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08-17 投稿


vise 发音

英:[va?s]  美:[va?s]

英:  美:

vise 中文意思翻译





vise 网络释义

vt. 钳住;签准n. 虎钳,老虎钳;签证n. (Vise)人名;(巴基)维塞

vise 短语词组

1、wood vise ─── [网络] 木虎钳

2、jewelers vise ─── 珠宝商虎钳

3、vise art ─── 展示艺术

4、vise grip garage ─── 显示流感车库

5、woodworking vise ─── [网络] 木工夹

6、pipe vise ─── [机] 管钳, 管子虎钳

7、vise grips n. ─── 美国握手牌大力钳

8、machinist's vise ─── [网络] 机械师的老虎夹

9、shoulder vise ─── [网络] 肩膀虎钳

10、bench vise ─── [机] 台钳

11、screen vise applications ─── [法] 审查护照签证申请书

12、pin vise ─── [机] 针手钳

13、metalworking vise ─── [网络] 金属加工虎钳

14、hand vise ─── [机] 手老虎钳

15、brass vise grips ─── 铜钳流感

16、vise jaws ─── 显示钳口

17、vise meaning ─── 显示意义

18、vise squeeze ─── 全部挤压

19、brass vise jaws ─── 布拉斯虎钳

vise 词性/词形变化,vise变形


vise 常用词组

vise versa ─── 反之亦然

vise 相似词语短语

1、-ise ─── n.伊势(日本本州岛南部城市)

2、vised ─── n.钳子,老虎钳;v.钳住;n.(Vise)(美)维塞(人名)

3、visne ─── 显示

4、Wise ─── adj.明智的;聪明的;博学的;vt.使知道;教导;vi.了解;n.(Wise)人名;(英)怀斯

5、vises ─── n.虎头钳(vise的复数形式);v.用虎头钳夹紧(vise的第三人称单数)

6、mise ─── n.争论点;权利令状的争论点;协定

7、bise ─── n.寒风;n.(Bise)人名;(塞)比塞;(法)比斯

8、Oise ─── 瓦兹河;n.(Oise)人名;(日)生濑(姓)

9、Lise ─── n.利兹,人名;n.丽丝(库肯霍夫郁金香公园名);abbr.LISE:[航空学]空间激光综合试验,美国SDI空间试验卫星(LaserIntegratedSpaceExperiment)

vise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Is human sense really superior to their sensibility or vise versa? ─── 周国平的文字让我看得更远,“舍得”是最大的概括,感谢这些文字。

2、Do we think the length of a skirt effects the rise and down of donjons or vise versa. ─── 我们认为裙子的长度,会影响城堡主楼的升降,还是相反。

3、table vise ─── n. 台虎钳

4、High Accuracy Round Jaw Vise ─── 可夹持圆型及异型零件的高精度圆口虎钳

5、7B. Iterate this procedure until the dial indicator reads zero through the full travel across the face of the vise. ─── 重复此过程,直到指示计的读数在通过整个虎钳表面时为零。

6、open side pipe vise ─── 开口管子虎钳

7、According to the traditional philosophy, national economy decides sports and other social activities, vise versa, sports activities still influence on national economy. ─── 摘要传统的哲学思想认为,国民经济决定体育等一切社会活动,体育等社会活动又反过来影响国民经济。

8、universal vise ─── 万能虎钳万向虎钳

9、clamped as in a vise. ─── 像被钳子夹紧了一样。

10、The vise (parallel-jaw vice) is available to all of the bench work. ─── 所有的钳工工作都可使用台钳(平口钳)。

11、mini clamp-on bench vise ─── 微型桌虎钳

12、It serves as a bridge for southern goods to enter northern markets and vise versa. ─── 它成为南方商品进入北方市场,北方商品进入南方市场的桥梁。

13、By the way, may I see your vise and passport, please? ─── 另外,我可以看一下您的签证和护照吗?

14、If the manager has done an excellent job, his income will be raised accordingly, and vise versa.So the corporation operation has been infused in great vitality. ─── 对业绩比上年下降及出现亏损,且近期又无整改措施的总经理,一律免职或降级使用,可以说是激励与压力并存。

15、!!Javite se pa cu vam kazati vise! ─── 个性简述 Ma sve ok o sebi !

16、I need the record of your clerks' vise to China.or we can't transact. ─── 我需要你的职员过去到中国的签证记录.否则不能办理.

17、thumbscrewing finger vise ─── 夹指刑

18、Igre_Igre Stranica sadrzi vise hiljada igara za cije igranje vam je potreban samo Vas web browser. ─── 广东韶关人才网为韶关地区企业和个人提供招聘、求职、培训和人力资源管理网络平台。

19、His sky is your bricks and vise versa. ─── 他的天空是你的砖头式股票。

20、The Servo-Action Precision Machine Vise has sparked the interest of many, including General Motors of the United States. ─── 智慧型座标同步夹具问世后,包括美国通用公司都对它有兴趣。

21、A clamp or vise. ─── 夹具夹钳或老虎钳

22、8. Work banishes those great evils: boredom, vise and poverty. ─── 工作可以驱走三大恶果:无聊,堕落和贫穷。

23、I flinched back and he grabbed the back of my neck with fingers like a vise. He shook me. ─── 我才往后缩了缩,他那老虎钳般的手指就掐着我脖后跟把我扯了过去。

24、pipe vise ─── [机] 管钳, 管子虎钳

25、caring not one jot about the ferocious growling of the bear trapped in the vise. ─── 一点也不担心那只被虎头钳夹住的熊所发出的凶猛咆哮。

26、The opening between the jaws of a vise or other holding or gripping tool. ─── 钳口钳子或其它起固定或夹紧作用工具的钳口之间的空间

27、Group is added on because at VisE Group, we believe all designs are borne out of teamwork and good design is always credited to a collective group of involved personnel. ─── 因为在澎派室内设计(北京)有限公司,相信全部设计出自于团体,而好的设计一定被认同于集体的每一位成员。

28、bench vise for wood working ─── 木工台虎钳

29、The complex jigs and fixtures ,built-up dies, precision sine chucks, precision flat pliers, mulit-jaw, machining vise and universal meter holder are also produced by the factory. ─── 二、量具类:陶瓷量块、硬质合金量块、钢量块、各种特殊规格的量块;四用不锈钢带表卡尺、数显卡尺、游标卡尺;针规、百分表、直尺、角尺、千分尺、光滑量规、螺纹量规等。

30、Ha Fei sells Zhang Kanghong of head office vise general manager to say: "We do not know sale previously. ─── 哈飞销售总公司副总经理张抗洪说:“以前我们不懂营销。”

31、pin vise ─── [机] 针手钳

32、The conference parts by vise general manager of company of Tianjin steel tube Yang Xiaoyong and Heng Yanggang are in charge of Qiu Yongtai of limited company acting chief engineer to chair. ─── 会议分别由天津钢管公司副总经理杨效勇和衡阳钢管有限公司代总工程师邱永泰主持。

33、The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work . ─── 使用夹钳或虎钳固定工件,以便空出双手来操作工具。

34、The carpenter held the piece of wood in a vise. ─── 木匠把一块木料夹在夹钳当中。

35、vise grip pliers ─── 大力钳

36、Strengthen vise management to reduce construction cost ─── 加强签证管理降低工程造价

37、Yesterday抯 256Mbit DRAM might no longer fetch the same amount as today抯 inventory or vise versa. ─── 昨天的256M位可能不如今天的了。投资或者放弃。

38、vise grip pliers set ─── 套装大力钳


40、clamp base vise ─── 小型台虎钳

41、The higher the cross-link degree, the tighter the mesh structure, and vise versa.Mesh size deter mines the molecular range at which the isolated material could enter into the internal gel freely. ─── 交联度越小,网孔结构就越疏松,网孔的大小决定了被分离物质能够自由出入凝胶内部的分子量范围。

42、" center of Chinese finance attestation (Cao Xiaoqing of CFCA) vise general manager thinks " the person that uses nowadays is increasing " , enough proves the security of network bank gets admissive. ─── 中国金融认证中心(CFCA)副总经理曹小青认为“如今使用的人越来越多”,足以证明网络银行的安全性得到认可。

43、Yes and no. Some 9 year olds can be just as smart or smarter than 14 year olds and vise versa. It depends on their personality and attitude. ─── 也能也不能。同14岁的孩子相比,9岁的孩子会一样聪明,或者会更加聪明,反之亦然。这取决于他们的个性和态度。

44、In that vise he was borne across the house and deposited in his own seat, under a peppering fire of giggles from the whole school. ─── 就这样,在一片尖刻的咯咯笑声中他被钳着耳杂,从教室这边拉到那边自己的座位上。

45、(as) firm as a vise ─── 像虎钳般夹得牢固

46、In a harmonious atmosphere, Qiu Jiankun is standing vise general manager in the office gave us a warm welcome. ─── 在和谐融洽的气氛中,邱建坤常务副总经理在办公室里热情接待了我们。

47、a clamp or vise that holds a machine part in place or controls its movement or that holds two such parts together ─── 夹子或老虎钳,用来固定机器部件到位、或控制其运动或把两个该种机件连接起来

48、quick-active vise ─── 快动虎钳

49、The surface of the table is cut with T slots so that workholding devices such as the vise can be clamped to them. ─── 工作台的表面切有T形槽以便工件夹具,如台钳,能固定在T形槽上。

50、To fill out uk universities application forms, vise form and accommodation form is 200 rmb. ─── 填写留学申请学校的申请表、使馆签证表、住宿表200元一套。

51、stationary base vise ─── 固定式虎钳

52、Bo Rui transmits He Wenye of vise general manager to point out, the advertisement of SMG is reformed, to professional a good luck is strong 4A company. ─── 博睿传播副总经理何文晔指出,SMG的广告改革,对于专业性强的4A公司而言是一个机遇。

53、Selling Countrywide gets Mr.Mozilo out of a tightening financial vise. ─── 出售全国金融公司使得莫洛先生走出财政将窘迫的境地。

54、She was free to escape the vise, but only downward. ─── 她可以自由地摆脱虎头钳,但只能向下去。

55、The number of bacteria and actinomycetes increased with the growth of the corn plant but that of the fungi changed in vise versa. ─── 其中细菌、放线菌的数量随玉米生育期的发育逐渐增多,而真菌的数量则逐渐减少。

56、During the summit, Ren Zhushan, former vise minister of United States Department of Agriculture, dean of Agriculture College of California Institute of Technology, obtains wild applause. ─── 在洽谈会上,美国农业部前副部长、美国加州理工大学农业学院院长任筑山,毫无疑问地成为获得掌声最热烈的外宾。

57、stationary base machinist rs vise ─── 固定式机工虎钳

58、Appoint Mr.Daode-Wang to act as vise President of the International Civil Medicine Wise Association Taizhou Branch,Zhejiang province. ─── 任命王道德同志为国际民间中医精英协会浙江省台州市分会副会长职务。

59、The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. ─── 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。

60、multi-purpose vise grip pliers ─── 多用大力钳

61、hand vise ─── [机] 手老虎钳

62、For this, the reporter interviewed this print to unseal Hao Yu of triumphant boiler Inc. opens vise general manager. ─── 为此,本刊记者采访了开封得胜锅炉股份有限公司郝予开副总经理。

63、Li Hong of Chai Xinjian of general manager of Inc. of the cygnet that do not have stannum, vise general manager attended prize-giving activity. ─── 无锡小天鹅股份有限公司总经理柴新建、副总经理李宏等参加了本次颁奖活动。

64、But in a moment of recognition reaching back to their youth, the sight of a shovel, a rake and a vise made them call out the Japanese names for the antiquated tools. ─── 但在记忆回到年轻,看到一把铲子,一把耙子和一张签证时,他们说出了这些陈旧工具的日文名字。

65、The horn was split down the center into two halves with a hacksaw, while being held in a vise. ─── 我把角夹在台虎钳上用钢锯从中间锯成两半.

66、screen vise applications ─── [法] 审查护照签证申请书

67、Also new research says that it's vise to have animals together with children to prevent allergic- and asthma-illness. ─── 并有新的研究表明和宠物一起可预防孩子过敏和哮喘。

68、If you lose control of your drinking,you lose control of your partying,vise versa. ─── 如果你饮酒失去控制,你就不能控制你在聚会上的举止,反之亦然。

69、rotary vise ─── 旋转虎钳

70、"The skilled toes of a Kandahar workman hold a broken cup in a living vise for busy hands to mend. ─── 一个坎大哈熟练的用脚趾夹住一个打破的杯子好修理。

71、grip vise ─── 压夹虎钳

72、And the little tailor took the bear over to the workbench and fixed its paws firmly in the vise. ─── 小裁缝把熊带到工作台,把它的爪子牢牢固定在虎头钳上。

73、Rock was bent and buckled as if caught between the jaws of a vise, and forced up into great mountain chains along the join. ─── 岩石就像被虎钳揪住一样被扭曲,沿着结合点拱起来形成了山脉。

74、toolmaker rs vise ─── 万向虎钳

75、Without it we remain bound to the people we can't forgive, held in their vise grip. ─── 我们若不饶恕,就仍与对方牵扯不清,深受其箝制。

76、"Oversea Chinese is a Chinese", but not vise versa. ─── “海外华人是华人”,但反之不成立。

77、screw the vise tighter ─── 把钳子夹紧一点。

78、Lego bites Adan's waist, vise versa. ─── 乐高咬阿丹侧腰,阿丹也咬乐高侧腰。

79、With DAB (digital audio broadcast) OFDM was used for the first time for wireless transmission. The decision to vise OFDM for the digital video broadcasting standard DVB-T followed at the beginnings of the nineties. ─── 数字音频广播(Digital Audio Broadcast,DAB)的出现,使得OFDM技术首次应用于无线传输系统,并于20世纪90年代,应用于欧洲的数字视频地面广播(DVB-T)标准。

80、4. a vise with two parallel iron jaws and a wide opening below. ─── 带有两个平行的铁夹和宽开口在下面的夹子。

81、single-screw type vise ─── 单螺旋式夹具

82、8. The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. ─── 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。

83、Invert the differential case in the vise. ─── 在虎钳中翻转差速箱。

84、5. The surface of the table is cut with T slots so that workholding devices such as the vise can be clamped to them. ─── 工作台的表面切有T形槽以便工件夹具,如台钳,能固定在T形槽上。

85、I flinched back and he grabbed the back of my neck with fingers like a vise. ─── 我往后缩了缩就被他如老虎钳般的手指掐住脖子扯回来。

86、Multi- sets with parallel mode-available to perform wire control for synchronous and independent femote control, vise versal! ─── 多台并联-可执行联控、同步遥控、个别独立控制,反之亦可!

87、carpenter's wooden vise ─── 木工老虎钳

88、Magnetic vise, therefore, is of considerable potential values in application of precision machining. ─── 因此,磁性夹具在应用上有相当的潜在价值。

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