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08-17 投稿


mirage 发音

英:[m??rɑ??]  美:[?m?rɑ??]

英:  美:

mirage 中文意思翻译



mirage 网络释义

n. 海市蜃楼;幻想,妄想

mirage 词性/词形变化,mirage变形


mirage 短语词组

1、mirage collection ─── 海市蜃楼系列

2、royal mirage ─── 皇家海市蜃楼

3、ruins in the mirage ─── 海市蜃楼中的废墟

4、mirage prime ─── 幻影素数

5、mirage warframe ─── 海市蜃楼

6、mirage driver ─── 幻影驱动程序

7、mirage hide and seek ─── 海市蜃楼捉迷藏

8、mirage fafnir ─── 海市蜃楼

9、mirage coupe ─── 海市蜃楼切割

10、mont mirage ─── 海市蜃楼

11、miss mirage ─── 海市蜃楼小姐

12、mirage movie gregory peck ─── 海市蜃楼电影格雷戈里派克

13、mirage gt ─── 幻影gt

14、visionary mirage ─── 梦幻幻影

15、mirage vip ─── 幻影vip

16、mirage movie ─── 海市蜃楼电影

17、mirage color ─── 海市蜃楼颜色

18、see the mirage ─── 看海市蜃楼

19、mirage mox ─── 幻影mox

mirage 相似词语短语

1、emirate ─── n.酋长国

2、murage ─── n.城墙修筑捐

3、tirage ─── n.香槟酒发酵

4、amirate ─── n.酋长国

5、mirable ─── adj.美妙的,令人惊叹的;n.(Mirable)人名;(英)米拉布尔

6、hirage ─── 选择

7、mirages ─── n.[气象]海市蜃楼(mirage复数)

8、lairage ─── n.(赶牲口)入栏;关牲口的围栏;进圈

9、umpirage ─── n.仲裁;公断;仲裁人之地位

mirage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If there is no corresponding policy to support it, no real power to support it, then even the liveliest Internet environment is just a mirage, leaving you exposed to the elements. ─── 如果没有相应的制度对接,没有现实力量的支撑,多么精彩的网络风景,也往往不过是海市蜃楼,终不免风吹雨打去。

2、The girl was a mirage, cast up by his troubled mind. ─── 那个女孩是他的幻觉,是他混乱的头脑中妄想出来的。

3、The F60 improved a lot at Barcelona and now a place on the podium is no longer a mirage. ─── F60在巴塞罗纳提升了许多,现在看来,领奖台上的位置已经不是一个幻想。

4、It hovered before his eyes like the mirage of an oasis. ─── 它在他眼前晃动,好像海市蜃楼里的绿洲。

5、Nine mad years of mirage and three long years of despair! ─── 九个海市蜃楼的疯狂春秋换来漫长三年的绝望!

6、Abercrombie Like drifting clouds, hilltops mirrored in a mirage appear to float behind a Land Rover. ─── 像飘流的烟云,山顶反射在一个海市蜃楼出现浮动在兰德?罗孚之后。

7、Mirage (China .Neimenggu) : Some suspected images of hills and water were appeared on a Gobi. ─── 在一戈壁上出现一大山丘,以及一些似海像湖的影像。

8、In the past year Wynn's share price has fallen by two-thirds, and those of Galaxy Entertainment, MGM Mirage and Sands by around 90%. ─── 去年永利的股价已经降低三分之二,而银河娱乐,米高梅和金沙等公司的股票折价则是90%左右。

9、Though unable to see a mirage today, standing on Penglai Pavilion and seeing the vast and endless sea and sky can also give the visitor a sense of a fairyland on earth. ─── 即使没能看到海市蜃楼的奇景,走在蓬莱阁上,看到远处海天辽阔、浩淼无际,也能感受到人间仙境的意境。

10、If what we saw last year was more than just a mirage, fans in the beer city may have the next Scott Skiles on their hands, only without the bald spot and overall smugness. ─── 如果我们所看到的不仅仅是海市蜃楼的话,啤酒城的球迷们还会迎来新教练斯凯尔斯,只是没有他的光头和矫揉造作。

11、Our honeymoon was two days in Las Vegas at a luxurious hotel called Le Mirage. ─── 我们的蜜月为期两天,是在拉斯维加斯一家名为“幻影”的豪华酒店度过的。

12、But there are also troops in Kandahar supporting French Mirage jets operating at the southern base. ─── 但是还有在坎大哈的军队协助南方基地的那些法国空炸机。

13、Vision or mirage, Dr de Grey has defined the problem precisely. ─── 不管是幻想还是妄想,德.格雷博士已经清楚地阐明了这个问题。

14、It's like a mirage(5), where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. ─── 实验就象海市蜃楼,在高温下,光线发生弯曲,从而前面的道路就看不见了,而只能看到后面的天空图象。

15、We shall have faith that, at the writing of peace, American and our other gallant allies will not be obtunded by the mirage of contingent reasons of expediency. ─── 吾人将有一项信念,即在订立和议之时,美国以及其他英勇之盟友,将不致为一时种种权宜理由所迷惑。

16、Second, a part of this performance will surely prove a mirage. ─── 其次,这种表现中肯定会有一部分是虚幻的。

17、If you are lucky enough , you may be able to see a mirage from Penglai Pavilion . ─── 如果你运气好的话,能从蓬莱阁上看到海市蜃楼。

18、Even a glimpse of an occasional mirage would gratify one's wish that they really are there. ─── 即使一睹海市奇观,亦权当神山仙境。

19、With Mirage, B4FS Arquitectos obtained the third prize in the competition. ─── 作品名为海市蜃楼,B4FS获得了竞赛三等奖。

20、There was the mirage of a distant country and wondrous scenes looming up in her mind. ─── 浮现在她心中的只有远地的海市蜃楼和奇异景物。

21、Sol had a good adaptability and lawn value with cold resistance, particularly for Mirage and J61BG279 which were suitable to establish the upper class sport turf. ─── Sol在广州具有良好的适应性和坪用价值 ,具有较强的抗寒性 ; 其中Mirage和J61BG2 79可用于建植高级的运动场草坪 .

22、Perhaps we are all just chasing a mirage. ─── 也许我们都只是在追逐一个幻想。

23、Amid the scores of small, botanically rich but barely inhabited islands in the South China Sea, Singapore stands out like a post-modern mirage. ─── 其他国家都在开始利用克隆做为干细胞的来源,时间会证明这个技术能否能将韩国保持在领先的地位。竞争是激烈的。

24、Most unusual, he thought, a vision or a mirage - more likely a vision, a trick of his disordered mind. ─── 太奇怪了,他想道,这是幻象吧,也许是海市蜃楼吧--多半是幻象,是他的错乱的神经搞出来的把戏。

25、His idea of love was a mirage. ─── 他的爱情观不现实。

26、The cause of the high-rise is a brick with a brick, is real, rather than as a mirage of empty air. ─── 事业的高楼是一块砖一块砖砌起来的,是实实在在的,而不是呈现空中的海市蜃楼那般虚无。

27、Like drifting clouds, hilltops mirrored in a mirage appear to float behind a Land Rover. ─── 在一辆路虎后山顶映在海市蜃楼中漂浮,像飘动的云那样。

28、If you are lucky enough, you may be able to see a mirage from Penglai Pavilion. ─── 如果你运气好的话,能从蓬莱阁上看到海市蜃楼。

29、KEF &Mirage both are OK, it Depend what is your cup of tea. ─── I like KEF书架喇叭 of coz Miarge is 适合 good for surround.

30、The image you see in a mirage is not there in reality; it is merely an illusion. ─── 你在海市蜃楼里看到的形像事实上是不存在的,它只不过是一种幻觉罢了。

31、The "American dream" has become a mirage for too many of us. ─── 对于我们的多数人来说,“美国梦”已经变成了一个遥不可及的海市蜃楼。

32、Although the morning was young, the hazy mirage was up. ─── 天色虽早,朦胧的海市蜃楼却已经出现。

33、The whole stinking civilized world lies like a quagmire at the bottom of the pit, and over it, like a mirage, hovers this wavering smile. ─── 整个发臭的文明世界像一块沼泽地一样处于这个深渊底部,这种犹犹豫豫的微笑像一座海市蜃楼一样在上面飘忽不定地摇曳。

34、"Shun” inspiration from the emperor on the magic weapon "mirage" which entangles his wrist tightly. ─── “顺”灵感取自天皇身上法宝“蜃”,飘逸而自由,紧缠其腕。

35、The oasis they point to may be just an illusion or a mirage. ─── 他们指的绿洲可能仅是一个幻象或海市蜃楼。

36、You give me a little bit of comfort to the beautiful vision of their own, when I realized Mengxing at all. That beautiful Mirage. ─── 你给我一点点美丽的憧憬来安慰着自己,当梦醒时我看透了一切,那只美好幻影。

37、For example, Iraq had a program to modifhaerial fuel tanks for Mirage jets. ─── 例如,伊拉克计对其幻影战斗机的油箱进行改造。

38、In a mirage the desert will mimic a lake. ─── 在海市蜃楼中,沙漠有时会现出湖泊的形象。

39、Last September, he was a patient at the Betty Ford Clinic in Rancho Mirage, California, for five weeks. ─── 去年9月,他在加利福尼亚的贝蒂福特医疗中心接受了5个星期的治疗。

40、Note the spray coming from beneath the Mirage; that is 2,000 liters of simulated anthrax that a jet is spraying. ─── 大家可以注意到飞机下面喷射出东西来,那是2000公升的模拟炭菌。

41、Mirage fade evening, the whole "Yadanmo gui cheng" enveloped in the afterglow of the setting sun, resplendent in a few more mysterious and somewhat solemn. ─── 傍晚蜃景隐去,整个"雅丹魔鬼城"笼罩在夕阳余辉下,金碧辉煌中更显几分神秘,几分肃穆。

42、You say that I always imagine,but I really really hope all my mirage can be ture! ─── 你经常说我爱幻想,其实我真的很希望我的所有幻想都成真!

43、They lead the nation toward the mirage of the technological paradise. ─── 他们将国家引向科技天堂的梦幻中。

44、And through the swaying, palpitant vision, as through a fairy mirage, he stared at the real woman, sitting there and talking of literature and art. ─── 他穿过那摇晃的搏动的幻景有如穿过仙灵的海市蜃楼望着坐在那儿大谈其文学艺术的现实中的女人。

45、And yet...was it a mirage?I strained to see what I thought was something pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift. ─── 可是...这该不是幻觉吧?我瞪大眼睛看,似乎有粉色的什么东西从吹积成的雪堆中神奇地冒出来。

46、Namely, from what I called specular, and which is the mirage through which it is said that the soul is the form of the body. ─── 换句话说,逃避我所谓的「镜子影像」,那是个幻影。据说,透过这个幻影,灵魂会成为身体的形式。

47、If you walk in the desert, sometimes you will see mirage around you because of the heat. ─── 如果你在沙漠中行走,由于高温的天气,有时候你会看到周围有海市蜃楼的景象。

48、If for some reason you want to change other XPR's you will have to generate your own info.txt using "mirage's debug xpression". ─── 只转换 XPR 变化 144个位元组材料类型结构。

49、Compared to traditional method, the color will be more bright and beautiful, can be some effect as mirage. ─── 与传统手段比较色彩更鲜艳、亮丽,达到一种海市蜃楼的烘托效果。

50、Shanghai to ordinary people, not about how to find out earlier marking currency unit, know it is truly "a mirage. ─── 对普通的上海人来说,不用打听到底多少,看看前面所标识的货币单位,就知道它乃名副其实的“海市蜃楼”了。

51、An upgraded digital Weapon Delivery and Navigation System, WDNS, is installed in Mirage 2000. ─── 先进的数字式火控和导航系统(WDNS)也被幻影2000采用。

52、Make sure you're involved with a real person and not a mirage. ─── 你一定要确保你在和一个真实而非虚幻的人相处。

53、Mirage Town, east, west to River Township, Townpu xian Heilonggang, Stephen Lang south xiangfen County townships, rural towns Sinorama County, north to the town of Tumen. ─── 东至金殿镇,西至河底乡、蒲县黑龙关镇,南至襄汾县浪泉乡、乡宁县光华镇,北至土门镇。

54、At the hardest moment, I was thinking about a dead mirage. ─── 在情绪最不好的短暂片刻,我曾经追想一个逝去了的幻影.

55、A year later Kuankuan visits her again in her new home, much changed and very resigned. Shanghai seems to have been a mirage, or a happy dream. ─── 一年之后,宽宽来到姨妈的新家来看望她,姨妈的变化很大,也许已经听天由命上海像是一个曾经的海市蜃楼,一个梦境。

56、China image in English literature, being a vision of China,doesn't mean the reality of China,it is of nature of mirage. ─── 一国文学中的异国形象通常具有乌托邦色彩或意识形态色彩。

57、The Subtle Song, depicted, the illusion of a castle in the air, a mirage of the meeting, who really similar to the evening, who can always accompanied ? ─── 婉约的宋词,清丽脱俗,空中楼阁的幻想,海市蜃楼的相遇,有谁真正相约黄昏后,又有谁可以永远相伴相守?

58、Touchpuppet favorite Henrik Purienne shoots Amyline Valade for Mirage #1. ─── Touchpuppet喜爱亨里克阿姆Purienne芽Amyline Valade的幻影# 1 。

59、Like a mirage. ─── 好像海市蜃楼。

60、India has ordered 18 Mirage 2000D. ─── 印度则定购了18架幻影2000D。

61、Captains Antoine Marchelli and Sebastien Vallois are immediately sent to patrol and they soon spot the Mirage: it is flying, hidden, beneath an Airbus A340. ─── 国庆日在即,表面看似风平浪静,其实暗藏杀机。

62、Attachment booking deposit paid by the Housing flats as" a mirage"? ─── 付了定金楼盘却被查封预订房成“海市蜃楼”?

63、"Melts in your mouth" such a seductive mirage. ─── “让我融化在你的口中”多形象的广告啊。

64、The system works like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. ─── 整个系统的工作原理类似海市蜃楼:热气导致光线扭曲,使得前方道路隐蔽在天空的影像之后。

65、Instead, they have played so unevenly that a .500 record was a mirage by Wednesday afternoon. ─── 再星期三的下午达到五成胜率是很艰难的任务。

66、There are both similarities and differences among the concepts as rhetorical mirage, Utopia in language, Utopian language, discourse pep pills, aesthetic mirage. ─── 修辞幻象与语言乌托邦、乌托邦语言、话语兴奋剂、审美幻象等相关概念,有联系也有区别。

67、Modern science has now unravelled the secrets of the mirage at Penglai which is said to be caused by the refraction of light rays. ─── 唯有现代科学才揭示了蓬莱海市的秘密: 原来,海市是一种折光现象。

68、It's like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. ─── 实验就象海市蜃楼,在高温下,光线发生弯曲,从而前面的道路就看不见了,而只能看到后面的天空图象。

69、This video of an Iraqi test flight obtained by UNSCOM some years ago shows an Iraqi F-1 Mirage jet aircraft. ─── 几年前UNSCOM获取的这段关于伊拉克飞行试验的录相显示了一架伊拉克的F-1幻影战斗机。

70、He happened to be present at the right moment and saw the mirage. ─── 他适逢其会看到了海市蜃楼。

71、B: Oh, be cool about it. It is just a mirage. ─── 不要那么激动,只不过是海市蜃楼而已。

72、Perhaps oneself is a kind of to lure, The image of markets and buildings in mirage is just. ─── 也许本身就是一种诱惑,海市蜃楼而已。

73、You give me a little bit of comfort to the beautiful vision of their own, when I realized Mengxing at all. That beautiful Mirage. ─── 你给我一点点美丽的憧憬来安慰着自己,当梦醒时我看透了一切,那只美好幻影。

74、Another thought it was a mirage, but the original name was completed. ─── 别以为是海市蜃楼,却原来是楼盘改名。

75、Based on Fermat Theory,this paper sets up the differential equation of the ray track in the atmosphere,and explains the mirage phenomenon. ─── 利用费马原理建立了大气中光线轨迹的微分方程 ,并解释了“空中绿洲”这一光学现象。

76、He had melted off into the surface-shimmer of the desert, into the mirage. ─── 他在沙漠里闪闪烁烁的热空气里熔化了,在海市蜃楼的幻景里消失了。

77、The wall of the kitchen, as a result of the influence of mirage of the lampblack in getting air, produce bilge of unboiled oil be bored with easily. ─── 厨房的功能,可以分为服务功能、装饰功能和兼容功能三大方面。其中服务是厨房的主要功能,是指作为厨房主要活动内容的备餐、洗涤、烧煮、存储等等。

78、He recently retired as Vice-president of the Eisenhower Medical Center Foundation in Rancho Mirage, California. ─── 前不久他从加州RanchoMirage艾森豪医学中心基金的副总裁职务退休。

79、Taiwanese Air Force Mirage 2000-5 Aerobatics... ─── 和天一样高--空军雷虎小组...

80、As in a mirage, things appear but are not real. ─── 如同海市蜃楼,事物显现但不是真的。

81、Chinese brands if we really want to rise, even if the product quality and safety issues can not be resolved, it can only be a mirage dream. ─── 中国品牌要想真正崛起,如果连产品质量和安全问题都解决不了,那就只能是海市蜃楼的梦想。

82、The belief of the universality of implementing similar ethical codes in all cultures and societies is a mirage. ─── 在所有文化和社会中将各种信念(信仰)按照统一的道德标准贯彻实施是不现实的。

83、A mirage in my dream. ─── 不过是梦中的幻影。

84、And yet ... was it a mirage? ─── 可是等一等---这该不是幻觉吧?

85、The major Vegas operators include MGM Mirage and Harrah's Entertainment. ─── 主要经营者,包括拉斯维加斯米高梅幻影和哈拉斯娱乐。

86、And yet...were it a mirage?I strained to see what I concern were event pink, miraculously peeking out of a drift. ─── 可是...这该否则幻觉吧?我瞪大眼睛看,似乎有粉色的什么物品从吹积成的雪堆中神奇地冒出来。

87、The stable trade-off depicted by the Phillips curve is thus a dangerous mirage. ─── 如此一来,菲尔普斯曲线所描绘的稳定的平衡关系就成了一种危险的幻想。

88、If you are lucky enough, you may be able to see a mirage from Penglai Pavilion. ─── 如果你运气好的话,能从蓬莱阁上看到海市蜃楼。

89、Later chopped snake monument built by the luminous radiation, can see that there Beishang Liu Bang and the Lvhou Emmanuel Mirage, Liu Bang chopped snake adds mystery. ─── 后世所建斩蛇碑在夜光照射下,可看到碑上有刘邦和吕后的灵光幻影,为刘邦斩蛇增添了神秘色彩。

#CES 2018#CES 2018有哪些看点,让人值得期待的新产品有哪些?





#CES 2018#CES 2018有哪些看点,让人值得期待的新产品有哪些?


popIn Aladdin智能投影吸顶灯

与我国城市家庭相比,日本城市居民更多选择的是租房,且居住的空间也要更加紧凑,因此日本城市居民很少在卧室中安装电视等娱乐设备。此次CES上,极米与百度DuerOS、百度日本分公司旗下原生广告平台popIn就共同推出了popIn Aladdin智能投影吸顶灯,目前已在日本上线众筹。与以往的智能吸顶灯不同,这款产品不但具备6阶智能调光、调色功能,而且其依托极米提供的智能投影技术以及高品质的音响,实现了家庭影院娱乐功能,可以在有限的空间里,轻松投射出上百英寸的画面,并且不占用室内对于的空间。



除了与百度合作的智能吸顶灯之外,我们在CES2018上还首次亮相了我们一款中档的1080P产品——极米无屏电视Z6。除了延续了以往极米产品大屏的基因之外,极米无屏电视Z6在画质上也得到了一次飞跃,首先物理分辨率提升到了1080P,相对于以往市面上同档的产品,画面清晰度有了大幅升级,实现了真正的全高清画质;其次在图像系统方面,这个价位段的无屏电视产品也首次加入了HDR 10视频解码以及运动补偿功能,画面的层次、细节的表现,不但更加分明,而且在球赛、动作电影以及大型游戏等快速移动的画面中,更加流畅,不会出现帧数不够,拖尾卡顿的情况。


三款产品获奖,“CES 2018创新大奖”拿到手软

相比于前面发布的两款新品,此次CES2018,我们还展出了多款热门产品,比如120英寸全球首款双色激光电视T1,以及三款获得“CES 2018创新大奖”的产品,极米激光电视A1 Pro、极米无屏电视CC极光、智能投影Lightank W100。

?极米激光电视A1 Pro获得了CES 2018家用影音设备和配件品类创新大奖。

?极米无屏电视CC极光获得了CES 2018便携式播放器和配件品类创新大奖。

?智能投影Lightank W100获得了CES 2018计算机硬件和配件品类创新大奖。


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