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08-17 投稿


gibbet 发音

英:[?d??b?t]  美:[?d??b?t]

英:  美:

gibbet 中文意思翻译




gibbet 词性/词形变化,gibbet变形


gibbet 短语词组

1、gibbet in a sentence ─── 绞刑架

2、gibbet cage ─── 绞刑笼

3、gibbet define ─── 绞刑架

4、gibbet fen ─── 绞刑架

5、gibbet law ─── [法] 私刑

6、gibbet definition ─── 绞刑架定义

7、gibbet hill farm groton ma ─── 制造商:hill farm groton ma

gibbet 相似词语短语

1、gibbed ─── adj.阉割的;v.用扁栓固定(gib的过去分词)

2、gibbers ─── v.(因害怕)说话急促不清,喋喋而言,胡扯;n.风棱石,三棱石;无法听懂的话(同gibberish);n.(Gibber)(美、英、俄)吉伯尔(人名)

3、glibbest ─── adj.口齿伶俐的,油嘴滑舌的(glib的变形)

4、gibber ─── v.(因害怕)说话急促不清,喋喋而言,胡扯;n.风棱石,三棱石;无法听懂的话(同gibberish);n.(Gibber)(美、英、俄)吉伯尔(人名)

5、gobbet ─── n.一口;一片;团、块或片;引文

6、gibbets ─── n.绞刑架;绞死;v.将……处以绞刑;将(尸体)吊上绞刑示众架;使当众受辱

7、giblet ─── n.(禽类的)内脏杂碎;adj.用(禽类的)内脏杂碎做的

8、giblets ─── n.内脏,杂碎;残余物(giblet的复数)

9、gibbeted ─── v.将(尸体)吊上绞刑示众架;将……处以绞刑;(使)当众受辱(gibbet的过去式及过去分词)

gibbet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only you'll be hanged by the honest men of Paris on a fine gibbet in a more splendid way. ─── 只是你会比较体面地由巴黎的老实人把你吊死在一个好看的绞刑架上。

2、22The other he hanged on a gibbet, that the truth of the interpreter might be shewn. ─── 至于司厨长,却被悬挂起来,正如若瑟对他们所解释的。

3、the body of a man swinging from a crude gibbet. ─── 是一个悬挂在粗制的绞刑架上的尸体。

4、gibbet law ─── [法] 私刑

5、I see a world at peace, a world on which the gibbet's shadow does not fall. ─── 我看见的是一个太平的世界,没有任何绞刑架投下可怕的阴影。

6、most of them telling me, "they died in poverty and disgrace, and the rest on a scaffold or a gibbet. ─── 大多数都跟我说,他们最后都穷愁潦倒而死,剩下的则上了断头台或者绞刑架。

7、"He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. ─── “他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。

8、It went to all our hearts, I think, to leave them in that wretched state;but we could not risk another mutiny;and to take them home for the gibbet would have been a cruel sort of kindness. ─── 在某天早上,我们一切都准备妥当,终于起锚登程,把船驶出北汊。

9、1. The criminals were hanged on the gibbet . ─── 罪犯被推上绞架吊死。

10、yet my heart was sore for him, wicked as he was, to think on the dark peril that environed, and the shameful gibbet that awaited him. ─── 想到他的前途那么黑暗,想到他会落到被送上绞架这样可耻的下场,虽然他为人不正,我心里还是不免为他感到有些难过。

11、Now Haman had entered the outer court of the king's palace to suggest to the king that Mordecai should be hanged on the gibbet he had raised for him. ─── "原来哈曼正走到了王宫的外庭,要请求君王把摩尔德开悬在他竖起的刑架上。

12、To hang on a gibbet for public viewing. ─── 挂在绞刑架上示众

13、a form of capital punishment; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead. ─── 一种死刑;受害者被挂在一个绞刑架上吊着脖子直到死亡。

14、When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows, we shall have peace. ─── 当你挂在一个拉倒对这项运动的你自己的乌鸦,我们就有平安。

15、Truth to tell, he was afraid of being hanged by the populace for beginning too late, hanged by the Cardinal for being too soon; on either side he beheld an abyss-that is to say, a gibbet. ─── 其实,他害怕成了吊死鬼。 民众由于等待而要吊死他,红衣主教由于他不等待也要吊死他,他反正都得死,只见两边各是万丈深渊,换言之,都是绞刑架。

16、die on the gibbet ─── 被绞死

17、When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows. Then We shall have peace! ─── 当你被吊在绞架上成为乌鸦的食物时,我们就可以和平共处。

18、Only you will be hanged by the honest men of Paris on a fine gibbet in a more splendid way ─── 只是你会比较体面地由巴黎的老实人把你吊死在一个好看的绞刑架上。

19、Then go to the banquet with the king in good cheer." This suggestion pleased Haman, and he had the gibbet erected. ─── 这样你可欣然与君王同赴盛筵了。"哈曼看这主意不错,就叫人做了一个刑架。

20、2.We passed the desiccated corpse of a brigand hanging on a gibbet. ─── 我们路过一具悬在绞刑架上的土匪干尸。

21、When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows.Then We shall have peace! ─── 当你被吊在绞架上成为乌鸦的食物时,我们就可以和平共处.

22、To execute by hanging on a gibbet. ─── 在绞形架上处以绞刑

23、On the other side stood a gibbet,air jordan XIX, a decaying corpse dangling from it by a worn hemp rope. ─── 路的一边是一个指向三个方向的路标,但光线太暗,他无法看清上面的字.

24、When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows, we shall have peace. ─── 等你吊在绞刑架,被你自己的乌鸦玩弄时我们就会和平相处的。

25、9 Harbona, one of the eunuchs who attended the king, said, "At the house of Haman stands a gibbet fifty cubits high. ─── 君王座前的一个太监哈波纳说:"正巧,在哈曼家里,有他给那位曾一言造福大王的摩尔德开,竖立的一个五十尺高的刑架。

26、gibbet tree ─── 起重杆

27、Another example comes complete with a picture of a gibbet and dangling corpse. ─── 另一个例子则完全是一副绞刑架和一具摇晃的尸体。

28、We're that near the gibbet that my neck's stiff with thinking on it. ─── 我们离上绞架的日子不远了,我一想到这一点连脖子都会发硬。

29、He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. It was fiendishly designed. ─── 他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。这是一种极为残忍的方式。

30、That gibbet is always good to look at. ─── 望着这个绞刑架总是有益的。

31、and to take them home for the gibbet would have been a cruel sort of kindness. ─── 如果把他们带回国去再送上绞架,那也算不得仁慈。

32、I warn you that you will be quiet--When the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient ─── 如果恐惧的宵禁和失业的绞架使你们俯首帖耳,我警告你们:你们将噤若寒蝉。

33、10 So they hanged Haman on the gibbet which he had made ready for Mordecai, and the anger of the king abated. ─── 人们遂把哈曼悬在他自己为摩尔德开所做的刑架上;王的忿怒这才平息。

34、The main arm of the gibbet occupied the whole of the fragment of the Rue Droit-Mur comprised between the Rue Petit-Picpus and the Rue Polonceau; ─── 短臂面临比克布斯小街,那一面的房屋高而灰暗,形象严肃,正面的门窗都装有铁栅栏,六十二号的大车门标志着那一带房屋的尽头。

35、but we could not risk another mutiny; and to take them home for the gibbet would have been a cruel sort of kindness. ─── 但我们不能冒险让船上再发生一次叛乱,而且将他们带回去送上绞架似乎也不是什么仁慈之举。

36、Truth to tell,he was afraid of being hanged by the populace for beginning too late,hanged by the Cardinal for being too soon; on either side he beheld an abyss-that is to say,a gibbet. ─── 其实,他害怕成了吊死鬼。民众由于等待而要吊死他,红衣主教由于他不等待也要吊死他,他反正都得死,只见两边各是万丈深渊,换言之,都是绞刑架。

37、rather makeMy country’s high pyramides my gibbet,And hang me up in chains! ─── 我宁愿铁链套在我的颈上,让高高的金字塔作为我的绞架!

38、I warn you that you will be quiet--When the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient. ─── 如果恐惧的宵禁和失业的绞架使你们俯首帖耳,我警告你们:你们将噤若寒蝉。

39、On the other side stood a gibbet, a decaying corpse dangling from it by a worn hemp rope. ─── 路的一边是一个指向三个方向的路标,但光线太暗,他无法看清上面的字。

40、The elbow of the gibbet was a square hall which was used as the servants' hall, and which the nuns called the buttery. ─── 在曲尺转角的地方,有一间当作储藏室用的方厅,修女们却称它为“账房”。

41、"He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position. It was fiendishly designed." ─── “他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。这是一种极为残忍的方式。”

42、a form of capital punishment; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead. ─── 一种死刑;受害者被挂在一个绞刑架上吊着脖子直到死亡。

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