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08-17 投稿


dryness 发音

英:[?dra?n?s]  美:[?dra?n?s]

英:  美:

dryness 中文意思翻译



dryness 同义词

dehydration |thirst | sarcasm | dispassion | understatement | irony | sobriety | desiccation | dispassionateness | aridity | drought | aridness | waterlessness | xerotes

dryness 短语词组

1、dryness fraction ─── 蒸汽干度

2、dryness syndrome ─── 燥证

3、quit dryness ─── 停止干燥

4、evaporate to dryness ─── [化] 蒸干

5、vaginal dryness ─── [医]阴道干燥

6、dryness of wines chart ─── 酒燥参悟图

7、production of dryness ─── 干燥度的产生

8、accumulation of dryness ─── 干燥累积

9、dryness transformation ─── 干度变换

10、endogenous dryness ─── 内源性干燥

11、intestinal dryness ─── 肠道干燥

12、degree of dryness ─── [机] 干度

13、dryness around eye ─── 眼周干燥

14、dryness on palm ─── 掌心干燥

15、dryness during menopause ─── 更年期干燥

16、internal dryness ─── 内部干燥度

17、dryness medical term ─── 干燥医学术语

18、dryness of vaginal area ─── 阴道干燥

19、extreme dryness ─── 极度干燥

dryness 反义词


dryness 相似词语短语

1、coyness ─── n.羞怯;怕羞

2、grayness ─── n.灰色;(头发)灰白

3、spryness ─── 活泼

4、darkness ─── n.黑暗;模糊;无知;阴郁

5、drabness ─── n.单调乏味

6、greyness ─── n.灰色;有白发的

7、direness ─── 可怕;悲惨;(dire的名词形式)

8、dimness ─── n.微暗;不清楚;混沌

9、wryness ─── 扭曲(wry的名词)

dryness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There were only a few dry bones left, bleached by the sun. ─── 只留下一些被太阳晒得泛白的枯骨。

2、A dry white table wine, originally from Burgundy, France. ─── 夏敦埃酒最初产于法国勃艮第的一种无甜味干白葡萄酒

3、It can remove wrinkles caused by skin dryness, and leave skin gentle and moist. ─── 去除因肌肤干燥而产生的细纹,使肌肤变得柔和滋润。

4、He made a fire with dry twigs. ─── 他用乾树枝生火。

5、To fight skin dryness, Jeannie moisturizes twice a day. ─── 为了对抗肌肤乾燥,吉妮一天保溼两次。


7、During the four seasons of a year, it prevents dryness in fall and winter, cleans dampness in spring and summer. ─── 随着一年的四季变化,它能够在秋季和冬季防止干燥、在春季和夏季祛湿。

8、The well had gone dry. ─── 井干涸了。

9、After so much dry weather, the rain has been the farmer's salvation. ─── 天气干旱了这么久,这场雨成了农民的救星。

10、Difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry, hardened feces from the bowels. ─── 便秘有困难的、不完全的或不经常从肠道排泄干燥且硬的大便

11、Do you like sweet or dry sherry? ─── 你喜欢甜的还是不甜的雪利酒?

12、Storage: Keep in dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight. ─── 保存方法:宜放于干爽,阴凉地方。避免光直接照射。

13、Some parts of Wales are dry on Sundays. ─── 威尔士的一些地区星期日禁酒。

14、Dryness of the skin can also be caused by living in centrally heated homes and offices. ─── 皮肤干燥还会因呆在有中央供暖的居室或办公室而引起。

15、The chemical must then be salted out and allowed to dry. ─── 之后,这化学药品必须加盐分离,晾干。

16、Alas, poor duke! the task he undertakes is numbering sands, and drinking oceans dry: Where one on his side fights, thousands will fly. ─── 唉!可怜的公爵!他担负的工作简直是数沙饮海; 一个人站在他一边作战,就有1000人转身逃走。

17、Cold, dry winds from Siberia prevail over the mainland from December to February. ─── 从12月到2月,西伯利亚来的干燥冷风控制大陆。

18、Don't leave the bread on the table; it will dry out. ─── 别把面包放在桌子上,它会干掉的。

19、Oh, I always bring the mist to spray on face when travel to avoid dryness. ─── 哦,我旅游的时候都会带上兰芝雪凝晶焕喷雾喷在脸上,这样可以防止肌肤干燥。

20、Most tropical areas have rainy and dry seasons. ─── 大多数热带地区有雨季和旱季。

21、The area is constantly threatened by wildfires in a hot and dry summer. ─── 在乾燥炎热的夏天,这个区域时常受到野火的威胁。

22、The doctor asked the drinker to dry out. ─── 医生要那个酒徒戒掉酒瘾。

23、During the years before the war, many states in the USA went dry, but it was found that it caused more crime. ─── 大战以前的年代,美国许多州都禁止出售烈性酒类,而结果导致更多犯罪。

24、A dry red wine made from the black grape variety Cabernet sauvignon. ─── 卡勃耐酒一种无甜味的红色的酒,用卡勃耐白葡萄的变种黑葡萄制成

25、This pastry is too dry add some water. ─── 做点心的面太乾--加点儿水吧。

26、He wrung the clothes (out) before putting them on the line to dry. ─── 他把衣服拧乾後晾到绳子上。

27、The car park is covered in, to keep my car dry. ─── 停车场加了顶盖,使我的轿车免遭雨雪。

28、Whether you are a man or a woman, dealing with vaginal dryness is nothing to be ashamed of, or worried about. ─── 对于任何一个男人或女人,不需要为阴部干燥的问题感到尴尬或者担忧。

29、Don't leave that steamed bread on the table, it will dry out. ─── 不要把馒头放在桌子上,它会干硬的。

30、Your clothes will take ages to dry out. ─── 你的衣服要很长时间才能乾透。

31、In other words, vaginal dryness and cervical mucus is thick rhythm performance. ─── 也就是说,阴道干燥和宫颈黏液浓稠都是安全期的表现。

32、The dry weather killed mother's flowers, but a few were left. ─── 妈妈的大多数花都旱死了,但还有少数活了下来。

33、We never know the value of water till the well is dry. ─── [谚]井干方知水可贵。

34、A dry red wine made from a grape originating in southern France and Italy and introduced into California and Oregon. ─── 墨尔乐红葡萄酒一种无甜味的红葡萄酒,用原产于法国南部及意大利的一种葡萄制成,这种葡萄已被引植入美国加利福尼亚州及俄勒冈州

35、He rushed into the house, having not a dry thread on him. ─── 他冲进房子,全身都湿透了。

36、Vitamin E also tends to help skin hold in moisture, relieving dryness and making skin look younger. ─── 维生素E还可以帮助皮肤保持湿润,克服干燥,使皮肤看起来更加年轻。

37、Don't let the kettle boil dry. ─── 不要让茶壶里面的水烧乾。

38、Cacti live in dry regions. ─── 仙人掌生长在干旱地区。

39、Elinor had ceased to rejoice in the dryness of the season. ─── 埃莉诺不再为这些日子气候干燥而高兴。

40、He turned his collar up to keep his neck dry. ─── 他翻起衣领,使脖子保持干爽。

41、The wells ran dry. ─── 井都乾了。

42、Boys, dry up! ─── 孩子们,不要讲话了!

43、But the stress and dryness are only temporary. ─── 但是视神经紧张和眼干都只是暂时的。

44、Although you are skilled in repairing cars, you are not dry behind the ears in repairing radios. ─── 修理汽车,虽然你很熟练,但如何修理收音机,你还不知道。

45、He took all the money and left me high and dry. ─── 他把所有的钱财都拿走了,撇下我一人无依无靠。

46、Dry up and listen to me. ─── 住嘴,听我说。

47、A dry martini garnished with a small pickled onion. ─── 吉普森酒一种干马丁尼酒,以小腌洋葱作配菜

48、Most of the country will be dry, but there may be some rain locally. ─── 国内大部分地方将是乾燥天气,但局部地区可能下点雨。


50、This summer has been exceptionally dry. ─── 今年夏天异常乾燥。

51、She got angry at me and left me high and dry on the side of the street. ─── 她对我生气了,甩头就走,把我丢在街道上不管。

52、The dry spell choked off the supply of water in that area. ─── 乾旱使那地区断了水。

53、A good hot summer could dry the ground out. ─── 一个炎热的夏天可以将大地干透。

54、The bread will dry out if it is left on the table. ─── 不要把面包放在桌上,它会变干的。

55、Don't let the pan boil dry. ─── 别把锅里的水煮乾了。

56、Dry wood makes a good blaze. ─── 乾木燃起夺目的火焰。

57、Some measures for improving dryness of the polyester chip are introduced. ─── 介绍了提高聚酯切片干燥效果的几点措施。

58、BAMBOO CHARCOAL CLUB HAS FUNCTIONS OF DEODORANT, DRYNESS. ─── 产品描述:竹炭俱乐部又名床下调湿炭,拥有除臭,除湿,干燥等功效。

59、About 20 Chinatown garment workers— who said their boss abruptly closed up shop, leaving them high and dry at Christmas— yesterday demanded $40,000 in back pay. ─── 大约20名唐人街制衣工人——他们说老板突然关闭工厂,令他们在圣诞节一筹莫展——昨天要求付给他们40000元欠薪。

60、Presented us with a dry critique. ─── 向我们表述了不带偏见的观点

61、What Farrant and others have found over the past two decades is that there are many genes involved in resurrection plants' response to dryness. ─── 在过去二十年中,法兰特和其他人发现,复活植物对干燥度的反应与多种基因有关。

62、Make sure your hair is bone dry before you go out into the cold weather. ─── 一定得先让你的头发干透,然后再到外面寒冷的气候中去。

63、The dry air shrivels the leather. ─── 因空气干燥皮子都皱了。

64、God said, "Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place, so that dry land may appear"; and so it was. ─── 上帝说:“天下之水要汇于一处,使干涸土地显露!”于是就出现土地。

65、The dry spell blighted the crops. ─── 乾旱期使农作物枯萎了。

66、He suffered dryness and tiredness. He felt as if his dry skin would split. Finally at dawn next day, he reached the top of the first dune. ─── 干燥与疲惫折磨着他,他感到皮肤开始紧绷绷地像要裂开了。终于在第二天的傍晚,爬到了第一个沙丘的顶上。

67、He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast. ─── 他设法吞下一点汤和不涂奶油的土司。


69、She snapped the lid on to keep the contents dry. ─── 她用劲把盖子盖紧,以便保持里面的东西干燥。

70、Go and hang out the washing to dry. ─── 去把洗好的衣服晾乾。

71、The dry hot wind blasted the seedlings. ─── 乾热的风使秧苗枯萎。

72、They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes. ─── 他们坐在炉火前以烘乾他们的湿衣服。

73、A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire. ─── 在天气干燥时把点燃的香烟扔进树林可能会引起火灾。

74、about twenty scattered days a year of the Santa Ana, which, with its incendiary dryness, invariably means fire. ─── 在出现圣安娜飓风的年份,大约有不连续的二十天由于飓风引起的干燥天气而无法幸免火灾。

75、She wrung out the clothes before hanging them up to dry. ─── 她把衣服晾出来晒干以前先把它们拧干。

76、Grass will not succeeded in this dry soil. ─── 在这种干燥土壤中草不会成活。

77、Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. ─── 家有干面包,胜似他乡吃叉烧。

78、His tone was characterized by curtness and dryness. ─── 他语气的特点是唐突而又冷淡。

79、With so much dryness, so many communities to catch fire, so many fronts to fight, it becomes an almost incredible job. ─── 干燥度如此之高,加上许多社区着火,有这么多前线要去战斗,这几乎成了一项不可思议的工作。

80、I hung out the washing to dry on a frosty day and when I went to take it in it was as stiff as a board. ─── 在一个霜冻的日子里,我把洗涤物挂到外面晒干,但当我去把它拿进来时,它已硬绷绷了。

81、She was pegging the clothes out on the line to dry. ─── 她正在把衣服夹在晒衣绳上晾干。


83、On these dry days, you soon thirst for a cool drink. ─── 在那些干旱的日子里,你不久就会渴望喝点清凉的东西。

84、They sun the fruit for 15 days, stirring every few minutes to ensure uniform dryness, then shuck the shells. ─── 他们把咖啡果粒摊在太阳下晒15天,每隔几分钟就要翻动一次,以保证干度均匀,然后再剥去果壳。

85、I can't go out till my hair's dry; it's still wet from being washed. ─── 头发未干,我不能外出,头发洗后现在还湿着。

86、The soil is too dry for planting. ─── 土太干了,不能种东西。

87、His extravagance drained me dry. ─── 他的挥霍无度使我耗尽钱财。

88、Apply at the beginning or end of the day. Pat gently around eyes and other areas prone to stress lines and dryness . ─── 早晚两次,轻轻地在眼周以及面部需要部位按摩,着重强调在皱纹以及干燥部位使用。

89、This wine has good suppleness. Light in body, its dryness makes a good finish. ─── 一尝此酒,气味充满口腔。轻盈舒服,乾身令馀韵长久。

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