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08-17 投稿


pterygoid 发音

英:[?ter??ɡ??d; ?ter??ɡ??d]  美:[?ter??ɡ??d]

英:  美:

pterygoid 中文意思翻译




pterygoid 短语词组

1、pterygoid bone ─── [医] 翼状骨(蝶骨翼突内侧板)

2、external pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼突外侧板

3、pterygoid fissure ─── 翼切迹

4、pterygoid pit ─── [医] 翼凹

5、pterygoid canal ─── 翼管

6、nerve of pterygoid canal ─── [医] 翼管神经

7、pterygoid branch ─── 翼肌支

8、pterygoid plexus ─── [医]翼丛:与上颌动脉第二、第三部分相应的静脉网,位于翼内肌外侧面和翼外肌两侧面,流入面静脉

9、pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼突内侧板

10、pterygoid notch ─── [医] 翼切迹

11、pterygoid chest ─── [医] 翼状胸, 痨型胸

12、pterygoid muscle ─── [医]翼状肌

13、pterygoid ridge ─── [医] 翼嵴, 颞下嵴

14、pterygoid depression ─── [医] 翼凹

15、pterygoid tooth ─── 翼骨齿

16、pterygoid tubercles ─── [医] 翼肌粗隆

17、lateral pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼外板

18、medial pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼内板

19、pterygoid process ─── 蝶骨突

pterygoid 相似词语短语

1、apterygote ─── 附体

2、pterygium ─── n.[眼科]翼状胬肉;[昆]翅后基叶;鳍

3、teratoid ─── 畸胎样的;畸形的

4、percoid ─── n.鲈亚目

5、pterygia ─── n.(眼睛)翼状胬肉;(虫)翅后基叶;鳍(pterygium的复数)

6、pterylosis ─── n.羽序

7、steroid ─── n.类固醇;[有化]甾族化合物

8、pteropod ─── n.翼足类动物;adj.翼足目的

9、pterygial ─── adj.翼的;翼状胬肉的

pterygoid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods Different force of masseter medialpterygoid,temporalis and lateral pterygoid muscles were loaded on the replicas to simulated ICP,INC and MOL biting condition. ─── 方法通过加载模拟咬肌、颞肌、翼内肌、翼外肌及二腹肌五组肌向量,并根据不同的咬合状态(ICP、INC、MOL-nonF 和MOL-F),选择不同的肌力大小,从而实现功能性建模。

2、Of, relating to, or located in the region of the sphenoid bone; a pterygoid muscle. ─── 翼状突的蝶骨的,与其有关的或位于其部位的;一块翼状肌肉

3、pterygoid plexus ─── 翼丛

4、communicating branch with medial pterygoid nerve ─── 翼内肌神经交通支

5、Objective:To study the distribution features of intramuscular nerves and spindles in human lateral pterygoid muscle. ─── 目的:研究人翼外肌肌内神经和肌梭配布特征,以期深入了解翼外肌上、下头的功能特性。

6、Objective: To summarize surgical effect of 5 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma of involve pterygoid process. ─── 目的:探讨源于翼突鼻咽纤维血管瘤的手术治疗方法和意义。

7、pterygoid tuberosity of mandible ─── 下颌翼肌粗隆

8、The histological changes of the masseter, temporal and lateral pterygoid muscles were observed. ─── 观察咬肌、颞肌、翼外肌的组织形态学改变。

9、pterygoid process ─── 翼突

10、medial pterygoid nerrve ─── 翼内肌神经(解)Nervus pterygoideus medialis{拉}

11、pterygoid fissure ─── 翼状裂, 翼切迹

12、The maximun binding changes of the acetylcholine receptor on rat lateral pterygoid muscle after the function mandibular advancement. ─── 功能矫形对大鼠翼外肌细胞膜乙酰胆碱受体最大结合容量影响的研究。

13、Sagittal images of bilateral lateral pterygoid muscles with the mandible seated at intercuspal position with and without biting, and at mouth-open-position were taken respectively. ─── 结果:3组受试者的翼外肌上下头均表现为在大开口时缩短增粗的收缩影像,在牙尖交错位闭口和紧咬时的舒张影像。

14、pterygoid plates ─── 翼板

15、Keywords lateral pterygoid muscle;intramuscular nerves;spindles;human; ─── 翼外肌;肌内神经;肌梭;人;

16、Keywords Pterygopalatine fossa;Foramen rotundum;Pterygoid canal;Palatovaginal canal;Greater (Lesser) palatine canal;Anatomy;HRCT; ─── 关键词翼腭窝;翼管;圆孔;腭鞘管;蝶腭孔;腭大(小)管;解剖学;HRCT;

17、Keywords Cleft palate;Pterygoid hamulus;Speech;Otitis media; ─── 关键词腭裂;翼钩;语言;中耳炎;

18、Study on magnetic resonance imaging of lateral pterygoid muscle in the people with normal occlusion and those with asymmetrical occlusions ─── 三种不同咬合者翼外肌磁共振影像形态比较

19、pterygoid, Pt. ─── 翼突点

20、pterygoid fossa ─── 翼突窝翼窝

21、Microsurgical treatment of apical region by combined orbital pterygoid approach ─── 眶尖部肿物的显微外科治疗

22、Method: Nine cases of pterygoid hamulus syndrome were retrospectively analysed in history, signs and therapy. ─── 方法:回顾性分析9例以咽部症状为主的翼钩综合征患者,就其症状、体征、治疗进行分析。

23、An Immunohistochemical Study of Distribution of Insulin in Lateral Pterygoid Muscle after Functional Mandibular Protrusion in Rats ─── 功能矫形前伸下颌后大鼠翼外肌胰岛素分布的免疫组织化学研究

24、pterygoid muscle ─── 翼状肌

25、groove for pterygoid hamulus ─── 翼突钩沟

26、Comparison of the electromyographic changes between the normal lateral pterygoid muscle and the lateral pterygoid muscle spasm ─── 正常翼外肌与翼外肌痉挛的肌电变化

27、pterygoid depression ─── [医] 翼凹

28、external lamina of pterygoid process ─── 翼突外侧板

29、A macroscopic and microscopic study of the relationship between the superior lateral pterygoid muscle and the disc of the temporomandibular joint ─── 翼外肌上头与颞下颌关节盘关系的研究

30、pterygoid ulcer ─── 翼状突溃疡

31、internal pterygoid nerve ─── 翼内肌神经

32、Comparison of the electromyographic changes between the normal lateral pterygoid muscle and the lateral pterygoid muscle spasm ─── 正常翼外肌与翼外肌痉挛的肌电变化

33、pterygopalatine groove of pterygoid plate ─── 翼状板翼腭沟

34、external pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼突外侧板

35、Keywords Lateral pterygoid muscle;Temporomandibular joint;Muscle architecture;HumannHumanmanantecture;Humannn; ─── 翼外肌;颞下颌关节;肌构筑;人;

36、Background The oporation treatment for vasomotor rhinitis by cutting off canalis pterygoid nervus is not very effective. ─── 研究背景翼管神经切断求治疗血管运动性鼻炎的效果不理想。

37、The plane of the lateral pterygoid muscle is the lateral boundary line of the endoscopic transnasal transantral approach. ─── 翼外肌平面是鼻内镜经鼻-上颌窦入路的外侧界线。

38、Objective To evaluate the HRCT appearances and its value in diagnosis of diseases of pterygoid canal. ─── 目的探讨翼管部位病变的HRCT表现及诊断价值。

39、maxillary pterygoid extension implant ─── 翼上颌延伸种植体

40、Keywords Magnetic resonance imaging;Temporomandibular joint;Lateral pterygoid muscle;Anatomy; ─── 磁共振成像;颞下颌关节;翼外肌;解剖;

41、Objective: To study the distribution features of intramuscular nerves and spindles in human lateral pterygoid muscle. ─── 目的:研究人翼外肌肌内神经和肌梭配布特征,以期深入了解翼外肌上、下头的功能特性。

42、Mandibular elevators include the masseter, temporalis, and medial pterygoid muscles, while the lateral pterygoid protrudes the mandible. ─── 下颔包含嚼肌、颞骨肌和内翼肌,而外翼肌则是使下颔突出。

43、Pterygoid region ─── 翼状区

44、While the deglutitional muscles, medial pterygoid muscles, Rosenmuller fossa and parapharyngeal space were obliterated or thickening in some of the cases after treatment. ─── 位于吞嚥肌、翼状肌、鼻咽洛氏隐窝和鼻咽旁空腔地区的肿瘤,治疗后少部份尚有肥厚不清的现象,可能是残馀肿瘤或其他反应。

45、pterygoid fossa of inferior maxillary bone ─── 下颌骨翼肌凹

46、internal lamina of pterygoid process ─── 翼突内侧板

47、The images of lateral pterygoid muscles of those with asymmetrical occlusions showed significant asymmetrical appearances at mouth open position. ─── 结论:翼外肌上下头均在闭口时舒张、大开口时收缩;

48、The hanging wall of the pterygopalatine space, foremen rotundum, inferior orbital fissure, pterygoid canal and its relationship with the sphenoidal sinus were dir played on coronal section. ─── 冠状断面利于观察翼腭间隙顶壁、圆孔、眶下裂、翼管及其与蝶窦的关系。

49、Keywords foramen;attachment of medial pterygoid;external carina of ramus;vertical ramus osteotomy; ─── 下颌孔;翼肌粗隆;下颌升支外侧隆突;垂直骨切开术;

50、pterygoid notch ─── 翼切迹

51、The electromyographic study of superior and inferior lateral pterygoid muscle in different functional movement ─── 不同功能运动时翼外肌上下头的肌电研究

52、Keywords Functional orthopedics Lateral pterygoid Acetylcholine receptor; ─── 功能矫形;翼外肌;乙酰胆碱受体;

53、Like other mosasaurs, Halisaurus has extra teeth called pterygoid teeth, that it uses to hold on to its prey while its jaw moves forward to swallow the hapless victim whole. ─── 和其他沧龙一样。大洋龙有被称之为翼状牙齿的特别牙齿,当大洋龙的下颚吞食倒霉的猎物时,这种特别的牙齿就能大显身手了。

54、Objective: To explore the clinical features, diagnosis and therapy of pterygoid hamulus syndrome. ─── 目的:探讨翼钩综合征的临床特征、诊断和治疗方法。

55、pterygoid ridge ─── [医] 翼嵴, 颞下嵴

56、Objective: To explore the clinical features,diagnosis and therapy of pterygoid hamulus syndrome. ─── 目的:探讨翼钩综合征的临床特征、诊断和治疗方法。

57、Conclusion The lateral pterygoid muscle, styloid process, pterygoid process and its medial, lateral pterygoid plate were important anatomical marks for CT imaging diagnosis. ─── 结论翼外肌、茎突、翼突及其内、外侧板是CT等影像诊断的重要解剖学标志。

58、pterygoid fossa of sphenoid bone ─── 翼窝

59、external pterygoid nerve ─── 翼外肌神经

60、lateral pterygoid ─── 翼外肌(解)Musculus pterygoideus lateralis{拉}

61、pterygoid arteries ─── 翼状动脉

62、Treatment of condylar fracture by external pterygoid muscle-condyle anatomical reduction and internal rigid fixation with mini titanium plates ─── 翼外肌-髁突解剖复位内固定治疗髁突骨折的探讨

63、Artery of the pterygoid canal ─── 翼状管动脉

64、pterygoid chest ─── 翼状胸

65、pterygoid bone ─── 翼状骨翼骨

66、pterygoid apophysis ─── 翼状骨突

67、Civinini process of external pterygoid plate ─── 翼外板的奇维尼尼突

68、pterygoid sulcus of pterygoid process ─── 翼突翼腭沟

69、no tooth on the pterygoid; ─── 没有翼骨齿;

70、pterygoid plate implant ─── 翼板种植

71、Of,relating to,or located in the region of the sphenoid bone;a pterygoid muscle. ─── 翼状突的蝶骨的,与其有关的或位于其部位的;一块翼状肌肉

72、upper head of lateral pterygoid ─── 翼外肌上头

73、lateral lamina of pterygoid pro-cess ─── 翼状突外侧板

74、lateral pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼外板

75、pterygoid tubercles ─── [医] 翼肌粗隆

76、external pterygoid mucle ─── 翼外肌

77、pterygoid lamina ─── 翼状层

78、Civinini's process of external pterygoid plate ─── 契维尼尼(氏)突, 翼棘突(蝶骨)

79、Characteristics of muscle architecture in human lateral pterygoid muscle and relationgships between it and attachments of tempo-romandibular joint ─── 人翼外肌的肌构筑特征及其与颞下颌关节的附着关系

80、pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼突内侧板

81、sulcus of pterygoid hamulus ─── 翼(突)钩沟

82、hyperfunction of external pterygoid muscle ─── 翼外肌功能亢进

83、2.Of, relating to, or located in the region of the sphenoid bone;a pterygoid muscle. ─── 翼状突的蝶骨的,与其有关的或位于其部位的;

84、internal pterygoid muscle ─── 翼内肌

85、Characteristic Changes of Acetylcholine Receptor in Rat Lateral Pterygoid Muscles after Functional Mandibule Advancement ─── 前伸青春期大鼠下颌后翼外肌细胞膜乙酰胆碱受体特性变化的研究

86、external pterygoid muscle block ─── 翼外肌阻滞

87、pterygoid bone A paired bone in the roof of the mouth connecting the palatine in front and the quadrate behind. ─── 翼骨前面与方骨连接后面与颚骨连接,在嘴巴顶部的一对硬骨。

88、Objective:To summarize surgical effect of 5 patients with juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma of involve pterygoid process. ─── 目的:探讨源于翼突鼻咽纤维血管瘤的手术治疗方法和意义。

89、medial pterygoid plate ─── [医] 翼内板

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