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08-17 投稿


irritated 发音

英:['?r?te?t?d]  美:['?r?tet?d]

英:  美:

irritated 中文意思翻译



irritated 网络释义

adj. 恼怒的,生气的v. 激怒;使…无效;使…兴奋(irritate的过去分词)

irritated 词性/词形变化,irritated变形

名词: irritator |动词过去式: irritated |动词第三人称单数: irritates |动词过去分词: irritated |副词: irritatingly |动词现在分词: irritating |

irritated 反义词

soothe | calm | appease

irritated 同义词

get at | nark | gravel | chafe | vex | wound | displease | worsen | hurt | incite | up | bother | pain | worry | get to | madden | skin | anger | rag | disturb | foment | spite | sting | trouble |annoy | provoke | rub the wrong way | rankle | nettle | grate | rile | harrow | devil | stir up | stir | torment | exasperate | incense | infuriate | aggravate | sore | inflame | rub | instigate | agitate | make

irritated 短语词组

1、irritated eyes ─── 发炎的眼睛

2、irritated skin ─── 敏感性皮肤

3、irritated crossword ─── 恼怒的填字游戏

4、irritated eyelid ─── 眼睑发炎

5、be irritated against sb ─── 对…感到恼火,生…的气

6、irritated eye ─── 眼睛发炎

7、irritated bowel syndrome ─── 肠刺激综合征

8、irritated definition ─── 恼怒的定义

9、irritated gums ─── 刺激性牙龈

10、irritated vaginal area ─── 阴道刺激区

11、irritated bladder ─── 膀胱发炎

12、irritated synonym ─── 恼怒的同义词

irritated 相似词语短语

1、irrelated ─── adj.风牛马不相及的

2、irrigate ─── vt.灌溉;冲洗;使清新;vi.灌溉;冲洗

3、irrigated ─── [农工]灌溉的

4、irritatedly ─── 恼怒地

5、abirritated ─── vt.减轻刺激;缓和

6、irritate ─── vt.刺激,使兴奋;激怒;vi.引起恼怒,引起不愉快

7、irritates ─── vt.刺激,使兴奋;激怒;vi.引起恼怒,引起不愉快

8、irrigates ─── vt.灌溉;冲洗;使清新;vi.灌溉;冲洗

9、imitated ─── adj.模仿的;仿造的;v.仿效;仿制(imitate的过去分词);类似

irritated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Why lose sleep and get irritated? It will work out. ─── 你为何失眠与愤怒?事情总是发生了。

2、But the poor girl's dumb eloquence irritated her father more than anything else would have done. ─── 但是,她泄露哀情的沉默比其他任何东西都更使父亲不高兴。

3、He had nervous mannerisms that intensely irritated me. ─── 他那些矫揉造作的神经质的姿势让我恼火透了。

4、He stood in the opposition and irritated mood. ─── 他有着敌视,反感的情绪。

5、Don't get irritated; I am sure about his coming to see you. ─── 不要生气,我确信他会来看你的。

6、He irritated me beyond measure. ─── 他使我非常生气。

7、Did he seem irritated at all? ─── 他生气了吗?

8、His pointless questions irritated me. ─── 他那无意义的质疑令我恼怒。

9、He was irritated by [with] her. ─── 他被她所激怒。

10、The state of being sensitive to or irritated by light. ─── 光敏感或被光刺激的状态。

11、He was irritated against his son. ─── 他非常生儿子的气。

12、She was irritated by his savage behavior. ─── 他的不文明行为激怒了她。

13、A very good to oneself person died, very irritated, how should recuperate the mood? ─── 一个对自己很好的人死了,很烦,该如何调理心情?

14、"What do you say?" the short gets irritated. ─── “你不肯唱?”矮人忽然生气了。

15、His ambiguous reply made her all the more irritated. ─── 他模?两可的回答让她更加恼怒。

16、His remarks irritated me a little. ─── 他的话让我有点儿恼火。

17、"Oh, shut up!"replied Aileen, irritated greatly for the moment by this onslaught. ─── “哦,不要说了

18、They also get irritated and impatient with the timidity of the men who take an age to summon the nerve to ask them out. ─── 她们也会对那些花了很长时间的才鼓起勇气向她们的表白的男人的胆怯而生气和失去耐心。

19、He had said these things in a loud, rapid, hoarse voice, with a sort of irritated and savage ingenuousness. ─── 他大声疾呼地说完了那段话,声音粗野、强硬、嘶哑,态度急躁、鲁莽而天真。

20、Your angry remarks irritated her a little. ─── 你那些气愤的话使她有些烦躁不安。

21、Your commanding tone irritated him. ─── 你那命令式的口吻激怒了他。

22、She seemed a bit irritated at me for suggesting such an inappropriate location for the Chairman's thoughts. ─── 她脱口而出,有些恼我居然把最高思想和那样一个地方扯到一块儿去。

23、His raucous laughters irritated me. ─── 他那粗哑的笑声令人头痛。

24、His indifference really irritated me. ─── 他这么漠不关心,真叫我恼火。

25、They also get irritated and impatient with the timidity of the men who take an age to summon the nerve to ask them out. ─── 她们也会对那些花了很长时间的才鼓起勇气向她们的表白的男人的胆怯而生气和失去耐心。

26、Jim is irritated enough now; don't blow the coals too much or we shall have an explosion of anger from him. ─── 吉姆现在已经够恼火的了,不要再给他火上加油,不然的话,他会对我们大发脾气的。

27、His little affectations irritated her. ─── 他做作的小动作激怒了她。

28、It was her gentle hardihood which irritated Scarlett more than the nagging whining voices of the others. ─── 不过,正是她的这种温柔的毅力比旁人絮絮叨叨的哀诉更加激怒了思嘉。

29、So the invasion from an enemy country irritated an Italian scientist. ─── 因此来自一个敌国的入侵激怒了一名意大利的科学家。

30、Don't allow yourself to become irritated at things the customer says or the way in which he or she says them. ─── 不要允许你自己因顾客所说的情况或他或她说这些情况的方式而恼怒。

31、His apish devotion irritated her. ─── 他那惺惺作态的愚忠使她恼火。

32、His nonchalant attitude [nonchalance] irritated me. ─── 他那漠不关心的态度使我恼火。

33、Something is wrong with you today. Who has irritated you? ─── 俚语。你今天有点儿不大对劲。

34、He was not angry, not even irritated, and he enjoyed his equanimity. ─── 他没有生气,甚至没有烦躁,他对自己的心平气和感到很满意。

35、But sadly,there are heaps of very dedicated parents who are constantly irritated and angry with each other. ─── 但是令人悲哀的是,有许多能对儿女乐于奉献的父母却彼此之间争斗不休。

36、To become irritated, chafed, or sore. ─── 变得肿痛、擦伤或疼痛

37、His letter irritated me a little. ─── 他的信使我有点恼怒。

38、George irritated him by saying he ought to see a doctor. ─── 乔治说了一句他应该去看医生,这句话就惹他生了气。

39、Filled with disgust or irritated impatience. ─── 厌恶的;愤慨的充满厌恶的或使人生气的急躁的

40、Effect: Make expectoration easy (aeriform) composed, solve gloomy easy liver, Calm the nervesDivide irritated. ─── 功效:祛痰(无形)镇静,解郁舒肝,安神除烦。

41、He said it with an air of superior knowledge that irritated both of us. ─── 他说话时带着一种比别人高明的神气,把我们俩惹恼了。

42、The pious ejaculations of Father Clay irritated him. ─── 克雷神父那种充满虔信的惊叫使他非常气恼。

43、Similarly, any pigment nevus that is chronically irritated should be excised. ─── 同样,凡是经常受慢性刺激的各种色素痣切勿予以切除。

44、Are you irritated at the red and gruesome pimples? ─── 你被红色、可怕的丘疹激怒吗?

45、Some are sending out irritated quacks from the turbid waters of an urban creek. ─── 在柳树下来回地作绅士的散步,舒息划行的疲劳。

46、Extremely irritated or angry. ─── 厌烦的,恼火的极其愤怒或生气的

47、Do not use on irritated skin, on reddened skin, on wounds, or on damaged skin. ─── 不要使用刺激的皮肤上,皮肤变红,在伤口,或损坏的皮肤。

48、His violent attitude irritated the crowd. ─── 他粗暴的态度激怒了众人。

49、The muscles so held irritated a few nerves, and now a vague scene floated in on the drowsy mind. ─── 受了压迫的肌肉刺激了神经,使得睡意正浓的脑海里浮现出一片模模糊糊的景象。

50、Sensitive skin is usually very dry, tends to feel tight, and becomes inflamed and irritated easily. ─── 敏感性皮肤经常十分的干燥,紧绷,很容易红肿发炎。

51、Somehow he was irritated by the smoothness of the salesman. ─── 不知为什麽这个推销员的圆滑使他恼怒。

52、His selfish behaviour irritated me. ─── 他自私的行为让我非常生气。

53、She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. ─── 她对他的评论越来越感到恼火。

54、His explanation irritated us all. ─── 他的解释使我们都恼火了。

55、To make or become angry or irritated. ─── 使沮丧,惹恼使呈现或变得愤怒或恼怒

56、Irritated him to have that within him. ─── 他又感到非常愤懑。

57、He looked even more irritated than usual, especially when he saw Cal. ─── 他看上去比平时更烦躁,尤其是看到了卡巴顿。

58、He had said these things in a loud, rapid, hoarse voice, with a sort of irritated and savage ingenuousness. ─── 他大声疾呼地说完了那段话,声音粗野、强硬、嘶哑,态度急躁、鲁莽而天真。

59、He irritated all of us by refusing to explain. ─── 他拒绝做出解释,使我们很恼怒。

60、If still be disrelished irritated, cut coke opening low, put in shop in has used shopping bag. ─── 假如还是嫌烦,就把可乐瓶口剪低,放在买东西用过的购物袋里。

61、The words of his comrade irritated him unbearably. ─── 他的伙伴讲的话使他激怒得难以忍受。

62、His peremptory tone irritated everybody. ─── 他那专横的口气激怒了大家。

63、It irritated him that when he tried to be agreeable with a woman she should take offence. ─── 他想去迎合一个女人,可她竟恶声相向,这没法不叫他怒上心头。

64、He got irritated at ill-treatment. ─── 他因受冷遇而恼火。

65、Person lifetime how how irritated? ─── 人一生怎么怎么烦啊?

66、Soothes and softens dry, irritated, chapped or sunburn skin. ─── 使干燥,敏感,粗糙以及晒后的皮肤柔润,富有弹性。

67、Initially I was simply irritated by our minders who seemed to have no concept of the expectations of a television film crew. ─── 起初我只是因为陪同人员的思维中,似乎没有我们电视台摄制组所期望的概念而感到恼火。

68、He always looks harassed, ie tired and irritated by constant worry. ─── 他老是愁眉苦脸的.

69、Why to want irritated, why should have so much trouble? ─── 为什么要烦,为什么要有那么多烦恼?

70、The goddess was quite irritated. ─── 女神听了非常生气。

71、He was irritated with himself that he had trusted his horse to Dunstan. ─── 他不禁暗自恼恨自己,当初不该把马托付给邓斯丹。

72、He called Frank names and irritated Frank. ─── 他骂了弗兰克,把弗兰克惹火了。

73、He irritated me beyond measure. ─── 他使我非常生气。

74、Your commanding note irritated him. ─── 你那命令的口吻激怒了他。

75、This only irritated me more.I didn't understand one bit. And so I demanded more of an explanation. ─── “这不禁令我非常生气。我一点儿也不明白!于是,我要求妈妈为我进一步做些解释。”

76、Factitious what can feel irritated? ─── 人为什么会感觉到烦呢?

77、I was becoming more and more irritated by his behaviour. ─── 我对他的行为越来越感到恼火。

78、Sliding door is among, want to see TV push the door right, irritated push see oneself beloved decoration. ─── 中间是推拉门,想看电视就把门推向右,烦了就推回来看看自己心爱的摆设。

79、His insistence irritated me. ─── 他的顽固使我生气。

80、He was irritated by their perpetual complaints. ─── 他们一再发牢骚把他惹火了。

81、His snubbing way had irritated her. ─── 他那副目中无人的样子激怒了她。

82、Even cell phone users get irritated at others who yak on their portables about their personal business in public. ─── 一些人会在大庭广众之下,打着手机,没完没了地唠叨着个人事情。甚至手机用户也会被这种人激怒。

83、While most of the class seemed to find this hilarious, my teacher was irritated, as if I were being deliberately obtuse. ─── 班上的大多数人似乎意识到这种滑稽,老师却很生气,好像我是故意装傻。

84、He was irritated to tears when peeling onions. ─── 他剥洋葱的时候,被刺激得直流泪。

85、Are you plagued with itchy, watery, irritated eyes? If so, you may be suffering from dry eye syndrome. ─── 你是否经常感到眼睛发痒,流泪和受刺激?如果是,你可能患上了干眼症。

86、An old man became very irritated and angry with the saintly man. ─── 一个老人听了,觉得很厌烦,开始对圣人生气起来。

87、"Oh, shut up! "replied Aileen, irritated greatly for the moment by this onslaught. ─── “哦,不要说了!”爱玲回答道,这种攻击一时使她大为激怒。

88、His disloyalty irritated his wife,who resolutely left home. ─── 他的不忠激怒了他的妻子 她毅然决然的离开了这 个家.

89、People are often irritated by his cavalier attitude toward them. ─── 人们常常被他目空一切的态度弄得恼火。

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