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08-17 投稿


spouting 发音

英:[?spa?t??]  美:[?spa?t??]

英:  美:

spouting 中文意思翻译




spouting 常用词组

up the spout ─── 无可挽回;在典押中;在困难中

down spout ─── 下水管;雨落管;水落管;出渣槽

spouting 短语词组

1、spouting rock ─── 喷出岩

2、spouting in urbana ohio ─── 在俄亥俄州的乌尔巴纳喷发

3、concrete spouting plant ─── 混凝土喷射装置

4、spouting rock asset management ─── 喷岩资产管理

5、spouting off definition ─── 喷出定义

6、spouting velocity ─── 喷水速度; ─── 喷射速度

7、spouting unlimited mifflintown ─── 喷涌在小镇上

8、concrete spouting ─── 混凝土喷射

9、spouting contractors in my area ─── 在我的地盘上到处都是承包商

spouting 词性/词形变化,spouting变形

动词现在分词: spouting |名词: spouter |动词第三人称单数: spouts |动词过去式: spouted |动词过去分词: spouted |

spouting 相似词语短语

1、pouting ─── v.撅起(嘴唇),撅嘴(pout的现在分词);n.条鳕

2、sprouting ─── v.发芽,萌芽;长出;出现,涌现(sprout的现在分词)

3、spousing ─── n.配偶;vt.和…结婚;n.(Spouse)人名;(英)斯波斯

4、bespouting ─── 泼洒

5、spotting ─── n.弄脏某物的行为;发现;v.发现;赏识;(尤指体育、娱乐业)业余观察;(尤指从空中)确定敌人的位置;沾上污渍;生斑;散布;用点装饰;下零星小雨;将(台球)放在置球点上;(比赛或运动中)让……一步;借(钱)给(spot的现在分词)

6、sporting ─── v.故意显示;嬉戏,玩耍(sport的现在分词);adj.体育运动的;有良好体育风尚的;好赌的;愿意冒险的

7、-spotting ─── n.弄脏某物的行为;发现;v.发现;赏识;(尤指体育、娱乐业)业余观察;(尤指从空中)确定敌人的位置;沾上污渍;生斑;散布;用点装饰;下零星小雨;将(台球)放在置球点上;(比赛或运动中)让……一步;借(钱)给(spot的现在分词)

8、scouting ─── v.搜寻;(尤指士兵)侦察;考察(商业地区);寻觅(人才);轻蔑地拒绝(建议、想法)(scout的现在分词);n.侦查;童子军活动

9、shouting ─── v.呼喊;叫嚷;明确无误地指出(或表示);(非正式)请人喝饮料(或吃东西);买饮料(或酒)请客;使用大写字母(写电子邮件)(shout的现在分词);n.大声嚷嚷,叫嚷

spouting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Once she would have been spouting communist propaganda, now she was advertising low, low prices. ─── 以前喇叭里可能是宣传,现在却是卖低价的广告。

2、Stainless steel material storage tank easy for cleaning & re-move,stainless steel suction spout available upon require. ─── 不锈钢储料箱清洗方便、快捷,也可配备带吸料口(不锈钢)型储料箱。

3、Most of the developed world’s governments have been spouting about climate change, without adopting policies that have noticeably prevented the growth of carbon emissions. ─── 大部分发达国家政府一直在空谈气候变化,却仍未采取明确的政策来阻止碳排放的增加。

4、A spout or pipe leading downward to carry off rain water from a roof. ─── 一个用来引导来自屋顶的雨水下流的出水口或管子

5、She heard the demon chitter again, then spout one comprehendible word. ─── 她听到魔鬼再次自语,然后一个难以理解的词破口而出。

6、Place glass in front of spout. ─── 在喷嘴前放玻璃杯。

7、Also, before you go spouting spells, you might want to check out the Rules of Magic... ─── 同时,在你吟唱咒语之前,你应该查阅魔法守则...

8、Their lives have gone up the spout . ─── 他们的生活无可挽回地给毁了。

9、Despite their rowdy reputation, it would be a bad idea to think of the Fianna as merely drunken sots who can spout stories. ─── 因为他们喜欢吵闹的坏名声就把芬尼安看成是只会讲故事的酒鬼,这是不合适的。

10、Increase in spouting and fluidizing gases are helpful for particle mixing, for the time for full mixing status decreases and particles are better mixed in these cases. ─── 增加喷动气速度和流化气速度均有助于颗粒混合,使颗粒达到完全混合的时间减少且混合更均匀。

11、The bed was under a state of incoherent spouting,marked with obvious periodicity. ─── 床体的颗粒流动表现出整体的喷动周期性,属于不连贯喷动流型。

12、The chipper consists of frame, knife disc, feed and discharge spout, hood and electrical control system, etc. ─── 削片机由机架、刀盘、进料口、罩壳、电子系统等部分组成。

13、Ewer is in very good condition with spout restored. ─── 喷口修复后,茶壶看起来很完好。

14、MOBY is a spout cover that brightens up the bath while protecting baby's head from bumps in the tub. ─── 如果家里都是成年人,倒基本不必担心洗澡的时候脑袋撞到水龙头,若是家里有几岁的小孩子,这个小鲸鱼就很有必要备上一只了。

15、He was convicted of bribery and his political career was up the spout. ─── 他被裁定犯了贿赂罪,政治生涯就告完蛋了。

16、When this little whale was trying to get out of the cave,the little whales shoot water out of its spout and it looks like blowhole. ─── 传说,有一个小鲸鱼误入海底洞穴,被困在其中出不来。每次想挣扎脱逃时,小鲸鱼就会从它头上的通风孔喷出海水,而形成自然奇景。

17、The eensy weensy spider went up the water spout. ─── 小蜘蛛顺着水管向上爬,

18、He walked away to listen to Bamberger, who was feebly spouting some ardent line. ─── 他走开去听班贝格先生念台词。他正有气无力地念着一段热情激昂的台词。

19、The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve. ─── 图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。

20、The wound was still spouting blood. ─── 伤口还在喷血。

21、Sirius is very good at spouting bits of excellent personal philosophy, but he does not always live up to them. ─── 小天狼星十分擅长说些绝妙的人生哲理,但他自己却做不到。

22、This acts as a spout to drain off water during a rainstorm. ─── 在暴风雨季,这东西被用作喷管来排水。

23、as the airflow of the spouting pipe is strong, powder falling from the powder inlet can be mixed with air quickly and symmetrically. ─── 由于喷出管处的气流很大,因此能够使得从进粉口落下的粉末迅速且均匀地与空气混合。

24、Teak outdoor shower 1. Material: mat and stand are Teak wood, faucets are brass, spout tub is stai... ─── 发布者:钟安德所在地:浙江宁波市行业:五金、工具职位:设计工作年限:二十年以上

25、Such being the case, he'd just have to screw up his courage, brace himself, and spout some nonsense. ─── 事到如此,只有大胆老脸胡扯一阵。

26、The construction of floor shall be completed in 24 hours after concrete spouting. ─── 地坪施工时间快,混凝土浇灌后24小时内完工。

27、He's always spouting off about the behaviour of young people today. ─── 他总是没完没了地数落如今年轻人的行为。

28、It was found that the solid circulation rate ,fountain height and bed pressure drop were all significantly influenced by the bypassing characteristics of the spouting gas. ─── 发现喷动气的旁路现象对粒子循环速率、中心喷泉高度及床层压降都有显著影响。

29、He's always spouting off about being a vegetarian. ─── 他老把自己吃素挂在嘴边。

30、Rachel: Okay, uh, you let me go grocery shopping, and I buy laundry detergent, but it's not the one with the easy-pour spout. ─── 你让我去买日常用品,我买了洗衣粉,但是是不容易弄出来那种.

31、What are you spouting on about now? ─── 你这会儿又在唠叨什么呢?

32、The cobalt deposit types in east part of East Kunlun mountain mainly include spout deposition type and skarn type etc. ─── 东昆仑东段的钴矿床类型主要有喷流沉积型、矽卡岩型等。

33、He is always spouting Shakespeare. ─── 他老是喋喋不休地谈莎士比亚。

34、A thin cloud of steam was rising from the spout. ─── 一缕薄薄的雾气正从壶嘴升起。

35、He can spout Shakespeare for hours. ─── 他能滔滔不绝地朗朗背诵莎士比亚的作品。

36、Other Chinese I've met are either ignorant about Taiwan, or spout Beijing's propaganda line, automaton-like. ─── 其他我认识的中国人,对于台湾若不是毫不在乎,就是像机器人一般地高唱北京政府的官腔官调。

37、To spout moist air from the blowhole. Used of a whale. ─── 喷水:鲸鱼通过鼻子喷射出满是水的空气。

38、She is spouting unwanted advice . ─── 她在装腔作势地说出多余的忠告。

39、Stop your spout and start to take action. ─── 停止你的高谈阔论,开始行动吧。

40、Competitors may use any pour spout they wish as long as they are free pouring and not altered in any way. ─── 参赛者可以使用任何形式的酒嘴自由倒酒,但是须保证酒量不能有任何的更改。

41、As for you who also want to be successful,it is very important to have active actions for your goal. Stop spouting and act at once! ─── 对于想要成功得你来说,为你的目标采取积极的行动是很重要的。停止你的高谈阔论,开始行动吧。

42、The tip of a pouring spout, as on a pitcher. ─── 壶口倒水口的末端,如水罐上的

43、In the previous stage, the laminal ore and source were formed by spouting hydrothermal sedimentary in the eastern part and in the lower herizon. ─── 前期海底喷流热液沉积作用,在台沟与台地过渡地带形成了矿区东部和下部的纹层条带状矿和矿源层。

44、A thin cloud of steam was rising from the spout . ─── 喷口处冒出一股薄薄的水蒸气。

45、She could do nothing but spout insults. ─── 她只会没完没了地骂人。

46、Other innovative developments including spout fitments for gable top juice containers and hot fill closures for isotonic drinks. ─── 其它的创新开发包括人字形果汁容器喷嘴及等渗饮料热灌装瓶盖。

47、Spouting a stream of nonsense.And then she hid in a dark corner directing her broker out for the apoloy. ─── 在一个公开场合大放厥词,却又躲在阴暗的角落里只是她的经纪人出来道歉。

48、A pitcher, especially a decorative one with a base, an oval body, and a flaring spout. ─── 大口水罐一个具有装饰性的水罐,有一个底,椭圆形的罐体和一个突出来的壶嘴

49、If you think I'm spouting my own opinions and making this stuff up, think again. ─── 如果你认为我是在滔滔不决陈述我的主观观点,并欲强加于你,你可以再仔细斟酌。

50、B: Of course. Put one of these plastic cups under the spout. ─── 乙:当然可以,把一个塑料杯放在龙头下面。

51、You may think that you can just spout lots of substantive material and facts without using anecdotes. ─── 你也许认为你可以滔滔不绝地举出很多数据而不是一些轶事。

52、FROM the side of the hill, which was here steep and stony a spout of gravel was dislodged, and fell rattling and bounding through the trees. ─── 一堆砾石从小山那陡峭而多石的山坡上“哗啦啦”地滚落了下来,在树丛中跳跃。

53、The mixing index was employed to investigate systematically the effects of spouting gas velocity and fluidizing gas velocity on the mixing. ─── 同时引用统计学中相对标准差这一混合指数,系统地考察了喷动气速和流化气速对颗粒混合行为的影响。

54、To spout moist air from the blowhole.Used of a whale. ─── 喷水鲸鱼通过鼻子喷射出满是水的空气

55、Look, water is spouting from the broken pipe. ─── 你瞧,水从破裂的管道里喷了出来。

56、Rain from the roof goes down a long spout. ─── 屋顶上的雨水从一条漏水的管子中流出来。

57、And the eensy weensy spider went up the spout, again. ─── 小蜘蛛又一次顺这水管向上爬。

58、Position the spout (hose outlet) in a downward position. ─── 使软管出水口位于朝下位置。

59、It is easy-maintaining and effective by applying separated design on smoothing spout and inside of stove. ─── 平波喷口,内炉胆采用分离式设计,保养简便,效率高。

60、We camped with a view of the sea and went to see humpback and minke whales spouting yards from the boat. ─── 我们在能看见海景的地方扎了营,去观赏了座头鲸和小须鲸,它们就在小船几码远的地方喷水。

61、He's been prison for a year,so he's not going to enjoy finding out that his wife is up the spout. ─── 他已经坐了一年的牢,所以他发现妻子怀了孕是高兴不起来的。

62、He curved his head over the spouting water and began to drink. ─── 他把头弯向喷出来的水,开始喝。

63、A large vessel, usually of metal or pottery, with a handle and spout and often a lid, used for holding wine or other liquors. ─── 大肚壶一种有一个把手和壶口并带有一个盖儿的很大的容器,常用金属或陶瓷制成,用来盛酒或其它液体

64、On her path from factory worker to real- estate agent , Luyuan had started spouting common refrains from the state-controlled newspaper . ─── 随着李芦媛从一名工厂女工转变为房地产中介,她也开始滔滔不绝谈论国有报纸上常常出现的话题。

65、Little Tony broke the spout off the teapot. ─── 小唐尼把茶壶嘴打下来了。

66、At the same moment he wheeled, the blood spouting from his nostrils, and galloped full on. ─── 犀牛立刻打了个转,鼻孔喷出血来,全速奔来。

67、He could spout poetry for hours. ─── 他聊起诗来一聊就是半天。

68、A glass pot with a pouring spout, used in making coffee. ─── 卡拉卡夫瓶一种带喷嘴的玻璃罐,用于煮咖啡

69、Your big mouth and glib tongue are spouting all kinds of nonsense. ─── 你只靠一张油嘴,胡说八道。

70、The spout should always be directed to where nobody is sitting, usually just outward from the table. ─── 喷口应该总是指向哪里没有人坐着, 通常仅仅向外从桌子。

71、The first time he attempts the Patronus Charm, it comes out as a something resembling a spouting fountain.But it's like a flashlight. ─── 他(哈利)第一次尝试守护神魔咒时,它就像类似于喷泉的某种东西。

72、And the Itsy Bitsy spider climbed up the spout again. ─── 小蜘蛛又爬上了水龙头。

73、A vessel, usually having a long spout with a perforated nozzle, used to water plants. ─── 喷水壶用来给植物烧水的一容器,通常有长的穿孔的喷嘴

74、Why couldn't he say something vital and original instead of just spouting the same old platitudes? ─── 他为什么不能说点重要的、有新意的东西,而不只是喋喋不休地讲些陈词滥调呢?

75、And it can make full soldering on any parts and boards by applying adjusted design on the height of spout. ─── 喷口采可调式设计,对任何零件机板,均能作“完全锡焊”。

76、You'll see “steam” billowing out of the Teapot spout and stretching across the heavens. ─── 你可以看见“蒸汽”滚滚的从茶壶的茶嘴里冒出来,蔓延到更远的天空。

77、A small funnel or glass with pouring spout will be useful. ─── 一个小漏斗或一个带注口的玻璃杯会派上用场。

78、He saw roses winding about the rain spout ; or mulberries-birds gorging in the mulberry tree. ─── 他会看到玫瑰花绕在水管上,或者是看到在桑树枝头上使劲啄食的小鸟。

79、It can make fuqq soldering on any parts and boards by applying adjusted design on the height of spout. ─── 喷口高低采可调式设计,对任何零件机板,均能作“完全锡焊”。

80、you spouting on about now? ─── 你这会儿又在唠叨什么呢?

81、For the exhibition flair bottles you may use any pour spout that you wish, and you are allowed to tap in the pour spout if you prefer. ─── “表演花式调酒”的比赛用瓶,参赛选手可以选择任何形式的酒嘴,并且允许在酒嘴上贴上胶带。

82、Its extensive collection of Certified Organic, dried herbs, spices and spouting seeds have been assembled for you from all over the world. ─── 该站点集合了大量来自世界各地的经过批准的有机干燥草药、香料以及种子。

83、But techies can spout the most self-interested baloney when it comes to content. ─── 但涉及内容时,那些所谓的技术 人员会变为胡言乱语的自私自利之人。

84、The tip of a pouring spout,as on a pitcher. ─── 壶口倒水口的末端,如水罐上的。

85、To prevent a possible choking hazard, test the strength of the Soft Spout regularly by pulling hard. ─── 为了防止可能的哽塞的危险,测试的强度软喷定期拉硬。

86、If ladle pouring, do the ladles have a teapot spout to hold back slag? ─── 如果人工浇铸,浇铸包是否具有茶壶型出口挡渣?

87、All his newly made clothings have gone up the spout. ─── 他所有新做衣服都被典当了。

88、Together with the advanced control of the air system and the latest PLC system to realize the automatic spout feeding,sorting &allocation. ─── 同时结合气体系统、可编程控制器的自动控制来实现屋顶包塑料盖子的理盖排盖、和输出。

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