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08-17 投稿


barbarously 发音

英:[?bɑ?rb?r?sli]  美:[?bɑ?b?r?sli]

英:  美:

barbarously 中文意思翻译



barbarously 词性/词形变化,barbarously变形

副词: barbarously |名词: barbarousness |

barbarously 短语词组

1、barbarously sincerely ─── 野蛮地真诚地

2、barbarously and sincerely ─── 野蛮而真诚

3、barbarously synonym ─── 野蛮的同义词

4、barbarously definition ─── 野蛮的定义

5、barbarously and ─── 野蛮地

6、barbarously used by them all ─── 被他们所有人野蛮使用

barbarously 同义词

uncouth | barbaric | savage | ruthless | fell | cruel | inhuman | brutal |vicious | wild | fierce | uncivilized | primitive | violent | roughshod | ferocious

barbarously 反义词


barbarously 相似词语短语

1、barratrously ─── 滔滔不绝地

2、Barbarossa ─── n.巴尔巴罗萨(德意志国王腓特烈一世)

3、herbaceously ─── 药草

4、barbarically ─── 野蛮地;残暴地;粗鲁地

5、calcareously ─── 石灰质

6、barbarousness ─── 野蛮

7、anarthrously ─── 不正派地

8、barretrously ─── 可怕的

9、barbarous ─── adj.野蛮的;残暴的

barbarously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and the other, that she herself had been barbarously used by them all; ─── 随便怎么也安慰不了她,随便怎么也平不了她的气。

2、The boy was barbarously murdered by the enemy... ─── 一个怎样的理由方能使人变得如此残暴不仁?

3、>barbarously adv. barbarousness n [U]. ─── * barbarous soldiers 残暴的士兵.

4、"You are the most barbarously ignorant young person I ever saw. Drogheda was in sixteen hundred and something and Mr. O'Hara couldn't possibly have been alive then. Besides, Sherman isn't Cromwell." ─── "我从没见过像你这样的年轻人,你真无知透了,围困德罗赫达是1600年前后的事,那时奥哈拉先生还没出世呢,何况,谢尔曼又不是克伦威尔。

5、People can buy a very nice outfit in just a couple of minutes , and they can change their outward appearances in a few hours by going to a barbar"s shop or a hairdresser"s . ─── 以上只是考生中比较普遍的一些想法和观点。

6、barbarously murder ─── 残暴地谋杀

7、He was always a Negro prodigy who played barbarously and wonderfully ─── 他始终是一个黑人的奇才,这种奇才弹奏起来粗野而惊人。

8、He was always a Negro prodigy who played barbarously and wonderfully. ─── 他始终是一个黑人的奇才,这种奇才弹奏起来粗野而惊人。

9、they were barbarously murdered. ─── 他们被残忍地谋杀了。

10、barbar dryer ─── 干燥室

11、The boy was barbarously murdered by the enemy. ─── 这个少年被敌人惨杀了。

12、5, forbid operating barbarously. ─── 5、 严禁野蛮操作。

13、Diablo Source: Der Barbar soll ja der gleiche wie in D2 sein, nur 20 Jahre spä ─── 翻译:野蛮人应该和D2里是一样,只不过是20年后的。

14、barbaric, barbarically, barbarous, barbarously, barbarian, barbarianly, savage, cruel ─── 野蛮的。未开化的。粗野的。残酷的。像野人一样。

15、It's another fun-filled day as Barney and the children make visit to some of the local businesses, including Cannoli's Bakery, Bouffant's Barbar shop, the PB&J cafe and Green's Grocery. ─── 这是一个充满欢乐的日子,因为班尼要带小朋友参观各种不同行业的店铺,包括面包店、理发店、露天茶座和杂货店。

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