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pasha 发音

英:['p???]  美:['pɑ??]

英:  美:

pasha 中文意思翻译



pasha 网络释义

n. 巴夏(旧指土耳其古代对大官的尊称)n. (Pasha)人名;(阿拉伯、伊朗、巴基、印尼、乌克)帕夏 (参见 Pasa);(塞)帕沙

pasha 词性/词形变化,pasha变形


pasha 短语词组

1、pasha 928 ─── 帕夏928

2、pasha de cartier ─── 帕沙德卡地亚

3、Zaghlul Pasha ─── 扎格鲁尔(Saad, 约1860-1927, 曾于1924年任埃及总理)

4、pasha furniture ─── 帕夏家具

5、pasha bains ─── 把十个黑桃移走。

6、Mosque of Pasha Qasim Pasha Qasim ─── 清真寺

7、pasha baker ─── 贝克

8、pasha lee ─── 通过阅读

9、pasha honolulu ─── 帕夏檀香山

10、Kemal Pasha ─── [网络] 凯末尔;科马尔

11、pasha cafe ─── 帕夏咖啡馆

12、pasha pashkov ─── 帕夏 ─── 帕夏

13、pasha pozdniakova age ─── 晚年带

14、pasha pozdniakova ─── 波兹尼亚科娃帕夏

15、pasha rudenko ─── 帕夏红头发

16、Sokollu Mehmet Pasha Mosque ─── 索科卢·梅赫迈特·帕沙清真寺

17、pasha major ─── 帕夏大调

pasha 相似词语短语

1、pasta ─── n.意大利面食;面团;n.(Pasta)人名;(英、意)帕斯塔

2、pash ─── n.热情;激烈;vt.粉碎;打碎

3、Sasha ─── n.萨莎(女子名)

4、pashas ─── n.巴夏(旧指土耳其古代对大官的尊称);n.(Pasha)人名;(阿拉伯、伊朗、巴基、印尼、乌克)帕夏(参见Pasa);(塞)帕沙

5、pashm ─── n.羊绒

6、Kasha ─── n.荞麦粥;麦粥;麦糊;n.(Kasha)人名;(英、阿尔巴)卡沙

7、pashka ─── n.一种俄式甜点心

8、paschal ─── adj.复活节的;逾越节的;n.(Paschal)人名;(英、意)帕斯卡尔;(法)帕沙尔

9、pacha ─── n.帕夏(土耳其高官头衔)(同pasha);非洲大双尾蝶;蛱蝶亚科

pasha 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In his former post as Director of Military Operations, General Pasha oversaw army operations in the tribal areas. ─── 帕夏曾担任军事行动主任,监督在部落地区的军事行动。

2、Ali Pasha ─── 阿里·帕沙

3、This short little halfling started out in the hot sun of Calimport as a high ranking thief who took a prized hypnotic jewel from the Guide master, Pasha Pook. ─── 这个短小的半身人第一次出现在卡林港的炎炎烈日之下,作为一名高级盗贼,他从公会首领帕夏普克那里得到了一块催眠宝石。

4、Two-tailed Pasha ─── 非洲大双尾蝶(蛱蝶科)

5、Ali Pasha was killed, as you know, but before he died he recompensed the services of Fernand by leaving him a considerable sum, with which he returned to France, when he was gazetted lieutenant-general." ─── 阿里总督后来被杀了,这您是知道的,但在他死之前,他留下了一笔很大的款子给弗尔南多,以酬谢他的效衷,他就带着那一大笔钱回到了法国,而他那中将的衔头也已到手了。”

6、This Ottoman mosque is the largest to be built in the first half of the 19th century.The mosque was built in memory of Tusun Pasha, Muhammad Ali's oldest son, who died in 1816. ─── 这个奥斯曼清真寺是建于19世纪上半叶最大的清真寺,它是为了纪念死于1816年穆罕默德阿里的大儿子吐逊而修建的。

7、It is you who, with that mandate, obtained the pasha's ring, which gave you authority over Selim, the fire-keeper! ─── 是你骗取总督戒指去获得了守火者西立姆的信任!

8、Pasha has long been angered by what he sees as an uncontrollably expanding and independent CIA footprint in Pakistan. ─── 看到中央情报局在巴基斯坦的足迹呈现失控的扩展,巴夏的怒火久久不能平静。

9、General Pasha, who appeared before parliament with his military counterparts, said the offer was refused. ─── 帕沙将军与军事官员一起在议会露面,他表示他的要求被拒绝。

10、Monte Cristo knew everything, as he had bought the daughter of Ali Pasha; ─── 基督山既然买了阿里总督的女儿,当然知道一切;

11、PASHA DE CARTIER for men ─── 帕夏男士香水

12、pashalik n. pasha ─── 的领地[管辖权]

13、On Tuesday, General Kayani named General Ahmed Shujaa Pasha as the new ISI chief. ─── 星期二,基亚尼任命帕夏将军为三军情报局局长。

14、Some time after, it was stated that the Comte de Morcerf (this was the name he bore) had entered the service of Ali Pasha with the rank of instructor-general. ─── 不久,就听说德蒙尔瑟夫爵,这是他的新名字,已在阿里帕夏总督手下服务了,职位是准将。

15、My aunt believed that her beloved Tara would protect Karim Pasha as he crossed the river of suffering. ─── 我姨妈相信她敬爱的度母能保佑卡林姆-巴沙渡过苦海。

16、The Pakistan Software Houses Association (PASHA) award show and conference was held in Karachi on 14 September and awards were given to several leading companies. ─── 巴基斯坦软件协会(民政事务局首席助理秘书长)奖查看,并召开记者会,在卡拉奇9月14日和奖项给了几个领先的公司。PSEB was the platinum sponsor.PSEB是白金赞助商。

17、At that moment a great Pasha halted before the gates of the seminary, in his piety alighting from his palanquin to give alms to a beggar, as all good Moslems do. ─── 这时,一位尊贵的帕夏在学校门外停下,象任何好穆斯林一样,出于虔诚而走下轿子,给了一位乞丐一些施舍。

18、Pasha Suite with double bed, bath, shower, toilet 160.00 ─── 三人套间:一张双人床,一加床,淋浴,浴缸及卫生设施159.00

19、Cartier Baignoire Mini Tank Pasha Watch ─── 帕夏系列手表

20、"I was inspector-general of the pasha's troops," replied Morcerf ─── “我是总督的三军总司令。”

21、It was built by a pasha now dead, who "s greatly enamoured of a certain Princess, whose father refused him her hand in marriage ─── 他曾经深切地恋慕着一位公主,可是公主的父亲拒绝把女儿嫁给他。

22、Zimmerman, S., Submarine Technology for the 21st Century, Pasha Publications Inc., 1997. ─── “高性能潜艇关键技术之研发”,大学学术追求卓越发展计画,1999年8月1日。

23、"I had been told, but would not credit it, that the Grecian slave I have seen with you here in this very box was the daughter of Ali Pasha." ─── “我听人说过,但我不相信,我不相信在这个包厢里见到过的和你在一起的那个希腊奴隶说是阿里总督的女儿。”

24、General Pasha may have to quit. ─── 将军也许不得不辞职。

25、I had been told, but would not credit it, that the Grecian slave I have seen with you here in this very box was the daughter of Ali Pasha. ─── 我听人说过,但我不相信,我不相信在这个包厢里见到过的和你在一起的那个希腊奴隶说是阿里总督的女儿。

26、Mr. Pasha has said the meeting involved a shouting match; American officials say that didn't happen. ─── 帕夏曾表示双方在会上曾相互谩骂,但美国官员否认了这种说法。

27、Zaghlul Pasha ─── 扎格鲁尔(Saad, 约1860-1927, 曾于1924年任埃及总理)

28、Enver Pasha ─── 恩维尔帕夏

29、'M. de Morcerf,' said the president, 'do you recognize this lady as the daughter of Ali Tepelini, pasha of Yanina? ─── 马尔塞夫发现在经受这个可怕的打击以后居然还活着,他的勇气便恢复了。

30、And as Ibrahim watched him through the lattice, he thought: 'Does not the condition of the beggar as well as that of this pasha prove the justice of the text upon which I have been meditating? ─── 易卜拉欣透过窗子看见这一切,寻思道:“看看乞丐,看看帕夏,不正表明我刚才思考的那段话是正确的吗?

31、Pasha has drawn on many influences from Pakistan's past. ─── 他融入蒙兀儿时期的阳台、中亚文化的庭院和英国统治时期对砖的运用。

32、Ferzoneh, who spearheaded his team's battle throughout the match, and Pasha Moghdon were the main Iranian scorers ─── 全场比赛中一直冲锋在前的弗桑内和帕沙·默格顿是伊朗队的主要得分手。

33、The story related that a Hungarian knight, who had been taken prisoner by a Turkish pasha, was most cruelly treated by him. ─── 只要风琴声和圣诗班的歌声能飘到厨房污水沟的后边来,那么这块地方也可以说是安静和神圣的地方了。

34、But she has but one sorrow, and that is that none can dissolve the spells woven by her father the Pasha, so that no one may either gain admittance to the castle or leave it. ─── 只是有一件不如意,就是没有人能解除她的帕夏父亲所施的魔法,所以这城堡谁也进不去,谁也出不来。

35、Now, Pasha seems to be making good on that promise. ─── 现在,巴夏似乎在做着美好的承诺。

36、More than one pasha glided past him in his gilded barge, but these made only the customary salutations and gave no other sign ─── 不止一位帕夏驾着金子涂覆的航船滑过眼前,可是除了照例打个招呼,丝毫也没有其它迹象。

37、A Marketing Launch Project has been approved by the Ministry of IT which will include platinum sponsorship of the PASHA award event and the publication of an industry year book. ─── 在市场推广方面开展项目已得到批准,由财政部,这其中将包括白金赞助的帕沙奖活动,并发表一个产业年鉴。

38、He was taken in by the thieves' guild ruled by Pasha Basadoni.Basadoni taught young Artemis the tricks of the trade, teaching him the basics of fighting, and helping him master stealth. ─── 恩崔立尽量张开手掌,好让法师能够看清剑柄圆头上镶嵌的半截骷髅饰物,以及看上去犹如漂白的脊椎骨一样的剑柄。

39、The very same pasha who had yoked him to the plough, became his prisoner, and was dragged to a dungeon in the castle. ─── 这个军官把他同牛一起套在轭下犁田,而且用鞭子赶着他工作。

40、Cartier Pasha C Acciaio Automatico 36 millimetri Anno 1995 Scatola e garanzia Cartier Garanzia... ─── 成色 1 (新);购买日期 1995;钢;自动上弦;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 意大利, Milano;

41、The Iranian Prime Minister invited Kissinger who was accompanying the President to watch a most famous belly dancer Nadina Pasha perform in a night club in the city. ─── 伊朗首相邀请随行的基辛格去市内一家夜总会,观看红极一时的肚皮舞演员纳蝶娜·帕莎表演。

42、But,' said the count, 'so great was Ali Pasha's confidence, that on his death-bed he resigned his favorite mistress and her daughter to my care. ─── ‘但是,’伯爵说,‘阿里总督对我是这样的信任,甚至在他临死的时候,他还把他的宠妾和他的女儿托我照顾。’

43、Pasha said. “They say Pakistan is a poor country; people cannot eat. ─── 他们说巴基斯坦是穷国;人民没有饭吃。

44、I am Haide, the daughter of Ali Tepelini, pasha of Yanina, and of Vasiliki, his beloved wife.' ─── ‘我是海黛,是亚尼纳总督阿里·铁贝林和他的爱妻凡瑟丽姬的女儿。’

45、Pasha!That reminds me of her name: Macha. ─── 这个词的发音使我联想到她的名字,玛莎。

46、It is not Fernand Mondego's treachery towards Ali Pasha which induces me so readily to excuse you, but the treachery of the fisherman Fernand towards you, and the almost unheard-of miseries which were its consequences; ─── 使我这样认为的,不是弗尔南多·蒙台哥出卖阿里总督这件事,而是渔夫弗尔南多出卖您,这件事以及那次出卖所引起的那种种加在你身上的痛苦。

47、 ,Cartier Pasha de Cartier Banknote; ,Dior Diorita Contrast Twist Medium Hobo; ─── 你今天去做好事,人们往往明天就会忘记;

48、--'My intimacy with the pasha and his unlimited confidence had gained me an introduction to them, and I had seen them above twenty times.' ─── ‘我和总督的密切关系以及他对我的忠诚的无限信任使我见过她们二十多次。’

49、Ferzoneh, who spearheaded his team's battle throughout the match, and Pasha Moghdon were the main Iranian scorers. ─── 全场比赛中一直冲锋在前的弗桑内和帕沙 - 默格顿是伊朗队的主要得分手。

50、In conjunction with stakeholders like PASHA, the industry association, PSEB has developed a vision and strategic roadmap to fast track IT industry growth . ─── 与利益相关者一样,民政事务局首席助理秘书长,行业协会, PSEB制定了一个远景和战略路线,以快速轨道资讯科技业的增长 。

51、A pasha might sail down the river in his arge and supply his wants out of golden dishes and silver cups ─── 没准儿,一位帕夏会驾着大航船顺流而来,用金杯银盏为他开宴呢。

52、A high-grade cars in China villa million worth hot most Pasha? ─── 住别墅开高档汽车中国百万身价新贵最怕啥?

53、Karim Pasha, too, expressed some apprehension, though not openly. ─── 卡林姆-巴沙也私下的表现出担忧。

54、And Mr Zardari, as a conciliatory gesture, offered to send the head of the ISI, Lieut-General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, to Delhi. ─── 作为一个调和性姿态,扎尔达里主动提出派三军情报部门首脑帕夏中将到德里。

55、Pasha said.“They say Pakistan is a poor country; ─── 他们说巴基斯坦是穷国;

56、Crocidura pasha ─── n. 马里麝鼩

57、Yury has a last encounter with Pasha, who is himself a hunted man, and then Yury returns to Moscow to find that both Tonya and Lara have vanished. ─── 齐瓦哥终于回到家乡,碍于疲弱的身体,他唯有延迟与坦雅重聚的计划。

58、W. corner Emin Pasha Gulf pushes southward. ─── 人口稠密。

59、--I live the happiest life possible, the real life of a pasha ─── 我过着我所知道的最快乐的生活真正的总督般的生活。

60、“I know,” replied the pasha;“retribution. ─── 他的这个要求得到了满足。

61、baby's father is Pasha, a very beefy and bull-headed man. ─── 孩子的父亲是Pasha,一个牛脾气没大脑的肌肉男。

62、Pasha how old Ms.Johnson Mandell is, he replied, I have no idea. ─── 当我向帕斯哈问起曼德尔的年龄时,他的回答是:“我不知道。”

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