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08-17 投稿


apperceive 发音

英:[??p?r?siv]  美:[??p??si?v]

英:  美:

apperceive 中文意思翻译



apperceive 词性/词形变化,apperceive变形


apperceive 短语词组

1、apperceive the blue ─── 感知蓝色

2、apperceive definition ─── 感知定义

3、apperceive in a sentence ─── 感悟句

4、apperceive def ─── 感知定义

5、apperceive synonym ─── 感知同义词

6、apperceive define ─── 感知定义

apperceive 相似词语短语

1、unperceived ─── adj.未被察觉的;未被人看见的

2、perceive ─── vt.察觉,感觉;理解;认知;vi.感到,感知;认识到

3、apperceives ─── vt.统觉;观察;(借用老经验来)阐明

4、apperceiving ─── vt.统觉;观察;(借用老经验来)阐明

5、apperceptive ─── adj.统觉的;感知的;明觉的

6、apperceived ─── vt.统觉;观察;(借用老经验来)阐明

7、to apperceive ─── 感知

8、misperceive ─── vt.误解;看错

9、to perceive ─── 感知

apperceive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We apperceive joy and cheers, apperceive variance of fugacious years during the life long journey. ─── 生生不息中,我们悟到的是生命绽放的喜悦,岁月无常的变迁;

2、If we are wise people, every trouble will bring light, and every trifle will make us apperceive its meaning and value. ─── 我们如果是有智慧的人,一切烦恼都会带来觉悟,而一切小事都能使我们感知它的意义与价值。

3、Students apperceive the objects in the virtual environment by the advanced mutual equipment at vision,hearing,touching. ─── 虚拟现实技术利用先进的交互设备在视觉、听觉、触觉上对虚拟环境中的事物进行感知,有利于实际操作技能的提高。

4、Apperceive and forecast the risk of sales channels, collect the market information, work out suggestion for product improvement or development. ─── 洞察、预测销售渠道危机,汇总市场信息,提报产品改善或产品开发建议。

5、The children generally can apperceive their parents' worry, while they are particularly sensitive when encountering diaster. ─── 孩子通常都能感知他们父母的担忧,但在遇到灾难他们会特别敏感。

6、Scene apperceive ─── 情景感知

7、Smart people can apperceive the trend of the development of things. They keep ducks instead of chicken before the flood comes. (Isn't it better to keep pigeon? ─── 聪明的人能洞察事物未来的发展趋势。他们在发洪水之前养鸭,而不是养鸡。(养鸽子不是更好吗?)

8、Pre-read to apperceive and grasp the whole ─── 自读感知,整体把握

9、apperceive variables ─── 感知变量

10、You apperceive not the banned of this commonwealth, still you are its queen. ─── 你不知道这个王国的边极,但你还是这王国的女王。

11、This article, based on the aesthetic apperceive, aesthetic imagination and aesthetic creativity, argues that the beauties of chemistry are characterized by conciseness, harmony and novelty. ─── 化学科学美是指客观物质世界在化学运动过程中产生的美的属性,文章从化学科学审美感知、审美想象、审美创新三个方面阐述了化学科学美的主要特征是简明、和谐、新奇。

12、Human ocular apperceive is truly a robust character recognition system which can adapt to all kinds of noise. ─── 人类视觉感知毫无疑问是一个鲁棒性很强的、能抵御实际中可能遇到的各种变形和各种干扰噪声的文字识别系统。

13、By integrated with the local apperceive ability of multi-agent system and the strong search ability of genetic algorithm,a Hybrid Multi-Agent Genetic Algorithm(HMAGA) is proposed. ─── 摘要 综合多智能体的局部感知能力和遗传算法的强搜索能力,提出了一种混合多智能体遗传算法(HMAGA)。

14、Clever people can apperceive the current of business in the future. They foster ducks but not chickens before the flood. ─── 两种人无可救药,一是不服从命令的人,一是惟命是从的人。

15、The suffering is not east to apperceive, but deep enough to make the sensitive viewer moved to tears. ─── 这份苦难掩藏在不易觉察的背后,却足以让敏感的观者落泪动容。

16、Application of Multilayer Apperceive Neural Network to Explanation and Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images ─── 多层感知神经网络在遥感影像解译中的应用

17、information apperceive ─── 信息感知

18、In this paper, we also put forward a four-level control structure, i.e. the apperceive level, the intention level, behavior level and action level. ─── 文中还提出了一个四层的机器人控制结构,即感知层、意图层、行为层和动作层。

19、Apperceive life, appreciate your living, it is appreciation that decorates our lives, to brim it with gorgeous flavors. ─── 感悟生命,感谢生活,它使我们的日子充满斑斓的色彩和杂陈的况味。

20、Apperceive fecast the risk of sales channels, collect the market infmation, wk out suggestion f product improvement development. ─── 洞察、预测销售渠道危机,汇总市场信息,提报产品改善或产品开发建议;

21、This thesis analyse which factor deposit in the mobile telephone base on customer's expectation and apperceive. ─── 通过调研分析顾客对手机各价值因素的期望和感知之间的差距,分析手机产品中的哪些因素发生了价值沉淀。

22、Writing is a process.In the long and pround way , it is necessary to aftertaste and apperceive ceaseleesly,to comfort oneself using hallucination. ─── 我的醒悟是对人世的厌弃,对他人的终极关怀蜕变为虚幻的自我救赎。

23、According to optical transfer function, degree of modulation and apperceive degree of space frequency vision vs object image, TIFF grayscale scenograph is made. ─── 根据光学传递函数、调制度和空间频率视觉及对物象的感知程度,制作TIFF格式透视灰度图。

24、I apperceive we (the agent) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it. ─── 我们晓得我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签订合同。

25、To essentially solve the customer dissatisfaction of the B2C online sales mode we can create the customer apperceive standard towards the products and build authoritative evaluation system. ─── 要从根本上解决B2C在线销售的顾客不满意,有必要建立产品的顾客感知标准和权威评价。

26、In addition, there should be situational activities for students’participance in which the students are able to apperceive when learning. ─── 还可以创设由学生参与其中的活动情境,在活动中感悟、学习和思考。

27、tourism apperceive ─── 旅游感知

28、If we are wise people, every trouble will bring light, and every trifle will make us apperceive its meaning and value. ─── 我们如果是有智慧的人,一切烦恼都会带来觉悟,而一切小事都能使我们感知它的意义与价值。

29、In common, reading process includes apperceive stage and comprehensive stage . ─── 按常规的解说,阅读过程包括感知阶段、理解阶段等。

30、In this paper, symmetrical Chinese characters of Xiao Zhuan in Shuo Wen Jie Zi are classified to explore their basis of form and to apperceive aesthetic mentality of ancient Chinese. ─── 本文对《说文解字》小篆中的对称字进行分类,探索它们的构形理据并以此管窥我国先民的审美心理。

31、So chase me, you can apperceive why! ─── 因此,追逐我,你可以感知为什么!

32、It could also apperceive network abnormal behavior efficiently, and trigger emergent methods to ensure the safety of measurement system. ─── 并可以有效地感知可能存在的网络异常,启动应急措施,保证测量系统的安全;

33、VR Technology and the Enhancement of the Apperceive Ability of Subject ─── 虚拟现实技术与主体感知能力的增强

34、What we apperceive and interpret the world will affect the particular style of a metaphor and vice versa. ─── 我们对于世界的感知和解释影响了特定的隐喻模式,特定的隐喻又以特定的模式影响我们对于世界的感知和解释。

35、I now look creatively and what I apperceive I also perceive. ─── 我现在创意地观看著,而我所统整感受到的事物我也察觉到了。

36、Multilayer Apperceive Model for Agile Organization Network ─── 敏捷性组织网络的多层感知模型

37、But the oppressive heart seems to separate me form out side of the word, make me lose the aptitude to apperceive all fair things have happened around me. ─── 然而沉重的心情似乎失去了对这一切的感知,人生又要面对无数个选择,而且此时的自己已丧失了对很多机会的把握力。

38、Design of FIR Filters Based on Multi-layers Apperceive Implement ─── 基于多层感知器的带通FIR滤波器设计

39、The Research of Wireless Apperceive Network and Router Protocol ─── 无线感知网的网络结构与路由协议研究

40、apperceive identity ─── 感知识别

41、Obviously, it is very important for Chinese character recognition, even for image recognition that we do some research on the course of man ocular apperceive. ─── 显然,研究机器模仿人类的视觉感知过程不论对汉字识别,乃至图像识别都是具有极其重要意义的。

42、Apperceive Social Demand Optimizes Agriculture Institute Japanese Education System ─── 前瞻社会需求优化农业高等院校日语教育体系

43、Then, we temporarily collect it under the regional historic background of Yuyao to apperceive the significance of Hemudu culture discovery. ─── 那么,我们暂且把它收束到余姚的地域历史背景下足以感知河姆渡文化发现的意义。

44、When you are in a noise or peaceful condition, you need to apperceive the opposite condition, which can be a compare of you surrounding. ─── 要去感觉需要相反情况的存在,因为它可以变成一个对照。

45、Patient and strong analytical apperceive ability; ─── 良好的沟通表达能力与技巧;

46、and the third nourishes their souls to apperceive truth and the goal of moral in pursuit of the perfection in scientific research. ─── 艺术的人文精神滋养科学家的灵魂,使其在臻美追求中洞见真理,彻悟道德的目标。

47、Abstract: The drivers continuos to apperceive and judge moving and static objects outside automobile.To apperceive scope is very important for driving safety. ─── 摘 要: 驾驶员不断对车外运动和相对静止物体进行感知、判断,感知范围的大小对行车安全至关重要。

48、"Apperceive" is not a word. And the other words are nonsense. ─── (感知)不是一个完整的词,并且其他词句看起来都像是废话。

49、Digital library is a dynamic system, which can apperceive its enviro nment.Its function and structure will be changed with the environment's variati on. ─── 数字图书馆是一个能感知环境的动态系统,随着环境变化,其功能和结构都将随着变化。

50、The result shows that the better classify performance of tongue-color is in aesthesia color-space, apperceive color-space and 2D chrominance planes include luminance. ─── 结果表明,在知觉颜色空间、感知均匀空间内和包含亮度信息的2维色度平面上提取舌色特征对于舌色分类具有较好的分类性能。

51、As one kind of embedded equipment, Wireless Sensor Network can be used in real-time supervising, apperceive, information gathering and dealing with it. ─── 无线传感器网络作为一种嵌入式设备能够实时监测、感知和采集网络分布区域内监视对象的各种信息,并加以处理。

52、Insects mainly through apperceive sex pheromone or volatiles to seek mate, select food and oviposition site. ─── 昆虫主要通过感觉器官感知性外激素或寄主植物的挥发性物质来寻求配偶、寻找食物或生殖场所。

53、music apperceive ─── 音乐感知

54、Wireless apperceive network ─── 无线感知网

55、environment apperceive ─── 环境感知

56、Keywords forced;initiative consciousness;space-time apperceive;footwork;physical strength; ─── 花剑;逼迫;主动意识;时空;感知觉、步伐;体能;

57、I learn to apperceive the people around me, who have given me inspirations in my life and make me who and what I am. ─── 是他们给了我诸多的感动,是他们成就了我生命的价值和意义。

58、it is a palace for people to apperceive art; ─── 这里,是社会大众感知艺术的殿堂;

59、VR technology is a new kind of cognitive facility which bases on sense and sensibility and emphasizes the apperceive ability. ─── 虚拟技术是一项以人的感觉、感性、感官为基础并强调感知能力的新型认识工具。

60、I apperceive a bit about shoes and I can see the quality in the abstraction and bond. ─── 我对制鞋是了解一些的,从鞋样和针脚上我能看出质量的高下。

61、apperceive social demand ─── 前瞻社会需求

62、This algorithm' time complex was always O(1) when apperceive rewritten block relocated its address. ─── 算法对共享系统卷扩展块改写感知判别和改写块地址重定位的时间复杂度始终是O(1)。

63、This is why animal can apperceive the earthquake,but people can’t. ─── 这就是为什么有些动物能够感知地震而人不能了.如果能够利用动物这些特性做个电子作品来监控这些量,那将是新时代的张衡.

64、I love you and I apperceive you love me too. ─── 我爱你而且我晓得你也爱我。

65、Don't investgate love too reasoningly but apperceive it for god's sake by heart! ─── 爱,就不要顾虑太多,只需要用心感受它。

66、How can the students apperceive without text? ─── 自主探究再好,读得一塌糊涂,怎么去探究?

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