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08-17 投稿


birdlike 发音

英:[['b?:dla?k]]  美:[['b?:d?la?k]]

英:  美:

birdlike 中文意思翻译



birdlike 词性/词形变化,birdlike变形

动词过去式: birdied |动词过去分词: birdied |动词现在分词: birdieing |动词第三人称单数: birdies |

birdlike 短语词组

1、birdlike actions ─── 像鸟一样的动作

2、birdlike fish ─── 鸟形鱼

3、birdlike clue ─── 似鸟线索

4、birdlike freddie hubbard ─── 像鸟一样的弗雷迪·哈伯德

5、birdlike adjective ─── 类鸟形容词

6、birdlike crossword ─── 鸟形填字游戏

7、birdlike not arrogant ─── 像鸟一样不傲慢

8、birdlike dinosaur ─── 类鸟恐龙

9、birdlike noctule ─── 鸟状夜鹰

10、birdlike freddie ─── 像鸟一样的弗雷迪

11、birdlike meaning ─── 鸟的意思

12、birdlike dinosaurs ─── 类鸟恐龙

birdlike 相似词语短语

1、birdlimes ─── n.粘鸟胶;圈套;vt.在…上涂粘鸟胶;使…上圈套

2、bird-like ─── adj.敏捷轻快的;似鸟的

3、bird life ─── n.国际鸟盟

4、birdlime ─── n.粘鸟胶;圈套;vt.在…上涂粘鸟胶;使…上圈套

5、birdlimed ─── n.粘鸟胶;圈套;vt.在…上涂粘鸟胶;使…上圈套

6、airlike ─── adj.似空气的

7、birdlife ─── n.国际鸟盟

8、boardlike ─── 木板样的

9、barnlike ─── 巴恩利克

birdlike 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I said (at this point I was flapping birdlike and pacing the linoleum). ─── 我问(在时,我象鸟儿一样拍动着双臂,在这亚麻布的地毯上踱来踱去)。

2、"And then what a happiness would it have been, could Hester Prynne have heard her clear, birdlike voice mingling with the uproar of other childish voices," ─── 若是海丝特·白兰能够在别的孩子高声叫嚷的童声中,听到珠儿那莺啼燕啭般的清脆嗓音

3、If that happens, birdlike manned flight will have come full circle in a bit more than a century. ─── 如果这真能实现,经过一世纪又多一点的时间后,我们又绕回类似鸟类载人飞行的原点。

4、This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side. ─── 她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。

5、Later on he described to his disciples and devotees the various movements of the Kundalini: the fishlike, birdlike, monkey like, and so on. ─── 后来他向门徒和奉献者描述了昆达里尼的各种不同运作:鱼形,鸟形,猴子形等等。

6、Some dinosaurs engaged in distinctly birdlike behaviors, such as nesting and brooding. ─── 某些恐龙明显表现出鸟类的行为,例如筑巢和孵卵。

7、They appear harmless as a crow, and I suppose that alone represents a fraction of their danger. Strange, birdlike creatures that flutter about seemingly innocent until confronted. ─── 他们看上去无害作为乌鸦,并且我假设单独代表一小部分他们的危险。奇怪,振翼关于表面上无辜直到面对的鸟生物。

8、"This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side." ─── 她兴高采烈得不肯安分地走在她母亲身边,而且象鸟儿一样地蹦跳着。

9、He was a sad, birdlike man with the spatulate face and scrubbed, tapering features of a well-groomed rat ─── 他是一个样子长得像鸟,垂头丧气的家伙,生了一张刮勺般的脸,下颏尖削,脸上洗得干干净净,看上去倒象一只养得挺好的老鼠。

10、Predatory dinosaurs appear to have developed birdlike respiratory systems able to take in large amounts of oxygen. ─── 食肉的恐龙看来更具有与鸟类一样发达的肌肉系统,从而能够吸人大量的氧气。

11、The soul was'believed to be a birdlike spiritual being. ─── 灵魂被认为是似鸟的在精神上的存在。

12、Albert Wells gave his sly, birdlike smile ─── 艾伯特?韦尔斯淘气而轻快地微笑起来。

13、His short birdlike pace measured the Westminster pavement to the small doorway at No. 2, Great George Street. ─── 他迈着短促的步伐通过威斯明斯人行道,来到大乔治街2号门口。

14、It is certainly understandable why ladies displayed birdlike appetites. ─── 这也就很容易理解为什么女士们都只有小鸟一般的食欲了。

15、Called the Albertonykus borealis, the odd-looking creature had birdlike features including slender legs, jaws like pincers and stubby arms with big claws. ─── 这种看上去怪异的恐龙叫做Albertonykusborealis,长得象鸟,有细长的腿,粗壮的臂,钳子一样的下鄂和很大的爪子。

16、All at once, he took the letter with one of those birdlike movements which were common with him. ─── 忽然一下,以他那常有的小雀似的急促动作抓去了那封信。

17、He capered before them down towards the fortyfoot hole, fluttering his winglike hands, leaping nimbly, Mercury's hat quivering in the fresh wind that bore back to them his brief birdlike cries. ─── 他朝着前方的四十步潭一溜烟儿地蹿下去,呼扇着翅膀般的双手,敏捷地跳跳蹦蹦。墨丘利的帽子迎着清风摆动着,把他那鸟语般婉转而短促的叫声,吹回到他们的耳际。

18、If that happens, birdlike manned flight will have come full circle in a bit more than a century. ─── 如果这真能实现,经过一世纪又多一点的时间后,我们又绕回类似鸟类载人飞行的原点。

19、Minnie Ripperton was the singer and her tweeting high notes in between, gives a birdlike sound... ─── 祝妹妹:快乐!

20、One Lascaux narrative picture, which shows a man with a birdlike head and a wounded animal, would seem to lend credence to this third opinion, but there is still much that remains unexplained. ─── 一幅叙事画中呈现了一个鸟头人身的人和一只受伤的动物,这幅画似乎可以证实第三种观点,但仍存有许多未解之谜。

21、The whistled sounds are surprisingly complicated and even almost birdlike. ─── 吹口哨的声音是令人吃惊惊且错综复杂和平稳的。

22、Under these conditions, flapping, birdlike flight might well have some benefits over propeller-driven or helicopter flight. ─── 在这种情况下,拍击,像鸟儿一样飞可能比螺旋桨推进飞行要好些。

23、extinct flying reptile of the Jurassic and Cretaceous having a birdlike beak and membranous wings supported by the very long fourth digit of each forelimb. ─── 生活在侏罗纪和白垩纪时期已经灭绝的能飞行的爬行动物,嘴形似鸟嘴,膜状的翅膀由每个前肢中非常长的脚趾支撑。

24、Birdlike, he retired at dusk, lying on the bare floor with a wooden block under his head like a pillow. ─── 在黄昏时分,他象鸟儿一样就寝,只用一块木头搁在头下面当作枕头,躺在光溜溜的地板上。

25、Massive Birdlike Dinosaur Unearthed in China ─── 大块似鸟恐龙化石在中国出土

26、All at once, he took the letter with one of those birdlike movements which were common with him. ─── 忽然一下,以他那常有的小雀似的急促动作抓去了那封信。

27、“Birdlike women.” That's right. ─── “她一个爱唠叨的女人。”没错。

28、The soul was`believed to be a birdlike spiritual being. ─── 灵魂被认为是似鸟的在精神上的存在.

29、To make their point, the researchers provided audio recordings of the sounds, which have been modified for human ears. The recordings do indeed sound birdlike. ─── 为了证明他们的观点,研究者们提供了雄性老鼠发出声音的录音,经过处理后人耳可以听得到,这些录音听上去确实很像小鸟的声音。

30、Dickinson was a spinster of thirty-one, birdlike in habit and appearance, with fine chestnut hair and abnormally wide-set eyes, whose color she compared to sherry. ─── 狄金森已经是个31岁的老姑娘了,打扮和生活习惯都轻松明快,栗色的头发,自喻为雪利酒色的眼睛出奇的大。

31、His short birdlike pace measured the Westminster pavement to the small doorway at No. 2, Great George Street ─── 他迈着短促的步伐通过威斯明斯人行道,来到大乔治街2号门口。

32、birdlike face ─── 鸟样面容

33、"You are looking at a very large, birdlike animal except it has teeth and a tail and instead of wings, it has arms," he said. ─── 据菲奥里洛估计,它属于一只9英尺(2.7米)至13英尺(约3.9米)长的恐龙。他说:“这只恐龙可能是一只类似巨鸟的霸王龙。

34、Fossils discovered in southern Utah are from a new species of birdlike dinosaur that resembled a 7-foot-tall brightly colored turkey and could run up to 25 mph, scientists said Tuesday. ─── 在美国犹他州的南部发现化石提示有一种新种属的鸟样恐龙,像身高7英尺,有亮丽羽毛的火鸡,每小时奔跑速度为25英里。

35、Albert Wells gave his sly, birdlike smile. ─── 艾伯特·韦尔斯淘气而轻快地微笑起来。

36、"This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement, rather than walk by her mother's side. ─── 动过手术,他能够走路了。穿上特制的鞋,使他的步态很平稳。

37、extinct terrestrial reptiles having birdlike pelvises: armored dinosaurs (thyreophorans); bone-headed and horned dinosaurs (marginocephalians); duck-billed dinosaurs (euronithopods). ─── 长有鸟状骨盆的陆地爬虫动物,现已灭绝;甲壳恐龙;鸭嘴恐龙。

38、These remarkable instruments are indeed birdlike in their behavior and performance. ─── 这种奇妙的机械在其作用和性能方面确实像鸟一样。

39、Where is the man in Goethe, in his birdlike lyrics or in his clumsy prose? ─── 在歌德的作品中,所谓“其人”在哪里?是在他那婉转悦耳的抒情诗里,还是在他那佶屈聱牙的散文里?

40、It was to appear, birdlike, out of the Cambodian forest, to surprise a man digging or a woman washing;to remind them that the power of love was stronger than the forces of history; ─── 柬埔寨森林中的瘦小身影浮现,惊起忙碌的人们,提醒他们,爱的力量远比历史强大;

41、extinct terrestrial reptiles having birdlike pelvises: armored dinosaurs (thyreophorans); bone-headed and horned dinosaurs (marginocephalians); duck-billed dinosaurs (euronithopods) ─── 长有鸟状骨盆的陆地爬虫动物,现已灭绝;甲壳恐龙;鸭嘴恐龙

42、Birdlike, he retired at dusk, lying on the bare floor with a wooden block under his head like a pillow. ─── 他像小鸟一样,黄昏就寝,用木板作枕头,躺在光秃秃的地板上。

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