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08-17 投稿


pinned 发音

英:[p?nd]  美:[p?nd]

英:  美:

pinned 中文意思翻译



pinned 反义词


pinned 短语词组

1、pinned down song ─── 压制歌曲

2、pinned conveyer ─── 铰接式输送机

3、pinned eyes ─── 钉住的眼睛

4、pinned golf ─── 别针高尔夫

5、pinned down ─── 被敌人压制

6、pinned on ─── 把……归罪于;钉住

7、under-pinned (under-pin ─── 的过去时) vt. 巩固;支持;从下面支撑;加强… ─── 的基础

8、pinned up ─── 钉住

9、pinned ears ─── 钉住的耳朵

10、pinned post ─── 固定柱

11、pinned to the ground ─── 固定在地面上

12、pinned definition ─── 固定的定义

13、pinned by ─── 锁定者

pinned 词性/词形变化,pinned变形

过去分词:pinned 过去式:pinned 原型:pin

pinned 同义词

immobilise | thole | fall | flag | bowling pin | fix | stem | hook | attach | secure | jot | cork | tholepin | oarlock | peg | immobilize | hold down | restrain | iota | hold | pivot | trap |fasten | smidgen | badge | clip | tittle | needle | straw | pin down | pinch | clasp | stick | rowlock | brooch | personal identification number

pinned 相似词语短语

1、pinnoed ─── 羽状的

2、linned ─── linned

3、inned ─── n.客栈;旅馆;vi.住旅馆;n.(Inn)人名;(柬)因

4、ginned ─── n.杜松子酒;网;[机]三角起重机;vi.喝杜松子酒;用陷阱(或网)捕捉,诱捕(猎物);n.(Gin)人名;(朝)紧;(俄)吉恩;(英、缅)金;(日)訚(名)

5、finned ─── adj.有鳍的

6、panned ─── n.平底锅;盘状的器皿;淘盘子,金盘,秤盘;[计]平移;vt.淘金;在浅锅中烹调(食物);[非正式用语]严厉的批评;vi.淘金;在淘洗中收获金子

7、-pinned ─── adj.用针别住的;被压制的;v.牵制;用针别住;刺穿(pin的过去分词)

8、dinned ─── n.喧嚣声,嘈杂声;宗教法律,犹太法律;(尤指伊斯兰教)宗教信仰;v.再三叮嘱,反复教导;发出喧闹声;n.(Din)丁(人名)

9、binned ─── v.扔掉,丢弃;把……扔进垃圾箱;摈弃,拒绝;把……放进搁架;把(数据)归入统计堆(bin的过去式及过去分词)

pinned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He refused to be pinned down on the question. ─── 他拒绝对这个问题明确表态。

2、The speaker pinned philosophy down and made it talk sense. ─── 发言人抓住哲学争论的界线使其言之有理。

3、He pinned up the notice with a thumbtack. ─── 他用图钉将通知挂起来。

4、Mar Nancy pinned Jane's ears back for not doing her homework. ─── 南希夫人骂了简一顿,因为她没有做家庭作业。

5、In most cases, events cannot be pinned down to a specific month or day, just a season or period (eg. before September). ─── 大部分情况下,事件不会被特殊的月份或日期压倒,那只不过是一个季节或者一个时期(例如:九月之前)。

6、Don't try to pin the blame on me; I didn't do it! ─── 别想把过错推在我身上,那不是我干的!

7、He pinned the notice to the board. ─── 他把通知钉在布告牌上。

8、Large loose fragments can be pinned back in place. ─── 大块的松散的碎片可以固定在适当的位置。

9、The foremost or central pin in an arrangement of bowling pins. ─── 主柱滚木球戏木瓶的排列中最前面的或中心的木瓶

10、He pinned the map down to the table . ─── 他把那张地图钉在桌子上。

11、There was he, motionless as was pinned, his eyes setting on the land in front of him , a fiddle drooped from his fingers. ─── 他久久地伫立着,凝视着面前的土地,一动也不动。他的手里提着一把小提琴。

12、He pinned the pictures onto the wall. ─── 他将画钉在了墙上。

13、They pinned him against the wall. ─── 他们把他按在墙上使他不能动弹.

14、Bouck's men had the Germans pinned down. ─── 别克排压制住了德国人。

15、The victims were pinned (down) by a fallen beam. ─── 受害者被倒下的横梁压住。

16、She was wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it, like somebody out of a 1940s movie. ─── 她穿着印花外套,戴着别有面纱的筒状女帽,就像从四十年代的电影里走出来的人。

17、A message had been pinned to the noticeboard. ─── 上钉着一条消息。

18、Run the pin connector and riser. ─── 下销钉连接器和隔水管。

19、He was pinned under the collapsed wall. ─── 他被压在倒塌的墙下面。

20、He pinned assailant against the wall . ─── 他把攻击他的人按在墙上。

21、I pinned the notice up on the wall. ─── 我把通知钉在墙上了。

22、Two men pinned him down until the police arrived. ─── 两个人按住他直到警察赶来。

23、A silver brooch was pinned to her lapel. ─── 她在翻领上别了一枚银色胸针。

24、They pinned up an announcement on a notice board . ─── 他们在布合板上钉了一张通告。

25、He had pinned up a picture of a beautiful woman in his room. ─── 他在房间之墙上钉上一幅美女图。

26、They pinned him against a wall and stole his wallet. ─── 他们把他挤在墙边,偷走了他的钱包。

27、The passenger was pinned under the wreckage of the truck. ─── 卡车翻车后,乘客被卡住

28、He grabbed her arms and pinned them to her sides. ─── 他抓住她的双臂,按在她的腰间。

29、A woman's cap with two long flaps pinned on. ─── 上面有两条垂沿的女式帽子。

30、Cathy washed her hair and put it up in pin curls. ─── 凯茜洗完头发用发夹做成卷发。

31、She pinned the gown at the neck with a safety pin. ─── 她在领子那儿用一枚别针把睡衣别住。

32、When it came -- thirty cents -- he pinned it up in his trailer, brass-headed tack in each corner. ─── 明信片到了,三十美分。他把它贴在自己车里,四个角用黄铜大头钉钉住。

33、Retrieves the address of an object in a Pinned handle. ─── 在Pinned句柄中检索对象的地址。

34、In the accident, he was pinned under the car. ─── 在车祸中, 他被压在汽车底下不能动。

35、She had pinned a black wild rose in her hair . ─── 她在头发上别了一朵黑色的野玫瑰花。

36、They pinned a "kick me" sign on his back. ─── 他们在他的背上贴了一张“踢我”的标签。

37、He drove the ball within ten feet of the pin. ─── 他在离标号旗杆10英尺内发球。

38、Her mother has a regular job, but she earns extra pin money by raising chickens. ─── 他母亲有一份固定的工作,但她还养了一些鸡,挣点额外的零用钱。

39、He is pinned down by the demonstrators. ─── 他被示威的队伍给钉住了。

40、She did not care a pin about it. ─── 她对此毫不在乎。

41、Dressed in a dark coat with a brooch of two small koalas pinned to the lapel, she appeared to be in her sixties. ─── 她穿着黑色的棉袄,领口别着两个小巧的树袋熊胸针,看上去有60多岁了。

42、A row of medals was pinned to the breast of his coat. ─── 他的外套胸前别着一排勋章。

43、As the skirt was too long for her, she had to pin up the hem. ─── 她嫌裙子太长,只得用针把裙边别起来。

44、The company secretary pinned up a notice about the pension scheme . ─── 公司秘书贴出一张退休金方案通知.

45、He pinned the badge onto his hat. ─── 他把徽章别在帽子上。

46、Some pinned their faith on the emergence of a new national leader, others on a religious revival. ─── 一些人相信会出现一个新的国家领导人,而另一些人则相信宗教复兴。

47、He tried to pin the crime on his classmates. ─── 他企图将罪过归于他的同学。

48、The King pinned the Military Cross on the brave soldier's chest. ─── 国王将十字勋章别在勇士的胸前。

49、She pinned the gown at the neck with a safety pin . ─── 她在领子那儿用一根别针把睡衣别住。

50、He pinned great hopes on us. ─── 他对我们寄托了很大希望。

51、And from then on David pinned his faith on revolution. ─── 从那时起,戴维就把他的全部信心寄托在革命上了。

52、Your names will be pinned on honor roll. ─── 你们的名字将被列到光荣榜上。

53、A small pin or brooch worn as an ornament or a badge of membership. ─── 勋章作为装饰物或表示成员资格标志而佩戴的小饰针或徵章

54、They pinned the accident on the bus driver. ─── 他们把事故归咎于公车司机。

55、Let's pin the notice on the bulletin board. ─── 咱们把这个通知钉在布告牌上吧。

56、Two others had been flung down at the same spot, with the smaller one pinned beneath a heavyset man sitting on top of him. ─── 还有两个人摔到一处去了,矮小的被压在下面,大个子坐在他身上。

57、Don't try to move the map, it's pinned down to the table. ─── 别动那张地图,它被钉在桌子上了。

58、She had pinned a wild rose in her hair. ─── 她头上别了一朵野玫瑰。

59、They pinned a notice to the door. ─── 他们把通知钉在门上。

60、A diamond clip was pinned to her dress. ─── 一支钻石别针别在她的衣服上。

61、You must pin down every quotation to its author. ─── 你一定要确定每一个引文的作者是谁。

62、He pricked holes in paper with a pin. ─── 他用大头针在纸上穿孔。

63、Mrs Smith pinned Mary's ears back for not doing her homework. ─── 史密斯太太责骂玛丽不做功课。

64、In the accident he was pinned under the car. ─── 在那场事故中他被压在车下。

65、They oughtn't to have pinned their faith on such a man. ─── 他们本不该信赖这样一个人的。

66、She pinned the gown at the neck with a safety-pin. ─── 她在领子附近用-根别针把睡衣别住。

67、The fallen tree pinned him to the ground. ─── 倒下的树将他紧紧地压在地上。

68、He was pinned under the wrecked car. ─── 他被压在失事汽车的下面。

69、John's leg was pinned down under the car after the accident. ─── 事故中,约翰的腿被压在车身底下。

70、He was pinned by the cops for the hold up. ─── 他因抢劫被警方逮捕。

71、The company secretary pinned up a notice about the pension scheme. ─── 公司秘书贴出一张退休金方案通知。

72、The pin held the 2 pages together. ─── 大头针把两页纸别在一起。

73、But allows the address of the pinned object to be taken. ─── 但允许使用固定对象的地址。

74、A brooch pinned on a product to add beauty. ─── 出厂前加上一个别针,使成品更加出色。

75、He pinned a badge on his jacket. ─── 他在外套上别了一枚徽章。

76、He pinned all his hopes on getting that job. ─── 他全指望着得到那份工作了。

77、"Why have you pinned your little heart to an old, ugly hag like me? ─── “你为什么要把心系在一个像我这么丑怪的老女人身上呢?”

78、He liked to pin up the pictures of pop-stars the he clipped from various magazines. ─── 他喜欢把从各种杂志中剪下来的流行歌星的照片钉在墙上。

79、In the accident,he was pinned under the car. ─── 在那次事故中, 他被压在汽车下面动弹不得。

80、He was pinned under the wrecked car . ─── 他被压在那辆撞坏的汽车下面。

81、They found him pinned under the wreckage of the car. ─── 人们发现他被卡在汽车残骸下。

82、He pinned his hopes on going to college. ─── 他寄希望于能上大学。

83、His family's photos were pinned up over his bed. ─── 他家的照片钉在他的床上方。

84、She pinned the gown at the neck with a safetypin. ─── 她在领子那儿用一根别针把睡衣别

85、He burst the balloon with a prick of the pin. ─── 他用针一戳,气球就爆了。

86、The fall of the roof pinned the man down to the floor. ─── 倒塌的屋顶把那个男人压在了地板上。

87、She pinned a white flower in her hair. ─── 她在头发上别了一朵白花。

88、The large tree had fallen and pinned him down. ─── 大树倒了下来,把他压在下面。

89、She pinned him down to admit that he lied. ─── 她使他承认自己说了谎。










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