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08-17 投稿


trite 发音

英:[tra?t]  美:[tra?t]

英:  美:

trite 中文意思翻译



trite 网络释义

adj. 陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的

trite 短语词组

1、trite phrases ─── 陈词滥调

2、trite definition ─── 陈腐的定义

3、hackneyed trite cliched mawkish ─── 陈腐的 ─── 陈腐 ─── 陈词滥调

4、trite antonym ─── 安东尼·特里特

5、trite crossword ─── 陈腐的纵横字谜

6、trite expressions ─── 陈词滥调

trite 词性/词形变化,trite变形


trite 同义词

stale | tired | corny | well-worn | shopworn | pedestrian | well-known | old-hat | threadbare | accustomed | timeworn | hackneyed | unoriginal | stereotyped | worn |commonplace | stock | banal

trite 反义词


trite 相似词语短语

1、trine ─── adj.三分一对座的;三倍的,三重的;顺利的;n.三分一对座;三个一组;三位一体;v.(行星)处于三分一对座方位;n.(Trine)(挪、丹、美)特赖因

2、triter ─── adj.陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的(trite的变形)

3、rite ─── n.仪式;惯例,习俗;典礼;n.(Rite)人名;(西)里特

4、tripe ─── n.肚子;内脏;废话;n.(Tripe)(美、英、罗)特里佩(人名)

5、tite ─── n.(Tite)人名;(柬)迪;(英)泰特

6、triste ─── adj.忧郁的,悲哀的;n.(Triste)(美、英、法、葡、俄、秘鲁)特里斯特(人名)

7、trice ─── n.瞬间;vt.吊起;扯起并用绳缚住;n.(Trice)人名;(罗)特里切;(英)特赖斯

8、tribe ─── n.部落;族;宗族;一伙;n.(Tribe)人名;(英)特赖布

9、trike ─── n.三轮车;n.(Trike)人名;(阿拉伯)特里基

trite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Does a poet siring up trite sentiments in rhyme? he also becomes the great man of the hour. ─── 诗人用押韵的形式把陈旧的万事俱备串连起来,一时间也成为伟人。

2、Hackneyed or trite; dull. ─── 陈腐的陈腐的或者平凡的;乏味的

3、The trite objects of human efforts--possessions,outward success,luxury--have always seemed to me contemptible. ─── 至于那些老生常谈的人生目标,诸如物质占有、功成名就、舒适享受等等,在我看来都不值一顾。

4、The heading is trite. ─── 标题陈旧。

5、The answer is so simple it sounds trite: "They live well below their means. ─── 答案很简单“他们量入为出”。

6、1.stale; hackneyed; trite; sour; 2.erosion caused by acid ─── 酸腐

7、Overfamiliar through overuse;trite. ─── 陈腐的由于过多使用而变得过于熟悉;老套的

8、It sounds so trite so Norman Vincent Peale but my goodness this works. ─── 这听起来是如此陈腐,和诺曼.文森特.皮尔一样。

9、It sounds trite, but it's the truth.The Sevilla side of last season, even at its weaker moments of injury and suspension, had an uncanny knack of grinding out positive scorelines. ─── 听起来可能很老套,塞维利亚在赛季后期因为伤病等原因突然放慢了脚步,这儿可能有些诀窍帮助他们回到正常状态。

10、You reject everything that is garish and trite. ─── 你拒绝夸饰与陈腐。

11、I'm constantly amazed by the difficulty of following this principle, which seems the most obvious, the most trite, the most stale. ─── 遵守这一原则具有的困难性会让我时不时地感到惊讶。这条原则却似乎看上再明显、平淡、陈旧不过了。

12、Lacking originality; trite. ─── 缺乏独创性的;陈腐的

13、By looking observantly, without trite moralizing at the natural world as well as the built and disposable world, the landscape architect builds at the great overlap between the two. ─── 仔细观察,会发现如果抛却那些有关自然环境和人工环境的陈腐说教,景观设计师可以在二者之间找到相似之处。

14、We've heard this expression so often that it's become trite. ─── 同样的讥讽和悲观也有一样的效果。

15、The movie is teeming with obvious and trite ideas. ─── 这部电影充满着明显而陈腐的观点。

16、It may sound trite but it's true: If your diet lacks essential nutrients, it can decrease your ability to concentrate. ─── 这听起来有点迂腐,但是事实:如果你的饮食缺乏必需的营养,就会降低你的注意能力。

17、Another trite one.But it works. ─── 另一个陈腐的方法,却很有效。

18、AnotIT trite one.But it works. ─── 另唯一陈腐的窍门,却很有效。

19、But if I only asked questions like this they would soon become trite and boring. More quiz show than presentation. ─── 但如果我只问这种简单的问题,听众很快就会觉得无聊了。

20、On seeing above, you might instinctively dismiss my claim as a trite alibi served to exempt myself from the undertaking. ─── 这件事给我很大的启发:只要产品是为人们考虑的,就不怕没出路!

21、He ended his lecture with a trite morality. ─── 他以陈腐的说教结束了演讲。

22、Instantly.By the way, the trite first sentence is perhaps the most profound in the book thus far. ─── "大家. 快. 的方式,象最深刻的一句是迄今为止在这本书.

23、Overfamiliar through overuse; trite. ─── 陈腐的由于过多使用而变得过于熟悉;老套的

24、It sounds trite, but it's true. ─── 这听起来很老套,是吧?但这可是真理。

25、trite coins ─── 磨损的硬币

26、For the rest, she was a strong-minded woman; never said a weak or a trite thing ─── 此外,她还是个意志坚强的女人,从来不说一句示弱或者平庸的话。

27、In his drama there are no trite content, heroic personage and tragic ending.His dramas have no change and fortuity, just like a day of people's life. ─── 这些改革既内在地基于前人已有的戏剧成就,更得益于对同属于戏剧革新行列的自然主义和象征主义等流派的创作经验的吸收。

28、On the material level, obviously, and at the risk of sounding trite, no two human beings are alike and are therefore unequal. ─── 而在物质层次上,现在冒着听起来显得陈词滥调的危险,我要说没有两个人是一模一样的,也就是说人们是不平等的。

29、platitudes | trite speech ─── 演讲八股

30、His meticulous observations of family life can seem trite in comparison with the events soon to come. ─── 他所小心翼翼观测描绘的那些家庭生活,与即将来临的事件相比显得索然无味。

31、shopworn anecdotes.See Synonyms at trite ─── 陈旧的轶事参见

32、a trite saying; ─── 陈腐的格言;

33、The stream of trite and creepy love-talk would have swayed other women and won him someone' s heart, but when it was turned upon me, the power of those words drove me ineffable distances from him, poor fool! ─── 假使他把这串浅薄肉麻的情话去对别个女人说,一定是很动听的,可以得一个所谓的爱的心吧。 但他却向我,就由这些话语的力,把我推得 隔他更远了。 唉,可怜的男子!

34、a trite retread of an old musical. ─── 一部旧音乐喜剧的翻版

35、“I suppose it's a trite observation that very often psychologists study the sort of phenomena that they personally find intriguing or interesting. ─── “这么说或许是老生常谈:心理学家往往会研究那些令他们本人感到好奇或者有趣的现象。

36、Yesterday, in the restaurant, lorraine had seemed trite, blurred, worn away ─── 昨天在饭店里,洛兰显得庸俗、堕落、衰老了。

37、I hope that the journal will be well edited and that it will publish a good deal of lively writing, carefully avoiding wooden and trite articles which are flat, insipid and unintelligible. ─── 我希望这个报纸好好地办下去,多载些生动的文字,切忌死板、老套,令人看不懂,没味道,不起劲。

38、a trite or obvious remark. ─── 陈腐的或显而易见的言词。

39、It corrects so trite, so Norman Vincent Peale, but my goodness the works. ─── 这听起来是如此陈腐,和诺曼.文森特.皮尔相同。

40、But to dispel the trite notion that librarians are merely “the stewards of knowledge,” we must clarify our role as educators. ─── 但我们一定要消除陈腐的观念,如图书馆员仅仅是知识管理者;而要明确自己的角色向教育者转变。

41、for a woman to show her body is ... trite. ─── 为妇女展示她的身体是...陈词滥调。

42、That was true no matter how trite it sounded. ─── 这种话听起来像是陈词滥调,不过,这是真话。

43、We never talk of babyhood to those people who were too trite. ─── 失业也许让你想起埋藏很久而尘封的梦想,也许会唤醒连你自己都从未知道的前能。

44、The story is described as beautifully written but concerned with the trite theme of adolescent loneliness. ─── 人们认为这本小说写得很美,但内容却是有关青春寂怨的这个老一套的主题。

45、trite remark ─── 陈腐的话

46、It might sound trite, but your heart can sometimes lead you better than your mind. ─── 这可能听起来有些老土,但是有时候,“心”比“脑”更能给你指明方向。

47、Trite praises came flowing into the books or to be printed onto pages only made the important issues difficultly understood and dim wisdom. ─── 已被写入书本的以及即将被写入档案文件的陈腐过时的评论,只会使重要的事情变得晦涩费解。

48、It is tempting to dismiss this trite formulation as a meaningless excuse for inaction.For two reasons, that would be a mistake.First it is broadly speaking true. ─── 认为这只是为无所作为寻找接口而稍有变化的陈腐的公式的回答,这样想是错的,原因如下:第一,这的确是实话。

49、A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed AS if it were original or significant. ─── 陈腔滥调陈腐的或平庸的评论或陈述,尤指某人表述它时好象它是新颖的或有意义的

50、a trite idea, remark, etc. ─── 陈腐的思想、观念或言词等

51、It was spiritual, but it wasn't trite. ─── 但是她爱他是精神上的,决不是俗套。

52、It is tempting to dismiss this trite formulation as a meaningless excuse for inaction. ─── 抛弃无作为的无意义的借口的陈词滥调很有诱惑。

53、What I had said to Daniel was clumsy and trite. It was nothing. And yet, it was everything. ─── 我对丹尼尔的表达是笨拙的和老套的。它什么都不是,然而,它也是一切。

54、All my life I heard the same trite line: "You can tell a lot about a person by the friends they keep. ─── 一 成不变的话语总是在我耳边:“物以类聚,人以群分。”

55、A. As many people have guessed, the word "boyfriend" seems sort of trite and schoolyard-ish in the light of how Bella feels about Edward. ─── 答:正如很多朋友认为,比照贝拉内心对爱德华的真正感觉,“男朋友”这个词似乎有点老土和过于学生气了。

56、The brand programming policy is that zone culture combines appetency and internationalization.It makes the trite and outdated image built again. ─── “地域文化、亲和力与国际化”结合的品牌规划策略,使其平庸而陈旧、落伍的品牌印象得到了完美的品牌价值重塑。

57、This would seem so trite as to need no further elaboration. ─── 这全是老生常谈,无需多加发挥。

58、The heading is trite ─── 标题陈旧

59、Bloch: I apologize if this sounds trite, but each class should do one thing, and do it well. ─── 我讲的东西可能没有什么新意,那就是每一个类只应该做一件事情,并且把它做好。

60、Better, surely, to face the coming storm on that foundation, than on a trite slogan that could be your undoing. ─── 显然的,脚踏实地的面对即将到来的暴风雨,要比一个能会让你毁灭的老套的口号要好的多。

61、threadbare excuses.See Synonyms at trite ─── 陈腐的借口参见

62、The music producers in mainland are not short of competence, however, the training system of singers and producers are too trite to break through and too recreant and frail to lead the music fashion. ─── 大陆的音乐人向来欠缺的不是实力,而是大陆的音乐培养机制在锐意上太过中庸,在气质上又缺乏引领时代的气度与力度。

63、I know it's trite to say it, but it's so easy to get off the path to a good plan if you don't have the goals clearly defined up front. ─── 我知道这样说有点老套,但如果您还没有清晰地定义前方的目标,那么可以非常轻松地开辟出通往一项良好计划的道路。

64、There is a world of accumulated feeling back of the trite dramatic expression -- "I am going away. ─── 那句富有戏剧性的老话"我要走了"的背后,蕴藏着无限的情感。

65、Common, ordinary words are used in the same old way. The paper has some trite, overworked expressions. ─── 普通常用词的运用仍袭用老套子的用法。文中还有一些陈词滥调。

66、Something that is trite,obvious,or predictable;a commonplace. ─── 平庸之事平庸陈腐的、明显的或可预见的事;平凡的事

67、All my life I heard the same 2)trite line: "You can tell a lot about a person by the friends they keep. ─── 一成不变的话语总是在我耳边:“物以类聚,人以群分。”

68、The trite objects of human efforts-possessions, outward success, luxury-have always seemed to me contemptible. ─── 没有人会认为学校的管理和教师的态度对塑造学生的心理基础没有影响。

69、trite idea ─── 陈腐的观念

70、Loving him was it sounded almost trite to her now, given the attention paid to such matters over the last two decades-spiritual. ─── 爱她是精神上的。 近二十年来人们谈爱情谈得太多了,这个字眼几乎都用俗了。

71、Knowing lack of knowledge and experience with trite ability and wisdom, the author just hopes this childish inspiration may illume deeper thinking of wits. ─── 自知知识与经验匮乏,并才智平庸,因此,谨希望幼稚的灵感可以启引智者更深层次的思索。

72、26. He had something to prove, something that would sound trite if it were put into words. ─── 他已经证实了一些东西,一些如果讲出来听将会是很平凡的东西。

73、trite trick ─── 惯用伎俩

74、It is a trite simile to compare her teeth to pearls. ─── 把她的牙齿比做珍珠是陈腐的比喻。

75、a trite path ─── 被惯踏的小径

76、bromidic sermons; his remarks were trite and commonplace; hackneyed phrases; a stock answer; repeating threadbare jokes; parroting some timeworn axiom; the trite metaphor 'hard as nails'. ─── 陈腐的说教;他的评论陈腐而平凡;陈腐之词;俗套的答案;重复无聊的笑话;模仿陈旧的公理;'象钉子一样坚硬'是古老的比喻。

77、trite nitrogen ─── 亚硝酸盐氮亚硝态氮

78、The heading is trite. ─── 标题陈旧。

79、But maybe we do need to ask ourselves if we are placing too much credence in this trite remark. ─── 不过也许我们的确该问问自己,是否过度相信这种人云亦云的陈旧看法。

80、"Trite as the language is, this couplet has deep significance,"thought Yucun. " ─── "雨村看了,因想到:""这两句话,文虽浅近,其意则深"

81、Every article and book on stress management has these three trite words of advice: Just say no. ─── 每本关于怎么样应付压力的书都有这三个字建议:说不吧!

82、Drearily commonplace and often predictable; trite. ─── 平庸的,陈腐的令人沮丧的且常为可预见的平庸陈腐;平庸陈腐的

83、Yes, it’s trite, but it’s true: those who never try, never fail. ─── 如果你不去试试看,你肯定不会成功。

84、a stale joke.See Synonyms at trite ─── 一个老掉牙的玩笑参见

85、That is just about the oldest, most trite, most hackneyed"saying" you could come across today. ─── 这是你今天所遇到最古老、最陈腐、最陈词滥调的“谚语”了。

86、Repeated too often; trite or hackneyed. ─── 陈腐的重复太多的;陈词或滥调的

87、Well, Americans do often use this trite greeting, and they generally expect nothing but the standard answer. ─── 其实美国人的确常用这老套的问候方式,而他们所期待的,也只是一般的标准回答。

88、It costs not trite than 50 dollars. ─── 价格不会超过50 元。

89、Something that is trite, obvious, or predictable; a commonplace. ─── 平庸之事平庸陈腐的、明显的或可预见的事;平凡的事

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