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08-17 投稿


cyclical 发音

英:[?sa?kl?k(?)l]  美:[?sa?kl?k(?)l]

英:  美:

cyclical 中文意思翻译



cyclical 词性/词形变化,cyclical变形


cyclical 短语词组

1、cyclical fluctuations ─── [经] 周期性波动

2、cyclical theory ─── [经] 周期性理论

3、cyclical process ─── [经] 循环过程

4、anti-cyclical policy ─── [经] 反周期政策

5、cyclical inflation ─── [经] 周期性通货膨胀

6、cyclical unemployment ─── [经] 周期性失业

7、cyclical sensitive ─── [经] 对经济周期变化的敏感性

8、counter-cyclical adj. ─── 反周期的

9、counter-cyclical fiscal policy ─── [经] 反周期波动财政政策

10、contra-cyclical policy ─── [经] 反周期政策

11、cyclical trend ─── [经] 循环趋势

12、cyclical stock ─── [经] 周期性股票

13、cyclical downturn ─── [经] 周期性下降

14、cyclical upturn ─── [经] 周期性上升

15、contra-cyclical measures ─── [经] 反周期借施

16、cyclical recovery ─── [经] 经济复生

17、cyclical movement ─── [经] 周期性循环

18、cyclical policy ─── [经] 对待经济周期的政策

19、cyclical economic crises ─── [经] 周期性的经济危机

cyclical 常用词组

cyclical fluctuation ─── n. 循环变动,周期性波动

cyclical 相似词语短语

1、cycloidal ─── adj.摆线的;圆形的

2、bicyclical ─── 自行车的

3、cyclic ─── adj.环的;循环的;周期的

4、cyclically ─── 循环的

5、cyclonical ─── 周期的

6、cyclecar ─── n.三轮式机车

7、encyclical ─── adj.通谕的;传阅的;n.罗马教皇的通谕

8、cyclitol ─── 环醇;[有化]环多醇

9、cyclicly ─── 循环

cyclical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man. ─── 历史是是由时间写在人的记忆中的回文诗。

2、The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Code) is an error-examine encode algorithm,and it is widely used in the communication field. ─── CRC校验即循环冗余码校验是一种广泛应用于同步通信中的检错编码算法。

3、City executives are used to the cyclical nature of the economy and often have personalities that thrive on excitement and challenge. ─── 城市管理者对经济的周期变化习以为常,他们经常就具有对刺激和挑战感到兴奋的性格。

4、The cyclic model of the universe is clearly attractive. ─── 宇宙的循环模式显然富有魅力。

5、The company's industry leading position help reduce the macro-economic decline brought about by the cyclical impact. ─── 公司的行业领先地位有助于减小宏观经济下滑所带来的周期性影响。

6、General Meaning: The central theme of what is traditionally called the Wheel of Fortune card is cyclical change. ─── 一般意思:什麽的主要题材传统上称抓转轮卡片是周期变动。

7、The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market. ─── 回收工业经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。

8、If they are cyclical, why does output stay so low for so long? ─── 如果是周期性的,为什麽低产出持续了这麽久?

9、The sluggishness in the economy cannot be explained by cyclical factors; we need structural changes. ─── 周期性因素并不能解释经济停滞不前的原因;我们需要进行经济结构改革。

10、See cyclic photophosphorylation. ─── 参见cyclicphotophosphorylation.

11、While the fiscal balance has experienced cyclical improvement, the headline figure grossly understates fiscal strain. ─── 产能过剩问题日趋加剧也体现在非食品类商品通胀率停滞不前。

12、No, gossip is cyclical and karmic, like a boomerang. ─── 不,流言是循环的,是有因果的,就像自食其果。

13、The role of sodium salicylate in electropolymerization of pyrrole on zincated steel was studied by cyclic voltammetry. ─── 利用循环伏安法等方法分析了水杨酸钠.电镀锌钢板上电聚合吡咯的作用。

14、During past downturns in what has always been a highly cyclical industry, the plane makers have suffered along with their customers. ─── 在航空业上一个低迷时期(航空业一直是一个周期性很强的行业),这两家飞机制造商都遭受了波及。

15、The curve approximated by the mean value and standard deviation cyclic strain-life curves of Coffin-Manson law. ─── 基于coffin一Manson定律,将曲线近似表示为均值和均方差循环应变一寿命曲线的形式。

16、Fig. 1 Cyclic voltammograms of indoles and its derivatives in the mixed electrolytes of BFEE. ─── 图1吲哚及其衍生物在BFEE及其混合电解质中的循环伏安曲线。

17、For true dollar pessimists, these cyclical considerations are only part of the story. ─── 对于那些真正对美元持悲观态度的人来讲,这些对经济循环的考虑仅是故事的一部分。

18、Not only will the boom end in a cyclical bust, but inefficient investment will also drag down China's long-term growth rate. ─── 不但这次的投资热会在周期性的泡沫中结束,而且无效的投资也会将中国的长期增长率拖下来。

19、Using the Cyclical Computer Assisted Ordering (CCAO) system, The XXXXXX designates specific days for the store to create orders. ─── 使用循环计算机辅助订购系统,XXXXXX指定存储到生成订单的具体天数。

20、At the same time Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) is adopted, make transfer performance more superior. ─── 同时采用循环冗余校验(CRC校验),以获得更好的传输性能。

21、BHP's efforts to acquire Rio might, like the mining business itself, turn out to be cyclical. ─── BHP收购力拓就像矿产业一样,又开始新的循环了。

22、It would not be surprising if it declared a cyclical peak near the end of 2006. ─── 如果该机构断言经济于2006年底出现周期性见顶,不会令人感到意外。

23、A cyclical multiplexing technique, allocating resources in fixed-time slices. ─── 以固定的时间片分配资源的循环复用技术。

24、CMMI promotes the notion of cyclical feedback and improvement as a characteristic of a top-quality IT organization. ─── CMMI推广了循环反馈和改进这样一个概念,成为了质量最好的IT机构的特征。

25、Looking from the cyclical direction, as if is worse. ─── 从周期的方向来看,似乎是更糟糕了。

26、Interest rate generally fluctuates in a cyclical manner. ─── 利率常以周期方式浮动。

27、C. Boller, and T. Seeger, 1987, Materials Data for Cyclic Loading, Vol.1-5, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam. ─── 刘国雄、林树均、李胜隆、郑晃忠、叶均蔚编著,2000,工程材料科学,全华图书公司。

28、Substitutent effects and driving forces for distorting strained cyclic molecules are discussed. ─── 定量地讨论取代基效应和张力芳环的扭曲驱动力。

29、The making of architecture is a cyclical and dynamic process always growing and building on itself. ─── 建筑物的修建是一个依靠自身不断成长和积累的循环、动态过程。

30、As long-term inves-tors, we do not want to be constantly reacting to signs that are short term and volatile in nature such as seasonal, and to a lesser extent, cyclical trends. ─── 作为长期投资者,我们不须经常因季节性或周期性这些短期、多变的讯号作出反应。

31、More interestingly, these two types of oscillations correspond to two crossing loops in the cyclic voltammogram (CV). ─── 另一类伴随周期性析氢,源自电化学反应与扩散-对流传质的耦合。

32、Generally speaking, with the cyclical decline in the Engel index phenomenon is to promote real estate development of a country two basic factors. ─── 一般地讲,恩格尔系数下降与经济的周期性现象是促进一国房地产发展的两个基本因素。

33、The preliminary trial in 3 wells is performed successfully with cyclic broth injection (CBI) every 15 days. ─── 在3口井上进行间隔15天、为期3个月的定期注菌液清防蜡先导试验,效果良好。

34、Similar cyclic stresses may have occurred due to wind-induced swaying motion during storage. ─── 同样在存放时由风力引起的横向摆动也可以产生类似的循环应力。

35、There is also a cyclical pattern in fashion. ─── 业也存在着一个周期性的模式。

36、The electrode after pulse laser treating has the advantages of cyclical renewability.long life and good stability. ─── 利用激光处理后的电极,具有周期性更新、寿命长、稳定性好等优点。

37、Cyclical Stock Used to describe a stock that rises quickly when economic growth is strong, and falls rapidly when growth is slowing down. ─── 周期性股票指在经济环境强劲时股价上升迅速,在经济放缓时股价急剧下跌的股票。

38、These two measures of cyclical variation, percent of trend and relative cyclical residual, are percentages of the trend. ─── 度量周期波动的两个量--趋势百分数和相关周期余数,都以趋势值的百分比表示。

39、So there are two tendencies, one cyclical and the other long-term. ─── 因此会出现两种趋势,一种是循环的,另一种是长期的。

40、There is only one lower-energy orbital in a cyclic system. ─── 在环状体系中只有一个最低能量轨道。

41、Their occurrences are mostly found to be irregular cyclic and accumulative. ─── 多数地质灾害在强弱变化中显示不断增强的趋势。

42、When I flew it today, I felt like a beginner again, it was just sooo fast on cyclic! ─── 今天啸飞的时候,我好像又回到新手时代,操纵盘反应真是好灵敏。

43、Cyclical influences include re-stocking: cereal stocks were run down as prices spiked and need to be replenished. ─── 循环影响包括重新储存:粮价上升时,谷类存量下降,因此,粮仓需要补充。

44、The equilibrium constant of TTF+TTF++ 2TTF+ in the Eastman-AQ 29D film determined by cyclic voltammetry is 1. 25 X 106. ─── 四硫富瓦烯在膜中的第一对氧化还原峰呈现可逆的、单电子反应。 用循环伏安法测得了TTF+TTFZTTF反应的平衡常数。

45、The maximum number of logging events that can be kept in the cyclic buffer. ─── 可以保留在循环缓冲区中的日志记录事件的最大数量。

46、If Mr Prestowitz is right, the global crisis means more than a cyclical shock to Asian economies. ─── 如果普列斯多维兹是对的,那么全球危机对于亚洲经济而言,将不仅意味着一次周期性打击。

47、As a typical cyclical industry, the industry at the time of reversal is the best investment opportunity. ─── 作为典型的周期性行业,行业反转之时是最佳的投资时机。

48、Luxury has always been a cyclical industry, but in the past decade it has soared and plunged like a well-dressed bungee-jumper. ─── 奢侈品行业从来都是一个周期性行业,但是在过去的十年里它的飙升和大跌的表现就像一个全副武装的蹦极选手一样。

49、The current implementation does not check for cyclical inheritance. ─── 当前的实现并不检查循环继承。

50、Saskatchewan, a province known for its vast fields of wheat, also has a reputation for vast, cyclical grasshopper invasions. ─── 以拥有广袤麦田著称的萨斯喀彻温省同时也以严重的周期性蝗灾闻名。

51、The integrated CIP system with four tanks allows for cyclical cleaning steps. ─── 另外,集成式四箱CIP系统可用于循环清洗步骤。

52、A new method to measure TBN of lubricating oil,which is called cyclic voltammetric method,is introduced. ─── 对总碱值检测法在设备润滑的全过程管理中的应用进行了介绍。

53、The cyclical economic crises inheres in capitalism. ─── 周期经济危机是资本主义制度所固有的。

54、A cyclic object graph cannot be transformed into a tree structure. ─── 一个循环对象图不能够转换为树结构。

55、Strip out this cyclical stimulus and the country's performance would look less sprightly. ─── 剥去这些周期性的刺激,巴西经济的表现实际上并没有那么让人乐观。

56、Clearly, some of this decline is cyclical. ─── 当然,有的收益下降是周期性的。

57、And they have been behaving as though a cyclical turn is in the offing for a while, with cyclical companies beating more defensive stocks. ─── 而且已经有段时间,股市表现出仿佛周期性转折即将发生的态势,周期性企业的表现优于更具防御性的股票。

58、Among the first things a watcher of the sky becomes aware of is the cyclic nature of what is seen. ─── 天空的观察者首先意识到的是所见现象的周期性特征。

59、Other cyclic variations in the relationships between Sun, Moon and Earth also affect tidal range. ─── 太阳,月球和地球之间的其它周期的变化也对潮汐大小产生影响。

60、But now it faces a nasty squall that combines both cyclical and structural blasts. ─── 但现在,它又面临着周期性和结构性风暴的冲击。

61、The variation of cycled strain of the alloy was discussed during the cyclic loading process. ─── 分析了合金在循环加载过程中,应变变化的特点。

62、A cyclic code with minimum redundancy used to check errors in a set of characters. ─── 一种用于检查一组字符的错误、并且具有最小冗余度的循环码。

63、Then,it is elucidated that industry intergrowth is an effective way for cyclic economy. ─── 其次论述了工业共生是矿区发展循环经济的有效途径;

64、"In the A-share market, we have the majority of the shares are strong cyclical industry stocks. ─── "在A股市场中,我们的大多数股票都是强周期性的行业股票。"

65、But gaming is a cyclical business, and success in one round does not guarantee success in the next. ─── 但游戏是一个周期性产品,一个周期的成功并不意味着下一个周期也会同样成功。

66、Cyclic follicular dysplasia is also known as seasonal alopecia. ─── 循环性毛囊发育不良又称季节性脱毛.

67、Eventually, the rehabilitated specimens were retested under low cyclic loading. ─── 加固后的试件进入第二阶段试验,即在低周反复荷载作用下直至破坏。

68、Test Method for Cyclic Pressure Strength of Reinforced, Thermosetting Plastic Pipe (08. ─── 增强的热固塑料管循环压力强度的试验方法(08。

69、Repeat push forward cyclic completing a minimum of two (2) forward tumbles. ─── 将升降舵打降舵,重覆步骤3,向前翻滚至少二圈。

70、The rise and fall in demand in accordance to economic activities is the cyclical factor. ─── 供需情况依经济活动而变化是周期因素。

71、In this situation, the predator and prey population may continue in this cyclical pattern for some time. ─── 在这种情况下,捕食者和被捕食者可能会在一段时间内继续这种循环模式。

72、Economic activity often follows a cyclical pattern. ─── 经济活动常常遵循周期性模式。

73、A programmed time delay of variable duration, not cyclic or sequential, not an interlock. ─── 一种持续时间可由程序设置的时间延迟,它不是周期性的或连续的,也不是交替的。

74、The rally has been led by cyclical stocks*, those that are most dependent on economic growth. ─── 对经济发展最为依赖的循环股引导了这次反弹。

75、Cyclic blood is the chemical compound of several kinds of substances in our blood vessel. ─── 在我们的血管中循环的血液是几种物质的化合物。

76、The refrigerant in a household refrigerator also undergoes a cyclic process. ─── 家用冰箱的致冷剂,也经历循环过程。

77、In the meantime, due to inflation pressure, most central banks in the world began their cyclical policy arrangement to raise interest rate. ─── 同时,受通货膨胀的影响,全球绝大部分中央银行开始了周期性的加息政策安排。

78、This paper introduced the cyclic Valt-ampere graph of lactoflavin in NH 3H 2O NH 4Cl(pH=10) Buffer solution. ─── 介绍了在 NH3 · H2 O- NH4 Cl( PH=1 0 )缓冲溶液中的核黄素 (维生素 B2 )循环伏安图 ;

79、Disallow cyclic references between assemblies. ─── 不允许在程序集中循环引用。

80、The unsaturated link occurs in a cyclic system. ─── 在环体系中存在不饱和键。

81、Li from the restorative growth phase to achieve the cut over cyclical growth phase is possible, but not inevitable. ─── 从恢复性增长阶段实现向周期性增长阶段的切换是可能的,但不是必然的。

82、The cyclic redundancy check(CRC)is an error inspection code widely applied. ─── 介绍了循环冗余校验码的差错控制原理及其算法实现。

83、Experimental results show that the method can usefully adapt to the presence of cyclical movements interfe... ─── 实验结果表明,该方法可以很好地适应背景中存在周期运动干扰的情况,并且可以适应背景突变的情况。

84、Any earthly process is viewed as cyclic, and all worldly existence is subject to the cycle. ─── 任何世上的过程都被看作成循环的,所有世间的存在之物都受支配于这个循环。

85、It would not be surprising if it declared a cyclical peak near the end of 2006. ─── 如果该机构断言经济于2006年底出现周期性见顶,不会令人感到意外。

86、The cyclical adjustment of an economy usually means that it bottoms out and rebounds after a short period. ─── 周期性的经济调整,通常经过一段短时期便会从谷底回升。

87、Found a cyclic link while copying %1. ─── 在复制%1时发现一个循环链接。

88、In what appears to be a permanent rather than cyclical change, fewer and fewer of these arbitrage windows are opening these days. ─── 在似乎是一种永久性,而不是周期性变化的情况下,近来,此类套汇窗口正在逐步被关闭。

89、Synergy N9 cyclic response is crisp and predictable. ─── 协同n9循环反应是酥和可预见性.

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