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08-17 投稿


womanliness 发音

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英:  美:

womanliness 中文意思翻译



womanliness 短语词组

1、womanliness as a masquerade joan ─── 假面舞会的女人味琼

2、womanliness synonym ─── 女人味同义词

3、womanliness as masquerade pdf ─── 女性化装舞会pdf

4、womanliness as masquerade ─── 化装舞会的女人味

5、womanliness image ─── 女性形象

womanliness 反义词

unwomanly | manly

womanliness 同义词

feminine | female

womanliness 词性/词形变化,womanliness变形

形容词比较级: womanlier |形容词最高级: womanliest |名词: womanliness |

womanliness 相似词语短语

1、manliness ─── n.男子气概;勇敢;刚毅

2、cleanliness ─── n.清洁

3、womanness ─── 女人味

4、comeliness ─── n.清秀,漂亮;合宜

5、unmanliness ─── n.怯懦;无男子气概

6、womanishness ─── 女人味

7、unwomanliness ─── 不道德

8、womanless ─── adj.无女人的

9、homeliness ─── n.朴素;寻常;粗野

womanliness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We believe in the manliness of our men and the womanliness of our women, but we go to extremes of expense and discomfort to cover any natural evidence that we are either. ─── 我们对须眉之阳刚和巾帼之妩媚深感自豪,却又走极端:既费钱又不舒适地掩饰我们任何上述自然形迹。

2、Womanliness is a sweet smell. ─── 女人味是一股香味。

3、Womanliness is a sort of amorous feelings, a thythm from soul to body. ─── 女人味还是一种风情,一种从里到外的韵律。

4、Feminine quality or aspect;womanliness. ─── 女性特征;女人味

5、4. Elizabeth Jane developed early into womanliness. ─── 伊丽莎白-简发育得早,已经变成一个女人了。

6、3,Jennifer Aniston On Courteney Cox Arquette:“Courteney's not stand-offish, she's not threatened by women, and she doesn't have to throw her womanliness all over you to show what kind of woman she is. ─── 珍妮弗:“科特妮并不是一个不善交际的人,她对女人们来说没有威胁,而且她表现出来的女性气质不会让女人们浑身上下都不自在。

7、if you want to have more womanliness and highlight your rondure, you can choose Chypres perfumes. ─── 若想散发出女人味,突出玲珑的体态,可选择柑苔调的香水。

8、At that moment the doubtful attractiveness of Romola's face was transfigured to the most loveable womanliness by mingled pity and affection ─── 这时候,罗摩拉的脸,她那令人捉摸不定的动人之处,转变成为怜悯和深情掺合而成的最最可爱的女性的温柔。

9、How refined and cultivated the woman with womanliness is ! ─── 有女人味的女子是何等柔情,她爱自己,更爱他人。

10、womanliness is like clove,charming instead of enchanting, comeliness instead of colorful; ─── 女人味似丁香,妩媚不妖娆,清秀不娇艳;

11、Her missish movements, affectionately eyes, charming smile combines with her deliacted face has exceeded thousands of words.It is a way to display "fragile" for making womanliness . ─── 她那矜持的动作语言,脉脉含情的目光,嫣然一笑的神情,仪态万方的举止,楚楚动人的面容,总是胜过千言万语。

12、Womanliness is like plum in winter ,pretty and aloof, beautiful in nature; ─── 女人味似寒梅,清丽孤傲,丽质天生;

13、Womanliness is a flavor. ─── 女人味是一股情味。

14、They were still in their teens but with the full womanliness sun-drenched flesh ripened into so quickly. ─── 她们都才十来岁,但由于风吹日晒,她们的皮肤成熟得很快,看上去有充分的女性风姿。

15、Womanliness is like orchid, quietly elegant free from vulgarity, outstanding .Her internal soul trigger people's unlimited reverie. ─── 女人味似兰草,淡雅脱俗,卓尔不群,深藏的内心让人遐思无限。

16、Feminine quality or aspect; womanliness. ─── 女性特征;女人味

17、Womanliness is like rose, sweet and aromatic ,pretty beyond compare; ─── 女人味似玫瑰,浓香馥郁,秀色绝伦;

18、A woman with womanliness takes pleasure in studying, reading papers and surfing internet often, but she doesn't madly cling to fashion magzine and the gossip news. ─── 有女人味的女人,她乐于学习,天天看报,经常上网,但并不整天迷恋时尚杂志和八卦新闻;

19、Womanliness is like orchid, quietly elegant free from vulgarity, outstanding . Her internal soul trigger people's unlimited reverie. ─── 女人味似兰草,淡雅脱俗,卓尔不群,深藏的内心让人遐思无限。

20、Womanliness - that which has caused kingdoms to change hands, tragedies to unfold and fortunes to be won and lost - is a potent force. ─── 女性气质-使得王国易主,悲剧展开,财富得失的东西,是个强有力的力量。

21、Womanliness is a sort of quality. ─── 女人味是一股品位。

22、I don't need a bedroom to prove my womanliness. ─── 我不需要在卧室里展现我的女性气质。

23、Womanliness - that which has caused kingdoms to change hands, tragedies to unfold and fortunes to be won and lost - is a potent force. ─── 女性气质-使得王国易主,悲剧展开,财富得失的东西,是个强有力的力量。

24、The letters that were shown to me made it still less possible for me to believe in the womanliness of the writer. ─── 我看过的那些信,使我更不可能相信这位写信者是女性。

25、Feminine quality or aspect; womanliness. ─── 女性特征;女人味

26、Womanliness is a sort of amorous feelings, a rhythm from soul to body. ─── 女人味还是一种风情,一种从里到外的韵律。

27、To me, Zaha's womanliness is what makes her designs so compelling. She brings a female sensibility and a goddess's touch. ─── 对我来说,正是扎哈的女人味使得她的设计如此地具有说服力。

28、Womanliness is like a clear calm lake or wimpled waves. ─── 女人味,静若清池,动如涟漪。

29、He adored her womanliness and sometimes had fantasised that they might grow old together. ─── 他欣赏她身上的女人气质,时不时闪出想和她白头到老的念头。

30、Womanliness is a sweet smell. ─── 女人味是一股香味。

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