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spaniel 发音

英:[?sp?nj?l]  美:[?sp?nj?l]

英:  美:

spaniel 中文意思翻译





spaniel 网络释义

n. 西班牙猎犬;恭顺的人vi. 嬉戏vt. 向…摇尾乞怜

spaniel 短语词组

1、springer spaniel ─── 斯伯林格 ─── 斯班尼犬

2、water spaniel ─── 水猎狗

3、Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ─── 骑士国王查尔斯·斯帕尼尔

4、English springer spaniel ─── 英国史宾格犬; ─── 英国激飞猎犬

5、Brittany spaniel ─── 布列塔尼猎犬(法国)

6、English cocker spaniel ─── 英国可卡犬

7、Irish water spaniel ─── [网络] 爱尔兰水猎犬;爱尔兰水上思柏纽;爱尔兰水犬

8、field spaniel ─── 野外斯潘尼猎狗

9、cocker spaniel n. ─── 一种英国的小猎犬

10、Japanese spaniel ─── [网络] 日本猎犬;狆;日本狆

11、clumber spaniel ─── 黄毛猎犬(短腿粗躯, 等于clumber)

12、American water spaniel ─── 美国水猎犬, ─── 美国水獚

13、English toy spaniel ─── 英国玩赏犬; ─── 英国玩赏可卡犬

14、King Charles spaniel ─── [网络] 查理王小猎犬;查理王长毛猎犬;查理王猎犬

15、Blenheim spaniel ─── 布伦海姆狗

16、Tibetan Spaniel ─── 藏式斯皮尼尔

17、Welsh springer spaniel ─── [网络] 威尔斯激飞猎犬;威尔士跳猎犬;威尔士激飞猎犬

18、toy spaniel ─── [网络] 玩具猎犬

19、Sussex spaniel ─── 萨西克斯郡猎犬

spaniel 常用词组

cocker spaniel ─── n. 一种英国的小猎犬

springer spaniel ─── 史宾格犬

spaniel 词性/词形变化,spaniel变形


spaniel 习惯用语

1、a tame spaniel ─── 唯唯诺诺的人, 走狗, 马屁精

spaniel 相似词语短语

1、Daniel ─── n.丹尼尔(男子名)

2、spaniels ─── n.西班牙猎犬;恭顺的人;vi.嬉戏;vt.向…摇尾乞怜

3、spancels ─── v.用松的绳子绑;n.栓畜绳

4、spandrel ─── n.拱肩

5、spawnier ─── 产卵器

6、staniels ─── 石头

7、staniel ─── 斯坦尼尔

8、spancel ─── v.用松的绳子绑;n.栓畜绳

9、panier ─── n.筐,箩;背篓;撑裙;n.(Panier)人名;(法)帕尼耶

spaniel 特殊用法

1、cocker spaniel ─── 考克斯班尼犬

2、springer spaniel ─── 斯伯林格斯班尼犬

spaniel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A serious decline in the quality of American Cocker Spaniels in the 1940s was generally thought to be attributable to the rare double win of a single Cocker Spaniel in 1940 and 1941. ─── 1940年代美国可卡犬的质量严重下滑被普遍认为是由一只可卡犬(1940年和1941年)两度获得总冠军所致。

2、Wallace Havens, 72, retiring owner of Puppy Haven Kennels, holds a bichon/spaniel mix puppy whose mother, a cavalier King Charles spaniel, watches at right. ─── 华莱士的避风港, 72 ,退休的所有者小狗避难所狗房,拥有bichon /猎犬混合小狗的母亲,骑士国王查尔斯猎犬,手表在右侧。

3、time for the vet to give my 13-year-old Springer Spaniel a lethal injection. ─── 此时,兽医正在给我的13岁的斯普林格猎犬伊莎贝拉注射,让她安乐死。

4、Cocker Spaniel is a general name used to refer to two different breeds of dogs, with the country of ... ─── 可卡分为英卡和美卡,原产地分别是英国和美国。这种狗性格开朗,聪明理性,工作认真负责,可是有时候也会表...

5、English springer spaniel ─── n. 【动物,动物学】英国长耳跳犬

6、General AppearanceThe Clumber Spaniel is a long, low, substantial dog. ─── 克伦伯猎鹬犬是一种长、矮、坚实的狗。

7、His men collected dozens of objects from the area: charred jewellery and corset-bones, belt buckles, glasses and false teeth, one human finger, the decomposed corpse of a King Charles spaniel. ─── 他手下的人在该处搜集到几十件物品:烧黑的珠宝和胸衣骨架、皮带扣、眼镜和假牙,一根人的手指,还有已经腐烂的查理王猫躯体。

8、Cavalier King Charles Spaniel ─── n. 骑士查理王猎犬

9、cake featured his black and white Cocker Spaniel wearing a pair of his glasses. ─── 蛋糕的主角是他的黑白色可卡犬,还戴着一副他的眼镜。

10、Test and comparison for puppy behaviors of German shepherd,Labrador,and springer spaniel ─── 德国牧羊犬、拉布拉多犬、史宾格犬幼犬行为的测试与比较

11、springer spaniel ─── n. 长毛垂耳狗, 猎獚

12、While its movement is deliberate, the Sussex Spaniel is in no sense clumsy. ─── 他的整个动作都是慎重的。塞式猎犬不能让人感到笨拙。

13、Anastasia clutched her King Charles spaniel. ─── 安娜斯塔西娅怀抱着她的玳瑁。

14、Breeds that may be more commonly affected include the English Cocker Spaniel, German Shepherd Dog, Alaskan Malamute, Dachshund, and Springer Spaniel. ─── 常见的患肛门囊腺癌的犬种有英国可卡犬,德国牧羊犬,阿拉斯加雪橇犬,腊肠犬和英国激飞猎犬.

15、Snickers, the cocker spaniel is on his way to a new home after being abandoned on a remote Pacific island for four months. ─── 在被遗弃于遥远的太平洋小岛四个月后,斯尼克,一只可卡犬找到了它的新家。

16、A spaniel and two puppies were left outside a Buddhist monastery on Hong Kong Island. ─── 在香港一间佛寺外面出现了三只被遗弃的狗狗:一只短腿猎犬和两只幼犬。

17、I've always wanted a springer spaniel. ─── 我一直想要一只激飞狗。

18、In either case, the result was a beautiful animal, with a coat comparable to that of an Irish Setter and a temperament like a spaniel. ─── 换句话说,创造出了一个漂亮的动物有着能和爱尔兰雪达犬相媲美毛发,和spaniel猎犬的性情。

19、Actual exercise for Spaniel training ─── 史宾格犬的实战性训练

20、6 Love your enemies and do good to them that hate and use you-is this not the despicable philosophy of the spaniel that rolls upon its back when kicked? ─── “对憎恨和利用你的敌人要爱且施与仁慈。”这难道不是马屁精们的可鄙哲学吗?

21、English toy spaniel ─── n. 【动物,动物学】英国长毛小犬, 英国长毛小犬

22、small slender toy spaniel with erect ears and a black-spotted brown to white coat. ─── 小而瘦的獚,耳朵直立,棕色到白色的身体上有黑色的斑点。

23、Cocker Spaniel [Spain] ─── 小猎犬[西班牙]

24、clumber spaniel ─── 克伦伯猎犬, ph. 克兰勃长毛垂耳猎犬

25、The round, deep and wide chest of the Sussex Spaniel coupled with its short legs and long body produce a rolling gait. ─── 塞式猎犬圆、深而宽的胸部,结合了短短的腿和长长的身躯,构成了他的滚动步态。

26、a large spaniel with wavy silky coat usually black or liver and white. ─── 大型獚犬,波浪的皮毛如丝状并通常为黑色或肝褐色和白色。

27、A dog of dignity, the Clumber Spaniel may sometimes seem aloof with people unknown to him, but in time he will display his playful and loving nature. ─── 他是一种高贵的狗,有时好象会避开人类,有时又显示出顽皮、友爱的天性。

28、She was watching a Brown spaniel that had run out of a side-path, and was looking towards them with lifted nose, making a soft, fluffy Bark. ─── 她看见了头棕色的猎犬,从路穷的小径里跑了出来,向他们望着,举着嘴,轻轻吠着,一个带着枪的人,;

29、5.Like a spaniel, I trot proudly over to Wagner, who is whipping a fine white net through the ironweed. ─── 我像只猎犬般得意地小跑步到华格纳跟前,那时他正拿著白色细密的捕虫网在紫菀草上挥扫著。

30、The Welsh Springer Spaniel gives the impression of length due to obliquely angled forequarters and well developed hindquarters. ─── 威尔斯激飞猎犬显得比较长,是因为倾斜的前躯角度和发达的后躯的关系。

31、Continental Toy Spaniel Papillon ─── 大陆玩具西班牙猎犬

32、I spoke directly to her, "This is Jake, and he's got very long.ears. We think he's part cocker spaniel and part Irish setter." ─── 我直对她说:“这是杰克,它的耳朵很长。我们认为它是借用小黄犬和爱尔兰塞特种猎犬的混种。”

33、a large spaniel with wavy silky coat usually black or liver and white ─── 大型獚犬,波浪的皮毛如丝状并通常为黑色或肝褐色和白色

34、I would never eat dog meat," said Louisa Yong, as she clutches her pet cocker spaniel. "It's so cruel!" ─── 我是绝不会吃狗肉的,”路易莎·杨一边抱着她的宠物可卡犬一边说,“这太残忍了!”

35、cocker spaniel ─── n. 英国可卡犬

36、Sussex spaniel ─── n. 塞式猎犬, 苏塞克斯长毛犬

37、Cocker spaniel: a dog of a breed originally developed in England , having long, drooping ears and a variously colored silky coat. ─── 獚猎犬,一种英国小猎犬,有下垂长耳和各种颜色的细毛。

38、the field spaniel ─── (猎兔等)长耳猎犬

39、During the late 1800's the reputation of the Sussex Spaniel as an excellent hunting companion was well known among the estates surrounding Sussex County. ─── 1800年后期,塞式猎犬作为一种卓越的猎犬和伴侣犬,在塞式郡周围已经相当出名了。

40、She said the spaniel, a nine-year-old named Stanley, has already landed on its feet. It has found a loving foster home. ─── 安德森说,这只名叫史丹利的九岁猎犬已经「出运」了,牠已经找到一个爱牠的领养家庭了。

41、The Welsh Springer Spaniel head is unique and should in no way approximate that of other spaniel breeds. ─── 威尔斯激飞猎犬的头部非常独特,与其他猎鹬犬品种的头部完全不同。

42、My mother had insisted that she wanted a dog, and it had to be a spaniel. ─── 我妈妈坚持要一只狗,而且非得是猎不可。

43、German Spaniel ─── 德国猎犬

44、A springer spaniel! ─── 一只激飞狗!

45、Welsh Springer Spaniel ─── n. 威尔士史宾格犬

46、King Charles spaniel ─── n. 查尔斯王犬

47、Snickers , the cocker spaniel is on his way to a new home after being abandoned on a remote Pacific island for four months. ─── 一只名叫斯尼克尔可卡犬在被遗弃于遥远的太平洋小岛上四个月后找到了自己的新家。

48、large usually black hunting and retrieving spaniel with a dense flat or slightly wavy coat; cross between cocker and Sussex spaniel. ─── 体大通常是黑色的猎犬或拾獚,毛浓且平展或稍有波浪;西班牙长耳猎犬和苏塞克斯猎獚的杂交。

49、4.Snickers, the cocker spaniel is on his way to a new home after being abandoned on a remote Pacific island for four months. ─── 一只名叫斯尼克尔可卡犬在被遗弃于遥远的太平洋小岛上四个月后找到了自己的新家。

50、large usually black hunting and retrieving spaniel with a dense flat or slightly wavy coat; cross between cocker and Sussex spaniel ─── 体大,通常是黑色的猎犬或拾獚,毛浓且平展或稍有波浪;西班牙长耳猎犬和苏塞克斯猎獚的杂交

51、Cocker spaniel: a dog of a breed originally developed in England, having long, drooping ears and a variously colored silky coat ─── 獚猎犬,一种英国小猎犬,有下垂长耳和各种颜色的细毛

52、“I remember the first time I saw him.He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind. ─── “我记得第一次看到他的时候,他只有13岁,在球场跑来跑去的,就像一只英国可卡犬追逐着风中飞舞的银纸片。”

53、Cavalier King Charlies Spaniel [England] ─── 卡巴利亚金克佳儿期斯巴尔[英]

54、ay of a breed of small dog related to the spaniel,having a long silky coat,a bushy tail that curves over its back,and large ears shaped like the wings of a butterfly ─── 与獚相关的几种小狗,长有很长的丝般的毛、弯过背部的粗而多毛的尾巴和像蝴蝶翅膀似的大耳朵

55、The foregoing description is that of the ideal Irish Water Spaniel in hard working condition. ─── 前面所描述的爱尔兰水猎犬可以在艰苦的条件下工作。

56、Her family -- along with the cocker spaniel, Maya, who was still alive and giving reproachful looks -- was planning a camping trip. ─── 她的家人--以及那条可卡犬Maya。它依然还活着并露出责备的表情---正打算进行一次露营游。

57、and tell the Levinsons we have their cute little spaniel. ─── 告诉Levinson夫妇他们可爱的小猎犬在我们这。

58、He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind. ─── 当时还只有13岁在操场上踢球,就像是在追逐风中银色纸片的小猎犬。

59、The cocker spaniel sprang for Wilbur's hind leg. ─── 小猎狗跳起来,扑向威尔伯的后腿。

60、“I remember the first time I saw him. He was 13 and just floated over the ground like a cocker spaniel chasing a piece of silver paper in the wind.” ─── “我记得我第一次看见他时,他才13岁,在球场上的奔跑像可卡猎犬在风中追逐一块银纸。”

61、The Clumber Spaniel should never be hostile or aggressive;neither is acceptable and should not be condoned. ─── 他的态度威严,表情象是在沉思,但与此同时,他也表现出喜爱工作和玩耍。

62、American Cocker Spaniel [England] ─── 克卡斯巴尔[英]

63、A cocker spaniel. ─── ?猎犬

64、a springer spaniel ─── 惊飞獚

65、a tame spaniel ─── 唯唯诺诺的人走狗马屁精

66、the liquid stillness of the night enveloping him; the liquid brown eyes of a spaniel. ─── 如水的静夜包裹着他;阿谀逢迎之人那顺从的谄媚眼神。

67、I lost my heart to that spaniel puppy the first time I saw it. ─── 当我第一次看见那条长毛小狗时,我就喜欢上了她。

68、The Cocker Spaniel is the smallest member of the Sporting Group. ─── 可卡是运动犬组中最小的。

69、Japanese spaniel ─── 哈巴狗

70、Obedience training for springer spaniel ─── 史宾格犬的服从训练

71、When gaiting the Sussex Spaniel exhibits nice tail action, but does not carry the tail above the level of the back. ─── 在行走时,塞式猎犬展示出漂亮的尾巴动作,但尾巴的姿势不能高过后背水平。

72、What president had a spaniel whose doghouse was decorated with framed political photographs? ─── 哪位总统有一只西班牙猎狗,该狗有用镜框装裱的政治图片装饰其狗屋?

73、Cocker Spaniel Club of China ─── 中国可卡俱乐部

74、The cocker spaniel was accidently flushed down a toilet when the owner's four-year-old son tried to wash the animal. ─── 当这只小猎犬主人四岁大的儿子试图给小狗洗澡时,它意外的被冲进了厕所里。

75、She was watching a Brown spaniel that had run out of a side-path, and was looking towards them with lifted nose, making a soft, fluffy Bark. ─── 她看见了头棕色的猎犬,从路穷的小径里跑了出来,向他们望着,举着嘴,轻轻吠着,一个带着枪的人,;

76、Also, remember that children must learn to handle dogs properly.This can be especially critical with a dog like a Cocker Spaniel, whose long ears resemble tempting toys to small children. ─── 家长通常会让孩子们去遛狗,这时候可卡的长耳朵就是最吸引孩子目光的地方,经常会遭到蹂躏。

77、When Lisa -- my roommate and boon companion of three years --stepped into our apartment, sank to the floor, and clutched our cocker spaniel, I asked, "What's wrong? ─── 当我的室友、三年密友Lisa走进公寓,一下子坐到地板上,抓住我们的可卡犬。

78、An idea grew stronger and stronger as I walked out of the hospital and to my car. My dad had bought a springer spaniel named Boots for my mom for a Christmas present a few years ago. ─── 我从医院出来,走向我的汽车时,有个念头越来越强烈。几年前我爸爸给我妈妈买了一条叫“布茨”的猎猿作圣诞节礼物。

79、"Poor aunt always thinks that they will come back someday, they and the little brown spaniel that was lost with them, and walk in at that window just as they used to do. ─── “可怜的阿姨总是在想他们某一天会回来的,他们,还有那只与他们一起消失的棕色西班牙小猎狗会像往常一样从那扇窗户中跳进来。

80、A dog of dignity, the Clumber Spaniel may sometimes seem aloof with people unknown to him, but in time he will display his playful and loving nature. ─── 它是一种高贵的狗,有时好像会避开人类,有时又显示出顽皮、友爱的天性。

81、the Japanese spaniel ─── (日本)哈巴狗

82、“My puppies are handled every day from birth,” says longtime English Cocker Spaniel breeder Betty Ganung. ─── “我的小狗狗出生后,我每天抚摸他。”

83、Blenheim spaniel ─── 布伦海姆狗

84、the liquid stillness of the night enveloping him; the liquid brown eyes of a spaniel ─── 如水的静夜包裹着他;阿谀逢迎之人那顺从的谄媚眼神

85、clumber (spaniel) ─── 一种短腿粗躯(桔)黄色厚毛的猎犬

86、I take my cocker spaniel to be groomed once a week. ─── 我每星期都带我的科卡犬去美容呢。

87、He also used to have an English springer spaniel named Spotty. ─── 他还曾经拥有一条英国史宾格犬。

88、My dad had bought a springer spaniel named Boots for my mom for a Christmas present a few years ago. ─── 几年前我爸爸给我妈妈买了一条叫“布茨”的猎作圣诞节礼物。

89、Comparison of the gestational period between Springer Spaniel and Labradorn ─── 史宾格、拉布拉多母犬妊娠期时间长短的比较

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