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08-17 投稿


evidentiary 发音

英:[?ev??den??ri]  美:[?ev??den??ri]

英:  美:

evidentiary 中文意思翻译



evidentiary 词性/词形变化,evidentiary变形

副词: evidentially |

evidentiary 同义词

pronounced | distinguishable | clear-cut | clear | manifest | distinct | definite | patent | flagrant |apparent | discernible | observable | outward | unmistakable | obvious | visible | palpable | appreciable | marked | plain

evidentiary 反义词

uncertain |doubtful

evidentiary 短语词组

1、evidentiary hearing ─── 证据听 ─── 证会

2、evidentiary means ─── 证据手段

3、evidentiary standard ─── 证据标准

4、evidentiary consideration ─── 证据对价

5、evidentiary hearing in divorce ─── 离婚证据听证

6、evidentiary requirements of form ─── [经] 有关证据的形式要求

7、evidentiary material ─── [法] 证据资料

8、evidentiary rules ─── 证据规则

9、evidentiary effect ─── [经] 有证据的效力

10、evidentiary document ─── [法] 证明文件

11、evidentiary harpoon ─── 证据标枪

12、evidentiary value ─── 证据价值

13、evidentiary process ─── 证据程序

14、evidentiary value of fir fir ─── 的证据价值

15、evidentiary processes ─── 证据程序

16、evidentiary objections ─── 证据异议

17、evidentiary statement ─── [法] 口供证据

18、evidentiary objections ca ─── 证据异议

19、evidentiary vacuum ─── 证据真空

evidentiary 相似词语短语

1、evidential ─── adj.证据的;基于证据的;提供证据的;可作证据的

2、residentially ─── 居住地

3、evidently ─── adv.显然,明显地;清楚地

4、presidentially ─── 以总统的资格

5、evidentially ─── 证据的;可作证据的;提供证据的

6、penitentiary ─── n.监狱;宗教裁判官;宗教裁判所;教养所;adj.应处监禁的;监禁的;忏悔的

7、silentiary ─── n.示默者

8、obedientiary ─── n.隐修院执事

9、residentiary ─── adj.有住宅的;须住在任所的;(教士)驻堂的;n.居住者;驻守教堂的牧师

evidentiary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、evidential signs of a forced entry; its evidentiary value ─── 武力入侵的明证;作为证据的价值

2、Article 9 In case a person liable for the enterprise's asset loss has any demurral to the disposal suggestion, he may make a written comment, and provide relevant evidentiary materials. ─── 第九条企业资产损失相关责任人对处理建议有异议的,可以提出书面陈述意见,并提供相关证明材料;

3、All conducive to any litigation or arbitration documentary, physical evidence and other evidentiary material should be collected. ─── 凡是有利于诉讼或仲裁的任何书证、物证及其他证据材料都应当收集。

4、The construction of the public registry system of the transfer of copyright includes safety, ethical and evidentiary value, and sustains the sound system culture. ─── 著作权转让登记公示制度的建构既有安全、伦理性价值和证据支持,也有其深厚的制度底蕴。

5、an evidentiary hearing. ─── 听证会

6、An agency can sometimes lighten its evidentiary burdens, in effect, by interpreting the governing statute in a way that makes the requirements for a prima facie case very lenient. ─── 实际上,行政机关有时可以通过解释起支配作用的法规,使有表面证据的案件的条件非常宽裕而减轻自己的举证责任。

7、Evidentiary materials of manufacturing time of the specified used mechanical and electronic products applied for import. ─── 申请进口的重点旧机电产品的制造年限证明材料。

8、Equipped with cameras, video cameras and other evidentiary materials; ─── 配备照相机、摄像机等取证器材;

9、The telephone recording of evidence in this case, be an effective evidentiary material.With this material, non-self-defence. ─── 沈先生当庭播放从中介公司调来的一份电话录音证据,证明当时邹某不愿再履行合同的表述。

10、evidentiary document ─── 证明文件

11、The confinement of the evidentiary effect and the demand for objective standard of proof will affect the action in cost and benefit .So the benefit of action is not definite . ─── 而对证据的证明力和证据能力的限制,以及证明标准客观性的要求,会影响诉讼成本投入与收益,使诉讼效益出现随动性。


13、Applying this balancing test, the Court held that an order terminating a person's Social Security disability benefits need not be preceded by an evidentiary hearing. ─── "适用了这一平衡标准后,最高法院裁定,终止一个人的社会保险伤残福利无需以证据性的听证作为前提。

14、evidentiary hearing ─── 听讯会

15、evidentiary system ─── 证据制度

16、Compares and contrasts corresponding evidentiary rules, statutes, and individual state cases. ─── 对比和对照了相关的法规,法令和独立的案件。

17、evidentiary effect ─── [经] 有证据的效力

18、Probing into Setting Evidentiary Procedures in Judicial Cases of Compensation ─── 司法赔偿案件设置听证程序初探

19、93. The Court held that the city had to afford each owner an evidentiary hearing. ─── 最高法院裁定,丹佛市须向每位所有人提供证据性听证机会。

20、Evidentiary effect of the information contained in the multimodal transport document ─── 载入多式联运单证的资料的证据效力

21、Article 5 The transferee shall keep the relevant evidentiary materials authorized by the holder of the domain name for applying for changing the domain name registrar. ─── 第五条转入方应当保留获得域名持有者申请变更域名注册服务机构授权的有关证明材料。

22、The holder of the intellectual property right shall attach any evidentiary documents, provided that the contents of the application referred to in the preceding paragraph are whereby proved. ─── 第八条海关总署应当自收到全部申请文件之日起30个工作日内作出是否准予备案的决定,并书面通知申请人;不予备案的,应当说明理由。

23、c. Evidentiary materials concerning authorized operation shall be provided if mechanical and electronic products to be imported are subject to authorized operation. ─── 进口实行授权经营的进口机电产品,应提供授权经营的证明材料;

24、In comparison with court trials, administrative adjudications generally are governed by liberal evidentiary rules that create a strong presumption in favor of admitting questionable or challenged evidence. ─── 和法院审判相比较,行政裁断一般受自由的证据规则支配。 依此规则,常常造成很强烈的足以接受可疑的或受到质疑的证据的推定。

25、Other evidentiary materials related to notarial affairs. ─── 与公证事项有关的其它证明材料。

26、However, such provisions are of evidentiary value insofar as they bear upon questions of custom and practice. ─── 但是,此条款具有习惯与实务上无上的价值。

27、Evidentiary materials of manufacturing time of the specified used mechanical and electronic products applied for import. ─── (四)申请进口的重点旧机电产品的制造年限证明材料。

28、The Judge decides pre-trial motions and if necessary holds evidentiary hearings. ─── 由法官决定是否采纳审判前提出的动议;若有必要,法官可召集听证会。

29、According to the court relevant source, it is difficult to prosecute household heating companies mainly evidentiary difficulties. ─── 据法院有关人士介绍,住户难以起诉供热公司的主要原因是取证困难。

30、evidential signs of a forced entry; its evidentiary value. ─── 武力入侵的明证;作为证据的价值。

31、The task of remaining neutral until the evidentiary presentation is complete is often a difficult one for the judge as well. ─── 要做到在提出全部证据之前保持中立往往也是件困难的事情。

32、Simple Analyse the Evidentiary Effect of the Inspect Discipline Oral Confession ─── 试析纪检口供的证据效力

33、2)the necessary evidence of the offence or evidentiary material. ─── (二)必要的犯罪证据或者证据材料。

34、On the Evidentiary Weight of Data Message ─── 试论数据电文的证据效力

35、evidentiary property ─── 证据属性

36、evidentiary material ─── [法] 证据资料

37、evidentiary statement ─── 口供征据

38、With regard to cases of ships collision cases, the Arbitration Commission or the arbitration tribunal may make any necessary adjustment relating to evidentiary issues. ─── 船舶碰撞案件,在证据方面有特殊要求的,仲裁委员会或仲裁庭可根据案件需要作必要调整。

39、Recourse to the law in the course of consumer in a vulnerable position, not only evidentiary difficulties, and testing costs higher. ─── 在诉诸法律的过程中,消费者个人处于明显的弱势地位,不仅取证困难,且检测费用较高。

40、its evidentiary value. ─── 作为证据的价值。

41、Each court system has its own set of evidentiary rules and the character of the proceeding may vary somewhat depending on what types of evidence are permitted to be introduced. ─── 每个法院系统都有一套自己的证据法规,诉讼程序的特点会随获准出示的证据类型而有所不同。

42、"When reporting creditors' rights, the creditor shall provide an explanation of matters relevant to the creditor's rights and shall provide evidentiary materials." ─── 债权人申报其债权,应当说明债权的有关事项,并提供证明材料。

43、And the way of participation is mainly as follows, evidentiary hearing, forum and consulting etc... ─── 公众参与的对象是指公众可以对哪些社会事务发表意见。

44、Therefore, the paper aims at analyzing the nature of electronic evidence in order to fully understand how the evidentiary rules apply. ─── 因此分析及描述电子证据之各项物理性质与特徵,期能充分瞭解如何适用种刑事证据法则,为本论文首要目标。

45、object of evidentiary admissibility and weight ─── 采证对象

46、The Analysis on Digital Signature and its Evidentiary Power ─── 数字签名及其证明力度分析

47、The Evidentiary Effect of Forensic DNA Identification in the Criminal Litigation ─── 论刑事诉讼中DNA鉴定结论的证据效力

48、Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations. ─── 务必要记得,在引用不同论点和证据时,要加上注脚。

49、The necessary evidence of the offence or evidentiary material. ─── 必要的犯罪证据或者证据材料。

50、The rules upheld in Campbell were controversial, for they tended to curb BELs' ability to respond to individual circumstances that might come to light at an evidentiary hearing. ─── "坎贝尔"案确认的规则引起争论,因为它们倾向于约束行政法法官对个别事项作出反应的能力,而这些事项有可能在证据式听证里暴露出来。

51、Comment on the Principle of Evidentiary Adjudication ─── 解读证据裁判主义

52、Recently, a telephone recording through Jingan court evidentiary material, and finally confirmed by real people broken. ─── 近日,静安法院通过一份电话录音证据材料,最终证实了卖房人毁约。

53、Be sure to footnote both argument and evidentiary citations. ─── 务必要记得,在引用不同论点和证据时,要加上。

54、3) analysis of the evidentiary data; ─── 3.分析证据数据;

55、Formal adjudications under the APA are sometimes called "evidentiary hearings," "full hearings," or "trial-type hearings." ─── 《行政程序法》规定的正式裁决有时被称为"提供证据的听证","全面听证",或"审判式听证"。

56、Evidentiary matters in criminal trials are controlled by the common law and the Canada Evidence Act . ─── 证据事项在刑事审判中所控制的普通法和加拿大证据法 。

57、evidentiary rule ─── 证据规则

58、evidentiary requirements of form ─── [经] 有关证据的形式要求

59、The enterprise shall provide the evidentiary documents or materials in relation to the reported contents when necessary. ─── 如有必要,企业须提供与所申报内容相关的证明文件或材料。

60、The FCC granted the first license. application without hearing, then set the other down for evidentiary hearing. ─── 联邦电信委员会没有进行听证而批准了第一个许可证申请,然后留置了另一个申请等待提供证据的听证。

61、See, e.g., United States v. Florida East Coast Ry., 410 U.S. 224 (1973) (evidentiary hearing unnecessary in ICC proceeding to set uniform nationwide rail charges). ─── 另参见"合众国诉佛罗里达州东海岸铁路"案,载于《美国最高法院判例汇编》第410卷,第224页(1973)(在州际商业委员会的诉讼里无需以证据性听证确定统一的全国铁路收费标准)。

62、Last November the Arkansas Supreme Court granted a new evidentiary hearing for the three men this December with a new judge and prosecutor. ─── 为这三个男人去年十一月阿肯色州最高法庭决定在十二月由一个新法官和新检察官举行了一个新的听证会。

63、There the Court held that welfare recipients in New York had to be afforded an evidentiary hearing before they could be terminated from the program. ─── 在该案里,最高法院裁决,在纽约的福利受益人被终止享受福利项目之前,应向他们提供证据性的听证机会。

64、All conducive to any litigation or arbitration documentary, physical evidence and other evidentiary material should be collected. ─── 凡是有利于诉讼或仲裁的任何书证、物证及其他证据材料都应当收集。

65、Hearing is the core system of the modern evidentiary procedure law, which is an important method for people to participate in administrative procedures. ─── 听证是现代行政程序法的核心制度,是相对人参与行政程序的重要形式。

66、source of the endowment fund, name of the benefactor, the total value of assets donated, and relevant evidentiary documentation; ─── 五、基金来源、捐资人姓名、所捐财产数额及相关证明文件。

67、The comparative study of American exclusionary rule and Germany rule of evidentiary use prohibition ─── 美国非法证据排除规则与德国证据运用禁止规则之比较

68、1. The Borrower acquires the loan by way of providing fake evidentiary material to the Lender. ─── 借款人向贷款人提供虚假的证明材料而取得借款的;

69、But the defense is fighting the move, saying the information would be prejudicial and that the prosecution has not met the evidentiary threshold required to allow admission. ─── 但是辩方反对这样做,声称那些资料带有不公正性,并且指控将不会遇到那些要求允许使用的证据的底线。

70、However, such provisions are of evidentiary value insofar as they bear upon questions of custom and practice. ─── 但是,此条款具有习惯与实务上无上的价值。

71、A Comparative Study of the Evidentiary Standard to Prosecution and the Judicial Review thereof ─── 提起公诉的证据标准及其司法审查比较研究

72、Evidentiary documentation of compliance with Article 3, paragraph 1, subparagraphs 1, 2, and 7. ─── 四、符合第三条第一项第一款、第二款及第七款之证明文件。

73、There have been over a dozen pre-trial DNA evidentiary hearings in this jurisdiction, each requiring two to six weeks of courtroom time. ─── 在这个区域内有超过12个审前DNA听证会,每个都需要2-6星期的审判时间。

74、The enterprise shall provide the evidentiary documents or materials in relation to the reported contents when necessary. ─── 如有必要,企业须提供与所申报内容相关的证明文件或材料。

75、On Evidentiary Admissibility and Weight in Respect of Ship's Collision at Sea ─── 船舶碰撞诉讼证据采证标准探讨

76、Facts: A welfare recipient's benefits were terminated without an evidentiary hearing. ─── 接受福利者的受益未经证据听证会被取消。

77、The reports given by court appointed commissioners raise problems regarding their evidentiary value. ─── 法院专员的报告,其证据价值亦有争议。

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