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08-17 投稿


vulcanization 发音

英:[,v?lk?na?'ze???n]  美:[,v?lk?n?'ze??n]

英:  美:

vulcanization 中文意思翻译



vulcanization 短语词组

1、flash vulcanization ─── [化] 超速硫化

2、cold vulcanization ─── [化] 冷硫化

3、coefficient of vulcanization ─── [建] 硫化系数

4、gas vulcanization ─── [化] (氯化硫)气体硫化

5、heterogeneous vulcanization ─── [化] 不均匀硫化

6、dry hot vulcanization ─── [化] 热空气硫化

7、additional vulcanization ─── [化] 后硫化; 二次硫化

8、hot-air vulcanization ─── [化] 热空气硫化

9、dynamic vulcanization ─── [化] 动态硫化

10、auto-vulcanization ─── [化] 常温硫化

11、continuous vulcanization ─── [化] 连续硫化

12、infra-red vulcanization ─── [化] 红外硫化; 红外线硫化

13、non-sulfur vulcanization ─── [化] 无硫硫化; 无硫硫化作用

14、after-vulcanization ─── [化] 后硫化作用

15、activity of (vulcanization) accelerator ─── [化] 硫化促进剂活性

16、nonsulfur vulcanization ─── [化] 无硫硫化; 无硫硫化作用

17、heat vulcanization ─── [化] 热硫化

18、high-frequency and microwave vulcanization ─── [化] 高频和微波硫化

19、open vulcanization ─── [化] 无模硫化

20、accelerated sulfur vulcanization ─── [化] 促进硫硫化

vulcanization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to shape it can be divided into rubber product type and rubber putty type (vulcanization and unvalcaization).We can select according to different demand of water-proof construction. ─── 一般按其形态可分橡胶制品型与橡胶腻子型两种,即硫化型与非硫化型两种,可根据不同防水工程,不同防水部位的需要加以选择。

2、And, because a barrage of touring accessories are available for the bike via Kawasaki's Fire and Steel line, the versatile Vulcan 750 cruiser even qualifies on the touring circuit. ─── 并且,由于接二连三的旅游配件,可为自行车途经川崎市的消防及钢线,多才多艺的火神750巡洋舰甚至有资格对旅游线路。

3、The name “volcano” indicates the belief of the ancient Greeks that the burning hills of the Mediterranean were the workshops of divine blacksmith, Vulcan. ─── “火山”这一名称表明古希腊人的这一信念,即地中海沿岸大燃烧着的上是锻冶之神“伍尔坎”的工场。

4、This paper introduces the coordinated design methods of embedded system and points out defects of the existing typical methodologies,such as VULCAN,COSYMA and POLIS. ─── 文中通过介绍现有嵌入式系统的协同设计方法,如:VULCAN,COSYMA和POLIS,指出了现有方法的缺点,提出了一种改进的基于UML的新方法。

5、FT-IR analysis confirms that NaAA formed in the process of compounding and underwent polymerization during vulcanization. ─── FT-IR分析表明,在混炼过程中生成了N aAA,在硫化过程中N aAA发生聚合反应。

6、The sulfur melting furnace with high temperature heat pipe was successfully applied in the process of rubber vulcanization. ─── 介绍了高温热管的工作原理、结构和传热性能,以及高温热管熔硫器在橡胶硫化工艺过程中的成功应用。

7、Lord Vulcan walked across to the window.He leaned against it,the sunshine on his face;for the moment he looked curiously young and unspoilt. ─── 庄园主沃肯朝窗口走去。他依窗而立,阳光映在他的脸上,那一瞬间,他看上去出奇的年轻,不染凡间一缕尘埃。

8、According to the kinetics theory of chemical reaction, the gelating phenomenon in vulcanization process is analyzed. ─── 依据化学反应动力学原理,分析了硫化反应过程中的凝胶化现象;

9、From since beginning to produce vulcanization cloth rubber overshoes, use a convention all the time brush an oar to stick foxing to manufacture technology, product class is inferior. ─── 从开始生产硫化布胶鞋以来,一直采用传统的刷浆贴围条生产工艺,产品档次较低。

10、In this article, we studied the effect of bisphenol AF、BPP on the vulcanization property of fluororuber and studied the effect of curing temperature on the Vulcanization property. ─── 摘要研究了双酚AF硫化体系中硫化剂双酚AF、促进剂BPP对氟橡胶硫化特性的影响以及硫化温度对硫化特性的影响。

11、And a way of trickle charging to remove the vulcanization on the battery plate is suggested here. ─── 并提出了以绢流充电方式消除电池极板硫化现象的方法。

12、August 2009 China - Vulcan Pyrotechnics (Ausverkauft! ─── 中国焰火节,好像在8月吧。。。

13、Kinetic analyses of vulcanization curves of epoxided natural rubber (ENR) were carried out. ─── 对环氧化天然橡胶硫化曲线进行了动力学分析。

14、BARI BARI VULCAN PUNCH:FIRE!! ─── 好,给你最后一击吧!

15、Residents of the three main worship God (Fantian, Visnu, the god Shiva) and Buddhism Sakyamuni, also worship the sun god, the god of water, Vulcan, such as the winds. ─── 居民主要供奉三大天神(梵天、毗湿奴、湿婆神)和佛教的释迦牟尼,还祭拜太阳神、水神、火神、风神等。

16、Red Hill CityStands 17 meters high in Seoul Gan V (Roman mythology in the Vulcan) like cast iron. ─── 市内雷 德山顶耸立高17米的伏尔甘(罗马神话中的火神)铸铁像。

17、She's equipped with two 6-barrel 20 millimeter Vulcan cannons as well as two 40 millimeter machine guns. ─── 它装备有两门20毫米口径6管火神加农炮以及两挺40毫米口径的机枪。

18、The performances, including vulcanization behavior, physical properties and chemical properties, of the blending compound with different blending proportion are tested and analyzed. ─── 文中对溴化丁基橡胶与普通丁基橡胶并用的目的和意义进行了探讨,对不同比例并用胶料的硫化特性、物理性能、化学性能进行了测试和分析。

19、Lethbridge, Vulcan and High Rive. ─── 往烈必殊市、火山市、高河市。

20、The experimental equipment of vibrational induction for dynamically full vulcanization was designed and used to measure and analyze the property and micromorphology of thermoplastic vulcanite(TPV). ─── 在开发设计的振动诱导动态全硫化实验装置上,对热塑性硫化橡胶(TPV)的性能与微观形态进行了测试与分析。

21、Bryant joked that he could have picked up "a couple more fans" by continuing to wear the tape that made his hand resemble the "Star Trek" Vulcan greeting. ─── 布莱恩特开玩笑说如果继续打着使他的手像“StarTrek”里的Vulcangreeting的绷带,他可以提起几对球迷。

22、An ethanolamine is a chemical activator that acts with an accelerator to increase the rate of vulcanization of rubber. ─── 乙醇胺是一种与促进剂反应增加橡胶硫化速度的化学试剂。

23、Same time, special worship of the ancient Uighur Vulcan, that it can resist the evil possessed. ─── 同时,古维吾尔人特崇拜火神,认为它可以抵抗附身之邪恶。

24、She is a tall, dark-haired Vulcan woman, with small pointed ears, and a lovely reddish tinge to her skin. ─── 她是一个身材高挑的黑发瓦肯女性,有一对小而尖的耳朵。皮肤微微泛着可爱的红色。

25、The use of the surfactant PA-1 largely improved the storage stability of CR-1211 compound compared with that of conventional vulcanization system . This effect ofPA- 1 in CR-3221 was a little bit inferion . ─── 使用表面活性剂PA-1的CR-1211混炼胶的贮存稳定性明显优于传统硫化体系,而在CR-3221中使用效果稍差。

26、The Vulcan brand of printing blankets was made part of Trelleborg when the Swedish company purchased Reeves Brothers in 2006. ─── 在火神品牌的印刷胶板了特雷勒堡的一部分时,瑞典公司购买里夫斯兄弟在2006年。


28、Another Maia was the Roman goddess of spring, daughter of Faunus and wife of Vulcan (his Greek counterpart, Heph泴us, married Aphrodite instead). ─── 另外Maia是罗马春天女神,[罗神]福纳斯(畜牧农林神)的女儿和Vulcan(他的希腊版本是改为同[希神]阿芙罗狄蒂(爱与美的女神)结婚)的妻子。

29、High tear strength silicone rubber was prepared using two kinds of silicone rubbers with different vinyl content,hydrogen-containing silicone oil and a blending vulcanization system. ─── 并用两种乙烯基含量不同的甲基乙烯基硅橡胶,添加适量含氢硅油,同时采用过氧化物和铂催化加成这两种硫化方式,可以得到高撕裂乙烯基硅橡胶。

30、The steam/nitrogen vulcanization of tire was theoretically analyzed by variable mass thermodynamics system. ─── 应用变质量系统热力学理论分析轮胎蒸汽/氮气硫化过程。

31、The trend during its test program was already toward delta and modified delta aircraft such as the Douglas F4D, the Convair F-102A derived from the XF-92A, and the Avro Vulcan. ─── 在测试时,机翼设计的趋势已经开始朝三角翼和类三角翼方向发展,应用这种布局的飞机有:道格拉斯F4D,康维尔F-102A(由XF-92A改进而成),和“火神”式轰炸机。

32、Maybe your girlfriend/boyfriend is a Romulan or Vulcan... ─── 也许你的女友/男友是一个罗慕兰人或火神...

33、In Roman mythology, the god of fire and metal working is called Vulcan. ─── 在罗马人的神话中,司火与锻冶之神被称为vulcan。

34、The dispensing of dealcoholized RTV 1 silicone rubber of deep layer vulcanization,extinction,antibiosis and milewproof and non corrosiveness to copper,were introduced. ─── 介绍了深层硫化型、消光型、抗菌防霉型、对铜无腐蚀型脱醇型单组分室温硫化(RTV-1)硅橡胶的配制。

35、Vulcanization is generally considered to be an irreversible process. ─── 一般认为硫化是不可逆的过程。

36、Vulcanization is generally considered to be an irreversible process. ─── 一般认为硫化是不可逆的过程。

37、High tear strength silicone rubber was prepared using two kinds of silicone rubbers with different vinyl content, hydrogen-containing silicone oil and a blending vulcanization system. ─── 摘要并用两种乙烯基含量不同的甲基乙烯基硅橡胶,添加适量含氮硅油,同时采用过氧化物和铂催化加成这两种硫化方式,可以得到高撕裂乙烯基硅橡胶。

38、Radiation vulcanization of binary saturated rubber ─── 二元饱和橡胶的辐射硫化

39、Mobil have got documents with exclusive blue prints of the final design of the Sony Ericsson X2 or Vulcan, which also goes under. ─── 得到了独家的X2(火神)最终打印设计图。(后一句不会翻译)

40、The composite vulcanization system (3DCP+2TE) used for EPDM rubber was introduced in this paper. After vulcanizing with this composite, the combinated properties of EPDM vulcani-zate were improved. ─── 摘要介绍了一种复合硫化体系(3DCP+2TE),采用该复合物体系硫化三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)胶料时,可以提高其物理性能及耐老化性能,使EPDM具有良好的综合性能。

41、Strengthened with GFc, mechanical properties of silicone vulcan... ─── 复合材料低温性能受硅橡胶低温性能的影响显著。

42、They even gave it a name: Vulcan. ─── 他们甚至给了它一个名字:Vulcan。

43、VULCAN software system has successfully been used by MAPTEX corporation. ─── VULCAN软件系统是由澳大利亚 MAPTEK公司开发成功的。

44、low-grade protogensis vulcanization copper mine ─── 低品位原生硫化铜矿

45、Abstract : In this paper,the developments of the adhesive and adhesion technology of metal-to-rubber bonding in vulcanization were revie wed with 36 references. ─── 摘 要: 综述金属-橡胶胶粘剂及粘接技术进展,回顾其 发展过程,分析不同粘接体系的优缺点;

46、The effects of ru-bber/plastic ratio,vulcanization conditions and recycled processing timeson the physical mechanical properties were studied. ─── 同时对橡塑比、未硫化、动态硫化、静态硫化和返炼次数等对物理力学性能的影响作了初步探讨。

47、Our new developed all-steel radia hardware mold vulcanization machine,cars,cars,hardware.mold vukanizing meridian tires efurbished equipment. ─── 公司新研制出全钢子午线活络模硫化机、轿车活络模硫化机、轿车子午线轮胎翻新设备。

48、The heat vulcanization bonding operations, which were in d et ail introduced in this paper, showed that the process isn't suitable for rush rec overy of conveying belt as the process is complicated and the bonding needs a lo ng time. ─── 在详述硫化热粘法具体操作过程的基础上,指出该方法因工艺复杂、接时间长等原因并不适合输送带抢修这一特殊环境。

49、There may not be a Vulcan, but it is probable that there are many other solar systems in the universe. ─── 可能没有vulcan,但是,在宇宙中可能有许多其它的太阳系。

50、That Vulcan was not permanently hostile to Juno is shown by the service that on various occasions he rendered her. ─── 伏尔甘在许多场合下为朱诺效过力,这说明他并不是一直对朱诺怀恨在心的。

51、room-temperature vulcanization (RTV) ─── 室温硫化

52、The stronger the ionization of accelerator is, the more rapid the vulcanization is, and the more rapid the reversion is. ─── 促进剂活性越大,硫化速度越快,但交联键脱硫和降解也越快,硫化速原越快。

53、The name "volcano" indicates the belief of the ancient Greeks that the burning hills of the Mediterranean were the workshops of divine blacksmith, Vulcan. ─── "火山"这一名称表明古希腊人的这一信念,即地中海沿岸大燃烧着的上是锻冶之神"伍尔坎"的工场.

54、He follows the dying Vulcan around the side of the glass, finally resting against it, unable to believe Spock is in there, dying. ─── 企业号立刻加速逃过一劫,史波克却己奄奄一息。

55、To punish her, Zeus gave her to Hephaestus (Vulcan in Roman mythology), the lame and ugly god of the forge. ─── 为了要惩罚她,宙斯把她嫁给赫斐斯塔司(即罗马神话中的伏尔甘),他是个又瘸又丑的锻冶之神。

56、The Vulcan anti-aircraft system will now initiate lock warning on the RWR/SPO systems. ─── 在RWR/SPO 模式下被‘密集阵”近防系统锁定时会激发告警信号。

57、The accidental dropping of that bit of rubber led to the development of the process - vulcanization of rubber - which makes thousands of useful rubber products possible. ─── 偶然掉下的那么一点点橡胶,导致了橡胶硬化过程的研究,使人们能够生产出成千上万种有用的橡胶制品。

58、The famous scientist Albert Einstein did not believe that there was another planet, so most astronomers don't look for Vulcan, but no one knows for certain that it isn't out there. ─── 因此,大多数天文学不再寻找VULCAN。但是没有人能确定它确实不在那里。

59、This paper described in detail the radiation vulcanization of natural rubber latex (RVNRL) in respect of its advantages, history, mechanism, process and main factors affecting the product quality. ─── 叙述了天然橡胶乳液辐射硫化的优点、发展历史、机理、影响产品性能的主要因素和辐射硫化工艺。

60、room temperature vulcanization silicone ─── RTV硅橡胶

61、Short production cycle, as there is no need to add sulphur and conduct vulcanization. ─── 成形周期短,无需加硫及硫化作业。

62、A relatively inelastic rubber, made by vulcanization with a large amount of sulfur and used as an electrical insulating material. ─── 一种用大量硫磺硬化而成的相对无弹性的橡胶,用作绝缘材料

63、A method of preparing deformable polydimethylsiloxane sheet culture substrates by oxygen plasma vulcanization was developed. ─── 发展了氧等离子体硫化法制作可变形聚二甲基硅氧烷薄膜培养基底的技术。

64、Analysts said the guns are 20 mm Vulcan cannons similar to those used on fighter jets and warships. ─── 分析家表示,这些高射炮是20厘米口径的“火神”机炮,和战斗机或舰艇上使用的相似。

65、Two-component polyurethane silicone rubber polysulfide rubber chloroprene rubber and epoxy resin sealant of this type are generally completed at room temperature vulcanization. ─── 双组分的聚氨酯、硅橡胶、聚硫橡胶、氯丁橡胶和环氧树脂密封胶都属于这一类,一般在室温条件下完成硫化。

66、The gods left Olympus to honor the occasion with their presence, and Vulcan presented the bride with a necklace of surpassing brilliancy, his own workmanship. ─── 奥林波斯山上的众神都来庆贺他们的婚礼。伏尔甘送给了新娘一串他亲手制作的项链,精美绝伦。

67、The Vulcan humvee will fire in deadly bursts of hot lead, sure to blow any aircraft out of the sky. ─── 令火神悍马发射致命的连射热铅弹(火海),并且撕碎任何侵入领空的飞机。

68、The member who impressed me most was Barney Monaghan, the chairman of Vulcan, a steel company in Birmingham, Alabama. ─── 我印象最深的委员是阿拉巴马州伯明翰市伍尔坎钢铁公司的董事长,巴尼.莫纳汉。

69、atmospheric pressure vulcanization ─── 常压硫化

70、If Chongyang southern part of the region Jizao customs, is home of Vulcan, we can see the ancient ritual September, "the fire" of clues. ─── 如江南部分地区有重阳祭灶的习俗,是家居的火神,由此可见古代九月祭祀“大火”的蛛丝马迹。

71、Study on Dynamic Vulcanization of NBR/ACM Blend ─── NBR/聚丙烯酸酯橡胶共混物动态硫化的研究

72、Spongy rubber; made by introducing air bubbles before vulcanization. ─── 海绵状橡胶,制造过程中在硫化前加入了空气气泡。

73、Results showed that triallyl-isocyanurate(TAIC) had more effects on the vulcanization of fluorosilicone rubber than that of fluoroether rubber and would transfer to fluorosilicone rub... ─── 无论采用生胶共混还是采用混炼胶共混,氟醚橡胶与氟硅橡胶均不能实现很好的硫化和物理相容性。

74、Origin of name: from the family name Yun, Zhuanxu Dili for the descendants of the Sun Vulcan. ─── 姓氏起源: 出自妘姓,为颛顼帝之孙祝融之后裔。

75、Drum vulcanizing machine for continuous vulcanization of various adhesive fabric of a device. ─── 鼓式硫化机用以连续硫化各种涂胶布类的一种设备。

76、Or you can text VULCAN followed by your first and last names to 65700 (eg VULCAN John Smith). ─── 或者您可以写上火神加上您的姓名寄到65700(如火神约翰.史密斯) 。

77、Filling bentonite composition had little effect on the velocity of vulcanization. ─── 膨润土对硫化速度的影响不大。

78、This paper reports the effects of several polyfunctional monomers on radiation vulcanization of ethylene-propylene rubber and ethylene-butylene rubber. ─── 报道了多官能团单体对二元乙丙橡胶及二元乙丁橡胶辐射硫化的影响。

79、Some astronomers believe that there is tenth planet, and they have named it Vulcan. ─── 一些天文学家相信有第十颗行星,而且他们已经命名它为vulcan。

80、Of or relating to Vulcan. ─── 伍尔坎的,火与锻冶之神的

81、The vulcanization process of silicone rubber was taken as an example, the optimization model of the reaction efficiency for a given numerical value was constructed. ─── 以硅橡胶材料的硫化反应为例,建立了面向设定值的反应效率优化模型,确定了相关的决策变量,叙述了优化问题的求解步骤。

82、The constant useness of vulcanization system in EPDM is the vulcanization system of peroxid.The disintegrant of most peroxid smells odorously.It cannot fill the request of edible industry. ─── 乙丙橡胶常用的硫化体系是过氧化物硫化体系,绝大多数过氧化物分解物的异味浓,不符合食品行业的要求。

83、VULCAN XC72 is the industry standard for conductivity in ESD and power cable semicon applications. ─── VULCAN XC72是静电释放和电力电缆半导体应用中导电性方面的行业标准炭黑。

84、Responsible for the former order, after order, vulcanization workshop equipment maintenance and technical improvement project work involved. ─── 负责全厂前序、后序、硫化车间的设备维护和涉及项目技改工作。

85、The temperatures in 285/75R24.5 radial truck tire and 185/80R14C radial light truck tire were measured during vulcanization. ─── 对载重子午线轮胎285/75R24.5和轻载子午线轮胎185/80R14C进行了硫化测温试验。

86、In addition,the silicone rubber endowed with high-temperature resistance and electrical insulation by the technology of irradiation vulcanization. ─── 另外采用耐热添加剂和辐射硫化技术实现了硅橡胶的耐高温及电绝缘性能。

87、This article summarizes the hyperthermic vulcanization process and points for attention for HB - 3 and HB - 4 Co - Mo catalyst. It also introduces the service condition in brief. ─── 总结了HB-3,HB-4型钴钼触媒升温硫化过程及注意事项,简单介绍了使用情况,并针对出现的问题采取了一定措施

88、Suitable for white of light colour products which can be treated with high temperature vulcanization . ─── 适合白色或浅色制品,可耐高温加硫处理。

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