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08-17 投稿


blasted 发音

英:['blɑ?st?d]  美:['bl?st?d]

英:  美:

blasted 中文意思翻译



blasted 网络释义

adj. 枯萎的;被害的;被咒的

blasted 词性/词形变化,blasted变形

异体字: blast- |

blasted 短语词组

1、blasted meaning ─── 断章取义

2、sand-blasted ─── 喷沙

3、blasted forth ─── 突然响起来

4、blasted away ─── 炸掉( ─── 炸毁)某物

5、sand blasted ─── 喷砂

6、blasted tree ─── 磔刑之雷树

7、blasted broccoli recipe ─── 炸花椰菜食谱

8、blasted off n.(blast-off)( ─── 火箭、航天器)发射升空v.(导弹、 ─── 火箭、航天飞机等)发射,升空,起飞

9、blasted lands portal ─── 爆炸土地门户

10、blasted boar lung ─── 爆猪肺

11、blasted lands classic ─── 爆炸之地经典

blasted 相似词语短语

1、ballasted ─── adj.有压载的;v.给…压载(ballast的过去分词)

2、blaster ─── n.导火线,爆裂药;爆破工

3、lasted ─── vbl.持续

4、blastema ─── n.[胚]芽基;胚芽

5、boasted ─── v.v.有(引以为荣的事物)(boast的过去式和过去分词);扬言

6、basted ─── v.在(烤肉)上滴油;粗缝;(非正式)毒打(某人)(baste的过去式和过去分词)

7、blastier ─── 爆破药

8、blashed ─── 亵渎

9、beasted ─── 攀缘植物

blasted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He blasted the ball past the goalie. ─── 他飞脚将球踢过了守门员。

2、Some were blasted and split as if by lightning. ─── 它们之中,有一些已经枯萎、劈开,好象叫雷击了一般。

3、They blasted a huge crater in the runway. ─── 他们在飞机跑道上炸了一个大坑。

4、Today Germany's hopes for world conquest have been blasted on all fronts. ─── 今天,德国企图征服世界的希望,在各个战场上都已经被粉碎了。

5、Little Twit blasted me on his new cd, why? ─── 他在新专辑中攻击我?为什么?

6、It's markings match those of a ship that blasted its way out of Mos Eisley. ─── 它的记号符合那条冲出莫赛星球的货船

7、They were blasted into outer space. ─── 它们被猛击入外场。

8、Did you stare into oncoming car headlights or blast your stereo? ─── 你是否直视过迎面而来的汽车头灯或把你的音响开得震耳欲聋?

9、She blasted the policeman right between the eyes. ─── 她对着那个警察的鼻梁“邦”就是一拳。

10、She blasted to make him admit his mistake. ─── 她激烈批评使他承认自己的错误。

11、She blasted her horn at every car and walker in her way. ─── 在路上她遇到别的汽车和行人就按喇叭。

12、This mixture is then fed into a blast furnace. ─── 将此混合料送入高炉。

13、"I can motivate my players," blasted Eriksson. ─── “我能激励我的球员。”埃里克森大声而激烈的说。

14、The driver blasted the horn continuously. ─── 司机不停地按喇叭。

15、There is that blasted tree again, we are lost. ─── 又是这棵树!我们迷路了。

16、You see that blasted redwood? ─── 你看到那棵枯败的红杉树了吗?

17、The accordion was in full blast in the hall. ─── 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。

18、Music blasted from the little radio. ─── 从小收音机里播出刺耳的音乐声。

19、But my last hope's blooming well blasted. ─── 不过,我最后一点希望的花朵,可就从此完全凋谢了。

20、Submit a request for a feature, you could be blasted with a, "Quit complaining and fix it yourself. It's open source. " ─── 又比如您提交了对某个特性的请求,那么您有可能会得到“它是开源的,停止抱怨,自己修复”的训斥。

21、He was working at full blast. ─── 他正以最高的效率工作著。

22、A trumpeter sent out a warning blast. ─── 号兵吹出告警的号声。

23、The leader of the opposition delivered a blast at the President. ─── 反对党领袖对总统进行了猛烈抨击。

24、He is always playing his radio at full blast . ─── 他听收音机总是把音量放得很大。

25、The driver blasted the horn trying to warn the car in front of him. ─── 这位司机大明喇叭试著警告他前面的那辆汽车。

26、They blasted a huge crater in the runway. ─── 他们在飞机跑道上炸了一个大坑。

27、Neither was she blasted in hope. ─── 她也没有心灰意懒。

28、The note taker blows a piercing blast. ─── 作记录的人用力吹了一下哨子。

29、Even the snow that falls in the dry valleys is blasted out by vicious winds. ─── 即使落入干谷的雪也被邪恶狂风吹散了。

30、The rocket blasted off at Cape Kennedy at 8 : 0 0 a.m. this morning . ─── 今天上午8时,火箭从肯尼迪角升空。

31、The truck blasted toward the terminal. ─── 卡车向终点疾驰。

32、The front gate was blasted open with a cannon. ─── 前门被大炮轰开了。

33、The crops were blasted by frost. ─── 农作物被霜冻毁了。

34、The accordion is at full blast in the room. ─── 在房间里,手风琴拉得震耳欲聋。

35、Campana slammed on the train's brake and blasted his air horn. ─── 坎帕纳猛地扳动火车刹车,拉响了警报器。

36、The blast tore a hole in the wall. ─── 墙被炸开了个洞。

37、A small fraction of the rocks blasted off Mars by asteroid or comet impacts could have reached Earth in just a few years. ─── 小行星或彗星在撞击火星时,所轰出的岩石之中,有少数可以在仅仅数年之内就抵达地球。更详细。

38、He blasted warning signals to the kids,just a few hundred feet directly ahead. ─── 他们就在几百英尺远的正前方。

39、A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window. ─── 他打开窗,一股寒冷的空气直向他扑来。

40、Oh,damn and blast John,what are you doing there? ─── 哦,该死的约翰,你在那里搞什么玩意儿?

41、All his hopes were blasted by the war . ─── 他的所有希望都为战争所破灭。

42、The icy wind had blasted the new spring growth. ─── 寒冷的风摧毁了春天才生长出来的东西。

43、Oh, damn and blast John, what are you doing there? ─── 哦,该死的约翰,你在那里搞什么玩意儿?

44、Music suddenly blasted out from the speakers. ─── 喇叭中突然响起了轰鸣的音乐。

45、The opposition blasted the government for high inflation. ─── 反对派因通货膨胀而严厉批评政府。

46、The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock. ─── 这条隧道是在坚固的岩石中炸出来的。

47、Their whole crop had been blasted by a late frost. ─── 一场晚霜把他们的庄稼全毁了。

48、They blasted a hole in the wall so that they could get through. ─── 他们在墙上炸了一个洞以进入屋内。

49、"Anything to get off this blasted boat," said Eustace. ─── “任何东西都会离开这条讨厌的船的,”尤斯达斯回了一句。

50、Scores of thousands of cannons would have blasted their front. ─── 好几万门大炮将夷平他们的阵线。

51、Get me some healing, ye blasted fool! Do it now!! ─── 寇根:该死的笨蛋!过来帮我治疗,现在就弄!

52、The meeting was in full blast when he arrived. ─── 他到达时会开得正热闹。

53、As the surface hardness of low carbon steel billet is rather low, when billet is blasted, pit defects will occur on its surface. ─── 前言:低碳钢小方坯表面硬度较低,抛丸时会在钢坯表面留下“凹坑”缺陷。

54、A blast of wind blew the window and the door agape. ─── 一阵风把门和窗子都吹开了。

55、They are constructing the building at full blast. ─── 他们倾全力建造这栋大楼。

56、He gave a blast on his trumpet. ─── 他突然吹起喇叭。

57、The taxi-driver blasted the horn continuously. ─── 出租车司机不停地按喇叭。

58、They've blasted away the rock to build the new road. ─── 他们已炸掉这块岩石以便修一条新的路。

59、The news like a lightning bolt, "blasted" everyone senseless. ─── 像晴天霹雳,把所有的人都“炸”懵了。

60、The dry hot wind blasted the seedlings. ─── 乾热的风使秧苗枯萎。

61、The strong blast of wind broke my vase. ─── 一阵强风打破了我的花瓶。

62、He wished he hadn't blasted so many beers. ─── 他但愿自己没有打坏这么多啤酒。

63、His biting words at the meeting blasted his reputation . ─── 会上尖刻的话语使他声誉扫地。

64、Make that blasted dog keep quiet! ─── 别让那条该死的狗乱叫啦!

65、Make that blasted dog keep quiet ! ─── 别让那条该死的狗乱叫啦!

66、But my inner resistance had been blasted. ─── 但是我精神上的抵抗力已经被摧毁了。

67、The servant girl was blasted by her boss . ─── 女仆受到其上司的严责。

68、A blast of wind blew the window open. ─── 一阵风把门吹开了。

69、In a televised speech he blasted Eisenhower's leadership. ─── 在一次电视演说中,他激烈攻击艾森豪威尔的领导。

70、He took control of a drilling laser and blasted the treasure into a lava flow, sealing it off from capture. ─── 他一把夺过钻井激光炮的控制权,将宝石全打落到熔岩里,导致任何人都得不到它。

71、The three astronauts are scheduled to blast off(to be blasted off)on Wednesday. ─── 三个航天员定于星期三出航。

72、The batter blasted the ball to right field. ─── 击球手挥出一个右外野球

73、A forcible stream of air, gas, or steam from an opening, especially one in a blast furnace to aid combustion. ─── 吹风,送风从出口,尤其是从助燃鼓风炉的出口出来的空气,其他气体或蒸汽气流

74、Her facts blasted the evidence. ─── 她提供的事实证实那证词是假的。

75、A rocket blasted a spaceman into space. ─── 一枚火箭把一名宇航员送入太空。

76、They blasted her into a black room. ─── 他们把她送进一间黑屋子。

77、They're trying to blast away the face of this rock. ─── 他们试图炸掉这块岩石的表面部分。

78、To sound(a blast, for example)on a horn or whistle. ─── 使发嘟嘟声用喇叭或号角发出(尖利的声音)

79、They're trying to blast away the face of the rock. ─── 他们试图炸开岩石的表面。

80、The space shuttle blasted off on its first working mission in the early 1980s. ─── 20世纪80年代初,航天飞机点火起飞去执行第一次工作使命。

81、In May, Mr. Negroponte appeared on CBS's '60 Minutes' and blasted Intel, suggesting it was trying to drive his nonprofit out of business. ─── 月份,尼葛洛庞帝现身哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)“60分钟”节目,猛烈抨击了英特尔,指出英特尔试图把非营利机构OLPC逼到绝境。

82、A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains. ─── 一条隧道要被炸开,穿山而过。

83、She had the car stereo on at full blast. ─── 她把汽车立体声音响开到了最大音量。

84、The candidate leveled a blast at her opponent. ─── 候选人向她的对手发出口头攻击

85、He blasted a homerun in his second strike. ─── 他在第二次击球时,打出了一记本垒打。

86、The bandit was blasted down. ─── 匪徒被击毙。

87、In his campaign speech he blasted the opposition . ─── 他在竞选演说中猛然地抨击他的对手。

88、Prospects for peace have blasted. ─── 和平的前景破灭了。

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