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08-17 投稿


balas 发音

英:['b?l?s]  美:['b?l?s]

英:  美:

balas 中文意思翻译



balas 短语词组

1、balas md md ─── 响应

2、balas dex ─── 德克斯子弹

3、balas def ─── 公牛队def

4、balas dds dds ─── 响应

5、ruby balas ─── [化] 红尖晶石

6、balas de 9mm 9 ─── 毫米子弹

7、balas ruby ─── 玫红尖晶石

8、balas distributing ─── 巴拉斯分布

9、balas surname ─── 巴拉氏

balas 词性/词形变化,balas变形


balas 相似词语短语

1、bales ─── n.捆(bale的复数);毛包;v.将…打包(bale的三单形式)

2、balks ─── n.未耕地(balk的复数形式);v.阻止(balk的第三人称单数)

3、alas ─── int.唉(表悲伤、遗憾、恐惧、关切等等);n.(Alas)人名;(西、葡、捷、土)阿拉斯

4、babas ─── n.兰姆糕;n.(Baba)人名;(日)马场(姓);(斐)姆巴姆巴;(几、尼日利、塞内、加纳、马里、冈、土、罗、捷、布基、阿拉伯)巴巴

5、bolas ─── n.套牛绳球;流星锤;n.(Bolas)(美、英)博拉斯(人名)

6、balms ─── n.香油;镇痛软膏;香峰草,香树膏

7、baas ─── n.(南非)老板;先生;主人;n.(Baas)人名;(英、德)巴斯

8、balls ─── n.球(ball的复数);v.把…捏成球状(ball的第三人称单数);n.(Balls)人名;(英)鲍尔斯

9、balao ─── n.巴拉奥(厄瓜多尔一城镇或男子名)

balas 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Early spring balas watermelon : Early mature, small-size, floral color , red flesh, thin skin , few seeds, sweet flesh and juicy.Its' sugar content is more than 16%.So it is very tasting. ─── 早春红玉西瓜早熟小果型品种,花皮红瓤,皮薄籽少,果肉甜而多汁,含糖量达16%,口感极佳。

2、Q1:Romanian female high jump athlete Iolanda Balas claimed the championship title in 1960 and 1964 Olympic Games. What was her score in the 1964 Olympic Games? ─── 问:罗马尼亚女子跳高选手约兰达-巴拉斯在1960年奥运会和1964年奥运会上均获得冠军,她在1964获得冠军的成绩是多少?

3、Bala told authorities that he had taken details of the case from press reports and made up other aspects of the story. ─── 此前,作家向警方辩称,他是根据媒体对案件的报道细节才拼凑出整个案件的。

4、Tibetan, Bala Gan means "insurmountable mountain. ─── 藏语里,甘巴拉意为“不可逾越的山”。

5、Damascus Museum is located in Bala Da River, the grand momentum. ─── 大马士革博物馆坐落在巴拉达河畔,气势宏伟。

6、“Our study shows that tropical forests are ery beneficial to the climate because they take up carbon and increase cloudiness, which in turn helps cool the planet” Bala said. ─── “我们的研究表明热带的森林对气候是很有好处的,因为他们吸收二氧化碳,增加云,而使地球变凉”

7、ruby balas ─── [化] 红尖晶石

8、Job Responsibilities:1.Apply for Duty-free Book for parts Import &Export, and manage the Book for quantity bala...... ... ─── 公司名称:圣韵电子(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-5-30

9、He doesn't want to lose face in front of Bala. ─── 他不想在芭拉面前丢脸。

10、Q3:Romanian female high jump athlete Iolanda Balas became the top player between 1957 and 1968 in her event. How many times did she break the world record during that time? ─── 问:罗马尼亚女子跳高选手约兰达-巴拉斯在1957年到1968年间成为该项目最顶尖的选手,请问她在这期间共打破过多少次世界纪录?

11、We lunched at a local barbecue joint hard by the banks of the churning Bala River. ─── 我们后来是在当地一家小烧烤店吃的午餐,店旁就是湍急的巴拉河。

12、Warm welcome to the newest members of the Bug Squad: Ahmad Alfy, Akash Mehta, Jennifer Marriott, Justo de Rivera, Shantanu Bala and Tomasz Dobrzynski. ─── 热烈欢迎新成员的这个bug队:身体状况基本艾哈迈德,阿卡什梅达,珍妮佛万豪, justo德里韦拉,而Shantanu Bala和( Tomasz dobrzynski 。

13、His wife asked, "BALA, What are you looking for? ─── 他的妻子问: “巴拉,你在寻找什么” ?

14、However, the sport's organising bodies regard the first recorded sheepdog trials as those held in Bala, Wales, in 1873. ─── 然而,该种赛事的组织团体认为有史以来的第一项牧羊犬比赛于1873年举行于巴拉穆尔,威尔士。

15、full set signed clean on board airway bill addressed to state bank of indian,bala nagar, for account of applicant. ─── 那么提单上,受货人和通知人该怎么写呢?期待高人指点。。。。。既然做信用证,收货人应该显示银行.

16、This is Ali Bala, a typical farmer and head of his family. ─── 这是阿里贝拉,一个当地典型的农民,他是他们家的大家长。

17、They camped on the shore of Lake Bala. ─── 他们在巴拉湖畔宿营.

18、Balas:Membalas pesan kepada pihak lawan. ─── 回复: 回复短信息给对方。

19、Balas, Janet, Copyright in the Digital Era ─── 数字时代的版权

20、Bala - For rent holiday studio's for 2 or 3 persons in the old town of Middelburg. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

21、and yet his work stands out from the ruck of the contemporary versifiers as a balas ruby among carrots ─── 但是他的作品在同时代的凑韵诗人里可是有如胡萝卜堆里的红宝石。

22、5.she a sensible person, wonot let fleabite bother her phychological bala不nce. ─── 人们的理解力就是一面不真实的镜子,接收不规则的光线,扭曲和褪色事物的本质.

23、Along with Russell, MIT researchers Pawan Sinha, Benjamin Balas, and Yuri Ostrovsky all have a strong interest in computer science but spend most of their time studying the human brain. ─── 计算机视觉研究人员最富挑战性的工作就是设计一种能自动识别特有面孔的系统。人类可以在不到50毫秒的时间内几乎不知不觉完成识别,好像人在出生时就预编好程序似的。

24、Bala Qi such as Germany temple construction is part of the existing flag of Albania's largest temples in the construction area, one of the best preserved temple. ─── 巴拉奇如德庙现存的部分建筑是阿旗寺庙中建筑面积最大,保存最好的一座庙。

25、balas ruby ─── 浅红宝石玫红尖晶石

26、“Our integrated systems approach allowed us for the first time to estimate the total effects of land coer change in different regions of the world,” Bala said. ─── “我们的整体系统方法首次评估了不同区域地表植被变化的总体影响。”

27、The eternal right of owners hip, lega l property and the right of manegement should be separated from (as well as bala nced with) each other. ─── 建立科学的法人治理结构,构建企业家健康成长的激励与约束机制,实施管理创新;

28、2.District judge Bala Reddy also gave a new Bible to the 26-year-old thief, who said he had tried to steal the book from a bookshop last month because he wanted to replace his old, tattered copy. ─── 地方法院法官帕勒.瑞迪也给了这名26岁的犯人一本全新圣经,犯人说他上个月想从一间书店偷一本圣经,因为他想换掉他又旧又破的那本。

29、Pi Bala miles of the sound of firecrackers led to a four-o-eight rural people. ─── 酒店的会议服务工作除了要做细、做扎实之外,还要注重专业性和主动性。

30、World Food Program convoy under Afghan military escort came under attack by insurgents Saturday in the Bala Baluk district in Farah province. ─── 世界粮食计划署的一个车队在阿富汗军队的护送下星期六在法拉省的巴拉布卢克地区遭到武装分子的袭击。

31、BAlas, it left poor me your breast to choose BAs the blest shrine where it would harbor still. ─── 乙唉,左可怜我选择B你的乳房布莱斯特靖国神社海港仍然。

32、Made war against Bara king of Sodom, and against Bersa king of Gomorrha, and against Sennaab king of Adama, and against Semeber king of Seboim, and against the king of Bala, which is Segor. ─── 兴兵攻击索多玛王贝辣,哈摩辣王彼尔沙,阿德玛王史纳布,责波殷王舍默贝尔及贝拉即左哈尔王。

33、Iolanda Balas ─── 巴拉斯

34、Analyzing Complementarities Using Software Stacks for Software Industry Acquisitions By: Gao, Lucia Silva; Iyer, Bala ─── 利用软件包进行软件工业采集的产品互补性分析

35、O of color extraordinary splendour if: Rice of jet rice, black rice, triticale, balas, red aromatic rice; ─── 颜色异彩O如:黑玉米、黑大米、黑小麦、红玉米、红香米;

36、bala gutta ─── 粘性橡胶

37、Breed basically has: Bai Yu, balas of aquamarine, green white jade, violet jade, topaz, lotus, Mo Yu and motley jade. ─── 品种主要有:白玉,绿玉、绿白玉、紫玉、黄玉、芙蓉红玉、墨玉及杂色玉等。

38、Balas received in recent years, college students from around the world, of course, including the Chinese students. ─── 巴拉什学院近年来接受了来自世界各国的留学生,当然也包括中国留学生。

39、Sarbanissa bala ─── n. 髙山修虎蛾

40、Citation: Sinha, Pawan, Balas, Benjamin, Ostrovsky, Yuri, and Russell, Richard. ─── “当有人想方设法进行欺骗并盗用他人的身份时,过份通用化可能是一个缺点。”

41、Estate of doctor of bright end taxi values topaz and Bai Yu very much, its issue the blueness that it is pleasant, jasper, Mo Yu, balas. ─── 明末的士大夫阶层非常看重黄玉和白玉,其下为甘青、碧玉、墨玉、红玉。

42、Bala Qi Qi in Arhorchin Desu wood such as Mohammed Dahlan spent in Gacha. ─── 位于阿鲁科尔沁旗巴拉奇如德苏木达兰花嘎查境内。

43、Balas juquinhas Amarela pro Ziguelito S. ─── A 尚未拥有任何场所。

44、balas kepada semua orang:balas kepada orang-orang yang ada di pengirim,penerima,dan orang yang lian. ─── * 回复给所有人: 回复"发件人""收件人""抄送"栏中的所有人;

45、The key element of the logo is the central eye...... ( bala bala..... ─── 中间那一团黑黑的,据官方的说法是一只眼睛.....(谜之眼?

46、The new, between the old city to Bala Da River for the sector, the old river city in the east coast, the new River City in the West Bank. ─── 新、旧城之间以巴拉达河为界,旧城区在河的东岸,新城区在河的西岸。

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