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08-17 投稿


percolation 发音

英:[?p??rk??le??n]  美:[?p??k??le??n]

英:  美:

percolation 中文意思翻译



percolation 常用词组

percolation rate ─── 渗透率;渗滤率

percolation 词性/词形变化,percolation变形

动词过去式: percolated |动词过去分词: percolated |名词: percolation |动词第三人称单数: percolates |动词现在分词: percolating |

percolation 短语词组

1、percolation tank ─── [化] 渗滤槽

2、percolation velocity ─── 渗透率

3、percolation filter ─── 重力过滤器

4、percolation friction ─── 渗流摩擦

5、percolation limit ─── [电] 磁渗限

6、thermofor continuous percolation ─── [机] 蓄热器连续渗滤

7、percolation extractor ─── [化] 渗滤器

8、percolation well ─── 渗井

9、percolation tests ─── [医] 渗漉试验

10、percolation gauge ─── 渗透计

11、percolation method ─── [化] 渗滤法

12、percolation pressure ─── 渗流压力

13、percolation filtration ─── [机] 渗滤

14、percolation pit ─── 渗坑

15、percolation path ─── 逾渗通路

16、percolation apparatus ─── [医]渗滤器

17、adsorptive percolation ─── [机] 吸附渗滤

18、capillary percolation ─── 毛细渗透, ─── 毛管渗滤

19、percolation basin ─── 渗滤盆地

percolation 相似词语短语

1、perfoliation ─── 灌注

2、percolating ─── n.渗透;adj.渗透的;v.渗透(percolate的ing形式)

3、prolation ─── 生产

4、percolative ─── 渗滤的

5、personation ─── n.演角色,装扮;冒名,冒充

6、percolator ─── n.过滤器;渗滤器;咖啡渗滤壶

7、peroration ─── n.结束语;结论;夸夸其谈

8、perforation ─── n.穿孔;贯穿

9、peculation ─── n.侵吞公款;挪用公款;贪污

percolation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is pointed out that the turnaround tech is a new repeat fracture wa tor percolation and high containing water reservoir. ─── 提出了转向压裂技术是江苏油田低渗透油藏高含水期一种新的重复压裂技术。

2、A concrete analysis is carried out on piezometers and percolation gages measured data. ─── 对测压管和渗压计的观测成果进行了具体分析;

3、There are critical points to distinguish different percolation mechanism on Klinkenberg regression line. ─── 在克氏回归曲线上,存在著界定不同渗流机理影响的临界点。

4、And combining R/S analysis with the model GM (1, 1) is the effective way to predict the production-changing law of unstable percolation of coal-bed gas. ─── R/S分析方法和GM(1,1)模型相结合是预测煤层气不稳定渗流产量变化的有效方法;

5、influence of double percolation phenomenon on shielding effectiveness of rubber was investigated. ─── 二次渗滤现象,分析了其对屏蔽性能的影响。

6、The uniformity of conductive function was better once the percolation phe nomena occurred. ─── 形成渗滤效应之后,导电功能的均匀性较好。

7、Nevertheless, the model accounts for water percolation towards the deeper subsoil layers even though it does not contribute to the discharge. ─── 尽管如此,虽然它对出流量没有太大的影响,模型仍然考虑了水向深层土壤层的渗透。

8、On microscopic and microstructural level, the relations between high Tc supercoduc-tivity and percolation have been discussed. ─── 在微观及亚微观(显微结构)层次上,讨论了高温超导与渗流的关系问题。

9、Fat fractal percolation model of porous media and its scaling rule ─── 多孔介质的胖分形渗流模型及其分形维数

10、Baaed on the law of permeability changing with pressure, a mathematical model is established for unsteady percolation in dual-porosity reservoirs with arbitrary shape of stress sensitivity. ─── 摘要基于渗透率随压力呈指数变化规律,建立了任意形状应力敏感性双重介质油藏不稳定渗流的数学模型。

11、Composites showed higher conductivity and lower percolation threshold along the stretched direction than perpendicular to it. ─── 与垂直于拉伸方向相比,复合材料沿拉伸方向具有更高的电导率及更低的渗流阈值。

12、Below the critical points, capillary resistance affects gas percolation, appearing the gas effective permeability increases as the net pressure increases. ─── 在临界点以下,气体渗流受毛细管阻力影响,表现为气体有效渗透率随净压力增大而递增;

13、From the shape of semi-logarithm and dual-logarithm derivative curves of transient testing data,it is comprehensively determined dual percolation system of reservoir. ─── 从不稳定试井资料单对数与双对数导数曲线形态特征入手,可以综合确定油藏储集层的双渗流动系统。

14、Therefore, the function of generalized pseudo-pressure is hold up, and corresponding deliverability equ ation for multiphase percolation is ... ─── 为此,提出了广义的拟压力函数,从而导出适用于气井多相渗流的产能方程。通过实例计算证明该方法是正确、可行的。

15、The damage evolution process is similar to percolation, and the unusual behavior of some properties at fracture or fragmentation is often related to certain scaling relations. ─── 损伤演化过程与逾渗现象极为相似,临近断裂和破碎时,某些物理量所表现出来的异常行为往往满足一定的标度关系。

16、In the case of continuous producting oil reservoir,for complex percolation change,oil/gas phase state transition and the variation of densities and viscosities in oil reservoir are yielded. ─── 在油层不断开采的情况下 ,由于复杂的渗流变化 ,伴随产生了油气相态转变和油层中各项密度和粘度的变化。

17、Using tech of oil extraction and test with intermission and constant production to low percolation reservoir can prevent energy near borehole from crocking up quickly. ─── 对于低渗透储层采用间歇定产试采,可以防止井筒附近能量衰竭过快。

18、In scientific terms , the process is no longer percolation , but extraction . ─── 在科学计算,过程不再是渗流,但提取。

19、In fact, knowledgeable scientists of the time accepted land irrigation and percolation into the porous underground formations as methods of waste treatment. ─── 事实上,当代有见识的科学家,已经接受了土地清洗以及过滤可渗透地底层这两种可作为处理废弃物治理的方法。

20、The thesis will introduce the water percolation of external walls and common quality faults of climbing water of tier buildings along with the measures for prevention. ─── 介绍多层住宅外墙渗水及爬水质量通病及其防治若干措施,实践证明,其施工方法是行之有效的,值得借鉴。

21、In addition, pressure change of volatile oil well with time and distance during degassing percolation is presented. ─── 描述了挥发性油井在脱气渗流过程中压力随时间和距离的变化规律;

22、The results showed that the intensity distribution had relation with the velocity of percolation,time,coefficient of convection and diffusion. ─── 发现污染物在土壤中的质量浓度分布与渗流速度、作用时间、扩散系数等有关。

23、The percolation process also washes out components present on the surface of the coffee grounds, including aroma-filled oil and bits of the cellular structure. ─── 在滤滴的过程中,位于咖啡粉末表面的成分也会被冲刷下来;其中包括香浓的油滴以及细胞构造的碎片。

24、Starting with the mechanism of CBM production,this paper analyzes the factors that affect the processes of coalbed methane desorption,diffusion and percolation from coal seams. ─── 从煤层甲烷产出机理入手,分析了影响煤层甲烷解吸、扩散和渗流过程的因素。

25、Abstract Micromechanics and Percolation theory were employed to predict the asphalt mixtures’ viscoelasticity. ─── 摘要 利用微观力学和逾渗理论预测了沥青混合料的粘弹性能。

26、It is pointed out that,further research of BDT percolation theory is of obviously scientific and technological significance. ─── 并指出对BDT逾渗模型的进一步研究具有很明显的科学意义和实际意义.

27、The composites exhibited a significant piezoresistance, when CB mass fraction to was located in the vicinity of the percolation threshold w(subscript c). ─── 当CB含量低于渗流阈值时,PVC/CB复合材料呈现PPC效应;

28、Conventional gas reservoir simulation technique is based on Darcy's Law, and cannot accurately describe the percolation with start-up pressure gradient and rock deformation. ─── 常规气藏数值模拟技术基于线性的达西定律,无法对启动压力梯度和介质变形的情况予以准确描述。

29、Percolation Theory can explain the formation of conductive passages under the dependence of the conductivity and graphite content in ECAC. ─── 导电沥青混凝土中导电率与石墨掺量依赖性可用渗流理论解释其导电通路的形成。

30、The percolation process of WSPS is taken as a unit, and a simplified contamination percolation process combined functional model is put forward, in which includes four layers as bottom sludge layer, substrate layer. ─── 把稳定塘中污染质的下渗过程看作一种单元系统,提出了概化的稳定塘中污染质下渗单元耦合功能模型,对各功能层的功能进行了描述。

31、soil and stone dam percolation ─── 土石坝渗流

32、The critical pressure reflects the influence of the two different mechanisms caused by capillary resistance and slippage effect of gas molecule on gas percolation with low speed. ─── 临界压力的高低反映了毛细管阻力和气体分子滑脱效应作用力这两种不同作用机理对气体低速渗流的影响程度。

33、The terminology and the physical sense of percolation and permeability were analyzed. ─── 术语和物理意义上的渗透和渗透率进行了分析。

34、The experimental results are explained in the view of the swelling of the polymer chain and percolation theory. ─── 回应的重复稳定性受炭黑粒子分散行为的影响,从聚合物溶胀行为及逾渗导电理论解释了实验结果。

35、Also the morphology and electrical properties of the PU/GN conductive foam plastics are studied.The percolation threshold effect appears when the content of the GN is 14%. ─── 并观察了其微观结构,分析了其导电性能,在纳米石墨微片的质量分数为14%时出现了渗滤效应。

36、According to bethe network percolation, the reaction between SO2 and. ─── 并应用bethe网格逾渗模型,模拟干性条件下SO_2和多孔CaO颗粒反应;

37、The percolation law of the reservoir was studied, and its development effects was evaluated. ─── 重点研究了储层的渗流规律,综合评价了开发效果,为油田继续稳产提出思路。

38、The perturbation technique and Laplace transform method are employed in the calculation of the model to study the features of percolation in stress-sensitive gas reservoirs and the infl. ─── 应用摄动技术和拉普拉斯变换方法求解数学模型,据此研究应力敏感性气藏的渗流特征以及开关井不同程度应力敏感效应对井底压力动态的影响。

39、Fracture acidizing has become a necessary measure for improving effectively reservoir percolation flow condition and enhancing individual-well oil/gas producting rate in Sichuan. ─── 四川地区压裂酸化已成为有效改善储层渗流条件、提高单井油气产量的必要手段。

40、Application of Underground Percolation Technique in Railway System ─── 地下渗滤工艺在铁路系统中的应用

41、Keywords Suspension;Bridge;Flocculate;Percolation;Viscoelasticity; ─── 悬浮液;架桥;絮凝;逾渗;粘弹性;

42、The main reason for this seems to be the slow percolation rate of the local soil. ─── 主要原因似乎是当地土壤的渗透率比较低。

43、The foundation of Xixiayuan powerhouse belongs to Tertiary soft rock.In order to prevent destruction by percolation, it builds a suspended impervious curtain in the foundation. ─── 摘要西霞院电站厂房地基为第三系软岩,为防止电站坝段的渗透破坏,厂房地基设悬挂式防渗帷幕;

44、Application and progress of percolation theory in the process of study for conduction mechanism of conductive composites were introduced. ─── 介绍了近年来渗流理论在导电复合材料机理研究中的应用和最新进展;

45、The High Energy Gas Fracturing (HEGF)technique adopting oil well pressure fracture has been widely used in oid field, It can produce many radial fracture and improve reservoir percolation capability. ─── 利用油井压裂弹产生高能气体压裂是近几年在油田广泛应用的油井增产技术。它可以在油层形成多条径向裂缝,改善油层渗流能力,提高采收率。

46、Though stricter proces sing method has been adopted, the pseudo-pressure deliverability equation of sin gle-phase gas is not suitable to multiphase percolation. ─── 尽管单相气体拟压力产能方程采用了更严格的处理方法,但也不再适用于油、气、水多相渗流。

47、Meteoric water, artificial exploitation and percolation for irrigation canals are the main influence factor of dynamic variation of groundwater. ─── 地下水位频繁的升降一是改变了上覆土体的状态和强度,促进土体崩落;

48、Several new logging techniques (including FMI, ARI and DSI) are adopted to determine kinds of reservoir space, quantitative characters of fissure and cavity, reservoir effectiveness and connected percolation. ─── 应用测井新技术,包括井壁成象(FMI)、方位电阻率测井(ARI)和偶极声波测井(DSI)确定储集空间类型、缝洞定量特征、储集层有效性和连通渗滤性;

49、The stady on the laws of phase behavior and percolation of gas condensate system in porous media is a theme which is of difficulty, but of practical and theoretical values. ─── 多孔介质中凝析油气体系相平衡规律和渗流规律的研究是一个具有相当难度和较高理论及应用价值的研究课题。

50、microscopic percolation mechanism ─── 微观渗流机理

51、The percolation threshold of surface resistivity of PVC/CB composite appears when the addition of CB reaches 4phr. ─── 当炭黑添加量仅为4份时,PVC/CB即有逾渗现象发生,表面电阻大幅度降低。

52、Impermeable clay limits downward percolation of water and fulvic acids, reducing chemical weathering and podzolization. ─── 渗透的粘土限制了水和黄腐酸的向下渗透,从而减少了化学风化和土壤灰化作用。

53、If flow is too slow,excessive percolation will occur near the ditch,and too little water will reach the lower end of the field. ─── 如果流率太慢,沟渠又发生过度浸透,那么,将会有很少的少会到达田地最低处。

54、In accordance with the characteristics of reservoir and percolation body with constant volume, the principles of water-flooding and replacing oil technology are developed to . ─── 因此可利用定容性储渗体易恢复地层能量和油水易重新分布的渗流特征,在定容性储渗体实施注水替油技术。

55、On the basis of the predecessors' research work, a mathematical model of non-linear percolation in gas reservoir is developed, and a case is given in this paper. ─── 基于前人的研究成果,建立了一个考虑启动压力梯度和介质变形的气藏非线性渗流的数学模型,最后给出了计算实例。

56、The basic theory of porous mediums in 2D condition is introduced and the theory of Renormalization method is applied to research the percolation. ─── 摘要详细介绍了在二维情况下孔隙介质逾渗流的基本理论、重正化群方法的原理及其在逾渗研究中的应用。

57、In scientific terms, the process is no longer percolation, but extraction. ─── 在科学计算,过程不再是渗流,但提取。

58、The 3D percolation mechanism in porous media,the characteristics of percolation cluster by numerical simulation method,and the theory of renormalization are studied. ─── 利用重正化群原理,通过数值模拟的方法研究孔隙介质三维逾渗机制和逾渗团特性,提出有效表面积率概念。

59、Taipei Water Source Percolation Plant-at the left side of the picture is the Pumping Room. ─── 台北水源地慢滤场,照片左方有当年的唧筒室,您发现了吗。

60、A site with plenty of green spaces among the paved areas will have less runoff, and percolation through the soil will remove many of the contaminants swept from the asphalt and concrete. ─── 因为路面附近有大片绿地的地点,迳流量将会减少,而渗透土壤的过程,也会清除来自柏油地面和混凝土地面的许多污染物。

61、Thermofor continuous percolation process ─── 塞摩福流动床连续渗滤过程

62、The percolation threshold of composite is 20% by weight.Their critical resistivity-exponent is 9.2.PTC intensities of all prepared composite is larger than four orders of magnitude. ─── 复合材料的渗流阈值为20%,临界电阻率指数为9.2,PTC强度都大于4个数量级。

63、The results show that the composite exhibits percolation threshold effect,positive temperature effect and nonlinear volt ampere characteristics. ─── 实验结果表明,材料具有明显的渗滤效应、正温度系数效应和非线性伏安特性。

64、Treatment of the Percolation Water on Landfill Sites ─── 垃圾填埋场渗滤液处理

65、On the base of geological property and percolation features of Shanliudong super - heavy crude reservoir of Shanjiasi oilfield, a subcritical steam generator is developed. ─── 在单家寺油田单6东超稠油油藏地质特征和渗流特点研究的基础上,成功研制了亚临界湿蒸汽发生器。

66、Wang F Q.The fault fractal dimensions and the fractal percolation of the rift system [J].Journal of Sichuan Teachers College, 1994,15 (4): 308-309. ─── [9]汪富泉.断层分维与裂缝系统的分形渗流研究[J].四川师范学院学报,1994,15(4):308-309.

67、Cyclic water injection increases swept volume through oil-water percolation effect and capillary pressure effect to improve water drive recovery factor. ─── 周期注水技术主要是通过油水交渗效应、毛管压力作用,增加注水波及体积,从而提高水驱采收率的技术。

68、However, studies have shown that flow in low permeability media does not follow Darcy's law, and that a starting pressure gradient (SPG) occurs in the percolation. ─── 建立了低渗非达西渗流相对渗透率计算方法,导出了计算公式,并进行了非稳态流动实验。结果表明:在低渗油藏相对渗透率曲线中,束缚水和残余油饱和度较高,两相渗流区范围较窄;

69、Although using the CT pit percolation, we need analyze and ascertain the exception effluent reasons joining mine cranny develop rules. ─── 我们利用CT坑透,结合矿井裂隙发育规律,分析判明了异常出水的原因。

70、The percolation results from conjunct effects of dispersion, interface polarization and nano-effect of MWNTs.The percolation threshold of the Ag-filled MWNTs/epoxy composite is about 1.01 wt%. ─── Ag填充碳纳米管/环氧树脂有明显的介电逾渗现象,这是填料的分散状态、界面极化与纳米填料表面效应共同作用的结果,体系的逾渗阈值为1.01 wt%。

71、Pilot test of bacterial percolation leaching at Fuzhou Uranium Mine ─── 抚州铀矿石细菌渗滤浸出扩大试验

72、Used for determine the oil content of wool or synthetic samples etc. By solvent percolation and evaporation. ─── 用于各种纤维所含油脂的快速提取,以测定油脂含量。

73、Reservoirs in the upper member of Guantao formation had been identified and divided into 5 types of flow u-nits according to their percolation capacity by using flow zone indicator method ( FZI). ─── 应用流动分层指标法对孤东油田七区馆上段进行了流体流动单元的识别与划分,将孤东油田馆上段储层按其渗流能力划分为5种流动单元类型。


75、In the waste filling,it is extremely important that the earth fill retards the percolation of the leaching solution of waste. ─── 在生活垃圾的卫生填埋中,填土层对垃圾淋滤液渗透的阻滞作用具有重要意义。

76、By percolation is made the comparison between the EMT, EMTDD and BW theories so as to find that under the condition of low water/oil ratio the work system in this paper is in comformity with the EMT theory. ─── 从渗滤作用来比较EMT、EMTDD和BW三种理论,发现在水油比较低的情况下,本体系符合EMT理论.

77、Full-automatic function,switch on electricity the percolation,enter the water and boil the water,heat preservation whole process from the familiar water the absolute separating. ─── 全自动功能、从开始通电到过滤、进水、煮水、保温全过程全自动、无须人工看管。

78、Of all components of water balance in farmlands, evapotranspiration, capillary rise from a water table and deep percolation are difficult to determine. ─── 在农田水分平衡中,较难测定的要素有农田蒸腾蒸发量、地下水毛细上升量和土壤水渗漏量。

79、fractional percolation equation ─── 分数阶渗透方程

80、The results shown that emough attention to the percolation phenomenon of p nitrophenylamine salt in the organic membrane should be paid. ─── 实际工业废水经三级液膜萃取可达到国家排放标准。

81、A New Percolation Model Used for Low Permeability Porous Medium ─── 低渗透多孔介质中新型渗流模型

82、The factors affecting electrical properties and percolation threshold are discussed. ─── 对影响复合材料导电性能及渗滤阈值的因素进行了讨论。

83、preferential percolation path ─── 优势通道

84、Development of the sewerage collection and treatment system will be basically accomplished and sewerage percolation pits in the protection zone of ground drinking water sources will all been eliminated. ─── 基本完成城市污水排除与处理系统建设,取消地下水饮用水源地防护区范围内的污水渗井、渗坑。

85、Low velocity non-Darcy percolation ─── 低速非达西渗流

86、Calculating the relative permeability from displacement experiments based on percolation theory. ─── 应用逾渗理论计算非稳态法油水相渗曲线。

87、The secondary pores and fractures constitute the major storage space and percolation path in muddy gravels in Kulongshan oilfield, Jiuquan Basin. ─── 摘要酒泉盆地青西油田泥砾岩储层中发育的次生孔隙和裂缝系统构成了油藏主要储集空间和渗流通道。

88、concrete analysis is carried out on piezometers and percolation gages measured data. ─── 对测压管和渗压计的观测成果进行了具体分析;

89、Critical flow pressure reflects the impact of capillary pressure and boundary effect and gas percolation, and causes non-Darcy gas flaw. ─── 临界流动压力反映了毛细管力与边界层作用对气体渗流的影响,并使气体表现出非达西渗流特征。

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