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08-17 投稿


exculpation 发音


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exculpation 中文意思翻译



exculpation 词性/词形变化,exculpation变形

名词: exculpation |动词第三人称单数: exculpates |形容词: exculpable |动词过去分词: exculpated |动词现在分词: exculpating |动词过去式: exculpated |

exculpation 短语词组

1、exculpation define ─── 免责

2、exculpation law ─── 免责法

3、exculpation indemnification ─── 免责赔偿

4、exculpation mean ─── 开脱意味着

5、exculpation defined ─── 免责定义

6、exculpation vindication ─── 辩护

7、exculpation loan ─── 免责贷款

8、exculpation clause ─── 免责条款

9、exculpation defense ─── 免责辩护

10、exculpation llc ─── 免责有限责任公司

exculpation 相似词语短语

1、inculpation ─── n.连累;归罪;责难

2、excerption ─── n.选录;抄录;精华录

3、excavation ─── n.挖掘,发掘

4、excarnation ─── n.脱离肉体,肌肉的剔除

5、excruciation ─── n.酷刑,拷问;苦恼

6、ejaculation ─── n.[生理]射精;突然说出

7、exculpating ─── vt.开脱;使无罪

8、exception ─── n.例外;异议

9、excurvation ─── n.外弯

exculpation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The confession and exculpation of the suspect or defendant is the statement a suspect or a defendant make to scouts, law officers and judges concerning correlative cases. ─── 犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的供述和辩解,是指犯罪嫌疑人、被告人就有关案件的情况向侦查、检察和审判人员所作的陈述。

2、Police was suspicious of his exculpation that he was not in locale, because he had criminal record. ─── 警方对他不在场的辩解表示怀疑,因为他已有前科。

3、Its content mainly includes the confession of a suspect or a defendant to acknowledge a crime and his exculpation to declare himself innocent or guilty of a venial crime. ─── 它的主要内容包括犯罪嫌疑人、被告人承认自己有罪的供述和说明自己无罪、罪轻的辩解。

4、Thinking about "the Confession and Exculpation of the Suspect or Defendant" ─── “犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解”之思考

5、Whatever I write would be an appeal to her, an attempt to exculpate myself, even though such exculpation is not really possible. ─── 我所写的都还将会吸引她,或会变成我为自己的辩解,就算这些辩解也不大可能有用。

6、According to the example, this is an efficient approach over FTA, but also it can handle diagnosis reasoning and exculpation reasoning and that FTA cannot. ─── 实例表明,该方法不但比故障树分析(FTA)更有效,而且能进行故障树分析不能进行的诊断推理和辩解推理。

7、I had ever write a short essay about Better be good at distinguish than exculpation. ─── 我记的我以前写过一篇小文章叫做善辩不如善辨,请求上帝赋予我们区别忠言与闲言的两者的能力。

8、Thinking about "the Confession and Exculpation of the Suspect or Defendant" ─── "犯罪嫌疑人、被告人供述和辩解"之思考

9、For they are efforts at exculpation . ─── 因为这是企图辩解。

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