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08-17 投稿


mazy 发音

英:[?me?zi]  美:[?me?zi]

英:  美:

mazy 中文意思翻译



mazy 网络释义

adj. 迷宫般的;迷阵似的;错综的

mazy 词性/词形变化,mazy变形


mazy 相似词语短语

1、may ─── aux.可以,能够;可能,也许;祝,愿;会,能

2、many ─── det.许多;pron.许多;许多人;adj.许多的;n.大多数人;n.(Many)(美、法、加、印)马尼(人名)

3、gazy ─── 气体

4、jazy ─── 语言

5、maty ─── adj.平易近人的,友好的;亲密的(等于matey);n.朋友,伙伴(通常用作呼语);n.(Maty)(美、墨、法、以色列)马蒂(人名)

6、hazy ─── adj.朦胧的;模糊的;有薄雾的;n.(Hazy)人名;(瑞典)哈叙

7、mazey ─── n.(Mazey)人名;(英)梅齐

8、maze ─── n.迷宫;迷惑;糊涂;vt.迷失;使混乱;使困惑;n.(Maze)人名;(英)梅兹;(法)马兹

9、lazy ─── adj.懒惰的;懒洋洋的;怠惰的;慢吞吞的;n.(Lazy)人名;(德)拉齐

mazy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She turned mazy in horror at the sight of so much blood. ─── 她一看见这么多血就立刻吓得转过脸去。

2、The car put on speed and soon pulled mazy from the other vehicles. ─── 车加快速度,不久就抛开了其它车辆。

3、Last meeting, the business side is discovering new text "XYZ restaurant," manager addresses in the "Wang Mazi alley" to see signs Shui two bends; ─── 去年见面时,发现新递上的名片一面是“某某饭馆”经理,地址在“王麻子胡同”还要拐两弯看指示牌;

4、She turned mazy in horror at the sight of so much blood. ─── 她一看见这么多血就立刻吓得转过脸去。

5、In this respect, the Japanese garden, in its sylan simplicity, stands in sharp contrast. (Oswald Spengler, in his The Decline of the West, identifies the mazy path in Chinese gardens with tao. ─── 但同时又使人欣赏到精美的漏窗和隔扇,优雅的门洞,还有那五花八门的铺地。

6、I went on a mazy run and the ball broke nicely for us. ─── “我在俱乐部过得不错。

7、Villa rallied after the break with Riise forced to clear under pressure after a mazy run by Ashley Young and then Nigel Reo-Coker fired wide of Reina's goal from outside the area. ─── 贝尼特斯许诺给托雷斯足够的时间,“一般来说球员到达一个新的环境会需要一些时间去适应,今天他和库伊特互相培养默契就是个非常好的开始。”

8、: Ronaldo embarked on a mazy run on the left wing before slipping the ball to Deco in the centre of the pitch, who did well to create space. ─── 这位巴塞罗那队中场球员起脚射门后,法国队门将巴特兹几乎将球打到保莱塔脚下。

9、2. The car put on speed and soon pulled mazy from the other vehicles. ─── 车加快速度,不久就抛开了其它车辆。

10、The Rossoneri put the final seal on their passage into Thursday’s draw when Kaka’s mazy run was closed down, but only so far as Seedorf for a thumping strike. ─── 红黑军团在他们通往周四抽签的道路上锦上添花,当卡卡停止了穿花绕步般的带球,西多夫一脚大力抽射,打进了球。

11、Through what mazy depth of gloom, ─── 是穿过黑暗的迷宫般的深处

12、From Helicon's harmonious springs, A thousand rills their mazy progress take. ─── 减肥容易了,你就什么都别吃就好。。。不知多少人羡慕你的魔鬼身材来着

13、Sleepless, I carved on the walls fantastic figures in mazy bewildering lineswinged horses, flowers with human faces, woman with limbs like serpents. ─── 我彻夜不眠,用扭曲混乱的线条在墙上刻画出一些奇异的图形生翼的马,人面的花。四肢像蛇的女人。

14、Through what mazy depth of gloom. ─── 穿过黑暗的迷宫般的深处。

15、They are puzzling through the mazy new rules of the game. ─── 他们正在对迷津似的新比赛规则大伤脑筋。

16、In addition to soybeans, rapeseed, cottonseed, peanut oil, and so on, the Zaytun seed, rubber seed, Bi Mazi has a unique process. ─── 除对大豆、菜籽、棉籽、花生等油料外,对桐籽、橡胶籽、蓖麻籽具有独特的工艺。

17、The city can look at every day fishing port, Wang Mazi fried dumpling, Lee Kee Hong Men have more features mutton restaurant. ─── 市内的可以看看天天渔港,王麻子锅贴,李记红焖羊肉等比较有特色的餐馆。

18、river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me, my friend? ─── 是从墨黑的河岸上,是从远远的愁惨的树林边,是穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,你摸索着来到我这里吗,我的朋友?

19、The classy centre-back went on a mazy run from his own half and linked up well with Andrea Dossena before finding Dirk Kuyt to score the equaliser. ─── 这名优秀的中后卫在本方半场向前冲并与多塞纳进行精妙配合,助攻库伊特进球追平比分。

20、The paper propounds the acceptation development of the word Mazi by introducing the usage of the word in Chinese sutra, records of the Tang, Song and Qing Dynasties and mordern writing. ─── 本文以“马子”在汉译佛典、唐宋笔记、清人著述及近现代作品中的运用情况,阐释了该词意义演变的历史轨迹。

21、A merry road, a mazy road, and such as we did tread. ─── 快乐的路迷宫般的路我们踏行。

22、Don't run off shoe, yaomei halfway LiEr MaZi torn trousers son things not monarched to avoid. ─── 不想幺妹半路跑脱鞋,李二麻子撕破裤儿之事不可辟免。

23、The goal was fitting in that it started with a long, mazy run from Navas, and was assisted by Fabregas from an advanced midfield position. ─── 进球是以纳瓦斯的长距离奔袭开始,并由处于攻击中场位置的法布雷加斯助攻。

24、By what dim shore of the ink-black river, by what far edge of the frowning forest, through what mazy depth of gloom art thou threading thy course to come to me, my friend? ─── 是从墨黑的河岸上,是从翠贝卡女鞋代购远远的愁惨的树林边,是穿过昏暗迂回的曲径,你摸索着来到我这里吗,我的朋友?

25、Five miles meandering with a mazy motion ─── 迷乱地移动着,蜿蜒了五英里地方,

26、But John’s strangeness is grotesquely mirrored in that of his four sisters who roam the dark, mazy Essex country house under the strict gaze of eighty-year-old Mrs Cosway. ─── 朱天文便是。住在桂花树盛开的深巷里,一栋老宅,两代同堂,书房里每一样物事都被书籍报章覆盖,如同远古代旺盛雨林。

27、Crouch played the first 45 minutes against the Greeks before being replaced at half time, and more than made his mark with a mazy run which led to Luis Garcia's opener for the Reds. ─── 克罗奇在在对希腊人的比赛中只打了上半场,并用他迷踪步般的带球突破是加西亚打开了胜利之门。

28、The works are exploring the mazy relationship amongst culture, language, media and arts with the experimental dialogue between lingual and non-lingual media. ─── 作品中以语言与非语言的媒体作实验性的对话,探求文化、语言、媒体与艺术之间错综复杂的关系。

29、a wig flowing in mazy ringlets ─── 呈小卷缠结的假发

30、Carpet blow should be used for the V-shaped plastic teeth Mazi to ensure that rubber coatings homogeneous, plastic blow Pinfeng order for the first position, and then blow marginal. ─── 地毯刮胶应使用专用的V型齿抹子,以保证涂胶均匀,刮胶次序为先拼缝位置开始,然后刮边缘。

31、The home furnishing chain's mazy layouts are a psychological weapon to part shoppers from their cash, an expert in store design claims. ─── 一位从事商场设计的专家说,宜家内部的布局,是这个家具销售连锁企业心理武器,让消费者不再想着自己口袋里有多少钱。





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