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08-17 投稿


mercurial 发音

英:[m??r?kj?ri?l]  美:[m???kj??ri?l]

英:  美:

mercurial 中文意思翻译




mercurial 网络释义

adj. 水银的;水星的;墨丘利神的;雄辩机智的;活泼善变的n. 汞剂;水银剂

mercurial 词性/词形变化,mercurial变形

副词: mercurially |

mercurial 短语词组

1、mercurial soap ─── [化] 汞皂

2、mercurial ptyalism ─── [医] 汞毒性流涎

3、mercurial ulitis ─── [医] 汞毒性龈炎

4、mercurial plaster ─── [医] 汞硬膏

5、mercurial ulcer ─── [医] 汞毒性溃疡

6、mercurial thermometer ─── [医] 汞温度计, 水银温度计

7、blach mercurial lotion ─── [医] 黑汞洗液, 黑色洗液

8、aromatic mercurial ─── [机] 芳族汞制剂

9、mercurial liniment ─── [医] 汞搽剂

10、mercurial barometer ─── [电] 水银气压计

11、mercurial diuretic ─── [医] 汞利尿剂

12、mercurial ointment ─── 汞软膏

13、mercurial necrosis ─── [医] 汞中毒性坏死

14、bridgehead mercurial ─── [机] 桥头汞剂

15、mercurial crethism ─── [医] 汞毒性兴奋增盛

16、mercurial salivation ─── [医] 汞性流涎

17、mercurial bath ─── [医] 升汞浴

18、mercurial air pump ─── [医] 汞动气压泵, 阿耳范亚氏泵(血内气体测量器)

19、mercurial stomatitis ─── [医] 汞毒性口炎

mercurial 相似词语短语

1、mercuries ─── n.[化]汞,水银;[天]水星;温度表;精神,元气

2、mercurialist ─── 水银学家

3、mercurialism ─── n.[内科]汞中毒;[医]水银中毒

4、mercurialise ─── 汞化

5、mercurify ─── 汞化

6、mercurials ─── adj.水银的;水星的;墨丘利神的;雄辩机智的;活泼善变的;n.汞剂;水银剂

7、cercarial ─── adj.尾蚴的;摇尾幼虫的

8、mercurially ─── 易变地

9、mercuric ─── adj.[无化]汞的;水银的

mercurial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、mercurial situation ─── 易变的形势

2、Mercurial's documentation tends to be more complete and easier for novices to read. ─── Hg的文档相比起来更完善,对新手来说也更容易阅读。

3、Gives Mercurial a chance to avoid damage and disperse it to an area around her. ─── 一级-有4%的几率将伤害折射到她周围400范围的区域中去。二级-有8%的几率将伤害折射到她周围400范围的区域中去。

4、diluted mercurial ointment ─── 弱汞软膏

5、moving cistern mercurial barometer ─── 动槽水银气压表

6、My blood was blue and red when I was child," said Gheorghe Hagi, whose mercurial presence and talented left foot were two of the driving factors behind Romania's1990 s successes. ─── 我还是孩子的时候就流淌着红蓝色的血。”哈吉说。哈吉,正是由于他机智的球风和天才的左脚才有了罗马尼亚足球上世纪90年代的成功。

7、mercurial exchange rates ─── 变动不定的兑换率

8、The manager immediately took an active interest in Gerrard's development and has since benefitted from his skipper's mercurial talents and never-say-die attitude. ─── 主教练立即关注杰拉德进展,四次他的队长不断从拉法收益,并且具备从不言败的态度。

9、mercurial salivation ─── [医] 汞性流涎

10、"My blood was blue and red when I was child," said Gheorghe Hagi, whose mercurial presence and talented left foot were two of the driving factors behind Romania's 1990s successes. ─── “我还是孩子的时候就流淌着红蓝色的血。”哈吉说。哈吉,正是由于他机智的球风和天才的左脚才有了罗马尼亚足球上世纪90年代的成功。

11、2.Thucydides, himself an Athenian general who was sacked for his alleged failures at the battle of Amphipolis, judged the Athenians to be rash and mercurial after the death of Pericles. ─── 修昔底德自己作为一名雅典的将军,声称由于在安菲玻里战役中败北而被解职,他认为在伯里克利死后,雅典人变得莽撞而狡诈善变。

12、Sometimes he's adultly, and sometimes mercurial, do you konw which is the real him? ─── 他有时老成稳重,有时活泼可爱,你知道哪个才是真实的他么?

13、strong mercurial Ointment ─── [医] 强汞软膏

14、A mercurial nature. ─── 反复无常的性格

15、mercurial ulitis ─── [医] 汞毒性龈炎

16、mercurial chloride ─── 氯化汞,升汞

17、a cura di Lamberto Mercuri. ─── 作者声明: Ignazio Silone ;

18、a brilliant, mercurial mind ─── 敏捷而富有才智的头脑

19、Many companies view the Obama administration as merger unfriendly and mercurial in its approach to corporate America, and so IBM is reluctant to make any dicey political promises. ─── 很多公司认为奥巴马政府对美国企业的态度不利于并购而且多变,因此IBM不愿轻率冒险地作出任何政治方面的承诺。

20、Keywords Genetically engineered bacteria;bioaccumulation;mercurial ion; ─── 基因工程菌;生物富集;汞离子;

21、But he also tends to be forgetful, and is often tardy and mercurial. ─── 但是他很健忘,动作老是慢一拍,脾气也反复无常。

22、The answer to that question is admittedly mercurial, as one person’s view of a top-notch employer will differ from somebody else’s. ─── 朋友们都羡慕他这份给妻子带来惊喜的礼物,开始纷纷要求为他们也制作风向标。

23、She was described at the time as mercurial, alternating between near-suicidal and paranoid moods, and moments of great.compassion, mimicry, and humor ─── 有人说她当时的情绪变化无常;时而就要自杀,类似于偏执狂发作,时而悲天悯人、戏谑模仿、诙谐而有风趣。

24、Their attitudes embody the extremes of nature, mercurial and intense. ─── 它们的形态包含了全部自然天性、活泼和有力量的一切。

25、mild mercurial Ointment ─── [医] 弱汞软膏

26、bridgehead mercurial ─── 桥头汞剂

27、She was described at the time as mercurial, alternating between near-suicidal and paranoid moods, and moments of great compassion, mimicry, and humor ─── 有人说她当时的情绪变化无常;时而就要自杀,类似于偏执狂发作,时而悲天悯人、戏谑模仿、诙谐而有风趣。

28、Our desires and aversions are mercurial rulers. ─── 我们的欲望与嫌恶是变化无常的统治者。

29、Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with. ─── 埃米莉脾气反覆无常,很难与她相处。

30、MIT logging tool is able to get 40 ultra-sensitive CAL curves,and detect the locations of casing damages with an inclinometer of mercurial sensor. ─── IT测井仪可获得40条高精度的井径曲线,并使用水银探针式的井斜旋角仪确定套损方位,避免了对套管损伤成像的误解释,便于和其他资料对比。

31、At a first glance, people might think he looked a senator, it did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was. ─── 乍眼一看,他就象是一个参议员,然而人们不久就会发现他性格是多么的反复无常。

32、mercurial mood ─── 情绪易变

33、blach mercurial lotion ─── [医] 黑汞洗液, 黑色洗液

34、She has a mercurial turn of conversation. ─── 她谈话善转话锋。

35、mercurial liniment ─── [医] 汞搽剂

36、The mercurial, hyperactive Mr Sarkozy considers the German chancellor to be impossibly hesitant and legalistic. ─── 反复无常而又极度活跃的萨科奇则认为,德国的总理是那样不可置信的犹疑而且拘泥于法度。

37、highly (or easily) changeable; changeful; mercurial; varied ─── 多变

38、United legend Charlton feels the mercurial wide man is not fazed by the terrace taunts and is delighted with the Portugal international's recent improvement. ─── 曼联传奇巨星查尔顿认为这位情绪不稳定的球员并没有受到无休止的辱骂的影响,他为这位葡萄牙球星最近的进步感到高兴。

39、mercurial necrosis ─── [医] 汞中毒性坏死

40、In no sense mercurial, these great fortunes survived the financial panics that destroyed lesser ones. ─── 这些巨大的财富绝不是反复无常的,它们在金融恐慌中幸存了下来。

41、This circumstance is usable and chemical divide mercurial or heat the paint film with law corrugate eliminate, go up afresh lacquer. ─── 此情况可用化学除汞剂或加热法除去起皱的漆膜,重新上漆。

42、2. erratic behavior; fickle weather; mercurial twists of temperament; a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next. ─── 反复无常的行为;易变的天气;反复无常的性情;反复无常的性格,一会儿冷漠、任性,一会儿又彻底的脆弱。收藏指正

43、Mercurial and unpredictable, he was the kind of man who could only be explained by Pushkin or Tolstoy, if by anyone at all. ─── 他反复无常,令人捉摸不透,是那种只能由普希金或托尔斯泰来解释的人,如果有人能够解释他的话。

44、"I dont really understand why they are charging me with criminal trespass, as I didnt even climb," Robert said before ascending the 400-foot Mercurial Tower in the suburb of Bagnolet. ─── 在攀登这幢位于Bagnolet郊区高达400英尺的水银大楼之前,他说:“我实在是不理解他们为什么还以侵入罪指控我。因为那时我并没有爬楼。”

45、Whenever an allied unit near Mercurial dies, it releases an energy to damage its enemies as its last act of vengeance. 1000 AOE. ─── 可以通过使用“复仇道标”将附近所有单位死亡后的复仇伤害集中至一个敌方英雄身上,持续30秒。

46、mercurial bath ─── [医] 升汞浴

47、mercurial crethism ─── [医] 汞毒性兴奋增盛

48、At a first glance, people might think he looked like a senator, it did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was. ─── 你的渴望感,你所掌握的知识以及你的机敏程度,这些都将决定你是否会成为一名善于读书的人。

49、But he also tends to be forgetful, and is often tardy and mercurial. ─── 但是他很健忘,动作老是慢一拍,脾气也反复无常。

50、chronic mercurial poisoning ─── 慢性汞中毒

51、Always remember that weather markets are mercurial, extreme in price fluctuatio, and very difficult to master. Forecasts of weather beyond a few days are not reliable. ─── 始终记住,气候市场是变幻无常,价格变动剧烈,极难把握的市场。几天之外的天气预报就不可靠。

52、mercurial desk model sphygmomanomete ─── 台式汞柱血压计

53、a mercurial compound applied topically as an antiseptic; Mercurochrome is the trademark. ─── 作为防腐剂使用的水银剂的混合物;Mercurchrome是商标。

54、She has a mercurial turn of conversation ─── 她谈话善转话锋

55、Twice the past two games Jackson has run the first play of the game for Odom, a sign he's looking to jumpstart the versatile forward's mercurial offensive game. ─── 在前两场比赛中杰克逊安排的战术是由奥多姆处理比赛的第一投,这一迹象表明他有意增加这名有经验的前锋在进攻端的活跃程度。

56、double tubing mercurial barometer ─── 双管水银气压表

57、mercurial slimicide ─── 杀粘菌汞剂

58、erratic behavior; fickle weather; mercurial twists of temperament; a quicksilver character, cool and willful at one moment, utterly fragile the next. ─── 反复无常的行为;易变的天气;反复无常的性情;反复无常的性格,一会儿冷漠、任性,一会儿又彻底的脆弱。

59、Capello has recognised Rooney's importance, but has also determined that he works best alongside a powerhouse like Heskey.He is the perfect, if unsung, foil to Rooney's mercurial talents. ─── 卡佩罗认可鲁尼的重要性,但他也知道鲁尼在一个像赫斯基一样的强力前锋的周围会有最好的发挥。

60、Meanwhile, his mercurial character has only got more erratic. ─── 同时,喜乐无常的个性使小泽变得更加难以捉摸。

61、aromatic mercurial ─── [机] 芳族汞制剂

62、erratic behavior; fickle weather; mercurial twists of temperament; a quicksilver character,cool and willful at one moment,utterly fragile the next ─── 反复无常的行为;易变的天气;反复无常的性情;反复无常的性格,一会儿冷漠、任性,一会儿又彻底的脆弱

63、mercurial plaster ─── [医] 汞硬膏

64、Whatever the mercurial Lakers superstar desires, this much is known ? for better or for worse, his days in Los Angeles are numbered. ─── 不论科比有多么能言善辩,这位湖人超级明星心里所想是众所周知的,无论如何,他在洛杉矶的日子已经屈指可数。

65、mercurial ointment, strong ─── 强汞软膏

66、Simpler in conception is Mercuri's suggestion, which she has been promulgating since 1993.Electronic ballot boxes would be equipped with a glass screen and a printer. ─── 另一种更简单的概念,则是麦古力从1993年就一直提出的建议:加装玻璃屏幕跟印表机的电子投票箱。

67、Their mercurial personalities, coupled with their Creativity, are often linked to their ancestral ties with the fae folk. ─── 他们这样双重的个性再加上他们出众的创造力,经常会让人认为他们的血脉和妖精有关。

68、mercurial twists of temperament; ─── 反复无常的性情;

69、standard mercurial barometer ─── 标准水银气压表

70、mercurial changes of mood ─── 易变的心情

71、mercurial air pump ─── [医] 汞动气压泵, 阿耳范亚氏泵(血内气体测量器)

72、Changeable, erratic, mobile, capricious, inconstant Few people can stand Michael's mercurial personality, so he does not have many friends. ─── 很少有人能忍受迈克尔多变的性格,所以他的朋友不多。

73、a mercurial compound applied topically as an antiseptic ─── 作为防腐剂使用的水银剂的混合物

74、He was of a mercurial temperament and therefore unpredictable. ─── 他是个反复无常的人,因此对他的行为无法预言。

75、Should they be missing again, Wright-Phillips will be around to race at defenders in the same mercurial fashion. ─── 一旦他们再度受伤,赖特菲利浦斯会以相同多变灵活的风格同防守队员在边路展开追逐。

76、But he also tends to be forgetful, and is often tardy and 8)mercurial. ─── 不过,他也常忘事儿,办起事来拖拖拉拉,脾气反复无常。

77、Dill, who also runs the Verified Voting campaign Web site, and Rebecca Mercuri, a fellow at Harvard University who wrote her dissertation on electronic voting systems. ─── Dill),以及哈佛大学的麦古力(RebeccaMercuri),她的博士论文即是探讨电子投票系统。

78、As shown in this example output, Mercurial refers to all changes that are associated with a single commit as a changeset. ─── 如示例输出所示,Mercurial把与一次提交相关联的所有更改称为更改集。

79、At a first glance, people might think he looked a senator, it did not take them long to discover how mercurial he was. ─── 乍眼一看,他就象是一个参议员,然而人们不久就会发现他性格是多么的反复无常。

80、a mercurial wit ─── 富于机智的人

81、A campaign with the "Race to re-live Alexanders mercurial career, crossing the new map from Greece to the Himalayas". ─── 帝国会战,重现亚历山大辉煌,从希腊开始,横扫天下,直至喜马拉雅。

82、a mercurial ointment, compound, etc ─── 含汞药膏、 汞化合物

83、Few people can stand Michael's mercurial personality, so he does not have many friends. ─── 很少有人能忍受迈克尔多变的性格,所以他的朋友不多。

84、Thy entry is a pleasant field, Which some mossy fruit trees yield Partly to a ruddy brook, By gliding musquash undertook, And mercurial trout, Darting about. ─── 入口是愉快的田野,那里有些生苔的果树,让出一泓红红的清溪,水边有闪逃的麝香鼠,还有水银似的鳟鱼啊,游来游去。

85、Emily's mercurial temperament made her difficult to live with. ─── 埃米莉脾气反复无常,很难与她相处。

86、Always remember that weather markets are mercurial, extreme in price fluctuations, and very difficult to master. ─── 始终记住,气候市场是变幻无常,价格变动剧烈,极难把握的市场。几天之外的天气预报就不可靠。

87、a mercurial temperament ─── 喜怒无常的性情.

88、English: 357. A mercurial barometer has a glass tube a little more than 30 inches long. ─── 中文:水银气压表有一长30英寸多一点的玻璃管。

89、The children's mercurial natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered dispositions of their parents. ─── 孩子们善变的性格与他们父母平和的性格形成了鲜明的对比。

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