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08-17 投稿


ungulate 发音

英:['??gj?l?t; -le?t]  美:['??ɡj?l?t]

英:  美:

ungulate 中文意思翻译



ungulate 反义词


ungulate 同义词

hoofed | ungulated |hooved

ungulate 词性/词形变化,ungulate变形

名词复数形式:ungulates 第三人称单数:ungulates

ungulate 短语词组

1、ungulate mammal ─── 有蹄类哺乳动物

2、ungulate day ─── 有蹄日

3、ungulate feature crossword ─── 有蹄类特征纵横字谜

4、ungulate cow ─── 有蹄类奶牛

5、ungulate taxonomy ─── 有蹄类分类学

6、ungulate skull ─── 有蹄类头骨

7、cloven-hoofed ungulate ─── 偶蹄有蹄类

8、Exotic ungulate encephalopathy ─── 外来有蹄类脑病

9、even-toed ungulate ─── 偶蹄类

10、odd-toed ungulate un. ─── 奇蹄目动物

ungulate 相似词语短语

1、ungulates ─── n.有蹄类动物(ungulate的复数)

2、angulates ─── 成角

3、lingulate ─── adj.舌状的;舌形的

4、mangulate ─── v.弯曲使变形

5、cingulate ─── adj.有色带的;(昆虫腹部)有色带环绕的

6、ungulae ─── n.爪;蹄(ungula的复数)

7、undulate ─── vi.起伏,波动;震动;呈波浪形;vt.波动;使波动;使起伏;使成波浪形;adj.波动的;起伏的;波浪形的

8、angulate ─── adj.有角的;vt.使有角;使有棱角;vi.具棱角

9、angulated ─── v.使成角形;向外倾斜(angulate的过去式和过去分词)

ungulate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Application and Development of Scatology in Researches on Ungulate Abundance ─── 粪便学在有蹄类动物数量调查研究中的应用与展望

2、13. Landscape Heterogeneity and Ungulate Dynamics: What Spatial Scales Are Important? ─── 景异质性和不规动态:什麽是空间尺度重要的地方?

3、s grassy plains provide ample room for a high-speed chase: Cheetahs can easily outrun an ungulate, but gazelles make sharp quick turns that outmaneuver a cat sprinting at top speed. ─── 开阔的肯尼亚草原,为高速追逐提供了充裕的空间:猎豹能够轻易的追上一般的有蹄类动物,但瞪羚的急转弯却胜过猎豹的高速奔跑。

4、large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout. ─── 热带美洲和东南亚大型不伤害人、主要在夜间活动的有蹄类动物,体重、嘴部肉质丰满。

5、The trace density totally exhibited a gradually decrease trend since 2001, perhaps implying the corresponding decreases in ungulate resources. ─── 监测期间有蹄类动物资源呈现出逐步下降的趋势。

6、an extinct ungulate. ─── 一种已经灭绝的有蹄类动物。

7、All three carnivores preyed on each ungulate species, but there were some differences in frequency. ─── 三种食肉动物都以此为生,但在取食频度上有所不同。

8、The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest of all land-living animal species, and the largest ruminant. ─── 长颈鹿(长颈鹿)是一个非洲甚至趾蹄类哺乳动物,最高所有土地生活的动物物种,而最大的反刍动物。

9、Review and Evaluation of Methods for Assessing Ungulate Nutritional Condition ─── 有蹄类动物营养状况的测定方法及其评价

10、The site contains ten other species of African ungulate as well as a variety of African birds. ─── 这里还饲养着其他10几种的非洲有蹄类动物和各种非洲鸟类。

11、said that our school is preparing to construct an ungulate research institution. ─── 听说我们学校正在筹建有蹄类动物研究所。

12、This tigers living in forests, mountains and hills, and other habitats.夜行, mainly for potable ungulate, such as wild boar, deer, cattle and occasionally offensive phenomenon. ─── 这种虎生活在森林、山地和丘陵等生境中。夜行,主要以有蹄类为食,如野猪、鹿等,偶尔有攻击人和家畜的现象。

13、even-toed ungulate ─── 偶蹄类

14、large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout ─── 热带美洲和东南亚大型不伤害人、主要在夜间活动的有蹄类动物,体重、嘴部肉质丰满

15、Application and Development of Scatology in Researches on Ungulate Abundance ─── 粪便学在有蹄类动物数量调查研究中的应用与展望

16、odd-toed ungulate ─── 奇蹄动物

17、Landscape Heterogeneity and Ungulate Dynamics: What Spatial Scales Are Important? ─── 景异质性和不规动态:什么是空间尺度重要的地方?

18、wild ungulate ─── 野生甘薯

19、Study methods and procedures for ungulate food habits ─── 有蹄类食性研究方法及研究进展

20、It is said that our school is preparing to construct an ungulate research institution. ─── 听说我们学校正在筹建有蹄类动物研究所。

21、any of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toes. ─── 非洲和亚洲的有爪类哺乳动物,有类似啮齿动物的门牙和类似有蹄动物的脚。

22、Review and Evaluation of Methods for Assessing Ungulate Nutritional Condition ─── 有蹄类动物营养状况的测定方法及其评价

23、an even-toed ungulate. ─── 一种脚趾数为偶数的带脚趾动物

24、ten other species of African ungulate as well as a variety of African birds. ─── 还饲养着其他10几种的非洲有蹄类动物和各种非洲鸟类。

25、wild ungulate animals ─── 野生有蹄类动物

26、The Distribution Characteristics of Ungulate in Qinghai Plateau ─── 青海高原有蹄类的分布特征

27、of three ungulate species in the order Proboscidea (family Elephantidae), characterized by their large size, long trunk, tusks, massive legs, large ears, and huge head." ─── 蹄类动物,长鼻目象科的两个种类。特点是身躯高大,具长鼻,腿圆柱状,耳大,头巨大。

28、The site contains ten other species of African ungulate as well as a variety of African birds. ─── 这里还饲养着其他10几种的非洲有蹄类动物和各种非洲鸟类。

29、domestic ungulate ─── 家养有蹄类

30、This is the first report in the world of the creation of domesticated ungulate pluripotent stem cells. ─── 这是世界首次培育出驯化的有蹄类动物的多能干细胞。

31、Keywords Cibagou National Nature Reserve;ungulate;status;grouping behavior;habitat selection;ecological niche;hunting;conservation; ─── 慈巴沟国家级自然保护区;偶蹄类动物;现状;栖息地选择;种间关系;生态位;捕猎;保护;

32、This is the first report in the world of the creation of domesticated ungulate pluripotent stem cells. ─── 这是世界首次培育出驯化的有蹄类动物的多能干细胞。

33、Change of Ungulate Species Resource in Gansu Yanchiwan Natural Reserve ─── 甘肃盐池湾自然保护区有蹄类动物资源变化

34、exotic ungulate encephalopathy ─── 外来有蹄类脑病

35、Study methods and procedures for ungulate food habits ─── 有蹄类食性研究方法及研究进展

36、Having hoofs; ungulate. ─── 有蹄的;有蹄类的

37、An ungulate mammal. ─── 有蹄哺乳动物

38、Pterocladiella capillacea, Polyopes polyideoides, Marginisporum crassissimum, Jania ungulate and Chondrus ocellatus contribute to temporal variations in assemblage structure. ─── 大型海藻群聚及其丰度时间变异 (即各年度的季节韵律改变) 原因是水温、夏季之最高温、冬季之最低温、营养盐及台风。

39、Dr Lei Xiao, who led the research, said: "To date, many efforts have been made to establish ungulate pluripotent embryonic stem cells from early embryos without success. ─── 领导了该研究的肖磊博士说:“迄今为止,科学家在利用早期胚胎培育有蹄类动物的多能胚胎干细胞方面做了很多努力,但是没有成功。

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