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08-17 投稿


denier 发音

英:['den??]  美:['d?n??]

英:  美:

denier 中文意思翻译



denier 网络释义

n. 否认者;极微量;极少量的金额;法国旧银币n. (Denier)人名;(法)德尼耶

denier 词性/词形变化,denier变形


denier 短语词组

1、denier cordura ─── 丹尼尔科杜拉

2、nominal denier ─── 标称否认量

3、denier cotton ─── 旦尼尔棉

4、denier count system ─── 丹尼尔计数系统

5、denier electric ─── 丹尼尔电气

6、electronic denier monitor ─── 电子纤度监测仪

7、denier nylon numbers ─── 旦尼尔尼龙数

8、denier 70 ─── 丹尼尔70

9、denier definition ─── 否认定义

10、denier silk ─── 丹尼丝

11、filament denier ─── [化] 长丝旦数; 单丝旦数

denier 相似词语短语

1、denimed ─── 牛仔布

2、denies ─── 否认;拒绝

3、dernier ─── adj.(法)最后的

4、denser ─── adj.密集的;浓厚的(dense的比较级);n.(Denser)人名;(英)登泽

5、Teniers ─── n.(Teniers)人名;(德)特尼斯;(法)特尼耶

6、denizen ─── 居民

7、chenier ─── n.[地理]沼泽沙丘,海岸沙脊

8、deniers ─── n.否认者;极微量;极少量的金额;法国旧银币;n.(Denier)人名;(法)德尼耶

9、denied ─── v.拒绝;拒签(deny的过去式)

denier 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Structure and Properties of Coarse Denier Silk ─── 粗旦茧丝结构与性能

2、Fine denier POY with good quality can be produced by partially modifying on existing machine and optimizing process and its product quality is good. ─── 摘要通过对现有纺丝设备的局部改造和工艺优化,使原生产中粗旦丝的设备能够生产细旦丝,产品的主要物理指标(如强伸度、条干不匀率等)达优等水平。

3、With complete self-knowledge, will emancipates itself through self-denier, and reaches the state of "nothing" . ─── 意志在完全自我认识以后,最后以否定自身的方式解放自己,达到一种“虚无”的境界。

4、Development of the Series Garment Fabrics with Fine Denier Polypropylene Filament Yarns ─── 丝普纶系列服装面料的开发

5、Production process probe of fine denier nylon 66 filament yarn dyeing evenness ─── 提高尼龙66细旦丝染色均匀性的工艺探讨

6、Keywords profiled fine denier fiber;cationic-dyeable;thermo-channel spinning;PET filament; ─── 异形细旦丝;阳离子染料可染;热管纺丝;涤纶长丝;

7、PET fine denier filament ─── 涤纶细旦丝

8、Dye Distribution in the Dyeing of Mixed Denier Polyester Fabrics ─── 混纺聚酯纤维织物染色的染料分布

9、Keywords polyester;DTY;process;folding;coarse denier; ─── 涤纶;拉伸变形丝;工艺;并丝;粗旦;

10、The Research and Development of Knitted Fabrics from Coarse Denier Real Silk ─── 家蚕粗纤度真丝针织产品的研究与开发

11、heavy denier ─── 粗纤度

12、The outcry was immediate, with both Jews and members of the Catholic hierarchy criticising the pope's rehabilitation of a Holocaust-denier. ─── 教皇恢复一个否认大屠杀人士的身份,这种举动立刻遭到强烈抗议,批评声既来自犹太人,也来自天主教徒。

13、The drawing and the false twist texturing performance of fine denier polypropylene(PP)filament are investi-gated in this paper. ─── 着重探讨了细旦丙纶的拉伸性能和加弹变形性能。

14、Taking 333dtex/144f bright filaments for example, technology of producing heary denier filaments on FDY production line is explored in this paper. ─── 本文以纺333dtex-/144f有光粗旦丝为例,探讨了用FDY设备生产粗旦丝的技术及产品开发。

15、The technical innovation of FDY thick-fibre product line producing low denier count FDY is mainly introduced. The experience and achievement of the technical innovation are also summarized. ─── 介绍FDY粗旦丝生产线技术改造生产低旦数FDY的情况,并总结了技术改造的经验及成果。

16、Based on PET FDY production practice, the key process technology for the half denier FDY preduction on high-speed spin FDY production line is discussed. ─── 本文根据生产实践,讨论了在高速纺丝机上生产纤度减半的FDY的关键工艺技术。

17、Keywords apocynum fiber;fine denier staple fiber;blended yarn;process;produce.; ─── 关键词纤罗布麻纤维;细旦粘胶纤维;混纺纱;工艺;产品;

18、15 denier stockings ─── 15 旦的长袜

19、Production of porous fine denier PET filament with TCS ─── TCS法生产多孔细旦涤纶长丝工艺的研究

20、The degumming process at high temperature and pressure with environmental_protection effect for the natural yellow silk and coarse denier silk fabrics was searched. ─── 探索了天然黄色真丝绸和粗纤度真丝绸的高温高压环保型精练工艺。

21、micro-fine denier POY ─── 微细旦POY

22、Abstract: For micro denier porous PET DTY, a big problem is bad unwinding performance when it weaves at high speed. ─── 摘 要:超细旦多孔涤纶(PET)假捻丝,织造时普遍存在退绕性能不理想的情况。

23、Research on blending technology of medium wools and fine denier polyester fibers in worsted system ─── 半细羊毛和细旦涤纶纤维混纺技术研究

24、Combination of full grain leather and 1000 denier nylon upper. ─── 头层全粒面牛皮和1000丹尼尔尼龙网布联合构成的靴面.

25、micro denier suede not backed 270 grams per square meter, withwarp suede it better, short hair so not too much hand writing shows dull not bright. ─── 现有一客户要求购麂皮绒面料,我在这方面是外行,新手一个,请教一下各位前辈:


27、It is a method with fewer investment amount and better effect that the general spinning machine be innovated to spin fine denier filament. ─── 对普通纺丝设备进行改造以达到纺制细旦长丝的目的是一条投资少、见效快的途径。

28、g.p.d.(gram per denier) ─── 每旦克数

29、Made of the same 1000 denier Cordura nylon as our tough rope bags. ─── 由相同1000 denier Cordura尼龙做成作为我们结实的绳袋。

30、denier balance ─── 登尼尔天平

31、coarse denier ─── 粗旦

32、30 denier stockings ─── 30旦的长袜.

33、Study of the Aggregated Structure and Properties of Fine Denier Profiled Polyester Filament ─── 涤纶细旦异形长丝聚集态结构和性能的研究

34、The float covers are constructed of 1050 denier nylon ballistic cloth with a marine urethane coating. ─── 浮标盖子是由1050但尼尔尼龙布建造。

35、It is used to measure certain length silk weight .You can directly read the sample's number of Denier. ─── 用于测量一定长度丝的重量,可直接读出试样的但尼尔数。

36、(The nylon used is usually 400 or 600 denier, in gloves it is tricot or synthetic (PU) leather top with Clarion palms. ─── -材料:使用的尼龙通常是400或600D,手掌部分用料是手编织品或 PU皮革。

37、Senate Democrats will have to contend with Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma the ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee and a climate change denier. ─── 参议院民主党议员将不得不与共和党参议员詹姆斯英霍夫在俄克拉何马州的高级成员,环境和公共工程委员会和气候变化的否认。

38、electronic denier monitor ─── 电子纤度监测仪

39、Keywords PET;FDY;heavy denier fiber;trilobal filament;process; ─── 涤纶全牵伸丝;粗旦丝;三叶异形丝;工艺;

40、Study on the modification technology of melt direct spinning fine denier FDY ─── 熔体直纺FDY细旦丝改造工艺探讨



43、Combination of full grain Suede leather and 1200 denier nylon upper. ─── 头层全粒面起毛牛皮和1200丹尼尔尼龙网布联合构成的靴面.;

44、Full grain leather and 1200 Denier Nylon Upper. ─── 整靴表面为全皮及1200D的混合材料制成.

45、The 'denier' pretends problems don't exist; this person may have grown up in a family where everyone feared facing unpleasant emotions. ─── “否定者”则假装问题并不存在,这种人的家人可能都害怕正视不愉快的情绪。


47、With an evening dress one wears 10 Denier stockings. ─── 一个身着晚礼服的人穿着丹尼尔值为10的长筒丝袜。

48、Study on the Production of Heavy Denier High Tenacity Polypropylene ─── 粗旦丙纶强力丝的生产初探

49、a denier of harsh realities. ─── 否认残酷现实的人

50、Keywords PET;fine denier;POY;process; ─── 涤纶;细旦丝;预取向丝;工艺;

51、Adjustrment of the Real Silk Denier with Short Lever Denier Feeler ─── 短杠杆纤度感知器如何进行实缫纤度个别调节

52、sinusoidal denier variation ─── 正弦曲线状细度变化

53、Filament yarns are numbered not by the yarn number system, but by the denier system. ─── 化纤长丝纱线不是通过这种纱线细度体系来计量的,而是通过旦尼尔体系来测定的。

54、Keywords coarse denier silk;steeping;twisting; ─── 粗旦茧丝;浸渍;加捻;

55、Cason: New Fine-Medium Denier PP Yam Line ─── 新的细旦-中等纤度聚丙烯纤维生产线

56、Keywords spinneret;fine denier;preoriented yarn;technological process;polyethylene terephthalate fiber; ─── 喷丝头;细旦;预取向丝;工艺;聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯纤维;

57、A Discussion about the Production Technology of Low Denier Polypropylene Cigarette Filter Tow ─── 低旦聚丙烯烟用丝束的生产工艺研究

58、low denier yarn ─── 低旦丝

59、Combination of full grain leather and 1200 denier nylon upper. ─── 头层全粒面牛皮和1200丹尼尔尼龙网布联合构成的靴面.

60、"denier:a unit of fineness for rayon, nylon, and silk fibers, based on a standard mass per length of 1 gram per 9,000 meters of yarn." ─── "丹尼尔:测量纤维、尼龙或丝的光洁度的单位,每9,000米线重1克称作为丹尼尔."

61、It provides the highest functional and quality reliability, even on dark weft colors and fine threads down to 20 denier. ─── 它提供强大的功能和可靠的质量,即使是深色的纬纱以及细度在20丹尼尔以下的纱线也能使用。

62、The effects of T30S and Z30S chips, spinning process and drawing process on yarn irregularity of coarse denier PP filament were analyzed. ─── 分析了T30S,Z30S两种切片及其纺丝拉伸等工艺对粗旦丙纶长丝不匀率的影响。

63、Technology discussion on melt direct spinning polyester fine denier POY ─── 熔体直纺聚酯细旦POY的工艺探讨

64、Thus a filament yarn is characterized by its denier and the number of fibers in the yarn. ─── 因此一个化纤长丝是以它的旦尼尔数和它纱线中的纤维数为特征的。

65、A businessman from distance, the better, up to arrive night JinCong dive in for Xia shrine stone, denier naught. ─── 他日,有商人自远方夜归,将抵舍,潜置金丛祠石罅中,旦取无有。

66、Denier process ─── 德尼耶法

67、Silk and man - made fibers are usually measured using the denier system. A denier is equal to the weight in grams of 9, 000 meters of yarn. ─── 真丝和人造纤维通常用旦尼尔表示细度,且尼尔数等于9000米长纱线的克重数。

68、He is an ardent opponent of the Lisbon treaty streamlining the way the EU is run and is the continent's leading climate change denier. ─── 他是关于简化欧盟运作的里斯本条约最积极的反对者,也是大陆影响气候变化这一论调的反对者。

69、The Denier will outright deny any benefit to Agile or their interest in moving to it. ─── 否定者彻底否定敏捷的任何益处或者转移到敏捷的兴趣。

70、Keywords shengma fiber;fine denier polyester fiber;blended yarn;high count yarn;spinning technology; ─── 圣麻纤维;细旦涤纶纤维;混纺;高支纱;工艺;措施;

71、600 denier nylon, type 6.6 - 2 t.p.i. 5% silicone, undyed. ─── 600细微尼龙,类型6.6,每英寸两道线,含5%的硅树脂,天然色。

72、The production equipment and process parameter for producing heavy denier and mult-filament polyester fiber are described. ─── 介绍了粗旦、多孔数涤纶长丝的生产设备和工艺参数。

73、The improvement of polymer melt filter for fine denier filament spinning ─── 用于纺制细旦长丝的熔体过滤器的改进

74、Kevlar aramid fiber has an extremely high tenacity, approximately 22 grams per denier, which is more than five times the strength of a steel wire of the same weight and more than twice the strength of high -tenacity industrial nylon ─── 凯夫拉纤维具有极高的强度,约为22克力/旦尼尔,该强度是相同重量钢丝的五倍以上,是高强工业尼龙的两倍以上。

75、filament denier ─── 单纤维旦数

76、need any idea about Nylon Yarn 210 Denier Bright. ─── 亮光尼龙)--------三角异性有光丝

77、determination of denier ─── 旦尼尔测定

78、The Calculation of Silk Fabric Specifications in Accordance with the Conversion from Denier to Tex ─── 旦尼尔制改特克斯制真丝绸缎规格测算

79、FDY fine denier yarn with luster, wool-like,silk-like, BCF bulk chemical fiber. 2. ─── BCF膨体丝。2、装饰类:“睡莲”牌丙纶、混纺、锦纶簇绒地毯;

80、Fine denier fiber which has little itching feeling and does not tend to cracking in processing can be obtained. ─── 不仅提高了苎麻原麻的品质,能开发针织产品,而且保持了天然纤维产品的原有特色。

81、gram per denier ─── 克旦

82、Study about the Woven Features of Coarse Denier Silk and Its Fabrics ─── 粗旦茧丝织造特性和织物研究

83、Blending technology of Australian medium wools and fine denier polyester fibers is researched in worsted system. ─── 摘要研究澳大利亚半细羊毛和细旦涤纶纤维混纺工艺技术。

84、Development of conventional spinning super fine denier polyester filament ─── 常规纺超细旦涤纶长丝的发展

85、The technology of producing heavy denier PA6 filament discussed. The details for process is parameters are given. ─── 介绍了锦纶6粗旦丝在生产过程中对工艺的选择和控制。重点针对粗旦丝的生产特性,进行合理的分析和工艺选择。

86、Keywords PET POY Process Fine denier Multifilament; ─── 关键词涤纶;POY;工艺;超细旦;多孔;

87、Keywords medium wools;fine denier polyester;fiber fineness;large extent coefficient of variation;blending technology; ─── 半细羊毛;细旦涤纶;纤维细度;大离散;混纺技术;

88、According to various tests, far-infrared fine denier PP DTY production technique was discussed, the DTY process parameters and its influence on DTY properties were analyzed. ─── 主要介绍了远红外细旦丙纶DTY生产工艺,探讨了远红外细旦丙纶加弹工艺参数对其性能的影响。

89、Constructed of 1050 denier ballistics nylon with urethane coating on the backside. ─── 用1050 denier ballistics尼龙包含urethane薄层在背面。



关于**的“D” Denier,**的厚度是根据“Denier”来制定标准的。




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