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bulldog 发音

英:['b?ld?g]  美:['b?l'd?g]

英:  美:

bulldog 中文意思翻译



bulldog 网络释义

n. 牛头犬,恶犬;短枪管大型手枪

bulldog 词性/词形变化,bulldog变形

动词第三人称单数: bulldogs |动词现在分词: bulldogging |名词: bulldogger |动词过去式: bulldogged |动词过去分词: bulldogged |

bulldog 短语词组

1、bulldog office supplies catalog ─── 斗牛犬办公用品目录

2、bulldog farmington ─── 法明顿斗牛犬

3、bulldog jaw ─── [医] 犬颌

4、chicago bulldog logo ─── 芝加哥斗牛犬标志

5、bulldog scalp ─── [医] 回状头皮

6、French bulldog ─── 法国斗牛犬( ─── 法国老虎犬)

7、bulldog rescue miami ─── 迈阿密斗牛犬救援队

8、Bulldog clip ─── 大钢夹, ─── 大铁夹子

9、bulldog wrench ─── [化] 管子扳手

10、french bulldog for sale ─── 待售法国斗牛犬

11、bulldog ant ─── [昆虫](澳洲)犬蚊

12、bulldog hitches ─── 斗牛犬搭车

13、hey bulldog ─── 嘿沙皮狗(甲壳虫乐队的一首歌曲)

14、bulldog forceps ─── [医] 扣镊

15、bulldog rescue ─── 斗牛犬救援

16、bulldog head ─── [医] 横宽高拱头(软骨发育不良所致)

17、dribbles excess saliva like a bulldog ─── 像斗牛犬一样滴下多余的唾液

18、bulldog brittle ─── 斗牛犬

19、English bulldog ─── [网络] 英国斗牛犬;英国虎头犬;英国牛头犬

bulldog 相似词语短语

1、bullion ─── n.金银;纯金;金银块;n.(Bullion)人名;(法)比利翁

2、bullfrog ─── n.[脊椎]牛蛙;菜蛙

3、bulldogged ─── 固执的

4、bulldozed ─── vt.强迫;恫吓;用推土机清除

5、bulldoze ─── vt.强迫;恫吓;用推土机清除

6、bulldogs ─── n.斗牛犬(bulldog的复数形式)

7、bulling ─── n.岩缝装药爆破;[矿业]爆震除石;v.提高身价;把…擦得铮亮(bull的ing形式)

8、bulldozing ─── n.推土;糊炮爆破

9、bulldogger ─── n.牛头犬,恶犬;短枪管大型手枪(bulldog的变形)

bulldog 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、slightly curved bulldog clamp ─── 微弯形牛头犬式血管镊

2、bulldog snips ─── 圆剪

3、The boy was no four-flusher. He knew how and when to shoot, was game as a bulldog, and keen as a weasel. ─── 这小子可不是吹牛。他知道怎样开枪,也知道什么时候开枪;他象牛头犬一样勇敢,又象黄鼠狼一样敏捷。

4、We will save little red riding hood from the big bad wolf, but after that, it's bulldog, bulldog, rah, rah, rah. ─── 我们将会从大灰狼的口中就出小红帽,但之后就会鸡飞狗跳。

5、The commanding officer, Brigadier General James Bulldog Drummond, was an impressive man with a sterling combat record. ─── 州军事指挥官“牛头犬”詹姆斯.德拉蒙德准将是个使人印象深刻的人,有着优秀的作战记录。

6、American Bulldog ─── n. 美国斗牛犬

7、"The playful Lab may still reign supreme, but the docile and adaptive nature of the Bulldog is gaining ground as a family favorite," said American Kennel Club spokeswoman Lisa Peterson. ─── 养犬俱乐部的女发言人利莎彼得森说:“调皮的拉布拉多犬可能仍是宠物犬之王,但温顺好养的牛头犬也越来越受到家庭的青睐.”

8、Fortunately for the canine from Prairie City, Iowa, those traits endeared him to judges Monday in the "Beautiful Bulldog" contest, an annual event held to draw attention to the 98th running of the Drake Relays. ─── 幸运的是,正是这些特点使得这只来自爱荷华州大草原市的牛头犬获得本周一“最靓牛头犬”选美大赛的冠军,这项年度赛事拉开了第98届德雷克接力赛的序幕。

9、She brought her pet bulldog, Ripper, to visit and when Harry was nine, she actually allowed the dog to chase Harry up a tree, where he had to remain until she called the dog off after midnight. ─── 她在哈利九岁那年的拜访中带着她的宠物斗牛犬,利皮,她竟然任由这条狗追咬哈利直到他爬上了树,最后她在午夜过后把狗叫回来时哈利才下来。

10、He was wide-awake Monday, though, when he was crowned winner of a "Beautiful Bulldog" contest. ─── 但周一那天他很清醒,因为他夺得了“最靓斗牛犬选美大赛”的冠军。

11、Surely it will catch the eyes of many.Last, but not least, my bulldog are from french originally.What a combination! ─── 希望大家到寒舍来做客,看看我的书法、照片及石头画画、吃吃马来西亚肉骨茶及咖哩.......

12、DURING the general-election campaign of 1997 Peter Mandelson made a public appearance with a bulldog. ─── 1997年普选期间,彼得?曼德尔森参加竞选活动时带着条英国斗牛犬在公众面前亮相。

13、Bernard, Bloodhound, Boxer, Bulldog, Basset. ─── c.第三眼帘脱垂:ST.

14、"The playful Lab may still reign supreme, but the docile and adaptive nature of the Bulldog is as a family favorite," said American Kennel Club spokeswoman Lisa Peterson. ─── 养犬俱乐部的女发言人利莎?彼得森说:“淘气的拉布拉多犬可能仍是宠物犬之王,但温顺好养的牛头犬也越来越受到家庭的青睐。”

15、bulldog ant ─── n. 犬蚁

16、"Now here's the bulldog," Dad said. " This is the easy way to kill him if you still feel that way." ─── "那叭喇狗在这儿,"我爸爸说道,"如果你还想干掉它的话,这是最容易的办法?quot;

17、The commanding officer, Brigadier General James Bulldog Drummond, was an impressive man with a sterling combat record. ─── 我花了一天在查菲堡,对现场的人喊话,跟白宫的人打电话。

18、"The last thing you're going to get with a bulldog is beauty," said master of ceremonies Dolph Pulliam. ─── 仔细想来, “司仪”如今“小荷才露尖尖角”,正趋向成为一大热门职业,各种颁奖典礼、选美比赛上都少不了司仪。

19、bulldog scalp ─── [医] 回状头皮

20、Breed of dog like a bulldog but with longer legs ─── 拳师犬(似斗牛狗而腿稍长)

21、They have let the bulldog loose, and he holds me! ─── 他们放开了牛头狗,它咬住我啦!’

22、Next in popularity were the Yorkshire terrier, golden retriever, bulldog, French bulldog, Shih Tzu and Havanese. The 10th spot was shared by the Maltese and the pug. ─── 接下依序是约克夏犬、黄金猎犬、斗牛犬、法国斗牛犬、西施犬及哈瓦那犬,玛尔济斯及哈巴狗并列第10。

23、Buddy and George DuBois at the 29th Annual Beautiful Bulldog Contest in Des Moines, Iowa, on April 21, 2008. ─── 上个月二十一日,巴迪和乔治.杜伯伊在爱荷华州迪莫伊参加第二十九届牛头犬选美大赛。

24、Styled by William Towns, the Aston Martin Bulldog was ultimately built as a one-off testbed. ─── 威廉镇,阿斯顿马丁犬自称为最终建成一个小康试验平台。

25、the little wretch, rousing a half-bred bulldog from its lair in a corner. ─── 这小坏蛋低声叫,把一只杂种的牛头狗从它墙角的窝里唤出来。

26、English Bulldog ─── n. 英国斗牛犬

27、"We‘re the looking for the bulldog that has that face, that drool, that personality that can charm you. ─── 我们就是要找有着汉纳那样的脸、那样流着口水、可以吸引你的狗。”

28、bulldog Any of a breed of short-haired dog characterized by a large head, strong, square jaws with dewlaps, and a stocky body.It was originally bred for bullbaiting. ─── 斗牛犬,喇叭狗:一种短毛狗,特点是大脑袋,体壮,带有垂肉的方下巴,身体结实。

29、bulldog jaw ─── [医] 犬颌

30、Oh, plus I am a super dog lover. I had a Boxer once, the dumber the dog looks, the more I love them (e.g. Bulldog... etc.)! ─── 喔,还有,我是位超级爱狗人仕,曾经养过拳师狗,看起来越笨的我越爱(像斗牛犬...等)!

31、Though there is a brave bulldog protect the house, but I feel like I can't even close my eyes! ─── 就算有一只牛头狗在保护着房子,我还是觉得我好像连眼睛都不敢闭上!

32、Bonny: You looked very silly yesterday making faces at the bulldog. ─── 你昨天冲着牛头犬做鬼脸看起来很傻。

33、There squatted my hated nemesis, Bogy, tied to a post. "Now here's the bulldog, " Dad said. "This is the easy way to kill him if you still feel that way. ─── 我的死敌博吉蜷缩在那儿,被拴在一根柱子上。“那叭喇狗在这儿,”我爸爸说道,“如果你还想干掉它的话,这是最容易的办法。”

34、bulldog clip ─── 大铁夹子

35、small stocky version of the bulldog having a sleek coat and square head ─── 一般斗牛犬小而健壮的变种,皮毛圆滑,方头

36、It is important to point out that the Fighting Dog of Cordoba, a breed established in that area consisting of Mastiff, English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, and Boxer is now extinct. ─── 值得一提的是:科多巴斗犬是一种在他们那个地区培育的,有着马士提夫、英国斗牛、牛头更、拳师血统的斗狗,现在已经绝种了。

37、But Laura(the main character in the story,a little cute girl)doesn't need to worry about it because of good old Jack, the bulldog, who is a guard for the house. ─── 可是劳拉(故事里的主人公,一个可爱的小女孩)并不用为这个担心,因为有老的牛头狗杰克在保卫着房子。

38、A3- year-old male bulldog, Riggs is a drooler with protruding teeth and a penchant for attacking noisy appliances, begging for crumbs and hopping on furniture. ─── 三岁的公牛头犬里格斯长著暴牙、著口水、攻击发出声响的电器、是摇著尾巴要面包屑吃,还喜欢在家具上跳来蹦去。

39、2.Snazzy oufit: Grimace, the English bulldog, won the Current Canine Characters category with her Taxi Cab costume at the Times Square Dog Day Masquerade. ─── 名叫"鬼脸"的英国牛头犬赢得了在泰晤士广场举办的犬类化妆舞会流行组别的冠军,上图就是它的身着“出租车装束”的照片。收藏指正

40、If the Boston terrier had just been able to read the hesitance on the bulldog's demeanor when he was studying the bone on the ground for a bit, things would've turned out a whole lot different! ─── [如果那波士顿梗犬能在那时读出那只哈巴狗在瞅着地上骨头时,那动作与行径中的些许迟疑,可能事情的结局就会很不一样了。

41、French Bulldog ─── n. 法国斗牛犬, 法国牛头犬; 法国叭喇狗

42、I'm go to get a bulldog. ─── 我想买一条哈巴狗。

43、Including Beagle, American Boxer, Bulldog, Bloodhound, Collie, Dalmatian, Siberian Husky, Labrador, Chihuahua, Pug, Sharpie and Rottweiler. ─── App Store 的英文介绍: A variety of sound effects from a number of canines.

44、s 5cm (2-inch) bulldog ants, the weight of the Formicidae family is equal to that of the world’s population of humans and accounts for 10% of the biomass of all the creatures on the planet. ─── 从看上去像辣椒粉末的小细蚁(leptanillineants)到澳大利亚5厘米(2英寸)长的牛头犬蚁(bulldogants),蚂蚁家族的质量总和相当于世界人口的质量总和,占到全球生物量的十分之一。

45、The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog, hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide. ─── 第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少能发现一个深长的伤口。

46、To make war upon those who trade with us is like setting a bulldog upon a customer at the shop-door. ─── 向与我们交易的人开战,无异于在店门口放狗去咬自己的顾客。

47、Hannah sits on the throne after being crowned the winner of the 27th annual Drake Most Beautiful Bulldog Contest, Monday, April 24, 2006, in Des Moines, Iowa. ─── 周一,两岁的英国牛头犬汉纳击败其它49名选手,加冕第27届“漂亮牛头犬”年度选美大赛冠军。

48、Bernard, Bloodhound, Boxer, Bulldog, Basset。 ─── c.第三眼帘脱垂:ST.

49、the bulldog breed ─── ((俚))英国人

50、With our test X5’s optional Sport package, the squat X5 is akin to a bulldog ready to pounce, especially with its wide, upgraded 315-series rear tires wrapping deep-dish-style 20-inch alloy wheels. ─── 在我们的测试X5的任择体育封装,蹲X5的是类似于猛犬随时会扑到,特别是其全,升级315系列后轮轮胎包装深碟式20英寸合金轮毂。

51、bulldog clamp ─── 动脉夹

52、In cartoons he was soon depicted as a bulldog, hardly the most affable of creatures. ─── 动画片中,他被迅速描写为一条牛头犬,非常的不友好。

53、Huxley, Darwin's bulldog, founded his ethics on a repudiation of Darwinism. ─── H.赫胥黎在对达尔文主义的批判上形成了他的伦理观。

54、But he lives alone except for his pet bulldog. ─── 但他除了宠物牛头犬外,自己一个人住。

55、I stepped out into our backyard and climbed up into the apple tree. Perched in its upper limbs,I could see the bulldog as he traipsed up and down the length of his wire. ─── 我走进我们家后院,爬上苹果树,俯在高处的树干上,我能看见博吉沿着铁丝围栏来回闲逛。

56、Snazzy oufit: Grimace, the English bulldog, won the Current Canine Characters category with her Taxi Cab costume at the Times Square Dog Day Masquerade. ─── 名叫"鬼脸"的英国牛头犬赢得了在泰晤士广场举办的犬类化妆舞会流行组别的冠军,上图就是它的身着“出租车装束”的照片。

57、Bulldog bats ─── n. 兔唇蝠科

58、Just take a gander at Beth Larocca’s English bulldog, and you’ll understand the dog’s name. ─── 只要看一下贝丝的英国牛头犬,你就会理解狗的名字。

59、A 3-age-old male bulldog, Riggs is a drooler with protruding teeth and a penchant for attacking noisy appliances, begging for crumbs and hopping on furniture. ─── 三岁的公牛头犬里格斯长着暴牙、流着口水、爱攻击发出声响的电器、总是摇着尾巴要面包屑吃,还喜爱在家具上跳来蹦去。

60、From a Chihuahua in a white Marilyn Monroe dress to a bulldog in a purple net tutu, the dogs of New York today are as well dressed as their owners. ─── 从穿着白色玛丽莲·露连衣裙的吉娃娃到身着紫色网眼芭蕾短裙的牛头犬,如今纽约的宠物狗们穿的和它们的主人一样时尚。

61、Three bull mastiffs and an English bulldog were seized by animal services following the attack, police said. ─── 三斗牛獒和英文过劳捡动物服务攻击后,警方说。

62、Some cartoonists drew him as a short and fat man with a top hat and boots, taking a bulldog with him. ─── 后来有些漫画家把他塑造成一个矮个子的胖男人,头戴礼帽,脚穿长靴,身边还跟着一只哈巴狗。

63、Making FacesMother: why are you making faces at the bulldog? Small Child (wailing): He started it. ─── 做鬼脸妈妈:你为什么对那条恶狗做鬼脸?小孩(大哭):是它先做的鬼脸。

64、You are really a bulldog ─── 你这人难相处极了。

65、Southern bulldog bat ─── n. 南兔唇蝠

66、On the bulldog ant of Australia. ─── 关于澳大利亚牛头犬蚁。

67、bulldog forceps ─── [医] 扣镊

68、He knew how and when to shoot, was game as a bulldog, and keen as a weasel. ─── 他知道怎样开枪,也知道什么时候开枪;他象牛头犬一样勇敢,又象黄鼠狼一样敏捷。

69、a grip like iron, like a vice, like a bulldog, etc ─── 像钢铁般、 像老虎钳般、 像斗牛犬般夹住或咬住不放

70、A 3-year-old male bulldog, Riggs is a drooler with protruding teeth and a penchant for attacking noisy appliances, begging for crumbs and hopping on furniture. ─── 三岁的公牛头犬里格斯长着暴牙、流着口水、爱攻击发出声响的电器、总是摇着尾巴要面包屑吃,还喜欢在家具上跳来蹦去。

71、One can reason with a bulldog ─── 人们可以劝诱一条凶犬。

72、bulldog taffeta ─── 厚实塔夫绸

73、Greater bulldog bat ─── 墨西哥兔唇蝠(兔唇蝠科)

74、An English Bulldog dressed is readied or for a dog show in St. Petersburg, Russia. ─── 俄罗斯圣彼得堡,一只英国牛头犬装扮完毕准备参加狗狗秀。

75、curved bulldog clamp ─── 弯形叭喇狗式血管镊

76、If Scion's xB is “the angry toaster,” then the new Nissan Cube is “the bulldog with shades. ─── 如果接穗的因子是“愤怒的烤面包机”,那么新的日产立方是“牛头犬与色调。”

77、a bulldog firmness of mind ─── 勇毅沉着之意志

78、Changing the bandage on an angry bulldog's paw or trimming the hooves of a 2000-pound draft horse can be an intimidating venture. ─── 给一个愤怒的牛头犬的爪子或者是一个2000磅重的大马的蹄子换绷带是一件冒险的事情。

79、bulldog head ─── [医] 横宽高拱头(软骨发育不良所致)

80、An old ’un walking his bulldog while biting into the huge fried bun. ─── 一个一边拉扯着一只斗牛犬散步一边啃着大烧饼的老头;

81、Bolstered by its popularity with celebrities and families, the Bulldog is back on the list of the 10 most popular purebred dogs after a 75-year absence. ─── 七十五年后,牛头犬凭借名流们对它们的喜爱再次登上最受欢迎狗狗大榜。

82、bulldog calf ─── 斗犬牛病软骨发育不全犊牛

83、One reporter said he looked like a fierce bulldog. Douglas's friends and supporters called him "the little giant. " ─── 道格拉斯是一位个子很矮却很结实的人,有一篇报道说他像一头凶猛的牛头犬,道格拉斯的朋友和他的支持者称他为“小巨人”。

84、He usually wears a shirt with a big bulldog on it. It represents Chilavert's fighting spirit and will of never yielding. ─── 他还经常穿着一件正面画着一头很大的牛头犬的球衫,它象征着奇拉维特的战斗精神和永不服输的意志。

85、I was grief-stricken and angry. That night I tossed and turned. The next morning I stepped out to look at the bulldog, hoping to see at least a gash in its speckled hide. ─── 我既伤心又愤怒。那天晚上我辗转反侧。第二天早上,我跑去察看那头叭喇狗,期望从它那布满斑点的身上至少能发现一个深长的伤口。

86、small stocky version of the bulldog having a sleek coat and square head. ─── 一般斗牛犬小而健壮的变种,皮毛圆滑,方头。

87、Mexican bulldog bat ─── n. 墨西哥兔唇蝠

88、He is the kind of bulldog reporter that you do not find very much these days. ─── 他是你近年来很难遇到的那种穷追不舍的记者。

89、"Bulldog:any of a breed of short-haired dog characterized by a large head, strong, square jaws with dewlaps, and a stocky body. It was originally bred for bullbaiting." ─── 斗牛犬,喇叭狗:一种短毛狗,特点是大脑袋,体壮,带有垂肉的方下巴,身体结实。最早喂养它们是为玩嗾狗逗牛戏。

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