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08-17 投稿


handcart 发音

英:[?h?ndkɑ?t]  美:[?h?ndkɑ?rt]

英:  美:

handcart 中文意思翻译



handcart 短语词组

1、handcart lowes ─── 手推车lowes

2、handcart used by market vendors ─── 市场供应商使用的手推车

3、handcart movie ─── 手推车电影

4、handcart quilts ─── 手推车被子

5、handcart art ─── 手推车艺术

6、handcart pioneers ─── 手推车先驱

7、handcart abn re ─── 手推车abn re

8、handcart quilting and repair ─── 手推车绗缝和修理

9、handcart sprayer ─── 手推车式喷雾器

handcart 词性/词形变化,handcart变形

异体字: hand's-breadth |

handcart 相似词语短语

1、handjars ─── 手套

2、handcraft ─── n.手工艺,手艺;vt.以手工做

3、handcarry ─── 手提

4、handcar ─── n.(美)(铁路线检查和工人交通用的)手摇车

5、handjar ─── 手帕

6、handfast ─── n.婚约;抓牢

7、hand-cart ─── 手推车

8、handcarts ─── n.手车;手推车

9、handcars ─── n.(美)(铁路线检查和工人交通用的)手摇车

handcart 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Model HXY steel material four small wheels patient handcart ─── HXY型钢质四小轮病人推车

2、The cabinet body uses the assembly type, the circuit breaker uses the handcart console model structure; ─── 柜体采用组装式,断路器采用手车落地式结构;

3、My elder brother and I loaded the handcart with wheat and pulled it home. ─── 我和哥哥用架子车装了一车麦子拉回家。

4、1. He lugged a heavy handcart along. ─── 他使劲拉走那笨重的手推车。

5、The Bercow report of 2008 warned that we were all going to hell in a handcart. ─── 2008年度Bercow报告警告,我们都坐上了堕入地狱的手推车。

6、The products can operate SN 10-10 series oil-minimum breaker in several of handcart cabinet, fixing cabinet. Output corner is less than 90. ─── 本产品可以用于操作各类手本车柜、固定柜中的SN10-10系列少油断路器和各类合闸功与之相当的断路器。其输出转角小于90度。

7、Distance between handcart track and grab ─── 小车轨面至抓斗底面距离

8、Pneumatic tires for bicycles and handcart ─── 自行车和手推车气胎

9、Two handcart of Shanghai trade the quantity still occupies countrywide first place. ─── 上海二手车交易量仍居全国首位。

10、a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects. ─── 有两个轮子、底部有暗架、顶部有手柄的手推车;用于移动柳条箱或其他重的物品。

11、handcart set ─── 手持步谈机

12、Then out of the blue, the elderly lady appeared - with a handcart! ─── 可是突然间,那位老妇人出现人-带着一台手推车!

13、Pushing the handcart, they had to run up so that is will not slip back on the slope of the road. ─── 他对这个棘手的问题避而不答。

14、Translation is a CARRIER.Think about a vehicle, a ship or the handcart used in the ancient times. ─── 翻译是一种运载工具--一如车辆、轮船亦或远古时期曾使用的手推车。

15、6, the circuit breaker, the handcart and swings between the organization to be equipped with strictly prevents misoperation's mechanical block system. ─── 6、断路器,手车和摇进机构之间设有严格的防止误操作的机械闭锁装置。

16、In the latest blast, the bomb was placed in a handcart, used to carry flour, near Church of St Thomas. ─── 在最新的爆炸,炸弹被安置在一手推车,用于实施面粉,附近的圣托马斯教堂。

17、handcart switch cabinet ─── 手车式开关柜

18、For HV products: there are builtin type, handcart type, fixed type and loop-net type. ─── 高压为中置式、手车式、固定式及环网柜;

19、His handcart is still rattling along though it was oiled yesterday. ─── 他的手推车虽然昨天上了油,但跑起来还是嘎嘎作响。

20、Please don't put your handcart in the overhead compartment. ─── 请您不要把手推车放在行李架上.

21、Such bumps into a cart in real life also fail to see the handcart that life blood miserable condition. ─── 这样现实的生活中也看不到小车撞进大车那种生命鲜血的惨状。

22、Can abstruse Tuo , the household QQ. handcart of the same class, cut price by in several future years to 20,000 following! ! ! ! ─── 您的位置:凡人谷知道>生活>购车养车>奥拓,QQ.一类的家用小车,会不会在未来几年降价到2万以下!!!!

23、Personal Computer On-Line Monitoring for Handcart Operating Status of High-Voltage Switch Cabinets ─── 高压开关柜手车操作状态的微机监控

24、Although the wooden handcart is rough, it is very practical. ─── 板儿车虽然简陋,但也很实用呢。

25、In the light of the connection mode and action process of auto-reclosure in handcart switch cabinet, The cause of its malfunction was analyzed, and the effective improvement on its connection mode was put forward. ─── 摘要结合手车式开关拒自动重合闸装置的接线方式和动作过程,分析了手车式开关拒重合闸误动的原因,提出了手车式开关拒自动重合闸装置接线方式有效的改进对策。

26、Improvement of Connection Mode of Auto-reclosure in Handcart Switch Cabinet ─── 手车式开关柜自动重合闸装置接线方式的改进

27、V2000 vacuum circuit breaker was 12KV degree indoor HV switchgear. Apply to fixed cupboard, handcart cupboard, medium cupboard and so. Except general advantage also have more advance function. ─── V2000型真空断路器为12千伏电压等级户内高压开关设备。适用于固定柜、手推柜、中置柜等所有开关应用场所。它除具备一般真空断路器优点外,还具备有更多先进功能。

28、Potter and Redskin Joe had a handcart, from which they took a blanket, a rope and two spades. Then they began to open the grave. ─── 彼得和印第安人乔推著一辆手推车,车上有条毯子、一条绳子和两把圆锹。接著他们就开始掘坟。

29、Baby handcart made of stainless steel ─── 不锈钢婴儿推车

30、The handcart was got ready and the body was placed on it, covered with the blanket, and bound in its place with the rope. ─── 手推车准备好了,他们就把尸体放在上面,并用毯子铺盖好,再用绳子捆好。

31、The handcart was got ready and the body was placed on it, covered with the blanket, and bound in its place with the rope. ─── 手推车准备好了,他们就把尸体放在上面,并用毯子铺盖好,再用绳子捆好。

32、Such bumps into a cart in real life also fail to see the handcart that life blood miserable condition. ─── 这样现实的生活中也看不到小车撞进大车那种生命鲜血的惨状。

33、a handcart that holds groceries while shopping. ─── 购物的时候用来放物品的手推车。

34、Our old handcart rattled over the street. ─── 我们的旧手推车嘎嘎地穿过大街。

35、If you are lucky, buy possibly to have price of new car half only, but the two handcart that character is about the same with new car however. ─── 如果你运气好,则可能买到一辆只有新车一半价格,但品质却与新车不相上下的二手车。

36、The main switch, the handcart, between the switch cabinet door interconnection uses the compulsory mechanical block system, satisfied “five guards against” the request; ─── 主开关、手车、开关柜门之间的联锁均采用强制性机械闭锁方式,满足“五防”要求;电缆室间充裕,可连多根电缆;

37、The cabinet has a safe and reliable interlocking structure.The handcart is removable for push forward and backward. ─── 开关柜有安全可靠的联锁机构,手车配置灵活,可靠的推进、退出操作及联锁机构。

38、Should make buyers and sellers main to the price of two handcart satisfactory, the price that is about to have a conviction making a person that can follow evaluates a standard. ─── 目前二手车交易市场非常火爆,但买卖双方往往由于价格问题使交易搁浅。要使买卖双方对二手车的价格基本满意,就要有一个可以遵循的令人信服的价格评估标准。

39、The whole and may extract the part by the cabinet body (handcart) two graduation to be composed. ─── 整体由柜体和可抽出部分(手车)两部分级组成。

40、3. This circuit breaker is handcart type, reasonable structure, convenient maintenance, safe usage. With CD10II type electromagnetism operation mechanism of CT19II type spring operation mechanism. ─── 本断路器为手车式,结构合理,维护简便,使用安全可靠。配用CD10II型电磁操动机构或CT19II型弹簧操作机构。收藏指正

41、" she says, this idea originates current and popular " two handcart " the market. ─── 她说,这个想法来源于目前流行的“二手车”市场。

42、large handcart is pulled to sell coolie even after coming home, but he is without complain blame. ─── 回家后还要拉排子车卖苦力,但他毫无怨尤。

43、10.a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top;used to move crates or other heavy objects. ─── 在盐湖城教堂广场的边缘附近有一座很温馨的雕像,塑造了一个拉着木质手推车的男人和他的家人一起行走。

44、The handcart includes different positions for operation, test and disconnection. ─── 手车有工作位置、试验位置、断开位置。

45、Steel bracket tray,storing cage,material box,climb frame,small handcart,steel buttress piling etc. ─── 钢制托盘、仓储笼、物料箱、登高车、小推车、钢制堆垛架等。

46、Model HXY stainless steel four small wheels patient handcart ─── HXY型不锈钢四小轮病人推车

47、Causes of Frequent Burning Out of Handcart Type High-voltage Switch Plugs ─── 手车式高压开关插头频繁烧坏的原因

48、Introduces the research of the portable expandable graphic extinguisher, the handcart expandable graphic extinguisher and the fixed expandable graphic spray set. ─── 结合工程实际,详细介绍了马房沟提水工程泵站的消防总体设计、灭火器配置及火灾自动报警装置的设计。

49、The handcart frame Chinese dress has the guide screw nut to advance the organization, but the relaxed motion handcart, and can prevent effectively the misoperation damages the advancement structure; ─── 手车车架中装有丝杠螺母推进机构,可轻松移动手车,并能有效防止误操作而损坏推进结构;

50、The handcart rattled away. ─── 手推车嘎拉嘎拉地过去了。

51、She currently carries the items in a handcart, but thought that she might need a car for her business. ─── 她现在使用一辆手推车搬运货物,但为了她的生意她老人家可能想要一辆小汽车。

52、Zhuge Liang has also invented the kongming lantern and the handcart (ancient transport vehicle). ─── 诸葛亮还发明了孔明灯和手推车(木牛流马)。

53、a handcart for moving a load of laundry. ─── 运送洗衣店的货物的手推车。

54、Sometimes I can sit in the handcart before we buy things. ─── 有时候在还没买到东西前我可以坐在手推车里。

55、And WDL linear displacement sensor is used to gain signal of displacement of handcart. ─── 对于手车位移信号的监测,选用了WDL直滑式导电塑料电位器。

56、Lele handcart (勒勒车) is a traditional vehicle used on grassland for transportation. ─── 在伊克昭盟成吉思汗陵的祭祀典礼中,有祭祀苏力定的仪式。

57、They come to the front cabin. The stewardess opens one of the overhead compartments and she finds a handcart in it. ─── 他们来到前舱,乘务员打开行李架现发觉里面横着一辆手推车。

58、Two handcart are new immigrant, student and abecedarian love most. ─── 二手车是新移民、学生及初学者的最爱。

59、a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; ─── 有两个轮子、底部有暗架、顶部有手柄的手推车;

60、Design of a Handcart for ZB-1 Concrete Brickworks ─── ZB-1混凝土草芯砌块手推车的设计

61、Switch cabinet comprises of cabinet and on-board handcart. ─── 开关柜由柜体和中置式手车两部分组成;

62、Apply to fixed cupboard, handcart cupboard, medium cupboard and so. ─── 适用于固定柜、手推柜、中置柜等所有开关应用场所。

63、7.he used a handcart to carry the rocks away; their pushcart was piled high with groceries. ─── 他使用手推车运送石头;他们的手推车被货物堆。

64、2, this product handcart specification is complete. ─── 2、该产品手车规格齐全。

65、handcart cabinet ─── 手车柜

66、Distance between cart and handcart ─── 大车轨面至小车轨面的距离

67、If the mortgage-backed market does go to hell in a handcart, the banks will have an even bumpier ride. ─── 如果抵押贷款支持证券市场真的成为通往地狱的列车,恐怕银行就是上面倒霉的司机。

68、Neither do we seem capable, at the very least, in abating our lemming like rush to hell in a handcart for just a short while, whilst we reflect upon our actions and their possible consequences. ─── 4、全中国的年轻的公益志愿者,还面临着一个超级严重的问题:中国现在经济飞速发展,物价、房价等等一切与吃、住有关的都在飞速的高涨;

69、4, the handcart turnover uses the silk weapon to swing the organization, is dexterous, is nimble; ─── 4、手车进出采用丝械摇进机构,轻巧、灵活;

70、Use a suitable handcart designed for cylinder movement. ─── 使用设计用于钢瓶移动的合适的手推车。

71、This circuit breaker is handcart type, reasonable structure, convenient maintenance, safe usage. With CD10II type electromagnetism operation mechanism of CT19II type spring operation mechanism. ─── 本断路器为手车式,结构合理,维护简便,使用安全可靠。配用CD10II型电磁操动机构或CT19II型弹簧操作机构。

72、First, I am the handcart goal: Trains the young child body to be hanging, two are well-grounded crawling. Exercise neck muscle, arm muscle, back muscle and musculi abdominis.... ─── 一、我是手推车目的:训练小儿身体悬空,两手着地爬行。锻炼颈肌、臂肌、腰肌及腹肌。...

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