── 奢侈品税,限制消费税

2、sumptuary definition ─── 奢侈的定义

3、sumptuary code ─── 奢侈代码

4、sumptuary regulation ─── 油库管理

5、sumptuary define ─── 奢侈定义

6、sumptuary def ─── 豪华公寓

7、sumptuary laws ─── 节约法令(sumptuarylaw的复数)

8、sumptuary arts ─── 奢侈艺术

9、sumptuary legislation ─── 奢侈品立法

10、sumptuary law ─── [经] 限制消费法

11、sumptuary labor ─── 奢侈劳动

sumptuary 相似词语短语

1、sumptuous ─── adj.华丽的,豪华的;奢侈的

2、tumultuary ─── adj.骚动的;喧嚣的;激动的

3、sanctuary ─── n.避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿

4、statuary ─── n.雕像;雕像艺术;adj.雕塑的;雕像用的

5、sumptuary law ─── 节约法令

6、promptuary ─── n.仓库;经常使用的参考书

7、summary ─── n.总结,概要;adj.总结性的;简略的,扼要的;(司法程序)即决的;简易判罪的

8、sumpter ─── n.驮畜;赶驮马的人;拉货车的马或驴子

9、sumpters ─── n.驮畜;赶驮马的人;拉货车的马或驴子

sumptuary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In his New York Times column Monday, David Brooks quips that the American rich are now subject to a new kind of sumptuary code. ─── 过去的这些“禁奢令”是为防范人们(包括职业人士)行为不轨。在英国伊丽莎白一世时代,这类禁令也同样发挥了作用,当时,皇室希望通过类似的规定压制不断增加的反抗者。

2、Article 3 The supply of urban water shall be subject to the principles of development of water supply, planned and sumptuary water use. ─── 第三条 城市供水应当以发展供水和计划用水、节约用水为原则。

3、Such rules, now known as sumptuary laws, were aimed at putting people (and professionals) in their place. ─── 过去的这些“禁奢令”是为防范人们(包括职业人士)行为不轨。

4、sumptuary law ─── 禁奢律, 节约法令

5、sumptuary laws ─── 禁止奢侈法令

6、An act of Louis IX of France (1214 - 1270) established a sumptuary law reserving Diamonds for the King indicates the rarity and value of this gem. ─── 法国国王路易斯四世(1214-1270)就颁布了一部钻石禁奢令,只有国王才有权拥有钻石,此事佐证了钻石在那时也成为稀有和价值的代名词。

7、sumptuary laws discouraging construction of large houses on small plots; ─── 禁止奢侈的规定禁止在小块土地上有大的房屋建筑;

8、secular sumptuary laws, which regulated consumption habits, were a brake on social mobility. ─── 世俗限制奢侈法律开始出现,控制消费习惯,并对社会流动性踩上了刹车。

9、"And were readily allowed to individuals dignified by rank or wealth, even while sumptuary laws forbade these and similar extravagances to the plebeian order. ─── 而且,尽管禁止奢侈的法律不准平民等级效法这一类铺张,但是地位高或财富多的人,随时都可得到豁免。

10、Though quite often many workplaces still require formal dress, increasingly one can see that many companies only have very loose sumptuary guidelines. ─── 虽然在很多情况下,许多工作场所仍旧要求穿着正式服装,但人们日益发现许多公司只是制定了一些非常松散的限制规定。

11、Such rules, now known as sumptuary laws, were aimed at putting people (and professionals) in their place. ─── 过去的这些“禁奢令”是为防范人们(包括职业人士)行为不轨。

12、What sumptuary advice do they offer? ─── 他们会给出怎样的节约建议呢?

13、How to use "sumptuary" to create a sentence? ─── - 翻译: 这个的英文怎麽说?

14、Sumptuary laws (fromLatinsumptuariae leges) arelawsthat attempt to regulate habits of consumption. ─── 禁奢法是一项用以规范消费行为的法律条文。

15、However, these sumptuary Law were found not carried out very well in all Song Dynasty, and the facts of the luxury expenditure in each realm in Song Dynasty had proved this point. ─── 但终宋一朝,这些禁令却并未得到很好的贯彻执行,宋代社会中各个领域的奢侈消费现实也充分证明了这点。

16、What sumptuary advice do they offer? ─── 他们会给出怎样的节约建议呢?

17、The sumptuary regional development pattern based on industrial clusters ─── 基于产业集群的节约型区域发展模式

18、sumptuary tax ─── 奢侈品税

19、As the booming economy upset the God-given medieval hierarchy, secular sumptuary laws, which regulated consumption habits, were a brake on social mobility. ─── 随着繁荣的经济打乱了神赐的中世纪社会阶级,世俗限制奢侈法律开始出现,控制消费习惯,并对社会流动性踩上了刹车。

20、Keywords dietetic culture;down-trickling effect;sumptuary laws;origin of culture; ─── 饮食文化;滴流效应;僭越规则;文化起源;

21、The sumptuary regional development pattern based on industrial clusters ─── 基于产业集群的节约型区域发展模式

22、sumptuary laws discouraging construction of large houses on small plots of land. ─── 限制在小块土地上建筑大型房屋的规范法律

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