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angiography 发音

英:[??nd???ɑ?ɡr?f?]  美:[??nd????ɡr?fi]

英:  美:

angiography 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 血管造影术


angiography 网络释义

n. [特医] 血管造影术;血管照相术;血管学;[特医] 血管造影法

angiography 常用词组

digital subtraction angiography ─── 数字减影血管造影;数字减影血管造影术

cerebral angiography ─── 脑血管造影术

angiography 词性/词形变化,angiography变形

形容词: angiographic |

angiography 短语词组

1、fluoroscopy angiography ─── 透视血管造影

2、angiography definition ─── 血管造影定义

3、angiography procedure ─── 血管造影程序

4、magnetic resonance angiography ─── 磁共振血管成像 ─── 磁共振血管造影

5、angiography xr ─── 血管造影xr

6、angiography drape ─── 血管造影褶皱

7、angiography fluoroscopy ─── 血管造影透视

8、cerebral angiography ─── [医] 脑血管造影术, 脑血管照相术

9、fluorescein angiography ─── [医]荧光素血管造影(术),荧光素血管造影术

10、angiography dsa ─── 血管造影

11、coronary angiography ─── 冠状动脉血管造影术

12、cardio-angiography ─── [医] 心血管造影术

13、angiography grade ─── 血管造影等级

14、angiography equipment ─── 血管造影设备

15、angiography and stenting ─── 血管造影和支架置入术

angiography 相似词语短语

1、amniography ─── n.[特医]羊水造影术;羊膜腔照相术

2、anemography ─── n.测风学,测风术

3、cineangiography ─── [特医]血管荧光电影照相术

4、actinography ─── n.光化线强度测定法;[光]光量测定法

5、cholangiography ─── n.[特医]胆管造影术

6、hagiography ─── n.圣徒传记;圣徒言行录

7、angiographic ─── 血管造影术

8、cardiography ─── n.[内科]心动描记法

9、craniography ─── n.颅形论

angiography 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To evaluate the clinical value of assessment of coronary stent patency by 64-slice spiral CT coronary angiography. ─── 摘要目的探讨64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像评价冠状动脉支架通畅性的临床应用价值。

2、Angiography afterward approred that 2 cases dis tributed several lobes. ─── 后经血管造影证实,其中2例为多叶分布。

3、In 109 hepatic tumor detection rate by US was 70.6%, CT 61.5%, angiography 61.6%, LpCT 85.3%. ─── 在109个小肝癌病灶中四种影像方法检出率分别为超声70.6%,CT61.5%,血管造影61.5%,碘油CT85.3%。

4、Myocardial bridge is not an uncommon finding in routine diagnostic coronary angiography or pathological examination of the heart. ─── 心肌架桥在常规心导管或心脏之病理解剖中并不少见。

5、Examining 6 cases of angioid streaks by fluorescence fundus angiography, we found circular radiating streaks around the optic disc. ─── 对6例眼底血管样条纹患者眼底荧光血管造影检查发现,视乳头周围呈一环形条纹,由此向不同方向呈放射状发出,延伸数毫米逐渐变细而终止,仅限于眼底后极部。

6、Radionuclide angiography showed dilated left ventricle with global hypokinesia. ─── 我们这里报告一个 51 岁的女性主诉非典型的胸痛,而所给予的检查均呈扩张性心肌症。

7、There was a significant correlation between the 18FDG uptake and degree of ICA stenosis detected by angiography. ─── 在(18)FDG吸收量和血管造影检出的ICA狭窄度之间存在显著相关性。

8、Be liberal with duplex or angiography after blunt trauma when cervical vessel injuries cannot be ruled out. ─── 即使没有临床表现,颈部的钝器伤仍有严重血管损伤的可能;

9、It is significant to diagnose and treat central serous choroidoretinopathy with fluorescein fundus angiography. ─── 作者认为荧光眼底血管造影对本病的诊断及治疗均具有重要的指导意义。

10、CT,MRI and liver angiography were performed two weeks after inoculation. ─── 接种2周后,以CT、MRI检测肿瘤种植及生长状况,然后行肝动脉造影检查。

11、To treat macular edema, the laser is aimed directly on the damaged blood vessels (as determined by an imaging method called angiography). ─── 激光可直接聚焦在破损的血管(被一种称为血管造影的成像方法决定的)治疗黄斑水肿。

12、Currently, coronary angiography is the procedure most commonly used to look at blockages in the coronary arteries. ─── 冠状动脉造影术是目前最为常用的一种检查冠状动脉阻塞情况的手段。

13、In the last 2 decades, diagnosis of congenital renal arteriovenous malformation has increased owing to the availability of angiography. ─── 摘要过去二十年来,因血管摄影术的普遍应用,先天性动静脉畸型的诊断明显的增加。

14、Cere-bral angiography cleared the diagnosis. ─── 全脑血管造影可确立诊断。

15、During coronary angiography, a thin tube (catheter) is threaded through a blood vessel into the heart, where a special dye is injected. ─── 在冠状动脉造影时,一个细管(导管)通过血管进入心脏,注入一种特殊的染料。

16、Key words Digital subtraction angiography(DSA) Cerebral blood vessel disease? ─── 关键词数字减影全脑血管造影(DSA)脑血管病?

17、All cases underwent MRI cerebral conventional examination, 10 of them had MR venous angiography(MRV), 5 cases underwent enhanced MRI scan. ─── 全部行头颅MRI平扫检查,其中10例行磁共振静脉血管造影(MRV)检查,5例行Gd-DTPA增强扫描。

18、Coronary angiogram showed negative in 7 patients,whose pulmonary angiography displayed pulmonary embolism. ─── 7例冠状动脉造影阴性患者,经肺动脉造影证实为肺栓塞。

19、SE T 1WI ,FSE T 2WI and time-of-flight MRI angiography were done by 1.5T MRI scanner (Marconi,Eclipse) . ─── MRI检查采用 1.5TMRI扫描仪 (Marconi,Eclipse) ,扫描序列包括SET1WI、FSET2 WI和时间飞逝法MR血管成像。

20、Value of Multislice CT Angiography in Diagnosing Arterial Diseases of the Lower Extremities. ─── 多层螺旋CT血管造影对下肢动脉闭塞性疾病的诊断价值。

21、Of the 25 women (aerage age of 43.9), 24 had repeat UAE (one patient had angiography, then opted for hysterectomy). ─── 在25名妇女中(平均年龄43.9周岁),24人有复发的子宫动脉栓塞(一个病人由于有血管造影术,因此选择了切除子宫)。

22、Methods:32 patients with diagestive tract bleeding accepted digital subtract angiography (DSA). ─── 方法 :32例消化道出血病例进行了数字减影血管造影 (DSA) ,19例患者采用动脉药物灌注治疗或动脉栓塞治疗。

23、The findings of MRA were compared with that of digital subtraction angiography(DSA). ─── 其中23例行数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查,MRA与DSA进行对照分析。

24、Emergent bronchial artery angiography revealed that rupture of an aneurysm was the suspected culprit and coil embolization was performed. ─── 紧急支气管动脉血管摄影显示疑似动脉瘤存在,虽然进行血管栓塞,但仍持续出血。

25、MSCT shows 16 stents without in stent restenosis, 14 stents accord with conventional angiography. ─── MSCT显示16个支架通畅,与常规冠状动脉造影相符合的有14个;

26、It also showed intense vascular blush on angiography. ─── 其血管摄影亦显示出其高血管性。

27、Methods TCD and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) examination were undertaken in 50 patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. ─── 方法 对 5 0例蛛网膜下腔出血患者同时行TCD和数字减影血管造影 (DSA)检查并进行对比分析。

28、Coronary angiography showed only one-vessel CAD and TIMI 3 flow in the IRA. ─── 冠状动脉摄影显示只是一条冠状动脉的病变且梗塞的冠状动脉也通畅。

29、Scientists at the university of California, Berkeley, studied 119 men and 40 women who were undergoing coronary angiography. ─── 伯克利市加利福尼亚大学的科学家们已对正在接受心脏冠状动脉血管造影手术的119名男性和40名女性进行了研究。

30、One big advance has been in the use of computed tomography angiography. ─── 其中一项业已投入使用的进展是计算机断层扫描血管造影术。

31、Complete embolotherapy was mandatory because of the shock status during angiography. ─── 因为在血管摄影当中呈休克状态,完全地加以栓塞是必须的。

32、Cerebral angiography was the most valuable means in diagnosing and investigating of the DAVF. ─── 全脑血管造影是确诊和研究本病唯一可靠的手段;

33、Corondry angiography (CAG), echocadsgraphy (UCG) and electrocardiography (ECG)were performed in 83 old patients suspected of coronary heart disease. ─── 对83例临床拟诊冠心病(CHD)的老年人进行冠状动脉(冠脉)造影(CAG)、超声心动图(UCG)及心电图(ECG)检查。

34、In addition, magnetic resonance angiography(MRA) was performed in 5, and digital subtraction angiography(DSA) in 6 patients. ─── 其中5例做了磁共振血管造影MRA检查,6例经DSA检查。

35、Progresses in detecting small hepatocellular carcinoma with digital subtraction angiography, CT and MRI. ─── 小肝癌的数字减影血管造影、计算机X线体层扫描和磁共振成像诊断进展

36、Objective To report a case of conjoined twins with peripheral angiography together with cardioangiographic technique. ─── 摘要目的报导1例胸腹联体儿心脏与外周血管造影检查,介绍心血管造影技术。

37、Objective: To evaluate diagnostic value of magnetic resonance tomographic angiography (MRTA) in trigeminal neuralgia. ─── 摘要目的:探讨磁共振体层血管造影(MRTA)对三叉神经痛的诊断价值。

38、Indocyanine green fluorescein angiography plays an important role in fundus oculi diseases diagnosis. ─── 吲哚菁绿造影技术对眼底疾病的诊断有很大的作用。

39、rate of CIN in high risk pts undergoing cardiac angiography is comparable after administration of iopamidol-370 or iodixanol-320. ─── 醇-370或碘克沙醇-320后,接受心血管造影术的高危患者中 CIN 发生率是相当的。

40、X ray barium studies and CT are shown to yield more accurate diagnosis. Angiography is good complementary technique to confirm the diagnosis. ─── X线钡餐检查和CT扫描对十二指肠平滑肌肉瘤能作出比较准确的诊断,血管造影是一种补充性诊断方法。

41、Angiography of Circumscribed Choroidal Hemangiomas Using Confocal Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope[J]. ─── 引用该论文 史雪辉,杨丽红,王光璐.

42、The foveal avascular zone area (FAZ) was measured by fundus flourescein angiography (FFA) in patients with diabetes and some in the control group. ─── 同时对糖尿病患者及对照组部分人员行荧光素眼底血管造影(FFA),检测黄斑中心凹无血管区(FAZ)面积。

43、The success rate of stent implantation was 98.8%( 82/83),29 patients received angiography check,one by super-speed CT. ─── 接受冠状动脉造影29例(34.9%),接受冠状动脉螺旋计算机断层扫描1例。

44、Ultrasound , CT and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) were performed on 126 patients with primary liver cancer and 37 with secondary liver cancer. ─── 对126例原发性肝癌与37例转移性肝癌介入治疗前均进行了B超、CT与数字减影血管造影(DSA)检查。

45、Particularly in the evaluation of moderate coronary artery stenosis, IVUS is more precise than coronary angiography. ─── 其用于评价冠状动脉临界病变较冠脉造影准确,对临界病变的诊断和治疗决策有着很好的指导作用。

46、Method 21 cases of proved aneurysm patients are examined with SCTA, the image technology of SSD and MIP, among which, 7 are made angiography. ─── 21例经手术证实的动脉瘤患者进行了SCTA检查,成像技术为遮盖法(SSD)和最大强度法(MIP),其中7例同时做了血管造影检查。

47、Intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) examination and coronary angiography(CAG) were performed before and after PCI. ─── PCI前后分别进行血管内超声(IVUS)检查和冠状动脉造影。

48、Angiography and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (18FDG-PET) imaging were carried out in all patients. ─── 所有患者进行了血管学和(18)F-氟去氧葡萄糖-电子发射断层扫描((18)FDG-PET)影像检查。

49、Methods Seventy hypercholesteremic patients with CHD evidenced by coronary angiography were selected. ─── 摘要:目的 探讨血脂康调血脂治疗对冠心病合并高脂血症患者内皮细胞的保护作用。

50、Coronary angiography showed triple-vessel disease, coronary artery aneurysms, and diffuse ectasia. ─── 冠状动脉摄影显示三条冠状动脉疾病,冠状动脉瘤和冠状动脉扩张。

51、Rankin SC.CT Angiography [J].Eur Radiol 1999,9(2):297310. ─── 姜颖,朱沈玲.彩色多普勒超声诊断主动脉瘤的观察与分析[J].中国心血管杂志,2001,6(6):331332.

52、Measurement of ocular blood flow by scanning laser ophthalmoscope video angiography. ─── 应用激光扫描眼底镜录像血管造影测量眼血流指标。

53、Among 56 cases who had the digital subtraction angiography (DSA) examination, there were 33 cases with AVM. ─── 56例行数字减影脑血管造影(DSA),33例显示存在AVM。

54、Results: Of the 27 stents of coronary artery, 25 stents (92%) were assessable with MSCT angiography. ─── 5例同时作导管法冠状动脉造影者两种检测方法结果相同。

55、Balloon angioplasty is often done with angiography. ─── 球囊成形术,往往是与血管造影完成。

56、Objective: To study the value of selective coronary angiography in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). ─── 摘要目的:探讨选择性冠状动脉造影在冠心病诊断及治疗中的价值。

57、Methods: 87 patients who were diagnosed of ACS and performed coronary angiography (CAG) are regarded as study objects. ─── 对象与方法:87例行冠状动脉造影的临床诊断ACS患者为研究对象。

58、Control analysis of clinical manifestation and coronary angiography in patients with variant angina. ─── 变异性心绞痛临床表现与冠脉造影的对照分析。

59、There was no evidence of tumor, vasculitis or aneurysm from abdominal angiography and computed tomography. ─── 在血管摄影及电脑断层中,并没有发现病人有腹内肿瘤、血管炎或血管瘤。

60、There was no evidence of tumor, vasculitis or aneurysm from abdominal angiography and computed tomography. ─── 在血管摄影及电脑断层中,并没有发现病人有腹内肿瘤、血管炎或血管瘤。

61、The sinus reconstructions were evaluated by pathology and digital subtraction angiography ( DSA) at 1,2,4 and 8 week after operation. ─── 对正常及术后1、2、4、8周重建的SSS进行病理学和DSA检查。

62、In Taiwan, reports on the diagnosis of Takayasu arteritis based on MR imaging and MR angiography are rare. ─── 但在台湾,使用核磁共振影像及核磁共振血管摄影来诊断高安氏动脉炎的例子不多见。

63、Coronary angiography and ergonovine test comfirmed right artery sp asm. ─── 冠脉造影和麦角新碱激发试验证实右冠状动脉痉挛的存在。

64、Ultrasound, Nuclear Studies, or Angiography are generally not needed for diagnosis. ─── 一般情况下诊断不需要超声,核医学,或者血管造影检查。

65、The TPAs were examined by color Doppler ultrasonography(CDU),digital subtraction angiography (DSA)and pathology 3 months following theembolization. ─── 在栓塞治疗后3月复查彩色超声多普勒及血管造影,并取标本行病理检查。

66、Abstract ABSTRACT:Objective To evaluate the clinical value of assessment of coronary stent patency by 64-slice spiral CT coronary angiography. ─── 摘要:目的 探讨64层螺旋CT冠状动脉成像评价冠状动脉支架通畅性的临床应用价值。

67、Methods:CDFI findings on 6 AMD cases were evaluated and compared before and after therapy and were supported by fluorescein angiography(FA). ─── 方法 :对 6例 AMD患者治疗前后的 CDFI结果做比较分析。 所有病例经荧光血管造影 (FA)证实。

68、Abstract: Confocal laser angiography can record retinal and choroidal vessel conditions by confocal laser technique. ─── 摘 要: 共焦激光技术可以记录眼底视网膜、脉络膜血管状况,并造影成像。

69、The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of DSE for diagnosing CAD were establised by comparing with coronary angiography. ─── 3) 定量化DSE诊断CAD的敏感性91%,特异性87%,准确度89%,诊断三支、二支与一支病变的敏感性分别为100%、90%与90%,均高于目测分析的结果。

70、All patients underwent the coronary angiography(CAG) and intravascular ultrasound(IVUS) imaging. ─── 所有患者行冠状动脉造影期间同时行血管内超声检查。

71、Transfemoral or transradial approach for coronary angiography of angioplasty is the norm for most cardiologists. ─── 摘要经股动脉或经桡动脉心导管术已成为心脏科医师惯用的冠状动脉摄影及冠状动脉成形术。

72、Fundus fluorescein angiography(FFA)examinations were taken on 53 eyes in different time after operation. ─── 其中53例在术后不同时间行眼底荧光血管造影检查。

73、Intraarterial chemotherpy and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) were performed in 51 patients with breast cancer. ─── 对51例乳腺癌患者进行了手术前后动脉灌注化疗,同时实施数字减影血管造影(DSA)。

74、Color ultrasonic Doppler, CT and selective angiography are very important for the early diagnosis of the disease. ─── 彩色超声、CT、选择性血管造影对该病早期诊断具有重要意义。

75、Panendoscopy, colonscopy, superior and inferior mesenteric arterial angiography revealed negative findings. ─── 上、下消化道内视镜及上、下肠系膜血管摄影均未发现出血点。

76、Therefore, CT and MR angiography are increasingly being used to diagnose arterial occlusie disease. ─── 因此,CT和MR血管造影术日益成为诊断动脉阻塞性疾病的方法。

77、Methods:By the standard of coronary angiography,CK-DSE was used to detect 50 cases suspected with CHD. ─── 方法 :以冠状动脉造影 (coronaryangiography ,CAG)为标准 ,采用CK -DSE检测了 5 0例可疑CHD患者。

78、Digital Cine Coronary Angiography (DCCA, n=196) and Film Cine Coronary Angiography (FCCA, n= 112) were retrospectively reviewed. ─── 对比分析196例数字电影冠状动脉造影和112例胶片电影冠状动脉造影。

79、All patients underwent coronary angiography and serial echocardiography;five underwent endomyocardial biopsy. ─── 所有病人均接受冠状动脉造影和(定期)连续的超声心动图检查,5例接受心内膜心肌活检。

80、All QT interval measurements were made by one observer using 12-lead electrocardiography before coronary angiography. ─── 所有病人手术前记录同步12导联心电图,采用手工盲法测量QTd及心率校正的QTd(QTcd)。

81、The most important thing is that we have to have very good diagnostic angiography. ─── 最重要的是我们需要具备很好的诊断性血管造影技术。

82、And the digital substaction angiography(DSA) was examined. ─── 并做椎动脉数字减影血管造影(DSA)。

83、Among 56 cases who had the digital subtraction angiography(DSA) examination,there were 33 cases with AVM. ─── 56例行数字减影脑血管造影(DSA),33例显示存在AVM。

84、Objective: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of 5F catheter in transfemoral coronary angiography. ─── 摘要目的:评价5F造影导管经股动脉径路行冠状动脉造影术的可行性、安全性。

85、Methods The clinical data of 132 ARAS patients diagnosed by renal angiography were analysed. ─── 方法 分析本院经肾动脉造影确诊的ARAS患者132例的临床资料。

86、Objective: To study the value of cerebral angiography in short period of cerebral artery stenosis stent angioplasty. ─── 摘要目的探讨脑血管造影评估在血管内支架成形术治疗脑供血动脉狭窄中的价值。

87、ObjectiveExplore the clinical application and value of spiral CT angiography in diagnosing aneurysm. ─── 探讨螺旋CT血管造影在动脉瘤诊断中的临床应用和价值。

88、Three lesions were all detected by color Doppler ultrasound and were proved by renal angiography. ─── 三个病灶皆由都卜勒超音波所侦测到,并以动脉摄影术作最终的诊断。

89、Dose a Normal Coronary Angiography Really Mean a Good Prognosis in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes? ─── 急性冠状动脉综合征患者冠状动脉造影正常预后就好吗?

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